Breathless Series - (12 page)

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Authors: Katelyn Skye

Tags: #Anthologies, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Anthologies & Short Stories, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Collections & Anthologies, #Literature & Fiction

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Alyssa turned into him, seeking,
her aching arms barely able to close around his neck. Of course she was his. After tonight she couldn’t imagine being anything else but his. His words pricked her with their harsh element of ownership. She may have been able to walk away that first time, but never again. She was in too deep to ever turn back now. She’d passed all reason and Lucas was all that mattered to making her existence worthwhile. She already knew she was in trouble; she could tell she was going to get hurt. Like she’d never been before. Once she let Lucas past that door, he’d possess her entirely. She could just see it happening; making Lucas the center of her universe and knowing there was no other way; no half-measures.

His face was still buried in her neck and she could hear his short, shallow breaths as his hands gripped tightly on her hips, so tight she knew he’d leave bruises. She didn’t care, digging her fingers into his hair and gripping tightly. For now, for as long as she could hold on to it, he was hers.

And when it would end, it would kill her but she’d at least know she’d lived; she’d known real passion and not just the stuff she made up in her novels. No matter the cost, she would hold on to this as long as she dared. She could never hope to keep a man like Lucas Edge for long; she wasn’t stupid enough to think that. He wasn’t exactly known for his attention span in terms of relationships.

While that fact had scared her in the past, now it made every moment with him feel more precious, rarified. Yes
; this moment, and the next, he was hers. Who needed forever?
Now was all that mattered.
And while ‘now’ lasted, she’d make it count enough to keep her warm when her blistering realm of bliss with Lucas came to a close…


Breathless Book 4: Edge Of Eternity


Chapter One

Alyssa was waiting on her knees as he’d instructed, the blindfold securely tied over her eyes. The email had been very precise and detailed, and she had no confusion as to what was expected of her prior to Lucas’s return.

She was positioned just before the door; the first thing he’d see when he walked in. Bent forward with her rear facing the entrance, her privates were on display, the image enhanced by the butt plug planted deep in her ass, the base a jeweled stem that stood just outside her anus. She felt so full; this was a much bigger plug than she was used to, one he’d selected just last week for her to wear the next time she came over for the weekend.

For three nights a week, she would play these scenes of wanton wildness so different from what she’d ever believed herself capable of. Now here she was, kneeling on all fours just inside Lucas’s hallway, waiting for his return from his trip and dressed in nothing but that delicious butt plug.

Alyssa rested her cheek against the cool marble floor, her mind reeling as she thought of how far she’d come since that night in the BDSM club all those weeks ago. Now a bona fide sub in training, she loved every second of her new way of life.

During the week, she kept busy with her work as an author, her family and friends and her personal engagements. Sometimes, if Lucas was in town and wasn’t too busy, they met for dinner, or a play or something artsy or romantic. She enjoyed every moment they spent together outside the bedroom; it gave her the chance to know him better, see beneath the shell.

The gossip columns didn’t know what to make of their relationship but Alyssa didn’t care. She didn’t need affirmation or labels. She avoided any interviews or questions about her closeness to Lucas Edge. It was well known that she was under contract with his publishing firm to write a series of novels.

However, about their private relationship, people could only speculate. Lucas was never the type to talk about his personal life and Alyssa certainly wasn’t going to go blabbing to the press. They never managed to get any compromising information or photos. Lucas was too discreet for that. Alyssa was just happy that after almost three months, they were not only still together, but going strong.

He’d taught her so much. And every day, she still learned more about how to please him with not just her body, but her ‘service’. When they were alone and in play, everything else about Alyssa Fox shut down and was locked away. She loved the fact that Lucas wanted her for her strength of will, her ability to learn and interact and not just be a mindless sponge.

Alyssa couldn’t help thinking how shocked her sister was to find out that they were a couple. “It’s almost hard to believe – not that I think you aren’t good enough, mind you. You’re gorgeous, sis,” Pam had told her firmly. “I just never believed he was really your type. I mean yes he looks like a freaking sex god, but you were never into those types. Not for matters of the heart.”

“Well, maybe you’re right,” Alyssa had replied with a light shrug. “Maybe I’m keeping my heart out of this. You could call my relationship with Lucas as a kind of deviation. I wanted the taste of something different and I’m going for it. He’s not looking for romance and neither am I. It’s purely physical.”

