Breaking the Cycle (13 page)

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Authors: Tricia Andersen

Tags: #MMA Romance, Sports Romance

BOOK: Breaking the Cycle
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“Chloe, it’s two in the morning. You should be in bed.”

“I’m watching TV,” she barked.

Max glanced at the screen. “Sweetheart, it’s an infomercial.”


Max bent over the back of the couch and kissed the top of her head. “Sweetheart, go to bed.”

“How was your night?”

Max fought back a smile.
Here it is. Insecurity
. “It was fine. Just me and the guys. Why?”


“Come on. We both know it’s something.”

Chloe only huffed in response. He sat beside her and took her hands in his. “I don’t know what’s bothering you. I do know that I have the most beautiful girl in the world right here. There’s no reason for me to look somewhere else.”

Chloe’s cheeks tinged pink as she picked the remote off the coffee table and tapped the off button. She pressed a kiss to his cheek before she jogged up the stairs, shutting the door behind her. Max sighed as she disappeared.

As he had predicted, Max woke up sore the next morning. He stiffly lifted himself out of bed and tugged on a pair of sweats.

Also as he had predicted, Chloe refused to talk to him. The night had bothered her more than he had thought. But her resistance didn’t last long. She plopped down next to him on the porch swing as he enjoyed the late morning warmth. She crossed her arms over her chest.

Max smiled as he stretched his arm across the back behind her. Before long, her hands were in her lap. Then, the hand closest to him lay on the wooden slats. He laughed as he took it in his, squeezing it tighter as she rested her head on his shoulder.

“Are you still mad at me for going out last night,” he asked.

“Maybe,” she pouted.

He chuckled as he pressed his lips against her forehead. “Even after what I said last night.”

“I don’t know. It’s hard to believe.”

“Believe what?”

Chloe gave him a dirty look. “That I could possibly be the only woman you want to be with.”

He kissed her forehead again. “You are. Very much so.”

“I doubt it.”

“Why would I lie to you?”

“Max, I don’t want to argue. All right?”

“What do you want to do, then?”

“Sit here and hold your hand. Be close to you.”

Max pushed a lock of her brown hair behind her ear as he gazed at her. “I want to do that too.”

She smiled softly at him as she snuggled closer. He felt himself swell with contentment. This was life. Not fighting, not lifting, not Hard Drive. This. Sitting on the porch swing with Chloe. Watching her breasts raise and lower with each breath. The feel of her curves blending against the hard planes of his body. To watch the sun glisten on her long, brown hair. No fight would make him feel this strong and powerful.

“Is the swing going to fast?” he asked.

“No. It’s perfect.”

“Just wanted to make sure.”

“Thank you for thinking about me.”

“I always think about you. Every day. Every where I go. You’re the last thing I’m thinking of when I fall asleep. You’re the first thing I think about when I wake up. Followed by which muscle is hurting on that day.”

Chloe looked up at him. “Do you like what you’re doing? MMA?”

“That’s a loaded question.”


“I’ve always loved MMA. But it brings back bad memories. And yes, when I’m working they come up. But I love being with you. And I love being with Rico, Mark and Dan. The good outweighs the bad.”

“What bad memories do you have? Getting hurt?”

“Among other things.”

“Like what?”

“It’s not important.”

“I thought we weren’t going to have secrets.”

“Considering our little disagreement last night, it’s not something I want to talk about.”

“It was a girl.”

“Yes. Ancient history. If anything, she only reminds just how great I have it now. It reminds me how very happy I am that we didn’t end up together because she wasn’t the woman for me. You are.”

Chloe looked up at him as she laid her hand on his chest. “You’re the only man I’ve ever wanted.”

He stared in her eyes. Her touch sent his heart racing. “I wish I could kiss you.”


He pressed his lips to her forehead again then held her close. Things couldn’t be more perfect than it was then.


Max’s body continued to hurt as he followed Chloe into Hard Drive on Monday. She was still giving him a tinge of the cold shoulder. He was hoping it wouldn’t be long before she warmed back up to him.

He stopped short inside the door where Rico, Dan, and Mark waited.

“Seriously.” Max pointed from Mark to Dan. “I thought you guys had jobs.”

“Just got off my shift,” Mark reported.

“Taking a week of comp time,” Dan grinned, his green eyes twinkling excitedly behind the lenses of his glasses.

