Breaking All the Rules (25 page)

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Authors: Kerry Connor

BOOK: Breaking All the Rules
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Taking a deep
breath, she leaned forward until her lips were only centimeters from the head,
until all she had to do was dart her tongue out to lick the very tip. She
hovered there for an endless moment, as though on the verge of taking him fully
into her mouth. His whole body seemed to tense in readiness, in anticipation,
in desperation for it.

She didn't do
it. Instead, she exhaled slowly, letting her hot breath waft over him. His cock
jerked and she saw the jolt rip through his body.

She heard him
hiss through gritted teeth. “You’re playing with fire, lady,” he muttered, his
jaw clearly clenched.

She sat back on
her heels and peered up at him, allowing a smile to slowly curve her lips. “And
you didn’t think I could keep my hands off of it.”

The strain of
maintaining control was etched in every tense line of his face. He stared at
her through narrowed eyes, heat and frustration simmering in those fascinating
green depths. “I thought you
to touch me.”

“Oh, I do.” But
she still didn’t. She pushed to her feet and met his steady gaze once more.
“Get on the bed.”

Without waiting
to see if he obeyed, Nina crossed to the bedside table where she now knew he
had condoms. They’d be needing one soon enough. Hell, they’d need more than
that soon enough, but one would do for a start. Pulling the box from the
drawer, she turned back to face him.

Bobby sat on the
bed, leaning back slightly, his hands planted on the mattress. She watched his
gaze land on the item in her hand, saw the excitement flare in his eyes. He
started to grin.

She tossed him
the box. He caught it in midair with one hand, his reflexes that quick.
Impressive, she had to admit.

“Get one out,
would you?”

“What are you—”

The question was
cut off when Nina reached for the hem of her shirt and tugged it over her head.
As soon as her vision cleared, she saw him watching her intently, his mouth
slightly open. Like a man dying of thirst, he seemed to drink her in, his eyes
poring over her. Without another word, he began to do as instructed, opening
the box and reaching into it without ever taking his eyes from her body.

Fighting a grin,
Nina tossed her head—partly to get her hair out of her face, partly for the
sheer effect—and let the shirt fall to the floor. She quickly unhooked her bra
and slid the straps from her shoulders, then unfastened her pants. Hooking her
thumbs into the waistband of her panties, she began to shimmy out of both items
at the same time. She didn’t have time to waste going slow or removing them one
at a time. Every second she was standing here was a second she wasn’t on top of
him. That didn’t mean she couldn't enjoy his attention while she had it. She
gently shifted her hips from side to side as she worked the clothes off. The
whole time she was aware of his steady gaze on her, practically searing her
skin with his focus.

The pants and
underwear finally hit the floor. As soon as she stepped out of them, she
straightened and looked at him. He was still sitting on the edge of the
mattress, and that wasn’t going to do her any good. “Lie down.”

immediately moved to comply. He shifted lengthwise on the bed and lay down,
still propping himself up on his elbows. As soon as he was out of her way, Nina
climbed onto the bed on her knees. In one smooth motion, she swung her left leg
over him to straddle his thighs, just below where his straining cock still
jutted up, pointing straight toward his belly.

For a moment she
stopped, her heart lurching in her chest, and simply looked at him. There he
was, stretched out before her, pinned beneath her.

The best view in
the world.

He stared up at
her, this beautiful, beautiful man, his face practically glowing with eagerness
and arousal and...something else, something she couldn’t quite name, something
she was terrified to. He looked so
. Because of her. To be with
her. And for a second, something inside her cracked, pain slicing through her.
The feeling was so hot and agonizing she almost winced.

As soon as the
feeling hit, she forced it back, nearly shaking herself to rid herself of it.
There was no time for that. She needed to make the most of this—for both of

She held out her
hand. “Do you have something for me?”

broadly, he handed her the foil packet.

slow-burning grin was as appealing as it ever was, and she felt the corners of
her mouth automatically begin to twitch in response.