Her words had made Pam all the more shocked, Alyssa could tell. Alyssa hadn’t told her sister the full details of the relationship and that she was actually Lucas’s sub. But the fact was that Pam knew that her elder sister never went for casual affairs. Wasn’t that the reason Alyssa had stayed single so long? Flings, one-night stands and the passing fancy were not for her. So why was it different with Lucas?

Maybe in her heart, she still felt like she stood a chance. Even with her carefree attitude, her willingness to try anything with him, beneath it all was the hope that somehow, it would begin to mean something more to him than just a dutiful, eager sub wishing to please her Master.

They spent a lot of time alone and had the chance to talk and relax when they weren’t having sex. Those moments were precious to Alyssa as she tried to get into his head. They laughed and talked about almost anything but she felt sure she hadn’t scratched the surface with him; about what really made him tick. She didn’t know much about his background except he’d worked his way up from the bottom, making it in the ruthless corporate world out of his own ingenuity and more than a bit of good fortune.

Yes, fortune seemed to smile so easily on men like Lucas Edge. Everything in life just rolled into their laps. They had the looks, the smarts, and always seemed to be in the right place at the right time. No woman could withstand their charms and even their adversaries grudgingly admitted the fact that these men had something special. This was no different with Lucas Edge. She felt his unattainability even as they drew as close as a Dom and his sub could be. Yes, she could mostly anticipate his needs, and was able to meet his demands sexually and otherwise when they were in the scene of play and yet something was missing. He would never fully be hers, not the way she wanted. She could act all she wanted that this was all she was looking for; a chance in his bed, in his life no matter the cost. But deep within, she knew the truth.

She was madly in-love with him and there was no way out. Only devastation.

The time would come when he would walk away. And it would destroy her.

Alyssa shuddered, her eyes blinking beneath her eye mask as she tried to keep her thoughts positive, and on the fact that soon, Lucas would be walking through that door. She didn’t know the exact time he would arrive home but she knew his flight from his Europe trip had already landed. He’d been gone all week and they’d kept in contact through calls, Skype and emails. And his last message had been very concise on how she was to present herself to him on his entrance.

As always, being naked or exposed so lewdly for him made Alyssa flush with shame and excitement. Already, she was so wet and swollen she was afraid that if he walked in and just laid one finger on her, she’d erupt. Weeks of being claimed and ravaged by her demanding and rough lover had done nothing to take off the edge. He still drove her wild with his lips, the touch of his hand. His kisses still felt like they held the fruit of nectar in them; just one taste and she was swept away.

It wasn’t something she could help. Her feelings grew stronger as their bonds went deeper. She couldn’t give herself so totally without her emotions getting involved, not with a man like Lucas Edge. With some other guy maybe, but not him. There was no halfway mark when it came to him as far as she was concerned. Maybe she was starting to believe too much in the flowery forever-afters she wrote about so much. Now she was thinking the fairytale fantasy could be real.

Stop, Alyssa, just stop.
, she told herself over and over. Think how good it would feel when he comes in and finds you like this, waiting and ready.
So ready
. You haven’t touched yourself in a week, as he’d warned. There was no way he’d know for sure, but Alyssa had made sure that no matter how tempted she’d been, she’d not brought herself to orgasm all through the days and nights they’d been apart. She’d focused on her writing, and her daily concerns; charity work, going to the gym, hanging out with family and close friends.

And all through that time, her pussy had burned with need. She wanted him all the time. How was that? Sex became a constant thought in her head. But not just being fucked by him, she longed for his dominant presence and his commanding ways. The things he made her do and say. The heights he took her to when he turned her body into his private party and no one else but he was welcome…

To vent her frustrations, she buried herself in completing her awaited novels. Her mojo was back in full force, which was no wonder since she was no more just dreaming the life, but living it. She’d found the perfect guide in Lucas; a man who knew how to channel her submissive traits and in unveiling them, shrouded her with inner strength and feminine power. Even when she submitted, when she gave in to his strength, she remained as strong as ever.

The lock in the door clicked, and Alyssa stiffened, catching her breath as she heard Lucas come in. At least, she hoped it was him and not, perhaps his driver or someone making a delivery. Shit! With her blindfold on, she couldn’t tell for sure unless he spoke a word, or touched her. Yes, she’d know his touch anywhere.

