Breathless Series - (7 page)

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Authors: Katelyn Skye

Tags: #Anthologies, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Anthologies & Short Stories, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Collections & Anthologies, #Literature & Fiction

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Alyssa had thought the idea was fantastic and assured the Edge people that she couldn’t wait to get on it. The agreement was finally concluded and she’d gone away with the sense that she wasn’t as joyous as she should be. What did Lucas mean by cutting off all personal ties with her? And even business wise, he kept well out of it. It irked to say the least that their few hours of passion had meant little or nothing to him and that he’d probably forgotten they’d even shared that much.

And as the weeks followed that night, she began to realize she’d been accurate; Lucas had forgotten all about her. No thanks to the pictures she started to see of him and his newest conquest. Judging from his relationship history, Lucas favored super models and A-list actresses or music stars. Basically, famous females who also topped a few ‘sexiest women’

Now he was being photographed with Erin Meriwether who was a British theater star; a gorgeous and lissome redhead with the most beautiful creamy skin Alyssa had ever seen. They’d been seen together on several occasions, attending red carpet events or elegant art shows. Seeing him with someone else made Alyssa feel worse than she’d have imagined.

Naturally she hadn’t expected anything different from him. He was a rich and renowned bachelor. It wasn’t out of place for him to require a beautiful woman on his arm. What still amazed Alyssa was that he’d ever been interested in someone like her. True, it would have been based solely on sex and submissive sex at that, where her role would be to pander to his every carnal whim. But at least she’d have been able to have a piece of his time and attention.

Well, she’d had her chance and she’d blown it. She’d told Lucas Edge ‘no’ and he’d spared it no more consideration. It had been ‘on to the next one’ probably as soon as he dropped her off that night.

Huffing in self-disgust, Alyssa pushed away from her work desk and turned in her swivel chair before rising and heading for the window. She stared out looking over the tree-speckled skyline and thought of how the past few weeks had gone.

She’d kept up her social and business engagements, always making sure she stayed up to the minute with all the elements of her author persona. She knew she was lucky to be where she was today and never took it for granted. So the interviews, the photo shoots and the book signings were allowed to take up a lot of her time. Some required travel and she’d spent a lot of days going on book tours around the country. It was true she kept herself busy but the fact remained that she was lonely.

Her sister and even her close friends never stopped trying to hook her up. Blind dates and introductions to this or that eligible hunk…Alyssa had never got drawn in. But that evening, she was to meet Pam for drinks with her boyfriend and his friend and business partner. Alyssa had initially felt embarrassed to be set on a double date with her younger sister, but now she was looking forward to it. Anything was better than staring at an empty computer screen or mooning around her large home.

Her success had brought her a lot of things that money could buy. But Alyssa could not deny some things didn’t come with a price tag. She found herself wishing she’d given herself the one night with Lucas and not just the few hours they’d spent together. And if she could only dig deeper, she knew she’d be forced to admit that she wished she’d taken up his offer to enter a relationship as his sub. What would she have had to lose? She could have walked away at any time she felt uncomfortable, she knew. And yet she’d been too scared to even try.

Now she felt like such a fool. Life had given her a dream opportunity; the chance to make her deepest fantasies come true and in the arms of a handsome billionaire. Although with a man with dark, kinky tastes. But hadn’t she always longed for something new and exciting? An encounter that would send her blood pumping faster; make her nerve-endings come alive like never before. Lucas Edge could have given her all that, but she’d run away out of fear of the unknown.

Well, she was never going to get another chance. The possibility of meeting him again was slim considering he was some entrepreneur with a thousand things to do – and besides it wasn’t like they ran in the same social circles. Alyssa had to remind herself that the only reason they’d met in the first place was because he’d set it up with her agent.

Alyssa felt her teeth bite down hard on her bottom lip as she thought of the fact that Lucas Edge had wanted her that much he’d sought her out – and as far as she knew he’d acquired the thriving publishing firm just to have a reason to be connected to her. A man didn’t go through all that effort just on an impulse.

