Breaking the Silence (10 page)

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Authors: Katie Allen

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Breaking the Silence
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Slowly, Will pushed himself up on an elbow, careful not to jostle Jenny out of sleep. He was fascinated by her body. Not just the obvious places—her breasts, her pussy—but the other parts as well. Small stretch marks on her hips, the near-invisible hairs on her arms, her small fingers curled in sleep with their neat, short nails—all these little details seemed amazing to him, as if he was privileged to know these intimate things about her.

He loved the curves of her, the differences between their bodies, the way they were both strong but she was soft over the muscle. That softness drew him, made him want to bury his face between her breasts, against her belly, in the curve of her arm. He rested his cheek on her stomach, sliding across her belly until he could move the short hairs that bordered her pussy with his breath.

From there, he could smell her—secret and musky and different from him. He shifted his body down in the bed so he could lie between her legs. Hooking his hands behind her knees, he pushed them up and apart until she was sprawled open for him and he could see everything.

Will kissed her tentatively, touching her lightly with his tongue. Knowing how she tasted was another private thing he relished learning about her. He felt an awareness in her muscles and he knew she was awake. He paused but she remained still, allowing his exploration. Will ran his tongue between the folds, around the top and back down the other side.

With one hand he pulled her pussy open and licked, a broad stroke of his tongue. He felt Jenny shudder at this and moisture leaked from her opened flesh. Pleased at her response, Will thrust his tongue inside her, as far as he could, withdrew it and thrust again. Jenny was pushing her hips at him now, small, involuntary jerks.

He licked her with a flat tongue again, bottom to top, and felt her hips thrust in reaction when he flicked her clit at the end of the stroke. He focused on the small bud, circling it lightly with the tip of his tongue. When Will heard her breathing roughen from his attentions, he sucked it lightly into his mouth, grazing it just barely with his teeth.

Jenny almost came off the bed and her excited juices ran from her. Will brought up his other hand and touched her, following the path that his tongue had taken with his fingers. He pressed a fingertip into her and her body accepted it with eager wetness. He felt the smooth slickness of her walls and explored, noticing what places and which way of stroking brought the strongest motions of her hips, the loudest moans.

When he pulled away from her pussy with his fingers and mouth, Jenny groaned her disappointment, desperately tugging on his head, trying to move him back into place. Instead of obeying, Will explored downward, caressing the skin below her pussy with his tongue, licking his way to her anus.

This was another secret place he wanted to learn, wanted to invade. He didn’t know if Jenny would let him but he wanted to know all of her with his tongue, his fingers, his cock. He was desperate to explore all the ways to be inside her body.

He circled her back opening with his tongue, and her breathing quickened again. She tilted her pelvis up, offering him better access, and he took it. He pushed into her with a pointed tongue and the strong muscle around the opening clamped around him, making his cock jerk with the thought of fucking her here, feeling that tight squeeze around his erection.

He moved his tongue in and out, slipping two fingers into her pussy at the same time. She jolted at his double invasion.

“Oh please, oh please, oh please,” she muttered over and over, tightening around his tongue and fingers, but Will forced himself to ignore her pleas and moved his mouth away. Jenny gave a protesting moan and pressed vainly at his head again.

He pressed one of his fingers, slick from her pussy, into the puckered entrance to her anus, pushing until he was allowed in to the first knuckle. He moved his fingertip in and out in tiny motions while his mouth found her clit again and he flicked it lightly with his tongue. As Will sucked the swollen nub gently between his lips, he pressed the full length of his finger into her ass.

Jenny came hard, screaming her pleasure as she curved her body upward in a stiffened arch, clamping down on his finger, her liquid pleasure dampening the sheet beneath her. At her orgasm, Will remembered vividly how amazing it felt to have his cock inside her as she came, feeling the vibrations of her pleasure, and he was frantic to be buried in her again.

He was above her, the tip of his erection poised at her entrance, when he remembered that he needed a condom. Last night’s scramble for protection had scattered his supply and none were within easy reach. Gritting his teeth, he moved his rigid cock to her belly with a groan.