She tugged the
condom from its wrapper. “Still want me to touch you?”

Bobby glanced
down at where his cock was straining against his belly. “I think that speaks
for itself.”

She eyed it, her
insides clenching at the sight, heat rushing through her. She didn’t know how
she’d gone this long without touching him. Evidently he wasn’t the only one
with some considerable willpower. “Yeah, I guess it does.”

She finally
reached down to take him in her hand, only to discover her fingers were trembling
with anticipation. As soon as they closed around the smooth skin and granite
hardness, she felt the shudder that quaked through his torso, even as one
rumbled through her at the same time. Gripping him tightly, she slowly stroked
him, once, twice, just to see how ready he was, just to bask in his primal,
purely masculine response. Bobby gritted his teeth, practically baring them at
her, letting out a breath that hissed between them. Nina finally gave in to the
grin, power surging through her. Oh, yeah. He was ready, and he was all hers.

Looking him
straight in the eye, she slowly rolled the condom over the hard, hot length of
him, centimeter by centimeter. She drew it out as long as possible, relishing
the feel of him, taking in every trace of restrained emotion flickering across
his face.

The instant the
condom hit the base of his shaft, she burst forward, levering herself up on her
knees. She planted a hand on the middle of his chest and shoved. He fell back
onto the mattress. Before he could recover, Nina leaned over him, letting her
hair fall over his face and chest. She knew how he loved that. His chest
swelled, and she knew he was breathing in the scent of her. He couldn’t seem to
get enough of it, inhaling so deeply it seemed to go on and on, and when he
finally released the breath, there was a soft sigh of satisfaction in the
exhalation that prickled her skin, sending tingles rushing along her nerve

Bracing herself
on one arm, she peered down at him, their faces even. He was even more beautiful
up close, those green eyes gleaming, his face so handsome and starkly
masculine. It would be so easy to dip her head and kiss him, to taste those
perfect lips. The urge was there to do it. The need to remain in place was
stronger. She wanted nothing more than to look at him forever. For now would
have to do, this moment, right here, with what was about to happen.

Reaching back,
she took him in her free hand once more. She placed the head of his cock
against her lips, so tightly there wasn't a bit of space separating them, and
rocked up and down, rubbing against his sensitive tip. She watched his strong
jaw clench even more—but only for a second. Her eyes drifted shut as she took
in the sensations welling in her core. God, he felt so good.
so good, the friction, the feeling of him there, the instinctive knowledge of
what could—what was about to—happen. What she needed to happen. She couldn’t
wait anymore.

She opened her
eyes again, gazing straight into his. From the look burning in them, he knew
exactly what was about to happen, needed it as much as she did. She wanted to
smile. She couldn't, her whole body too tense with eagerness, with
anticipation. Holding his stare, she eased back, opening herself to him, her
body already wet and slick and primed to take him. An instant later, the head
of his cock pushed into her. Finally she had to grin, the reaction automatic.
It felt too good, too right. Bobby smiled slowly in return, the heat and
satisfaction darkening his face sparking the fire inside her to even greater
heights, until it felt like she was burning from the inside out.

It was good, but
it wasn’t enough. With aching, painstaking slowness, she lowered herself onto
him. She gripped him tightly as he slid in, inch by inch, even as her whole body
seemed to widen to accept him. Finally, just when it seemed like she couldn’t
take any more, their hips met, and he was buried into her to the hilt.

Nina exhaled
deeply. A sense of pure rightness burst inside her, filling her as thoroughly
as he did.

She planted her
hands on his belly and leaned back so she could look at him. The ridges of his
abs were hard beneath her fingers. His pelvis squirmed beneath her, signaling
his eagerness to begin thrusting inside her. Imprisoned by her body, he
couldn’t do it. She wanted it just as badly as he did—maybe more. Still she
waited, wanting to savor every bit of this moment, to let the sensation sink
into her bones, never to be forgotten for the rest of her life. How that first
moment of penetration felt. When he was finally inside her, stretching her,
filling her. And it was perfect. And so, so right.