And when they’d been together…it had been good. True, it was just sex but it had been the closest she’d come to perfect pleasure. There could have been the chance of something deeper if only she hadn’t felt so damned insecure.

Now she’d lost her one chance with him and she’d have the rest of forever to regret it. Unless…

Shaking her head to clear her wishful thoughts, Alyssa sighed deeply and decided to get ready for her ‘hot’ double date. Pam had assured her that
Brendan, the man Alyssa had been hooked up with for the evening, was much of a catch. Not that it mattered; Alyssa just wanted a means to pass the time. She wasn’t looking for romance or even love. But she didn’t want to be alone – didn’t want to remember, or regret. That she’d had her chance at something special and electrifying that could have changed her life forever and now it was gone.


Alyssa glanced around the crowded room, trying to hide her nervousness. Just another glamorous evening, with beautiful paintings and equally beautiful people, spending big money to acquire them.

She pressed her palms down her clinging dress and smiled in thanks as she accepted a glass of champagne from a passing waiter. She drew in a deep breath and faced one of the eye-catching artworks dotting the elegant walls. She heard a sound behind her and glanced over her shoulder, only to have a camera flash in her face. Trying not to flinch, she turned away again, quelling another sigh. She’d probably find herself on the pages of some society column tomorrow, attending a high-class art exhibition unattended.

Not that she hadn’t had willing dates. Brendan for one, would have been great for companionship. He’d certainly been playing escort quite admirably in the past two weeks since they’d met. For an IT engineer, he was very hip and certainly knew how to give a girl a good time. They’d gone on dinner dates, a few nights spent clubbing and hanging out with other friends.

Brendan was a good guy, handsome and charming. There’d been a few kisses, and Alyssa had tried, really tried. But she felt nothing. Here was a red-blooded man who was evidently attracted to her and Brendan had tried enough times to get them to spend the night together. However each date ended with nothing more than a chaste kiss goodnight. Alyssa felt no spark of passion from the touch of his lips or his presence. His attention was flattering but it all left her cold.

Alyssa wondered if it would always be like this. Would she find no one who could give her the same thrill she’d felt in Lucas’ arms? It was frightening to consider.

And now here she was, all dressed up in her most alluring outfit and shoes; her hair sleek and styled to perfection thanks to the hours she’d spent at the salon earlier. She’d caught several interested looks from the other males at the event. Some had even seemed promising in terms of excitement. But she wasn’t about to take the risk only to discover she’d been wrong and there was nothing there.

So she ignored the obvious attempts of a handful of bold ones of vying to get her attention. But when a particular man walked into the room, she caught her breath and looked away sharply. For a few moments she felt like she was swaying on her feet, till she placed her hand against a nearby column and regained her balance.

“Are you alright?” a deep, concerned voice asked and she looked up and saw a strange face
; a good-looking gentleman who didn’t look much older than thirty. His expression was concerned and he had an endearing white smile. Alyssa quickly nodded and said she was fine, and gave a hesitant smile before spinning and walking away before he could strike up a conversation.

She felt bad about brushing another nice guy off, but Alyssa suddenly felt like the evening was too much for her. What had made her think she could do this?

She dumped her half-full glass on the next table she passed and was heading straight for the ladies’ room when she heard his voice say her name.

She whirled around and faced Lucas, who looked surprised yet pleased to see her. “Alyssa,” he said warmly, his eyes sweeping in admiration over her. “How nice to see you again.”

“Yes,” Alyssa heard herself say foolishly. She couldn’t think of anything else to add. He was so fine. As hot as she remembered. Dark hair perfectly groomed, his clothes fitting impeccably to his lithe frame. His face, smoothly shaved and as handsome as sin. She looked into his eyes and felt like she was reeling. Nothing had changed, she realized. Just being this close to him was all it took and she was pierced by a laser-like shaft of need.

