Breaking Elle (30 page)

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Authors: Antoinette Candela

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Breaking Elle
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“Little bit.” I wink. All we’ve done is kiss since this whole thing started. I want to take my time with her and not rush things, but right now, standing here looking at her dressed like this, I have to pat myself on the back for having the willpower to wait this long with such a fine looking woman.

“Okay,” she says stepping closer, her vanilla scent floating around me. I have to keep more than my hands down, but I’m failing really badly. “What time do you want me to come over?” She smiles, her body inches from mine. I want to grab her tiny waist, press her to me, and taste those perfect lips. God, I’m experiencing some major sensory overload right now.

Early as fuckin’ possible. I was thinking eight, but I don’t think I can wait.

“Seven?” I ask. Seriously, I wish I can pick her up, throw her over my shoulder, and take her home with me. But Momma always says ‘good things come to those who wait’. That is one line I’m not feeling right now.

“Perfect,” she whispers, and then unexpectedly, she reaches for a kiss, wrapping her arms around my waist. We’re trying to keep our relationship low key at work, but I’m not going to complain as I grab her tightly to me, already feeling happy down south. The more locations I can do things like this with her the better. She smells so incredibly good that I inhale her like there’s no tomorrow. I don’t know if it’s her perfume, her shampoo, or her natural scent. Either way, I crave her so badly. She grabs the back of my neck, pressing our mouths closer together. She moans softly, pulls away, and smiles, her eyes slightly closed with a smile on her face. I brush my hand across her flushed cheek and grin.

“What happened to keeping things low key at work? I mean, don’t get me wrong; I like what’s happening here a lot,” I say, still feeling the aftershock of her.

“I had a rough day, and I needed to take my frustrations out on someone. Lucky it was you that happened to be here at just the right time.” She smiles sweetly, tilting her head to the side as strands of hair fall from her bun and dangle sexily around her face. I bite my lip in agony looking at her. She has no idea the how fucking difficult she is making things for me. “Are you okay with that?” she whispers, spoiling me with her sexy hazel eyes.

“I’m glad I was the lucky fucker who walked through that door, and I think you know I’ll do whatever I can to make you happy.” My voice sounds gruff even to my own ears. I’ve just made her a promise that I intend on keeping. How can I ever say no to her?



I slip the black strapless dress over my head for the fiftieth time. Staring in the mirror, I remind myself that it doesn’t matter what I wear around him. I can tell he likes how I look no matter what by the way he looks at me after our morning runs when I’m hot and sweaty. The smile that touches his lip and the way his eyes travel over my body is so sexual and carnal. It makes my stomach twist and my body sensitive thinking about what could be going through his mind. This feels like a whole new level of attraction; one that I didn’t even know existed. I don’t think there’s a word in the English dictionary that can accurately describe what I’m feeling right now.

I apply a little bit of eye shadow, mascara, and lip-gloss. I have no need for blush since I do enough of that when I’m around him. I know Tyler’s going to be over to play cards; he reminded me and wanted to walk over together. I told him I needed more time to get ready, which was a lie. I just want to be alone because I know that he’d ask questions about what’s really going on with Reed, and at this point, I don’t have any definite answers yet.

“Where are you going dressed like that?” Jace asks when I enter the kitchen. He’s standing at the counter flipping through a
Sports Illustrated
magazine while eating an apple. My brother is the jock and sports buff who knows everything about every sports team in Boston. Dressed in jeans and a polo shirt, his dark brown hair disheveled and still damp from taking a shower, he’s obviously got plans tonight too.

“A friend’s house.” I place my purse and cell phone on the counter as I meet his gaze.

He smirks at me with one eyebrow raised, his hazel eyes questioning. “Really?” He stops flipping through the magazine and throws the apple core in the trash.

“Cut it out,” I reply throwing the dishrag at him.

“Relax, sissy. You look nice.” He chuckles, leaning on the kitchen counter.

“Thanks.” I turn my back and reach for a glass in the cabinet. “So, what are you doing tonight?”

“Meeting Cane. Probably watch the game.”

“How’s he doing?” I ask hesitantly, still facing the other way, realizing that no matter what, he will always be around since he’s my brother’s friend. I didn’t want their friendship to end because of what happened between us.

“All right,” he replies. “He’s been quiet. He’s really focusing on grad school this fall. He misses you, though.” He pauses and I feel his eyes on my back.

I didn’t want to hear that. He should have thought about that when he cheated. I don’t hate him, never will, but I can never understand why he did that again.

“He regrets it every day,” He says, matter of factly. “I don’t blame him for regretting it because my sister’s a catch.” I can hear the smile in his voice.

“Thanks Jace, but I don’t want to talk about that.” I reply, wiping away a tear and remembering what we used to have. “Tell him I said hi.” I spin around to face him, prop my hands on the counter, and let my body slump between my shoulders, managing a small smile.

“I will.” He looks up from the magazine. “So, do you know where Mom is tonight? She didn’t come home from work.” He frowns, pushing the magazine aside.

“I think she said something about dinner and drinks with some friends,” I reply, uncomfortable with the idea of my mom out drinking alone. It’s crazy thinking this way, but she’s been keeping to herself lately even after she said they were going to counseling.

“I’m worried about her. She’s taking this much harder with Corey than she did the first time with Dad.” His voice goes soft. “She never drank before.”

“We can’t babysit or smother her. That’ll probably push her away even more. I’ll text her in a little while to see how she’s doing.”