But it only was
the beginning. She knew that, as instinct kicked in. There was so much more to
be had. She pushed off of her knees, lifting herself off of him with agonizing
slowness, feeling him gradually slide out of her even as her body clung to him.
But not all the way. When she felt herself nearing the head, she stopped,
hovering there over him, caught in that moment between emptiness and
fulfillment, then plunged herself down on him again.

He groaned, the
sound of it filling the air around them. A jolt of triumph, of satisfaction,
ripped along her nerve endings.
Oh yes

She wasted no
time pushing off of him again. This time, as soon as her hips were off of him,
he thrust upward, into her, filling her again. She caught the triumph in his
eyes. Oh, he thought he was going to take control, did he? She sat down,
forcing his hips back onto the bed, even the idea of him taking over didn’t
seem quite so bad. Seemed hot as hell actually.

Instead, she
eased herself off slowly again. Once more he waited several moments before
driving into her. Together they found a rhythm, moving in sync, not too fast, not
too slow. It came easily, as it always had between them.

The whole time
she stared down at him. Bobby lay prone before her, arms stretched out, fingers
digging into the edges of the bed. If they were at her place, in her bed, he’d
be gripping the headboard in that pose she loved so much. But this was just as
good. Seeing him stretched out like this beneath her. Feeling this big, strong,
powerful man under her, taking only what she’d give him. Yet giving her so much

He looked up at
her, gazing straight into her eyes as their bodies moved together. She watched
every emotion, every hint of what he was feeling, play across his face. And it
was beautiful. He was beautiful, so much that it almost hurt to look at him.

But she did. She
knew she had to. Even if she could bring herself to look away, she couldn’t do
it. She needed this. They picked up speed, her downward thrusts, his upward
ones, coming faster, more furiously. She could feel the pressure building
inside her, her release coming closer and closer. She denied it as long as she
could, wanting to draw it out as long as possible, not just to prolong the
pleasure but to try and retain every bit of memory of the experience that she

She needed this.

She needed him.

She needed to

to remember this, what this felt like, what
felt like, what being
with this man was like when she no longer could be.

The desperation
to do so climbed higher and higher along with the pleasure surging within her,
the pressure becoming harder and harder to contain. Until she couldn’t hold on
any longer—

She exploded. A
scream blasted in her ears. The sound was so loud yet so oddly far away she
didn’t realize at first it had come from her own mouth. There was too much
happening, too much to process. She could feel him erupting inside her, bucking
beneath her, again and again and again. She heard him yell in release, the
sound guttural and primal and so utterly male. And there was pleasure, so much
shooting through her, surrounding her, overwhelming her.

It was
everywhere. It was everything.

It was what
they’d created together.

It was what was
possible when they were together—this sheer, amazing, unbelievable bliss.

Even as she felt
herself coming out of that delicious haze, she tried to cling to it, a plea
rising in her soul.

Please don't
let me forget this.

Please don't
let me forget



NINA FINALLY DRIFTED OFF, Bobby watched her sleep in his arms. She’d certainly
earned the rest. They’d been at it for hours. Something had gotten into her
tonight. She’d been like a woman possessed, as eager and desperate and passionate
as he’d ever seen her. It had been like she hadn’t been able to get enough.
She’d worn them both out.

dragged at him, urging him to close his eyes. He resisted the impulse. He
didn’t want to lose this—this moment, right here.

This was what he
wanted, several thousand more nights just like this one with this woman at his

But even as he
watched her, he couldn’t fight the feeling of dread building in the pit of his
stomach, rising in his throat to choke him.

Because the
night they’d shared had been more than hot. There was something unsettling in
her fervor, in the way she hadn’t been able to get enough, in the way she’d
wanted to draw out every moment as long as possible.

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