But the person who came in didn’t make a sound, except to close the door quietly and firmly behind him. She could feel his gaze on her, and it made her sizzle, deep inside. She hoped he liked what he saw. She’d taken great care with her grooming, making sure there was not a scrap of hair on her body thanks to the visit she’d made to the spa yesterday. She’d also had an enema, also part of his instructions. So far they’d indulged in anal play in terms of rimming and insertions with toys and fingers. And for many hours during the week, she’d been breaking herself in with different graded sizes of butt plugs. All in readiness for tonight when Lucas intended to take her ass. She was so hungry for that final intimate act of taboo lust with him, where she could happily say he’d taken all of her; all she had to give. All her holes would be his then, to be used for his pleasure and control. Alyssa dripped faster just thinking about it.

The figure walked past her with steps that barely sounded on the ground. Lucas moved like that; like some jungle-bred puma. Silent and untamed, making your heart beat like a prey in the wild, unable to outrun its fate, being devoured by the very thing it feared and adored.

This was a different apartment, another of his many homes in the city. It was more bachelor pad than love nest, but it did have a spectacular dungeon where they’d played many a titillating scene. Alyssa felt that familiar helpless tremor rush through her when she realized it was to begin, soon. She could hear him in the bedroom, taking off his jacket, tie and shoes. She waited in position, not moving, cheek to the ground and buttocks in the air. The butt-plug, never forgotten, had stopped feeling like an alien component of her. She’d learned the way to make it one with her body, like an extended body part. Just imagining that soon, it would Lucas’s cock buried deep inside her instead, was enough to make her give off a low whine of excitement.

He was back; she could sense his return, knew he stood right there before her even before she felt his fingers comb gently through her loose hair. The tender petting made her heart race even faster than a rough pull or yank would have done.

“I missed you, little pet.”

His deep, stirring voice was reassuring in the silence and the dark of earlier. Though she still couldn’t see, she could pick his delicious scent
; a mix of some expensive, light cologne and his own personal essence. “Straighten up and rest on your heels,” he said thickly.

Body supple from weeks of muscle training and yoga, which she’d taken up more seriously at his instructions, Alyssa lifted her head from the ground and sat up on her heels while still on her knees. She felt his hands cup the back of her head and draw her face close to his groin. She felt the bulge of his hardness against her cheek and she instinctively rubbed herself against it, like an affectionate pet. Already, he was hard for her. It thrilled her to the bone that the sight of her naked frame, as well as the week apart, had brought him to such a stiff, demanding arousal.

He drew back only far enough to start to unbuckle his belt. Then Alyssa heard the zipper slide down before moments later, he brought his mushroom cap to her lips. She moaned, parting her mouth wide and reaching with her tongue.

“Good pet. Now make me cum.
You’re allowed to use your hands this time as well as those pretty lips of yours. I need to explode in your mouth soon, my girl. It’s all I thought about on the trip over.” He was combing her hair back from her forehead and then pulling back on her hair, using the long thick locks as handle bars as he guided her lips where he wanted them to go. Her hands eagerly reached up to grasp him at the base and mid-length.

There, kneeling on the cold marble, Alyssa gloried in this opportunity. It wasn’t every time she was allowed to touch him, or to have him tell her how much he desired and missed her. The very thought of it made her hands tremble as she stroked his powerful cock. He felt perfect in her hands, like no man ever had. She’d never wanted to touch or suck a man’s cock as much as she did Lucas’s. Even with her eyes closed, she could sense every raised vein, every granite-hard inch. Her tongue traced underneath the long, thick shaft, and flicked at the V-shaped notch beneath his tip. His fingers tightened in her hair, but his grip was still gentle.

She had to rely on every skill she’d learned so far in pleasing him even though she couldn’t see. That didn’t take too much from the luxury of being able to run her hands over his torso to discover he’d taken off his shirt and was bare-chested, his slacks staying on while his cock reared from the open zipper. From tip to base, she slathered him with moisture, lapping up his droplets of arousal as they beaded on his tip.

Her fingers jacked his length in firm, twisting motions as he’d shown her in the past, taking the time to bathe every inch of him with the flat of her tongue. Next, she worked her head to and fro as she sucked hard on his rigid girth. She’d had a lot of practice training her throat to take him deep so that when he pushed hard, he could fill her windpipe. Just before the gagging sensation could overwhelm her, he would withdraw, letting her draw in a
much needed breath before sliding down her throat again. It was bliss, her mouth being commandeered this way. Soon he was grasping her head in place to be fucked hard by his cock, his groin rocking against her lips in a fast, almost savage motion.

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