Breathless Series - (8 page)

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Authors: Katelyn Skye

Tags: #Anthologies, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Anthologies & Short Stories, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Collections & Anthologies, #Literature & Fiction

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It made her quiver deep inside to see the blaze glow higher within his piercing gaze. “Alyssa. Think carefully about what you’re telling me. You don’t say these things and just let them hang in the air undefined. I don’t like games.”

“Good, because I’m not playing one.” Alyssa turned around, giving him a significant glance over her bare shoulder, before carefully to the other end of the room and turning a corner.

She hadn’t been so sure he was following, but as she reached out of sight she felt a powerful arm spin her shoulders round and the next moment she was backed up hard against the wall. The feeling of Lucas pressing hard into her soft, giving body with his own formidably solid frame made her weak at the knees and she was glad for his hands on her shoulders keeping her upright while his lower body ground into hers. She could feel his burgeoning arousal thick against her thighs and her eyes flew up to meet his narrowed gaze.

Her gaze lowered to his lips and they were so full of sensual promises, so deliciously curved. She inched on tiptoe and couldn’t hold back the urge to press her mouth into his in a soft, eager kiss. He groaned low in his throat but didn’t pull away. Emboldened, Alyssa deepened the kiss, parting her lips moistly. Alyssa couldn’t honestly say she’d never kissed a man the way she kissed Lucas in the moments that followed. She surrendered herself within that kiss; gave him no room for doubt. Her softness dipped within his firmness, and when he growled roughly, grabbing her closer, Alyssa felt a thrill that was sharp and tingling. Her breasts stung at their
tips which grazed his chest, and even with the layers of clothes between them, there was no fighting the mounting excitement.

He took command of the kiss, his tongue wrestling with hers the moment she delved shyly into his mouth. He grabbed both sides of her face and ravaged her till she was trembling, and then he pulled back to stare fixedly into her eyes, his gaze compelling and dark.

“You’ll need to be ready to please me. In everything,” he told her huskily, his cheekbones defined almost harshly with the arousal that burned upon his features.

“Yes. I’m ready,” Alyssa said with a breathy tone, her hands resting on his chest and beneath her palms she was conscious of the deep pound of his heartbeat.

“It’s more than just saying the words,” Lucas warned and she’d never seen his eyes so dark and full of intent. “I’ll have to be sure you mean it.”

His lips skimmed over hers one more time, just enough to leave her panting and clinging to his lapel. Then he took her wrist and then tugged her to his side. “There’s a place. Downtown. I haven’t been there in a while but it’s just what I think we need to break you into this properly.”

“Okay,” Alyssa said slowly, her fingers closing around his trustingly. His smile had just the right tilt of wolfishness to tickle her secret folds and she felt her knees tremble as he began to lead her in the direction of the main exit. “What is this place exactly that we’re headed?”

He glanced back at her, his eyes twinkling wickedly. “A BDSM club.”

Alyssa inadvertently stumbled on her high heels as they made it out of the building, and Lucas drew her close to his side. She turned her face to his instinctively and felt him drop one last hard, possessive kiss on her lips. If he saw the suddenly glow of excitement and consternation on her face, he didn’t comment on it.

He pulled away from her trembling mouth as the valet drove his sleek car up to where they stood, and as Alyssa joined Lucas in the front passenger seat she thought of the big step into the wild she was making and hoped to heavens she knew what she was doing…

Breathless Book 3: Edge Of Reason


Chapter One

Alyssa could honestly say she had no idea what she was letting herself in for.

It was true she had written about certain elements of kink and the ‘lifestyle’. Goodness knows she’d done enough research just to come across authentic and to look like she actually knew what she was writing about. But when it came to BDSM clubs, or dungeons or whatever they were called, any knowledge she had about them was purely theoretic.

Looked like she was finally going to get a front stage pass.

Lucas drove them away from the gallery and reached an intersection just outside town when he turned to her with a small, tilted smile. “You’re sure you want to do this? This is really what you want?”

“Yes,” she breathed, staring straight into his piercing eyes. “This is what I really, really want.
With you. It’s just…I hope I look okay. I don’t know if I’m properly dressed for such a place.”

Alyssa felt the warmth of Lucas’s gaze sweep over her. “You look ravishing.” He squeezed her shoulder gently. “Only, there is one more thing.”

He produced a strip of black silk, which he went on to tie around her head as a blindfold. Alyssa found herself about to make a squeak of protest when his finger on her lips silenced her. She felt his hand rest on her knee for a moment as he caressed the smooth flesh bared by her thigh-skimming evening dress.

Alyssa felt all kinds of excited. She was nervous and vulnerable, seated
there blindfolded, Lucas not saying anything more as he continued driving.

She rested back in her seat, her mind in a whirl about what possibly lay ahead.

She’d come out tonight hoping to meet him, and had never been sure what his reaction would be to seeing her again. And yet, it had taken only a few minutes for her to make her confession: she wanted this. Whatever it was; whatever it took. She was done hiding behind her world of make-believe where she could only dream about such things. Happily, Lucas had given her a second chance and she wasn’t going to mess it up. Pleasing him, fulfilling his every wish, that was the only option.