“You look…ravishing,” he said deeply, his eyes pinned to her face. Blushing furiously, she looked away and caught the curious looks from many of the other guests. Schooling her expression, she faced Lucas again.

“Thank you. And you look well. I…I’m happy to see you,” she added, trying to keep the accusation from her tone and failing.

He seemed to read her like a book, and his lips slanted in a small, slightly ironic smile. But he chose to keep up the air of cordiality. “A friend of mine owns this gallery and suggested I checked out a few pieces for my personal collection. I can see one or two that would sit well in my mansion in the country.”

“Well then, I’d better not keep you,” she said, about to back away when he slipped a firm hand around her wrist, making her pause.

“No, it’s great that you’re here. You could give me your opinion. I’d really appreciate it,” he said, his long fingers warm and sensual where they pressed into her flesh, his thumb lightly caressing her jumping pulse.

“That’s nice of you to say but I don’t think that would be wise, do you? I mean, being seen with some other lady on your arm. I doubt your girlfriend would approve.”

“My girlfriend?” Lucas cocked a brow at her, and then his eyes narrowed moments later in realization. “You mean Erin.”

Alyssa wanted to tear her wrist out of his grip as jealous anger she’d never known she was capable of feeling surged through her. “Yes, the beautiful stage actress. You both have seemed inseparable in the past weeks. And I thought you said you didn’t date,” she told him through a tight smile. “Or maybe you’ve found someone to play the willing sub you so desired?”

Lucas’s eyes flashed with the first spark of annoyance. She could feel his fingers tighten fractionally around her wrist. “Erin and I don’t have that kind of relationship. I told you, you are the first woman I’ve felt like sharing that with in a long time and that hasn’t changed.”

Unwisely, Alyssa’s heart lifted at those words, though his dark, angry eyes made it seem less than a romantic declaration. “But you don’t deny you’re with her,” she said coldly.

Lucas released her hand, looking away from a moment as he expelled an impatient breath. “Alyssa, I made you and offer and you refused. Being the man I am I had to respect your wishes. In the past few weeks I’ve tried to lick my wounds and put it behind me. I never had to force a woman to be my submissive and I didn’t intend to start with you despite the fact…. that I’ve wanted it to be you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone or anything, ever.”

Now he looked definitely pissed off that he’d been forced to make that confession. Alyssa chewed on her bottom lip, watching his every expression and wishing they were somewhere more private and not in the middle of such an exposed environment where their conversation could easily be overheard. She was aware of the cameras and the paparazzi dotting the corners, waiting for a scoop.
‘Top romance writer embroiled in steamy liaison with billionaire mogul. Is love in the air?
’ Alyssa could just see the seedy headlines and she grimaced inwardly.

But before she could speak, Lucas was adding coolly, “I didn’t mean to cut off from you so entirely but it was the only way, Alyssa. I couldn’t chance getting to see you again or being around you – and risk acting the fool because I would have tried to get you to change your mind, by hook or crook.
Because if you said no again, it would be even worse than hearing it that first time. No one has ever done that, Alyssa. I normally get what I want. Always.”

“I know,” Alyssa whispered, moving just that bit closer. She saw his eyes sharpen and then narrow to even thinner slits as he watched her lips move to form her sensuous words. “But I always assumed a man like you would like a challenge.”

“Oh I do. I enjoy the chase,” he rejoined, his dark lashes sweeping low to conceal his thoughts. “But the target has to want to be pursued. She has to hunger for her capture as much as she fears it. Her heart has to pound with equal measures of resistance and desire. Which will in turn make her surrender all the more…satisfying.”

“I understand,” Alyssa said softly, staring up at him and feeling lost in his icy grey eyes rimmed with dark embers. “I understand a lot of things now. That’s why I came here tonight. A part of me wished I could see you - knowing full well you favored this particular art gallery and with this big showing tonight...” She shrugged, hoping he could read the rest of what she couldn’t say.

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