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Authors: Candace Havens

Tags: #Candace Havens, #Embrace, #NA, #Summer, #summer romance, #New Adult Romance, #dirty cowboys, #different worlds, #opposites attract, #edgy, #cowboy, #New Adult, #Entangled, #Romance

Branded (16 page)

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The bonfire burned brightly, giving off some much needed warmth. Never in my life had I been so happy as I wrapped my favorite girl in my arms and kissed her. We tried not to go more than two weeks without seeing each other, but I’d had to travel for business, and she’d been getting her essay ready for a contest. I hadn’t seen her in twenty-one days. Torture.

I was finding it tougher than ever to go without my daily Callie fix. We texted a dozen times a day and Skyped or FaceTimed at least once a day, but I still missed her. It was weird how much our lives had changed. I loved the new job, and she was exhausted. But every time she talked about her classes, she had the biggest smile on her face. School was a tough balance for me with work. Being a grown-up wasn’t always fun, but it was worth it to get to spend time with her.

“This is kind of perfect,” she said. “Except for the fact that it’s twenty degrees, and even though we’re standing in front of a fire, I’m freezing my ass off.”

“I’m more than happy to take you home and do very bad things to you.”

She turned to kiss me. “Promise?”

“Oh, yeah.”

“But we’re showing our school spirit. You came to
spirit celebration, so I’m doing the same here at your school.”

“I say we celebrate in our room. Besides, I have a surprise for you.”

“I’m not always crazy about surprises,” she said.

That’s one of the reasons I’d been so nervous. “You might change your mind after tonight.” At least, I hoped so.

“Well, I’m all about getting warm. It’s friggin’ cold out here.”

I took her hand.

I shared an apartment with four other guys, so when she was in town, we stayed at her grandparents’ condo, or I rented one of the corporate apartments the company owned. Wanting privacy for my plans tonight, I’d rented one of the places out. There was champagne waiting, and roses, which she would roll her eyes at.

“I love you,” I whispered, tugging her close.

“I love you, too, and I can’t wait for Thanksgiving. Five whole days together.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, with Addy and fifty-seven of your closest family members.”

She sighed. “True that. We probably have more privacy here. But I’ll see you every day. There’s that. And I can kiss you every day. I miss the kissing the most.”

“Me, too,” I said and captured her lips with mine.

“But it’s cool, our lives. Right? You’re, like, Mr. Corporate Executive, and I’m a writer. Like, I can really call myself one.”

“I’m proud of you. Did you check your email?”

She made her scared face. “Nope. Too afraid. I mean, it’s not a big deal. I was pleased they let me enter the contest. I don’t expect to win anything.”

“But I read it, and it was so good. I’m sure it will win.”

“You might be a bit biased.”

I shrugged. “Maybe, but I believe in you. Go ahead.”

She pulled out her phone. “Okay, but if it’s disappointing, you’re going to spend the rest of the weekend making it up to me.”

“And what if you win?”

“Then we’ll be celebrating.”

She opened the email, but I couldn’t read her face.


“I can’t believe it.” There was no way to tell her from her tone what had happened.

“Did you win?”

She shook her head. “No, but I placed second out of the hundred essays submitted. The guy who won is one of the teaching assistants. He’s a grad student. Wow. Second place, that’s kind of cool.”

“Yes, it is. I didn’t realize so many people had entered.”

“Yeah, that’s just the university. Now the top three go to the national contest.”

“Babe, that’s amazing.”

The biggest grin spread across her face. “I know, right? I mean, my first time and this? It’s crazy.”

“So, celebration it is,” I said as we pulled up in front of the building. Thanks to my salary—which, I’m not going to lie, was more a week than I’d made the last two years—I could afford the weekend at this place and to take her out to meals and shopping. Though she preferred to eat in and spend as much time alone together as possible.

We pulled up into the building, and I jumped out and opened the door.

“Freaky that six months ago, the idea of you opening a door for me was laughable,” she said as I helped her out.

“What are you talking about? My momma raised me right.” But I knew what she meant. Back then I’d been trying to stay away. Pretty dumb, in retrospect.

She elbowed me but then wrapped her arm around my waist as we waved hello to the doorman. This so was not my kind of place, but it was hers. And there was no way in hell I was taking her to my place. New York was expensive, which was why I had a lot of roommates. Most of the time it smelled like a mix of pizza, beer, and gym clothes. And there was no privacy. Also, there was the fact that my room was a fold-out couch in the living room. While we were adventuresome when it came to fucking, I wasn’t gonna share her with those assholes.