After what seemed like half an hour of driving in silence, the car slowed and turned into what felt like a private road. Alyssa’s heartbeat quickened as they stopped, and she sat quite still while Lucas reached around to untie her blindfold.

She blinked her eyes open, and found herself looking at the entryway of a sprawling manor-style house. Lucas got out and soon opened her door, taking her arm and then leading her up the steps to the wide entrance patio. There was a metal gateway that opened mechanically once Lucas keyed in a code into the security system built into the side.

Once through, they walked through an archway to a door where a stunningly beautiful blue-eyed blonde dressed in only two items: black nipple tassels and a gauzy skirt that barely topped her bottom. Her body was so slim and elegant that even her barely-there outfit seemed tasteful.

Alyssa concealed her surprise as the smiling hostess led them to the next room, where once the doors opened the sound of music and chatting voices filled the air. Alyssa found
herself standing just inside the entrance as the doors closed behind them. The surrounding was designed like a nightclub, the lighting subtle and as darkly themed as the décor. There was a bar, a seating section and an area for dancing. Alyssa looked around at the other patrons, and saw many individuals both male and female wearing collars, leashes or chains. There were fewer leather-clad persons than she’d expected; it looked much like a sort of alternative club and nothing sinister at all.

Alyssa wasn’t surprised to also see half-naked servers, male and female, walking around holding trays for drinks and food. But she did get startled to see a few other things. She saw a woman, dressed elegantly and with something that looked like a diamond-encrusted collar on her neck, resting on her knees on the floor beside chair of a handsome looking young man seated at the table with two other guests. Across the room, another ‘owned’ slave, a female, stood naked next to her dominate who was a woman dressed in a power suit all in red to match her lipstick.

Lucas’s hand on the small of her back led her to the bar where he ordered them drinks. He turned her to him and she looked up into his face, which held no clues except that same dark, penetrating look that always thrilled her.

“You’re here as my property,” he informed her with a small smile as his knuckles brushed down her arm, making Alyssa shiver inwardly with pleasure at his possessive tone and touch. “Which means you’ll not speak without my express permission; neither will you interact with anyone, or let anyone touch you unless I sanction it. Answer ‘yes Sir’ if you understand.”

“Yes Sir,” Alyssa replied, heart suddenly tripping as she thought feverishly:
it begins

He nodded approvingly. “Drink up,” he said, indicating her
cocktail which stood waiting before her. Alyssa couldn’t keep the slight tremor from her hand as she brought the glass to her lips.

Lucas turned away as someone suddenly came up to speak to him. Alyssa glanced their way to see him speaking to a tall, blond-haired man who had to be at least six foot five, and very handsome. He was dressed in just a pair of leather pants and a bowtie and his magnificently broad torso was smooth and muscular. Alyssa swept her gaze away instantly and meekly stared into her drink as she tried to get her heart rate down while she thought of Lucas’s words. His property. For some reason, the phrase made her innermost folds twitch between her thighs. And then saying ‘yes Sir’ to him had had such a surreally sexy ring in it. It made her sound so pliant and reticent, and oh-so-eager to please. Which, she couldn’t
lie, she very well was.

She barely caught their low conversation but she heard the other man say, “It’s good to see you back in the club after so long, Lucas. What with that episode with Sara…”

“That’s done now,” Alyssa heard Lucas say briskly, and something in his tone made her perk to attention and she wished she could hear more but Lucas had his back turned to her, saying a few low words to the other man who suddenly let out a chuckle.

“Well, if there’s anything you need tonight, let me know. I’m about to start a training session with the sub of one of my top members. The little pet requires discipline and her Master is too soft to punish her properly. There’s a viewing section in case you’re interested,” the blond man said.

Lucas turned to Alyssa, slipping his hand round her waist as he drew her slightly forward while he replied, “That’ll be great – though I intend to get busy myself later,” Lucas said lightly. “James, meet Alyssa. Alyssa, why don’t you say hello to James – Lord Master James to you. He owns this fine establishment and also happens to be a close friend and associate. ”

“Hello, Lord James,” Alyssa said dutifully, stepping in front of Lucas and coming face to face with James who grinned in welcome.

“Nice to meet you, Alyssa,” James said as he came forward. Alyssa glanced at Lucas who nodded and she then placed her fingers in James’ large hand. She felt James’ interested and admiring gaze, before he released his firm, warm grip and smiled at Lucas.

“You’ve always had fine taste, my friend,” James said to Lucas. “And I’m sure you’ll both enjoy your evening.”

“Oh, I intend that we do,” Lucas murmured, his hand running up the small of Alyssa’s back as his words made her tingle.

James nodded with approval. “The play room of your choice will be at your disposal, as well as any assistance or equipment you’ll require.”

“Thank you James; always the perfect host,” Lucas said, as both men shook hands warmly. When James walked off, Lucas turned to Alyssa.

