Read Boys Next Door Online

Authors: Sommer Marsden

Boys Next Door (28 page)

BOOK: Boys Next Door
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‘Aren’t we all going to hold hands and share our feelings first?’ Cooper asked, but then he shocked me by dropping me a wink before he yanked his hooded sweatshirt over his head. His sandy hair stood up in militant spikes and his green eyes were bright but unreadable.

‘No. We’re not. What we’re going to do is take our clothes off and listen to Farrell,’ Deke said, bending to untie his work boots. He took them off slowly, like he had all the time in the world. Next bit, wool socks – for the weather had turned from nippy to bitter these last few days.

When he sat back, he smiled at me, and I felt my body warm all over. This was why it would work between us. This man who’d drawn me in from the first moment. Who made me throw caution to the wind – or at least a stuck elevator. The man who made me laugh and made me feel safe and – understood me. The man who was utterly okay with me doing what I needed to do – and being there with me when I did it.


My skin pebbled with goose bumps at the realisation and I smiled at him. Stripping my tunic off and then my jeans, I tried to calm myself. My hands were shaking, even my lips trembled.

You can do this …

I shivered in my bra and panties and then made a startled noise when Stephen, of all people, yanked me in by the waistband of my panties and kissed me. His lips were soft but his tongue was harsh, pushing into my mouth, battling with mine. He sucked my tongue gently then and a rush of fluid wet my panties and I sighed into his mouth.

‘I’ll miss you, Farrell,’ he said in my ear.

There was that tight and painful catch in my throat and all I could do was nod.

Cooper stepped up behind me, pressing all of himself to the back of me and I felt that in the time it took for that kiss to happen, he’d gotten down to skin. Nothing but the heat of his flesh brushed up against me and I wondered if Deke was angry, or sad, or left out, or –

But then I stopped myself. We’d talked. If at any time anyone wanted out, we spoke up. No hard feelings. No anger. After my own feelings, his were the most important to me. Odd how fast and how easily that had happened.

He didn’t stop me, and I didn’t stop me, as Cooper turned me in his arms. I heard the rustle of Stephen’s clothes and over Coop’s shoulder I saw Deke. Taking off the black sweater slowly, watching me, looking fine but for the hard on he was sporting.

It almost made me laugh to see him that way, but Coop pulled me flush to his erection and kissed me. His tongue travelling the place where Stephen’s had just been. ‘How are we doing this, Feral?’ he asked. Using that dreaded mean name, but his voice was soft and his eyes were kind.

It took my words away right then, seeing him look at me this way.

‘Well, that depends on how open-minded you are,’ I whispered, touching his bottom lip with my fingers.

He groaned, rolled his eyes, sucked my fingertip until I felt an echoing tug in my cunt. ‘Why do I not like the sound of that?’

I shrugged. But I did know. ‘I’d like you to fuck him into me,’ I said, pressing my mouth to his ear so only he could hear me.

His body went tense, but his cock jumped where it rested against the split of my pussy. He liked the idea. He liked me saying it. The question was – would he admit it.

‘If I get a crack at you first. Five minutes. Me and you. Last time. For old time’s sake,’ he said.

‘Fine.’ I didn’t have to think about it. ‘Where do you want m –’

I didn’t get to finish it because he’d hauled me up and, with three big steps, he’d dropped me on the bed. ‘Spread your legs.’

My gaze – automatically – went to Deke, who simply nodded. His jeans were undone. His cock was in his hand. He looked calm and fine and peaceful.

I spread my legs.

Cooper was in me, over me, crushing me, holding me, in an instant. He kissed my eyelids and my throat. His fingers pinned my wrists down to my sides and I moved up under him greedily. I could feel eyes on me; Deke’s eyes. The man I loved. Stephen’s eyes, the man I thought was amazing.

Both of them watching as Cooper pinned me and fucked and growled right against my ear lobe. ‘I’ll miss you, Feral. I thought maybe you were –’

I wrapped my legs around his waist and took every nearly angry thrust. His cock drove hard and deep, and with every slide of his big body into mine, the tip of him brushed the swollen ready places in me so that it was overwhelming. Too big and too intense to even process so I moved my head – one of the few things I could move – and kissed him. Biting his lip hard enough to make him stiffen. Biting him hard enough to make him hiss.

And I came – a big, huge release that shook me from the inside out, a brutal tremble that even made my teeth chatter for a moment. ‘Don’t come, don’t come. Don’t,’ I whispered.

