Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time (21 page)

BOOK: Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time
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He groaned softly
, “
Ooooh man

sooo good

suck it

take it deep
and I thrust forward to get more of his throbbing cock down my throat.

Yah, that

s it, take
ncle Bruce

s prick all the way in

oh man, your mouth is so hot. You

re gonna eat my cum

He grabbed the sides of my head forcing my lips and tongue to hungrily swallow him again and again while I stroked his tightening
ball sack
, a sign that he was approaching the point of no return. He hoarsely whispered

Donny, I can

t hold it

’ ..
take my load


The gush of hot cream filled my mouth to overflowing. I swallowed again and again and still had enough left to savor once my lips reluctantly left its source.

Judging from the thickness and intense flavor of his cum, he had been saving this load for weeks. Moaning faintly, he fell back against the shower wall and slowly slid down to a sitting position on the cool, wet tiles. Fascinated, I watched as his softening cock receded into its nest of pubic hair; the reddened head, still dripping drops of nectar, disappearing within its silky envelope. Waiting for a reaction as he got back on his feet, my reward was a big goofy smile and a kiss on the top of my head, followed by a deep, contented sigh. No more was said. We finished our showers and headed off to our beds.

Dad appeared to be sleeping soundly. As I drifted off to sleep with the taste of Bruce still on my tongue, it didn

t matter that my own need hadn

t been taken care of. I was floating on air, but could hardly believe it had been so easy to land Bruce.

I awoke to the aroma of coffee and the sound of laughter coming from below. Dad was nowhere
be seen. A check of my bedside clock told me it was almost 9
:00 am

Suddenly, the events of last night hit me. Had I gone too far too soon? Would Bruce tell the others about me sucking his cock in the shower? Could that be the cause of the laughter around the breakfast table? Naah. It was doubtful he would brag about his best friend

s son giving him a
blow job
no matter how good it had been. Thanks to my old high school buddy John, I had acquired considerable talent in that department.

Pulling on a pair of shorts, I went downstairs determined to be as casual around Bruce as if nothing unusual had occurred.

My fears were unfounded. Everyone was engaged in an animated rehashing of last summer

s fishing mishaps. To my amazement, they were all naked!

Hey, good morning son, come on and sit down. I

ll get you some eggs and bacon in a minute. Meanwhile have a cup of coffee and feel free to take off those shorts. I told you we were very casual around here.

Why not
I figured what the hell, might as well join their little nudie breakfast club. The conversation resumed
no one
seemed to take any notice as I dropped my shorts and took a place at the table.

The talk turned to the day

s activities. Dad was planning to do some work on his laptop for most of the morning. Bruce and Marc were going on a morning hike
and Jack decided to try his luck fishing from one of the canoes. Russ picked up a novel he was in the midst of reading and was going to relax on the front deck.

I offered to clean up the dishes and generally tidy up the place before taking my tour of the property.

As each one got up from the table
I was able to get a quick view of their bodies. Bruce was no surprise. Marc had a nice sized cut prick about
inches soft
which stood out because of his very slender build and a pair of low hanging balls that I knew would feel great resting on my chin. His ass was a bit skinny but well shaped. More impressive was the beautiful symmetrical hair pattern on his chest which continued right on down to his groin.

Jack had muscles on top of muscles. His body was heavily furred all the way down to his pubic area. His massive pecs and prominent nipples made my mouth water; then my eyes focused on his cock and balls.

Unlike many weight lifters, this guy was hung. My view was quickly blocked by Russ as he headed out to the deck. I only got a quick look at Russ

s goodies as he went by
and they seemed about average. Plenty of time to check him out later. By then, Jack had gone out the door and out of sight but not out of mind.

My attention turned to
ad. It seems hard to believe, but he and I had rarely seen each other naked. When I stripped in front of him
it was usually in the course of having my annual physical and that was all business. Occasionally
I would catch him going in or out of the shower at home. Now, I had ample time to take in his masculine beauty, but my old feelings were starting to take over
and my cock throbbed to life. Quickly retreating upstairs, I headed for a cold shower.


I figured it was now time for me to do some exploration of my new, if temporary, home.

Pulling on a pair of shorts and
, I went down to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. Dad cautioned me about wandering too far away from the shore of the lake due to the thickness of the woods. A guy could easily get lost since there were few marked trails and no other cabins within several miles of ours. Taking his advice, I headed down to the shoreline and followed it to the left. The cabin seemed to be situated on a large inlet or bay
which gave it privacy from the rest of the lake shore. Ahead of me was a large rock outcropping which would be my first destination.

It took me about fifteen minutes to reach the rock and to climb up to its summit. Once there, the sight was spectacular. The day was clear
so there was nothing to mar my view of the entire lake including the land on either side of the bay. No signs of human habitation other than our cabin could be seen.