“My turn.” Jenny, still panting from her climax, pushed at Will’s shoulder, urging him to turn onto his back. He obeyed and Jenny straddled his chest, leaning over him so that her breasts brushed his chin and her hair formed a curtain around his head. Will moved so his mouth was beneath a nipple, catching the sensitive nub between his lips. Jenny jumped, startled, and pulled her breast free with a teasing shake of her head. She smiled at his sulky pout.

“I said,” she reprimanded him, ducking down to nip at his lower lip, “that it’s my turn.”

Jenny sat back on his stomach and she could feel him on the insides of her thighs. His muscles moved, just the slightest ripple under his skin, and the living, breathing motion of him filled her with such an intense feeling of—she didn’t know what. Lust? Possession? Love? Okay…it was
too early for that last one, wasn’t it? Tangled in a confusing mess of emotions, Jenny stared at Will. He held her gaze, still and patient beneath her, only the blue-flame heat of his eyes betraying his excitement.

Jolted back to the reality of the aroused man she was straddling, Jenny lightly flattened her hands over the top of his chest. With beautiful Will lying so obediently underneath her, she should take full advantage of this opportunity. Jenny smiled a little cat smile, watching his eyes flare and his throat flex as he swallowed.

Kneading his chest, Jenny just looked at him. In the mad rush of passion the night before, she hadn’t had the opportunity to do more than get blurred glimpses of his body. Even lying down, Will was huge. Jenny liked how petite she felt next to him, how tiny and feminine. Any niggling concerns she might have about being too fat disappeared when she was close to him. The way he watched her helped too—that intensely sexual stare left no doubt in her mind that he thought she was perfect, curves and all.

While she was busy examining him, Will laid his palms over the heels of her feet. The heat of his hands was shocking—Jenny hadn’t even realized her feet were cold until he covered them, wrapping his fingers around her ankles.

She smiled at him again, slid her hands around his thick wrists and stretched his arms over his head. “You’re cheating again,” she murmured. “Stay.”

“Woof.” Will mocked her command gently but obeyed, keeping his arms above his head when Jenny moved her hands from his wrists. With her fingertips, she traced the raised veins of his forearms to the insides of his elbows, where the skin was as soft as hers. Jenny moved to lick one creased hollow, tasting salt and Will, the masculine essence that clung to him. Will quivered at the touch of her tongue, turning his raspy cheek against the side of her breast that rested next to his head. He stretched up toward her, trying to kiss her mouth.

Jenny shook her head at him, her loose hair brushing his face, teasing his skin. “Behave yourself,” she purred, dragging both of her pink nipples across his lips as she moved to his other side. Will groaned and followed her breasts with his mouth, trying to catch one of the elusive nubs. She laughed huskily and ran her tongue along the inner elbow of his other arm, keeping her lips on him as she moved toward his shoulder, kissing and nipping his flexing triceps. Will flinched a little as she kissed his armpit and reflexively lowered his arm.

Jenny stopped him, meeting his eyes. “I want to know all of you—not just the pretty parts,” she said. Instantly, Jenny was afraid that it had been the wrong thing to say—not casual enough, too girlfriend-y—but Will just nodded and moved his arm back to where she had placed it above his head. She rewarded him with a graze of teeth along the top of his shoulder.

Tracing the grooves of the tendons on his neck, Jenny explored him with her mouth, using her lips, teeth and tongue to find all the places that made him shiver and groan and turn his chin up in a silent request for more. The tender space behind his earlobe was one of his favorites. When she gently pulled at his lobe with her teeth, Will clenched one hand in the other until sweat shined on his skin. Jenny investigated his face too—cheeks, nose, forehead, eyelids, chin—circling around his mouth, teasing, touching her tongue to the groove above his top lip.

“Please, Jenny,” Will groaned.

She couldn’t resist him when he said her name like that, so she kissed him with parted lips, continuing her exploration of him inside his mouth, tracing the shape of his teeth, feeling the smooth sides of his tongue and the only slightly rougher top. Will strained against her, pushing his chest into her breasts, his small, stiff nipples rubbing against hers, grinding his stomach into the heat of her pussy. Too soon, Jenny ended the kiss, breathing hard against his mouth.

