Breaking the Cycle (14 page)

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Authors: Tricia Andersen

Tags: #MMA Romance, Sports Romance

BOOK: Breaking the Cycle
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They followed each other into the building, ordering before they sat down. They slid into the booth of the almost empty restaurant. Instantly, the chatter started again.

“Chloe, how was guys’ night out?” Rico asked.

“It was wonderful. Thanks for inviting me.” She snuggled under Max’s arm outstretched behind her along the back of the booth. He swallowed back a sigh as he watched her cuddle close to him.

It didn’t take long for the food to be served. Eating didn’t stop the talking. Chloe didn’t get through half her meal before she was nestled against Max again, her eyes drowsy with sleep.

“Max, I think you’re going to lose her,” Dan remarked. Chloe just moaned sleepily.

“I’m getting tired too.” Max handed the waitress his credit card. Once he signed the slip, he nudged Chloe from the booth. They said their goodbyes then made their way to the Mustang.

Chloe watched the lights of Minneapolis twinkle past her window. “That was really fun. But I think you should go out with the guys alone.”

“The guys wanted you there,” Max insisted.

“I know. But sometimes you just need time to be a guy without the girlfriend hanging on you. I can spend the evening with Mom.”

“Your mom has been spending nearly every night with Al.”

“Then I can hang with a good book.”

“You still have to come once in a while.”

She smiled. “All right.”

Chloe’s eyes wandered to the window again. Max took her hand in his. “I’m going to New Ulm tomorrow for my nephew’s birthday party.”

“That’ll be fun.”

“I want you to come with me.”

She frowned. “To meet your family?”


“I don’t know, Max.”

“I’ve told them all about you. Everything.”

“And they still want to meet me?”

Max smiled at her. “Absolutely.”

Chloe thought for a moment. “Sure. It sounds like fun.”

Max grinned as Chloe stared out the window. It wasn’t long before she dozed off.

Chapter Nine

“Thank you for coming with me.” Max slipped the car keys into his pocket as he gave her the sweetest, largest smile she had ever seen. “I can’t wait to introduce you to my family.”

Chloe trotted beside him as they walked along the sidewalk. “It’s only fair. You’ve met my mom.”

He laughed. “Chloe, sweetheart. I
with you and your mom.”

“That’s true.”

As they strolled along, she glanced around at downtown New Ulm. It was a far cry from Minneapolis. There were department stores most people in metropolitan areas hadn’t seen since the late 1970s. There were small town gift shops full of quilting supplies, old books, beautiful Christmas decorations, and German knick-knacks. There was a stately, formal concrete building that housed the local bank. The storefronts were dotted with family restaurants and corner bars, each with windows leading to apartments built on top.

She jolted to a stop as Max pulled open the glass door to the hardware store. She felt her face flush in embarrassment as she stepped inside. Max let the door shut behind him.

“Max!” An older man who looked almost exactly like Max stood behind the counter, wiping his hands on a rag.

“Hey, Dad. How are you?”

“Doing well, big city boy. How was your drive?”

“Beautiful day for it.” Max gently pressed his fingers into the small of Chloe’s back. “Dad, I’d like you to meet Chloe.”

Max’s dad extended his palm to Chloe and shook her hand. “Hi, Chloe. Nice to meet you. Max has told us a lot about you.”

Chloe glanced up at Max.
What exactly did he tell his family about me?
“All good I hope,” she squeaked.

“Of course. My boy is pretty smitten with you. Thinks you’re the best thing he ever laid eyes on.”

“Dad…” Max groaned. Chloe noticed his perfect, chiseled cheeks tinge pink. Max’s dad patted him on the shoulder as they continued talking.

After a few more minutes, they said goodbye. Stepping outside, they began their trek back to the car. As they passed an antique store, Chloe stopped and peered in the window. Her eyes caught an old, brightly-painted, metal fire truck. “Max, wait. I haven’t bought your nephew a gift yet.” She pointed at the toy. “Will he like that?”

Max smiled at her choice. “Absolutely.”

They stepped inside the small store filled with all sorts of ancient trinkets. The room was cast in a soft, golden glow. Chloe carefully picked up the fire truck and carried it to the counter. As the small, rotund woman wrapped it, Chloe turned to Max.