A faint rustling of leaves and the whisper of breeze through pine boughs were the loudest sounds to reach my ears. Suddenly, a chipmunk popped his head out from under a nearby log and as quickly disappeared back into his home.

I resolved to bring him some treats when I next visited this tranquil spot.

Often, when hearing people speak of having a

religious experience

I scoff at the notion. How to define such a thing? This Sunday morning, sitting atop that promontory, surrounded by fragrant woods, I may have become a believer.

Rested and spiritually refreshed, my journey continued along the sandy shore. The sun was rising quickly over the tree tops behind me
and the heat of the day was reaching an uncomfortable level. Finding a convenient log to sit on, I stripped off my clothes and gingerly stepped into the crystal clear water. Yipes! It was dick-shrinking cold! Never in my life had water that cold touched my skin. It would be enough to turn my nuts into snowballs. No thanks. The fresh air on my naked body felt good, so I continued my walk burdened only by my beat-up tennis shoes and water bottle. My shorts and shirt could be picked up on my way back.

Previously unnoticed, there were two sets of footprints heading in the same direction. Maybe Bruce and Marc were somewhere ahead of me. It would be nice to meet up with them and learn more about the local terrain. Being naked in front of these guys no longer bothered me since it appeared to be the norm around these parts.

About a quarter of a mile down the shore
the prints made a turn to the left onto a narrow pathway. Following the path a short distance led me to a clearing, in the center was a rustic gazebo-like structure.

There they were, seated at a low table engaged in a game of chess. I couldn

t contain my laughter. Bruce looked up from his game:

Hey Donny
boy, what

s the matter – never saw a couple of naked chess players before?

Marc motioned for me to come on into the little pavilion.

I see you have decided to get into the spirit of the jungle
pointing to my obvious nakedness and taking the opportunity to check out my youthful package.

Looks like you

re not a
anymore, Donny.

Bruce interrupted by offering me a seat at the little table. Mercifully, he acted as if nothing unusual had happened between us. My respect for him jumped up a few notches, but I couldn

t help stealing a glance at the cock I had dared to suck last night. He must have caught me
there was the undeniable beginning of an erection, causing him to shift in his seat, moving in closer to the table. He quickly continued the conversation, sensing my curiosity about this spot and hinted that there were several other surprises in store for me as I explored their little piece of paradise. I watched them play for awhile but soon got anxious to continue my walk, especially now that the promise of new discoveries had been made. Anyhow, they were more interested in their game than bullshitting with me.

Returning to the shoreline, my tour was cut short by the intensity of the noonday sun
which was making things uncomfortably hot and would fry my pale city-boy skin. Heading back to the cabin
reclaiming my clothes en route, I decided to call it a day.


s fishing trip proved to be a terrific success. He had come back with five large bass
which Russ was in the process of cleaning. Dinner tonight would be out by the campfire
and I could hardly wait for some of the guys home cooking. Bruce and Marc hadn

t come back yet
so I decided to take a nap.

Dad must have had the same idea
and I found him sprawled across the bed at an angle wearing only a pair of my gym shorts. They were the ones with the embroidered D.O.C
om had ordered from the Lands End catalogue. See, I told you she was a sucker for kitsch.

My arrival caused him to awaken. I gave him a rundown of my hike
the rock climb
my encounter with the chipmunk and meeting up with Bruce and Marc at the gazebo.

They probably told you that our little retreat holds many surprises, the least of which is the little summer house you visited. You may have noticed that there are security cameras located around the grounds and in each room. These enable me to keep an eye on the property when we aren

t here.

My curiosity was again aroused. What could these surprises be? My sweaty body was becoming even offensive to me
so I headed for the showers.

When I returned to the room,
ad was busy doing something on his laptop.

Don, I just realized you were due for your annual physical last week. While we are here at the cabin
it would be a good time to bring you up
date. The rest of the guys usually use this time to get their male-specific plumbing checked out. My lab isn

t equipped to do blood work
but that can wait until we get back home.

Lab? What lab? He had never mentioned having a lab at the cabin. Could this be surprise number two?

We decided to take care of me the following morning.

Jack and Russ really knocked themselves out preparing a great fish dinner, plenty of good cold beer plus a couple of bottles of white wine, which I later learned was a good

The site, down at the waters edge was ideal for a cookout. A slightly drunken contentment settled over the camp while we relaxed and watched the fire slowly burn itself out. Life was really getting good at Morningwood. Impulsively, I leaned over and put my arms around

s shoulder and thanked him for making me a part of this really cool group of friends. He returned my hug and gave me an uncharacteristic peck on my forehead.

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