He chuckled, pulling out of me quickly. ‘You are a mindfuck, kid.’ His fingers tangled in my bangs.

‘I’m not her,’ I said.

I could feel the other two moving in, it was like they were circling. Animals moving closer to investigate. The wildness of that moment stunned me. I felt like prey to a set of predators and my cunt rippled with a small, late, but blissful, spasm.

I touched his belly and watched my muscles undulate. ‘I’m not the girl to whip your ass into shape …’

He grinned at me, a bit of pain visible in his startling eyes.

‘But I was a good sparring partner. Good start. Now go find the girl who can finish you off.’

He shook his head, turned to Stephen and touched the slighter man’s pale chest. Stephen stood there in nothing but boxers looking almost as nervous as me, which I found utterly endearing.

‘Looks like I’m fucking you into her.’ Coop smacked Stephen’s ass and Stephen gasped.

‘If that’s okay with you,’ I said softly.

Stephen didn’t talk. He just nodded.

‘And you,’ I said to Deke. ‘You I’d like …’ It was my turn to blush. Why? I was always so forward, but Jesus, in this odd and charged moment, I was tongue-tied.

‘Between those pretty lips?’ Deke asked, bending to kiss me. He’d bailed me out. As usual.

‘Yes, please,’ I said. I spoke right into his mouth, kissing him with an insane need. I found his cock and squeezed him, moving my fist up and down to feel the hardness and the swell of him. To feel that small involuntary jerk of him thrusting into my fist.

‘I can do that.’ He kissed the crown of my head, triggering a small shiver. Then he was at the head of the bed and waiting patiently.

I’d planned it all perfectly, believe it or not. Stephen was the least aggressive, so for my sake and Deke’s it was him I wanted in me, fucking me. And he had always been attracted to Coop – maybe even a little bit in love with him – and I’d always wanted to see two men fucking. Especially if one of them was as straight as the proverbial arrow. The idea of Coop fucking Stephen into me, made my teeth sing, it turned me on so much.

And Deke, well he was mine. At least I wanted him to be, and when this all went down I wanted to be most intimate with him – and to me a blow job had always been a thousand times more intimate than sex.

He stroked my face from above, watching me, no doubt seeing the wheels turning as Cooper made some joke and Stephen fished a condom out of his jeans. His hands, I noticed, were shaking as much as mine.

Deke’s hand smoothed over my brow and down my cheeks. He bent and tickled his fingers over my collarbone and down the side swells of my breasts so my nipples stood up in hard little knots. Then he moved over me to suck one hard nub into his mouth before kissing lower on my ribcage. I moved my head to find him and his cock brushed my lips. I had to crane my neck a bit from the way he was sitting, but I got my lips around the hot tip of him and sucked – it made him laugh and groan simultaneously.

‘Hurry, Vogel,’ Coop chuckled. ‘The love birds are starting without us.’

When Deke sat back and stared down at me he mouthed, ‘I love you,’ and I almost burst into tears.

That feeling passed because Stephen was kissing my thighs. ‘You know, I feel like I might pass out,’ he said conversationally.

It was hard for me to remember as his lips grazed up my legs and over my jutting hipbones that I was the newcomer here. These men had been boys together. Once upon a time they’d all been young and I did not exist in their world.

‘Don’t pass out,’ I said, touching his dark hair. ‘I like what you’re doing.’

His grey eyes found mine, spearing me with that icy gaze. I smiled down at him and he smiled up at me, his tongue skating over my clitoris so my hips thrust up all on their own. Deke leaned over me, pinching my nipples, so the rough sensation melded with the soft one and my belly rippled violently from the feeling.

I moved my head, seeking him out with my mouth to fulfil his part in all of this, but he whispered, ‘Hey, soon. But for now, let’s not impede your view.’

My view. Which would be almost as important in all of this as the sensation of being fucked and taken and all of that stuff by the three men I’d truly come to care for. To love. To admire.

Stephen sucked my swollen clitoris hard, pulling his head back just enough to give me that tugging feeling. And then he moaned softly against me because Cooper was pushing a lubed finger into his ass.

‘Get ready for all your wildest dreams to come true,’ Coop said.

There was a pregnant pause and then in unison we all laughed. The laughter was part fear and part genuine amusement.

‘Leave it to you,’ I groaned, ‘to bring some fucked up levity to the party.’

‘Happy to oblige,’ Coop said.