“I always wondered. Why did Jack constantly pursue you to work for Hard Drive? Did he know about your experience with mixed martial arts.”

“He was there when I used to compete.” Max sighed. “Right off the bat and literally when I stepped out of the cage.”

“When did you start fighting?”

“In college. I was going to be the next Rico, the next up and coming star. But I tore my ACL apart in a match. After three grueling surgeries, I gave up.” He gently brushed a lock of her hair from her shoulder. “That’s why I admire you. You have gone through so much with your CVS, been hospitalized so many times. It makes my little injury look pathetic. And you still get up and live your life after it all. You’re so strong to go through it all and still smile.”

Chloe felt her face flush pink at Max’s compliment as she accepted the bag from the shopkeeper. He took her other hand in his. After thanking the woman, they walked hand in hand back to the Mustang.

Chloe thought to herself as she paced beside Max. “That explains why you compete against Rico. Why you are so good and keep up with him so well. You’re better than him, actually. I just thought you figured out how to match him.”

She heard Max sigh. “I thought you would be terrified of me when you found out.”

“There’s nothing for me to be worried about. You’re a good man. The best I’ve ever met.”

She met his loving smile with one of her own. He brushed a stray lock of hair from her cheek and tucked it behind her ear. “I love you, Chloe. You’re beautiful.”

“I love you too, Max.” Her grin turned devious. “What about the other reason you stopped fighting?”

Max chuckled. “Her name was Tori. She was only with me because I fought. When I was recovering from my injury she dumped me for my best friend.”


“Yeah. But like I said I’m glad she did. I have you. I want you. She doesn’t hold a candle to you.”

“You’re so sweet.”

Max unlocked the door of his car and helped her inside. After sliding into the driver’s seat, he maneuvered through the small town streets of New Ulm to his parents’ house. The couple barely stepped out of the vehicle before they were accosted by the women of Max’s family. The ladies hugged each of them, pressing excited kisses to their cheeks long before Chloe knew who they were.

She saw the look of concern on Max’s face. He worried too much about her. But she had to admit that she loved her big, sweet, sexy protector. She smiled as an older woman with blonde hair and Max’s beautiful, blue eyes hugged her once again.

Chloe glanced back across the yard to Max. In his arms, he swung a little boy about the age of four. He had dark hair and blue eyes just the same as Max. Both of them smiled excitedly.

Max set the boy on his hip and approached the group of women. “Hey, Chloe. Let me introduce to you my mom, Lucy.” He indicated to the woman who had just hugged her to death. He motioned to the two younger women beside her. “These are my two sisters, Jenny and Tami. Behind them is my Aunt Marge. And this,” he bounced the boy on his hip, “Is my nephew, Tyson.”

“It’s wonderful to meet you all,” Chloe gushed.

“We’re so happy to meet you too, Chloe,” Lucy greeted. “Max has told us so much about you. Dad should be home from the store in just a few minutes, and the guests will arrive in a half hour. Max, I need your help in the backyard setting up tables.”

“Of course, Mom. Lead the way.” Max set Tyson down beside him. He took the little boy’s hand in his and followed his mom. Chloe accompanied Max’s sisters into the house to finish with the food.

Chloe watched out the kitchen window. Max had an incredible relationship with his mom, talking with her while he set up the tables where she indicated. Tyson adored his uncle, chattering away to Max. Max stopped working for a moment to toss a football with the little boy. Tyson caught it and tossed it back. She sighed as she smiled. Max would make such a great father someday.

The guests arrived, and the party started. Max’s family went to great lengths to make Chloe feel like she belonged. She watched them together. All she had ever known of family was her mom. She had never known a family like this one, a family that was so close. The sisters loved to tease their only brother. Max could dish out as well as he could receive. And their extended family had driven from all over Minnesota to celebrate Tyson’s birthday. There had to be at least fifty people there. Chloe had never seen anything like it.

Once the lawn chairs were set out, and Tyson had staked a spot on the grass to play with his new gifts and his second cousins, Max wrapped his hand around Chloe’s. “Let’s get away for a little bit.”

She nodded. They wove through the mass of family toward the front yard, stopping briefly to tell Max’s dad they would be right back. They climbed into the car. Max drove a short distance to the state park in the town, weaving past the campgrounds and picnic tables to park in the lot outside the shelter.