“So, your idea of time off is ambushing me?” Max questioned.

“We wanted to know if you’re sore,” Mark pried.

Max could help the grin cracking his lips. “Yes, I’m sore. Does that mean that you’re sore too?”

“Yes. Kind of.”

“What we’re really here for,” Rico interrupted, “is to see if you want to join us in a repeat performance this Saturday. Maybe we’ll sneak in a pick-up basketball game too if the court is empty.”

Max shook his head. “I can’t, guys. Chloe wasn’t happy about last Saturday. I’m still getting a little bit of the silent treatment.”

“Bring her with.”

“Isn’t this guys’ night out?”

“It’s not like we’re hitting the strip clubs, Max.” Mark scanned the gym. He stopped as he saw Chloe come from the locker room. “Chloe, come here!”

Max groaned as Chloe approached them. “Yeah, guys. What’s up?” she greeted.

“We’re going out Saturday night again. We’d like you to come with us.”

Chloe glanced at them apprehensively. “That’s guys’ night.”

“And we want you to be one of the guys for a night.” Rico winked at her. “What do you say, short stuff?”

“I don’t want to intrude,” Chloe insisted.

“You’re not intruding, Chloe,” Dan countered. “If I thought you wouldn’t like it, I wouldn’t let these guys hound you. Have I steered you wrong before? I let you date this one.” He slugged Max in the shoulder for emphasis.

“Let me?” Chloe giggled.

Max watched Chloe smile at Dan. He grinned with them. Dan and Chloe shared a special relationship. They had since Max and Chloe had started at Hard Drive. It was nothing romantic by any means. It was more familial, like a brother and sister.

Chloe gazed into Max’s eyes for several moments. They sparkled excitedly in anticipation of a night away. She nodded. “Sure. I’d love to go.”

“Great!” Rico confirmed. “Max knows where he’s going. We’ll meet you there.”

Rico walked toward the mats until he was suddenly stopped by Phoebe. The blonde wrapped her arms around his neck as she drove her lips against his. Rico moaned as he pulled her closer. As they parted, she shot Max a malicious look over Rico’s shoulder. He shook his head, confused, as he took Chloe’s hand in his and led her toward the mats.

All week, Chloe tried on different outfits in hopes of figuring out where the guys had gone the previous Saturday night. Max chuckled every time he sent her back to her room by telling her she was overdressed. Liz was baffled by the whole thing. After a day of the sweet torture, Max let her in on the secret. He half-expected Liz to rat him out. Not Liz. No, she joined in the fun.

By the time Saturday night arrived, Chloe was frustrated with both of them and still had no idea what to wear. She descended the steps one final time in a silk blouse and a pair of jeans. Her long, brown hair was in soft curls. Max, dressed in a dry-fit T-shirt and gym shorts, said nothing. He just laughed.

She balled her fists at her sides as her temper snapped. “Would you please tell me what to wear?”

Max strode to her, cupping her face in his hands. He kissed her forehead. “I love you, Chloe. When you pick the next outfit, think Hard Drive.”

“You mean we’re going to work for guys’ night out?” she asked incredulously.

“Not work. A place like work. Now, hurry and change. We’re going to be late.”

Chloe shot him a confused look before she jogged up the stairs. A few minutes later, she returned in a tight-fitting tank and a pair of shorts. Her curls were tied up in a ponytail.

Max smiled. “That’s perfect. Now, let’s go.”

Chloe gave her mother a quick peck on the cheek before she tugged on her shoes and followed Max out the door.

The trip across Minneapolis was silent. Max glanced at Chloe at each stoplight they came to. She was still a little upset with him. And he could sense that she was anxious. He reached over and wrapped his hand around hers.

Rico, Mark, and Dan were waiting outside the gym as Max put the car in park. Chloe gasped. “Oh, wow! I’ve heard of this place! I wanted to try it, but…” Her voice trailed off.

Max stepped out, closing the door behind him. He strode around to open her door for her. He offered her his hand to help her out. “Well, if you like it, then we can get memberships.”

Chloe near skipped beside him to the three men. After Chloe signed up for her trial membership, the five of them made their way to the free weights room. Rico and Mark slid two-hundred and seventy-five pounds on the bar. Max took the first turn on the bench press, lifting the weighted bar with relative ease.