But then he must have added another finger because Stephen’s face went from a wide grin to a blissful mask. His eyes fluttered shut, his mouth parted, his cheeks flooded with colour.

I pushed my finger into Stephen’s mouth and his eyes shot open again. He sucked and I felt that pressure in my cunt, though I was empty at the moment.

‘Come on, boys,’ I said, my voice having come down to a rasp. ‘Don’t keep a girl waiting.’

Stephen sucked my clit again, then pushed his tongue into my cunt and nudged me. I heard the wet sound of my body receiving him. I saw Cooper push himself to the back of Stephen. I felt Stephen shudder and gasp, his face buried between my legs, the sensation of his pleasure rumbling through my pelvis when he breathed.

‘I’m in,’ Cooper said, and even he had lost his bravado. His face was stark and serious and I could tell, despite his best efforts to school his expression, that it felt good, that he had a much more tenuous grasp on his body than he’d anticipated.

I watched Stephen push his lips to me, nibble me, suck me and then push back to take Cooper’s cock. His body seeking out the hard length of the other man.

And I came, just like that.

Everyone stilled and it was Deke who broke the bubble of silence by saying, ‘You’re so easy, cupcake.’

When I laughed at that, my laugher was tinged with a sob.

‘Don’t make me wait,’ I said, touching Stephen’s face. Pretty Stephen. Sweet Stephen. Kind Stephen.

Who lusted after Cooper, but then asked him to protect him by spying through a window. Who was hurt by his friend’s words, but trusted him above all others. I parted my legs a bit more, feeling Deke’s fingers twisting and tangling and stroking in my hair. I turned my face into his palm to kiss him as Stephen settled between my legs, nudging my slick hole with his cock.

‘You’re so pretty when you’re turned on,’ Deke said to me.

‘She’s always pretty,’ Stephen corrected. He sank into me one inch at a time, hissing a little in spots the way you do when you dip into a hot bath. Cooper had stilled but I saw him thrust just a little as Stephen got himself in me deeply. Trying to push him over the edge. Trying to drive him into me.

‘Jesus,’ Stephen said, eye to eye with me as Cooper slowly started to move again. ‘This is the best torture. I feel like if I breathe too deeply I’ll come.’

‘Don’t come,’ I said. ‘Not yet.’ And I kissed him once, hard. My fingers threaded over Cooper’s fingers – digging into the meagre bit of meat at Stephen’s hips and then we found our rhythm. Cooper fucking Stephen into me.

My pussy grew tight as my body thrilled at it. Blood quick in my veins, my ears ringing with adrenaline. I groped around for Deke and he came to the edge of the bed, his cock near my mouth when I turned my head.

He painted my lips with the tip of himself, spreading a slippery bit of pre-cum along my lower lip. I licked it away. ‘Okay?’ I asked, suddenly nervous. Even as my hands groped at Stephen – who licked the thumping skin above my pulse. Even as my ankles found Cooper’s flanks as he drove into the pretty man between us.

‘Perfect,’ Deke said. ‘You’d be surprised at how fucking happy you look.’

‘No, I wouldn’t.’ And then my mouth was full of him. Thrusting deep and hard into my throat the way he knew I liked it. He fucked my mouth the way he’d fucked me everywhere else. With reverence and ease.

I inhaled deeply through my nose, drawing air as Stephen drew his hips from side to side; grinding tender nerve endings so engorged with blood the pressure was phenomenal. Cooper reached past Stephen and slid his hands along my thighs. He found my hips and pinched me hard enough to make me jump – and I came.

My body milking poor Stephen – caught between Cooper and me. Stephen groaned and I sucked Deke harder, triggering a moan from him as well.

My body was one big heartbeat. One big nerve ending. One big shining ray of white light. I wouldn’t have been surprised if I had levitated then and a giddy sense of amusement swept over me. It disappeared just as fast when Cooper started talking.

Chapter Thirty-Five

‘So here I am, Feral. Fucking your pretty boy toy into you. Every time I shove my dick into him, he shoves his into you.’

I couldn’t say anything, I had a mouthful of Deke, but I heard Stephen gasp. As he thrust, I felt the urgency more. I felt the need more. In me and in Stephen. Even in Deke who pushed himself a little deeper, cutting off more of my air, taking the reins from me.

I was receiving his cock now instead of giving him a blow job. My stomach tickled with the knowledge. I clenched my cunt up tight around Stephen again, feeling the violent surge of pleasure all the way to my toes.

BOOK: Boys Next Door
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