Max and Chloe walked along the trail. She looked up at the towering trees, the blue sky that stretched above the lofty canopy of green leaves. In the distance, she could hear the rush of water.

They stepped off the path onto a beach alongside a slow running river. Buried deep into the course sand was the footing of a rickety, rough wood bridge that stretched across the water to the other side. Max took Chloe’s hand and tugged her toward it. Once they ascended the steps, he nudged his leather sandals off. Chloe did the same as she followed him.

Max leaned his bent arms against the rail. Chloe watched him with a smile. “Did you used to come here often?” she asked.

“All the time. I used to daydream on this bridge,” he answered.

“About what?”

“Oh, lots of things. Going to college, my MMA career. Most of the time, I imagined kissing the girl I loved.”

“So, how many girls have you kissed here?” Chloe pried with a big smile.

“None. I’ve never been this in love before.”

“Oh.” Chloe gazed at the water rushing under the bridge.

“The ironic thing is that I’m now on this bridge with the girl I love, and I can’t kiss her.”

She studied him in the summer sun. Max had been her hero. He had protected her. He had always been there to take care of her after her CVS episodes. He had saved her life. She loved him with all her heart. Suddenly, she wanted to kiss him badly.

Plunging her hand into her shorts pocket, her fingers wrapped around the lip-gloss.
I can do this.

She pulled the tube out and held it up to him with a smile. The wide grin on Max’s face made her heart race. “Really? You’re all right if I kiss you?”


Max closed the gap between them with a few strides. He cupped her face in his hands, gazing into her eyes. Her eyes fluttered shut as she felt his mouth gently brush against hers. Her belly clenched for a brief moment then quivered with excitement. Her lips opened obediently as his kiss roamed deeper. The sensation of his soft ones made her tremble. She didn’t realize she had wrapped her arms around him until she felt the hard planes of his biceps against her fingertips.

As they broke apart, she could hear the hint of fear in his voice. “Chloe, are you all right?”

“Don’t stop,” she moaned.

His arms drew her tighter to him. Her plea was answered with another deep, warm kiss that left her quaking. She whimpered as his tongue gently caressed hers, tasting her like a fine piece of chocolate. No man had ever kissed her like this in her life. Ever. The only man she ever wanted to kiss her like this was the one holding her now. She never wanted him to let her go.

She didn’t know how long they stood on the bridge kissing. Her breath shuddered as they parted. Max laid his forehead against hers as he still held her in his arms. She could feel him shaking too.

“I don’t have much experience in the kissing field,” Chloe admitted.

“Chloe, baby. That was incredible,” Max sighed. “Please, I’m begging you. Tell me that’s not a one-time deal.”

“Oh, no. I don’t think I could survive without you kissing me. I didn’t know what I was missing.”

Max grinned at her before kissing her forehead. “We should get back. I hope you don’t mind my family.”

“I love your family. I’m a little jealous. You’re definitely loved.”

“You’re loved too. By me, and by my family. I would love to share them with you.”

Chloe stared at him. She could hear forever in his voice.
He forgets I’m damaged. He’s so good with Tyson. He needs a child of his own. I don’t even know if I can have a child while having CVS.

Max wrapped his arm around her as he led her back to his car. She cuddled close to him as she slid hers around his waist. She may not have this perfect man forever. But she was going to enjoy every second she did get to keep him.


The sounds of footsteps on the metal staircase echoed throughout Hard Drive. For most of those present, the staff meeting had been a great one. Max watched Chloe’s lowered head as she shuffled down the steps beside him. For her, it hadn’t. The time that Max had spent sparring with Rico had improved him dramatically. Rico was ready for a run at a championship. Jack could practically feel the leather of the championship belt in his hands. It would be a first for Hard Drive.

However, a run for the championship meant competitions. Jack had already scheduled three nearly back to back with each other. The first was in Chicago this coming weekend. Rico got the next fight off but Jack scheduled three other fighters in Minneapolis two weekends after that. Three weeks later, they would be traveling to Las Vegas to fight.

“They” meaning Jack, Rico, Max, Mark, and Dan. Not Chloe. Jack thought it best to leave a trainer at home to oversee operations of Hard Drive. Not to mention, if Chloe were to have a CVS episode on the road, it would certainly put a wrench in things. Not that she had had an episode in weeks.

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