“More,” Will grunted, lifting his head toward her, but she laughed and shook her head. She sat up, pushing herself back and sliding easily across his flexing belly, mixing the wetness of her excitement with the liquid of his sweat. Straddling his hips, his erection nestled between her buttocks, Jenny leaned down again, licking the salt from his chest. She circled his nipple with her tongue before closing her lips on it.

At the sucking contact, Will’s cock surged against the crack of her ass. Tugging at the nub with her teeth, Jenny pulled up gently and let it go. She worked the other nipple in her mouth, nipping, pulling, sucking, while feeling the reaction of his eager erection against her.

His excitement multiplied her own and Jenny could hear her own breathing, felt her chest heave as she panted. She slid down his body until her pussy slicked over his erection, heat against heat. Will’s hips jerked against her, begging for entrance. Jenny ignored his silent pleas and moved down until she straddled his legs.

Will growled at the cessation of contact as his cock throbbed, dark and desperate, against his lower belly. Jenny’s hands climbed his thighs, pushing them apart as she moved to kneel between his legs, running her thumbs along the connection between thigh and groin and making air hiss between his teeth as his erection jumped. Moving her hands together, she circled the base of his cock and caressed his hardness. Will jolted at the touch, his body vibrating with tension.

Slipping her curled fingers from base to tip, she moved her other hand down to stroke his balls, cupping and fondling the delicate pouch. Not able to wait any longer to taste him, Jenny ran her tongue along the underside of his erection, tracing the vein that throbbed there. She licked the moisture seeping from the tip, lapping gently against the head before probing the small hole with a pointed tongue. Will’s back arched and he panted, sounding like he had been sprinting for miles.

Jenny moved her lips to his scrotum, pulling him into her mouth, sucking his balls lightly, pulling down gently before allowing them to pop free. She lapped her way back to the tip of his penis and enclosed the head with her lips. Swirling her tongue around him, Jenny relaxed her throat and took him as deeply as she could, her lips touching her own hand wrapped around the base of his erection.

Her cheek and throat muscles massaged his flesh, sucking at him as Jenny pulled back until just the head was still captive in her lips. She plunged down again, swallowing him whole. His control snapped and he seized her head, tangling his fingers in her hair and holding her down while his hips thrust upward, fucking her face wildly with only her hand on his cock preventing her from choking on him.

Will exploded, his body jerking as he shot his release down her throat. She swallowed him eagerly, her throat and cheeks working on him, pulling hungrily as new shudders racked his body, draining him until he lay limp against the sweat-soaked sheet.

Unclenching his fists from her hair, Will smoothed her head with small, jerky strokes. Jenny’s cheek rested on his hip and he patted her face, muttering, “Sorry, sorry, sorry…”

She turned her head so she could look up at him, flattening her hands on his lower belly and resting her chin on them. “For what?”

Will closed his eyes. “Being too rough.”

“You weren’t too rough. Don’t worry, if you get too rough I’ll definitely let you know.” Jenny grinned, amused. “I have teeth, you know, and that was a very sensitive part of you in my mouth at the time.”

“I pulled your hair.”

She shrugged. “Eh. Didn’t feel it. I was…caught up in the moment, shall we say.”

“I came in your mouth.” Jenny could actually see him brace for her reaction.

When she laughed softly, Will opened one eye. Jenny burrowed up next to him and snuggled against his side, kissing his throat.

“That you did,” she murmured. Raising her face until their lips were just a breath apart, she asked, “Want to know how you taste?”

With that, she kissed his stunned mouth. After a bare second, he broke the kiss, catching her against his chest and burying his face in her neck. Jenny squeaked at the hard squeeze of his arms, the rasp of his prickly cheek against her delicate skin. His arms were already relaxing and she realized he was falling asleep. She was amazed by how quickly he could drop off—awake and rolling her around one minute, dead to the world the next. Smiling gently, she ran a hand across his drowsy head and kissed his ear.

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