In another year or so, I’d have enough saved to get my own place. But right now, most of what I made I saved for Addy’s school. I’d already asked for time off for my spring break so I could take her to colleges. Uncle Charlie had hauled her around to most of the ones in Texas, but she was determined to find just the right place. I was proud of her. She’d become so much stronger, and her grades were better than ever.

On the way up in the elevator, I squeezed Callie to me. “I’m so glad you’re here. Maybe I’ve said that once or twice.”

She giggled. “I know, right? I’m the same way. I love school, but I’d love it so much more if you were there with me.” She held up a hand. “I’m not complaining. We’re doing what we have to do to make our dreams come true. And I’m good. No, I’m great with the way things are. I just like it better when we’re together.”

“You might have said that a few times.” We both laughed.

I waved the keycard over the lock and as we went in put her backpack and small suitcase by the breakfast bar. The place had an awesome view of Central Park and the city.

“Wow. This is so much better than the last one, and
better than my dorm,” she said as I helped her out of her coat.

She turned and saw the flowers on the dining room table. “What’s this? You’re not a flowers kind of guy. Not that I mind.” She kissed my cheek.

“Well, I think maybe they’re okay for the right occasion.” My stomach tightened. What would she think about my surprise? I was never nervous—well, except that one time on the plane with her grandpa. But that had worked out.

I took a deep breath.

“They’re gorgeous, and so sweet. Thank you, baby.” She threw herself at me, and I held on tight.

We kissed for several minutes. “That’s only a small part of the surprise,” I whispered against her lips.

She waggled her eyebrows. “Okay, lay it on me.”

I laughed. “Oh, I plan to do that several times this weekend. Over and over again.”

“Promises, promises. So tell me about my surprise.”

“Well, there’s food on the way, it’ll be here in about an hour. Indian, your favorite.”

“Yum. But you don’t like it.”

I shrugged. “It’s growing on me. I really like that butter chicken stuff. And then there’s champagne in the fridge.”

She rubbed her hands together. “Wow, you really are going all out. Did you really believe I would win?”

“Yes. But there’s also something else I wanted to celebrate.”

I pulled the ring box out of my coat pocket.

She took a step back, her face a mass of confusion.

Shit. Well, here we were. It was in my hand, I was going for it. Everything might go to hell, but I wanted her to know how much I loved her.

“I want to make a promise to you. I’m promising you three years.”

She frowned.

“Let me finish.”

She cut her gaze to the side, which meant she was perturbed. Damn, she was cute when she was angry.

“After those three years, I’m going to make it an official engagement. I’d make it official now, but you’re young, and I promised your grandparents I wouldn’t put too much pressure on you. But right now, you have my heart. It will never belong to another. I think about you twenty-four-seven, and I don’t see that stoppin’ anytime soon. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I want you to wear this ring, so that no matter where you are, you know I’m there with you.”

She waved a hand in front of her face. “Way to make me cry.” She sniffed. “It’s beautiful.”

“It was my gran’s Claddagh ring. It represents friendship, love, and loyalty. But let’s be clear, you’re mine. I’m a possessive asshole, and I want everyone to know.”

She busted out laughing. “Yes, but you’re my possessive asshole.”

I slipped the ring on her finger. “And the promise is that in three years, that will become an engagement ring. And you will say yes.”

She fell into my arms. “You’re so bossy.”


“But I love you more than life,” she said. “And just so you know, we’re going out to buy you a ring tomorrow, because I’m going to make the same promise to you. And of course I’ll say yes. I don’t give a shit that I’m young. I know my heart. It’s yours. And I’m going to make sure all those ho bags in the rest of the world know you’re mine, because I’m a possessive bitch, and I want everyone to know it.”

We laughed.

“You know, your falling into my arms was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

She leaned back, arms around my neck, so she could look at me. “Oh, babe, if you think that’s the best, grab the champagne. I’m about to rock your world.”

And she did.

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A quick shout out to my agent Jill Marsal for her fantastic guidance, and to my editor Heidi Shoham for being so patient and wonderful.

To all the readers and bloggers who support my books and others, THANK YOU! You’re the reason I choose to share these stories running around in my brain.

About the Author

Award-winning author
Candace Havens
lives in Texas with her mostly understanding husband, and dogs, Elvis, Harley, and Gizmo. Oh, and a fish named Fitz. When she isn’t living in the imaginary worlds she creates, she’s interviewing celebrities, writers, and producers for her job as a TV columnist, and talking about movies with 96.3 KSCS. She runs a free online workshop for writers. She’d love to hear from you.

Find her at:



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