He heard a gasp and soft moan from Chloe as he worked his reps. As he sat up and stood from the bench, he winked at her. “Impressed?”

Her face flushed pink.

“All right, Chloe girl. Your turn,” Rico announced. The other three chuckled at the thought.

Chloe glanced uneasily from the bar to her boyfriend. “I can’t lift that much.”

“Have you tried?”

“Rico, that’s over twice what I weigh!”

Rico grinned at her. “Come on, Supergirl. You can do it.”

Chloe’s forehead scrunched. Rico laughed as he walked over to the bench press beside them. He slipped a five-pound weight on either end. “Better?”

“Very much. Thank you.”

Chloe settled herself on the bench and laid back. She was met by a beautiful pair of blue eyes looking down at her. Max smiled. “I kicked Rico out to spot for you.”

Chloe laughed as she lifted the bar. Bending her elbows, she lowered it to her chest. Max corrected her form in a couple of places. He glanced up at the loud laughter and teasing among their three friends.

The talking continued between Chloe and the guys for the next couple hours while they mulled around the free weights room. As they picked up their discarded items, Dan jogged down the hall to the basketball court. He returned with a ball tucked under his arm. “Court’s ours. Let’s go.”

As they walked down the corridor, Mark spoke up. “How are we breaking up teams?”

“I can sit out,” Chloe volunteered.

“No,” Rico concluded. “We’ll go two against three. Max and Mark versus Dan, Chloe, and me.”

“Chloe’s on your team?” Max inquired.

“Yes, Max. Chloe’s on my team.” Rico gave Max a knowing look as he grinned. “We have no intentions of playing fair.”

They warmed up on the empty court by shooting baskets. Rico called Dan and Chloe over to him for a mock huddle.

Max glanced over to Mark. “What’s our game plan?” he laughed.

“I throw you the ball. You shoot. And vice versa.”

Rico approached them, with Dan and Chloe following. “Since there are two of you, you guys can go first.”

Max took the ball out of bounds and tossed it into Mark. He jogged down court to receive it as Mark tossed it over Dan’s head. He grinned when he found Chloe guarding him.

“Chloe, get aggressive!” Rico ordered.

Chloe didn’t raise her arms to block him. With a sly smile of her own, she wrapped her arms tight around his waist and dug her little feet into the court for traction. Max stared down at her as she held on for all she was worth.

Chloe. His Chloe. The timid girl who used to flinch when he touched her now had him wrapped in a commanding bear hug. His reaction was instinctive. He laughed. Between the sight of her digging in her heels to stop him and the joy of her trust, all he could do was laugh.

He tossed the ball in Mark’s general direction. The big man’s size was the only thing that won Mark the ball. He made the shot, glaring at Max the whole while. Chloe let go and ran to the other end of the court. Max jogged after her. Two could play at this game.

Dan tossed the ball to Rico, and the two passed it back and forth as they dribbled it down court. Chloe raised her arms, waving them to get their attention. Max chuckled as he snaked his arms around her and drew her to him.

“Hey! No fair! Foul!” she protested.

“It wasn’t a foul when you did it to me,” he returned, his voice deep and smooth.

She struggled to get free. “It’s different. You’re bigger and better at basketball.”

He felt her relax in his arms, suddenly aware of their position. Inside, Max cringed. “Are you all right?”

“I’m just fine. Why?”

“Because I think we stopped playing basketball. It seems we transitioned to cuddling on a basketball court.”

“I was told I was being aggressive in my defense.”

“Seems like cuddling to me.”

“If you think so.”

He was startled back to reality by the sensation of a soft kiss pressed against his stubbled jaw. Chloe nestled against him contently.

“Max,” Mark barked. “Do you two need a room? Or can we play basketball?”

It nearly killed him to let her out of his arms to continue playing. Who knew when she would let him hold her like that again?

They played until the gym closed, switching partners frequently. Max took a second to stop and watch the others. When he first met Chloe, she had only trusted her mother. It had taken a long time for her to trust him. Now, she opened her heart to Dan, Mark, and Rico too, treating the three men like the brothers she never had. He was so proud of her. He didn’t think he could love her more.

As they walked to their cars, Mark spoke up. “Should we head to the diner?”

Max looked at Chloe, smiling encouragingly. “Are you hungry?”

“Famished,” she answered.

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