His hands on her waist drew her closer, and Alyssa felt her body melt as he held her against his solidly built frame. “There’s a fully equipped basement for kink,” he said in her ear as he leaned in close. His breath tickled her ear and made her shiver with the now familiar arousal only he could switch on so easily. “This is just the bar and nightclub section, but there are also private rooms where you can watch or be watched during play. And if we need some alone time…there are suites as well where we can spend the night if we wish.”

His lips felt so warm and soft yet firm as they slid along her jaw. Her eyes felt misted over as his sensuous kisses made the room seem even dimmer as everything faded away for some moment. It was like she was on a drug; lost in a high that came from being hooked on Lucas’s special brand of sexiness.

Just then, Lucas cupped her head and stared into her face as if captivated by each feature. “I’ve wanted this for a long time, Alyssa,” he told her softly. “And just about when I’d all but given up the possibility, you offer yourself to me. Believe me, your trust will not be misplaced. You’ve taken a bold step and it will not go unrewarded.”

Alyssa let out a low whine as his low, husky words made her skin tingle where his breath teased her. He didn’t say any more, but drew back and then took her hand before leading her out of the room, her heart racing with excitement.

Chapter Two

The deeper they went into the manor, the more intriguing it became; the more…vivid.

There were many viewing rooms, and just as Lucas had said, you could easily watch what happened inside. Alyssa saw a few things that excited her and also made a trickle of trepidation slide down her back.

It was like a playground for adults, and it was almost difficult to try to take everything in. To the right there was a room with a naked woman lying face-down on a bed with her limbs strapped up to a spreader bar which left her ass and pussy exposed, both spots red from the switch her master used to punish her. Alyssa saw the mix of pain and pleasure that swept across the woman’s face with each stroke and Alyssa felt a thrill watching the woman endure such delicious and degrading pleasure, bound so uncomfortably to that spreader bar that left her open for use.

Directly in front, there was a woman locked inside a cage. She was naked to the waist except for the leather straps forming an
X which framed her perky, round breasts. Around her neck was a spiked collar with a chain attached; a chain her master kept taut as he stood outside the cage while the other people standing around him studied his pet and complimented her breeding.

Alyssa couldn’t deny she was more than curious what it would be like to finally let go enough to experience the new thrills awaiting her. She knew that many of these practices would be centered on pain, humiliation and submissiveness. She told herself that Lucas must have seen something in her that made him feel ready to share this part of himself with her. Obviously he was a dominant; he liked to control, to conquer and tame, all in a sexual context.

Tonight, Alyssa was going to explore the possibility of her having a truly submissive side. Could she really surrender all in the way these women seemed to be doing? She was all a-shiver to find out.

Alyssa realized it might be fun to play with modesty; she was no exhibitionist by nature but if Lucas wanted, she wouldn’t mind people watching the way others were doing. She’d walked in here willingly and as they went from room to room, she began to consider the many possibilities. She was turned on, fascinated and inspired. Here was an opportunity for absolute self-expression; to seek the nucleus of one’s being and discover the boundaries of existence one was willing to break down. Alyssa knew she was more than willing to explore her limits, both sexual and psychological, with Lucas.

When he’d taken her so ruthlessly in that play room within his home, she’d discovered she had a repressed masochistic streak. She’d derived great pleasure and gratification from being dominated and used by him. She never forgot how it had felt when she’d been tied down and shivering from anticipation when he’d reappeared and then spread her open then fucked the shit out of her. Her needs or feelings hadn’t mattered at all; he’d taken her like she’d been there just for his pleasure and usage. The fact that she’d
every minute spoke volumes of how Lucas knew things about her she hadn’t even known herself. And tonight, he was going to teach her so much more.

Those were some of the thoughts running through her head as he led her upstairs to where there were even more intriguing contraptions and structures to try, all set up in different rooms and halls. Some of the devices looked to be straight out of books on the Spanish Inquisition and other medieval practices. Alyssa saw a group session taking place where a line of five or six girls were lined up naked and being put through training by a number of Doms, their activities being watched by several fully dressed and seated patrons both male and female.

Lucas didn’t let them linger there, but drew her further down the hallway to another room where three women were waiting. Two were dressed much like the other hostesses that served the establishment.

The third was a young and beautiful woman, raven haired with a body so slim and delicate it seemed impossible to believe anyone would think of ‘punishing’ her in any way for fear of breaking her.

Totally naked except for the tasseled nipple clamps swaying on her bouncy tits, her slender, shapely body seemed to glow even in the dim lighting of the great hall of the nightclub section of the building.

Alyssa held her breath as two other females walked forward with one of them holding a tray on which were a variety of objects. The blonde selected four padded leather cuffs, which had a metal ring set into each of them. One hostess proceeded to encircle the blonde’s wrists and ankles with the cuffs, while the other placed the laden tray to the side where a shelf stood. Alyssa noted that the tray held implements for impact play, such as a square paddle, a riding crop, a thin cane with a leather grip and a flogger known as a cat ‘o’ nine tails, its thongs made of braided suede.

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