There’s a knock at the door and the sound of the screen door slamming. “Hey, Jace!” The voice sends a tingles down my spine. I grow anxious as the footsteps get louder, closer. I swallow noisily, spin in Jace’s direction, and give him a pointed look as he shrugs his shoulders with a cocky smirk on his face. Seems my brother neglected to tell me that Cane was on his way to the house.

Cane enters the kitchen and freezes in the doorway, smiling softly, his expressive brown eyes sweeping over every inch of me. He obviously didn’t expect me either and this was my brother’s attempt at playing peacemaker. I know the look and immediately turn away, not prepared to deal with his presence. Seeing the lust in his eyes reminds me of the last time we were together. I can’t deny that I’m still attracted to him. My insides twist in agony, remembering how we used to be. I’ll probably have this reaction every time I see him for a long time.

“Hi,” I say, arching my brows slightly in surprise.

“Hi, Elle. You look great tonight.” The way he says my name is like a caress. “You always do,” he says rubbing his brow. I know that he’s trying to be nonchalant about it, but I also know what he’s feeling.

“Thanks, so do you.” I step away from the sink, grabbing my purse and cell phone from the counter. “You guys have fun tonight.” I walk over and squeeze Cane’s arm. He places his hand over mine and smiles down at me. His touch is familiar and warm.

“You, too.” I gently pull my hand from under his and walk down the hallway, wondering if seeing him will get easier.



Tyler and Reed have been playing for almost two hours while I try to make conversation with Crissy and Jade, the girls who showed up with the other two guys at the table. They’re Goth chicks with long black hair, dressed all in black and covered in tattoos. Crissy’s right arm is inked with a purple mermaid with flowing red hair and a snake wrapped around her fin, and she has a large lily on her upper outer thigh. Jade has a large butterfly on her back and a trail of stars that starts at her shoulder and travels the length of her arm with the quote,
‘I talk in a daze, I walk in a maze. I cannot get out, said the starling’.
I peek down at my plain black dress and sandals and think that I could never carry their look.

Not sure who’s with whom, but one of the guys at the table has the rock star look with shaggy, blonde hair and goatee, wearing a white t-shirt and faded blue jeans with a chain hanging from his belt loop. Right now, he doesn’t seem too happy as it looks like Tyler won the last hand. The other guy is clean cut, kind of preppy, and reminds me of my brother in a way, with short brown hair and dressed in black jeans and a dark navy t-shirt. He’s scratching his forehead and frowning at his cards on the table.

The last break they took was twenty minutes ago. They should be due for another one soon. This wasn’t how I pictured my night with Reed, but his invitation was last minute and I accepted because I like how it feels to be around him. I think I just like everything about him so far.

“So, which one is yours, Elle?” I turn to Crissy who is leaning up against the balcony. “The hot one or the hot one?” She asks, laughing as she plays with her earring.

“If I had my choice, I’d take the brown-eyed babe,” Jade replies

“Don’t let Nick hear you,” Crissy retorts, snickering.

“Screw Nick. He can’t make up his mind about anything. All he cares about is his band and his motorcycles. I’m sick of being number three.” Jade frowns and looks back into the apartment.

“Nick has a band?” I ask. Uncomfortable with where the attention seems focused, I try to divert her interests from Reed and Tyler by talking about her current boyfriend.

“You don’t know the famous, or should I say, infamous Nick Moon of Crimzen?” Jade laughs sarcastically without taking her seductive eyes off Tyler.

“Jade, cut the crap! You know he’s good.” Crissy laughs.

“Yeah, that’s part of the problem,” Jade replies sharply as she whips her long hair back and frowns at Crissy. “He knows he’s good at everything! I need someone to show me a little more attention. Maybe the hottie over there will give me what I need.” She smiles, her green eyes sparkling dangerously.

I follow her eyes back to Tyler and swallow back a huge knot in my throat. He looks up at just the right moment to catch us looking at him. He grins, his eyes never leaving my face while Crissy looks over in my direction.

“So, which one’s yours? I don’t want to have to fight you over him.” She laughs softly nudging my forearm.

“Reed,” I reply, pointedly. I can’t say both. How would that look? I don’t want this girl with Tyler, though. What’s wrong with me? Tyler can choose to be with whomever he wants.

“We met him about a month ago at the Mohegan Sun,” Jade answers. “He’s nice, but a little intense when it comes to playing cards.”

“Reed? Is that the one with the problem?” Crissy asks, glancing over at me and back at Jade.

“Problem?” I ask, looking between them for an explanation.

“Oh, Crissy’s confused and doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about.” Jade counters defensively, shooting Crissy a pointed look. “She’s got Reed confused with another guy that Nick and Dave played with at the casino. I mean there’s a shitload of people that go to Mohegan Sun and Crissy was probably drunk and seeing double.” She laughs and takes a sip of beer as she glances back at Crissy. “She can’t hold her liquor.”

“Whatever.” Crissy frowns at Jade and shrugs her shoulders. “All the hot ones have some kind of demon they can’t shake.”

I half-smile and look back into the apartment as Reed looks up from his hand and winks. I’m tired of the conversation with these two bickering back and forth about who’d they like to hook up with and their trip to the casino. I finish the rest of my beer, set it on the table, tell them I’ll be right back, and head back into the apartment. I approach the table and stand between Reed and Tyler while they play their hands. It appears that Reed is the luckiest one tonight since he has the largest pile of cash sitting in front of him.

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