Bright Morning Star (4 page)

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Authors: J. R. Biery

BOOK: Bright Morning Star
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The next morning they were ready to leave with the first light. They started with a cold breakfast of hard tack and goat cheese and were each glad to leave for their own reasons.

Claire was tired at the beginning, but soon they were finally past the islands and onto the mainland of New York State on the long road west. The next planned stop was in Columbus, Ohio, where Bonnie hoped to catch up with her brothers. Young boys, too young for war, Ian and Shawn, were in basic training for the western war.

Once again on the highway outside of the large town, they stopped while Bonnie rummaged through the food-stuffs to provide another cold meal. The ladies all headed as usual together toward the tree line.

Now wide awake, Claire noticed that all the joy that had lit up Bella’s face the last couple of days was gone. She remembered every word she had overheard last night. Although she had tried to defend Henry in her mind, there was much that the woman had told him that she felt was right.


Instinctively she reached out to take the hands of the little boy, while his mother relieved herself. “Your Mother looked so captured by your son last night.” She didn’t add, before the screaming match that followed.

Bella stood and swung the little boy up into her arms to carry out of the trees before setting him down again to walk back to the wagon. “She told me last night that she was sorry. When the doctor’s diagnosed his condition as deteriorating and hopeless, she thought she was doing the right thing in sending him to the asylum.”

Bonnie asked the hard questions, “You didn’t object?”

Bella’s face darkened. Mother Wimberley moved closer to put a supporting arm around the woman. Claire expected Bella to start crying, she looked so hurt. Bella surprised them all when she raised her face and answered. “I was upset at the time. I had been told my son was going to die, there was no cure. In months, my beautiful baby would be twisted by pain and his little muscles would start to weaken,” her voice cracked.

Claire stared at the sharp, bitter lines of the woman’s face, realizing again that Bella was not old. Like Bonnie, she had suffered too much. Bonnie stood behind her, waiting. Claire took another step closer as well. But Bella’s face went from sad to angry again.

“Then my first husband abandoned me. He didn’t want to be burdened by either of us anymore. I was so despondent, when I was myself again, my parents had already placed Bernard in hospital. They told me it was so he would have the best of care. I felt so helpless. I believed there was nothing I could do to care for him.”

She stared behind her, tears standing in her eyes for real. “Bonnie, I owe you so much.”

The tall woman wrapped the small one in a big hug and Barney gave a squeal of alarm at being crushed between them. Laughing, calming the little boy, they separated.

Father Wimberley called to the clutch of women, all surrounding the mother and child. “Everything all right? We need to get going.”

All the women looked at the men. Claire didn’t see her father, but the man past his shoulder. A man she now resented, even though he wasn’t the husband who had forsaken Bella. She tried to think of something in his defense. Remembered Bonnie’s words from the night before. At least he never hit her, and they had overheard enough arguments between the couple to know that he was a far better man than most in that respect. He let his wife yell at him and nag without abusing her in return. But wasn’t ignoring her, keeping secrets from her, doing only what he wanted as bad? Claire had no answers.

Bonnie rushed to pass out the meal of bread, cheese, and apples. In minutes they were underway.




As Claire mounted the wagon, she was aware of Henry, standing and staring at his wife. He leaned forward to give her a hand up with the boy. Bella stared down at him from the seat, still not ready to forgive or forget his behavior of the night before. He looked curious, clearly wondering what the women had been talking about. He didn’t ask.

As he turned to walk to the lead animal on their team and goad the animals into motion, Claire saw the sad lines of despair clearly etched on his face.

Did he feel cut out of the group? Seeing others offer Bella sympathy, did he fear no one would speak to him now?




Claire felt her stomach growl as Father began calling to the twins and Henry to move them off the road. To the right was a wooded tree line. As soon as possible, Claire climbed down. Then she reached back under the high bench seat for a bucket and sack.

She might not spend the day walking and gathering wood for the fire, but she tried to help. On her way into the trees anyway, she always tried to find something to add to the fire or for Bonnie to use in cooking. And she didn’t want Bonnie to point out again that at least she could have brought a bucket of fresh water back.

Usually she only found wild onions, strong for eating, but good when added to the pot of beans. As soon as the meal ended every day, Bonnie would move her pot of soaked beans over the cooling fire to give them a chance to cook a little. Claire didn’t want to think of another dinner that was mostly beans.

For once, Claire was enjoying just walking about, listening to the birds, and the chattering squirrels in the tall trees. It was beautiful weather, the country peaceful. With luck, her father would find another fat farmer to buy fresh vegetables, eggs, and meat from. Although she had almost stopped minding the beans and bread. By the end of a long day, she was ready to eat her plateful of whatever Bonnie cooked.

His voice startled her, “I don’t know why I thought this made sense. This trip will never end.”

Claire stood still, staring up into Henry Lambton’s face. She was so startled, she couldn’t breathe. For the first time in a week, she would need to speak to Bella’s husband.

“Are you talking to me?” she asked.

He stared at her, his light eyes probing hers. He shook his head. “What would be the point? I’m invisible to you and everyone else on this trip.”

With that, he moved around her into the woods. Standing still, holding her breath, Claire listened. In the distance she could hear his angry muttering. Rushing, she hurried back to the campfire, handing her onions to Bonnie and dropping her bundle of dried brush with what the others had gathered.

“What’s wrong goose? You look like you’ve seen another snake,” Bonnie said.

Claire raised her hands to her cheeks, looked around for the others. Her father and the twins were leading the cattle back from the stream. Bella and Mary Anne sat with Barney, who was trying to walk on his own around the two on the bench watching him.

Claire reached out and grabbed Bonnie’s hand and drew her back behind the nearest wagon. “It’s Henry Lambton. He’s wandering around in the woods, talking to himself. He said he was invisible.”

Bonnie stared at Claire, reaching out to touch her pale face. “He’s been getting stranger, ever since our visit to the Switzer’s. He didn’t harm you?”

Claire shook her head, “No, he just frightened me.” Claire turned and looked back toward the fire. “It’s a shame he is so unhappy. Look, Bella now seems happier than him. Isn’t that strange.”

“Part of married life. Someday you’ll understand,” Bonnie said.

Claire shook her head. “I don’t want a marriage like that. Mother and Father don’t play those kinds of games.”

Bonnie shrugged, “I never knew how to do it anyway, Tarn was always in charge.”




That night Henry Lambton started complaining about Father Wimberley’s leadership and the rest of the voices around the campfire grew silent.

Claire watched her Father’s face start to glow. Everyone sat up and listened at his sharp voice.

“I realize it will take time, but we are saving the expense of train travel, three to five hundred per person to reach Utah. We are both saving a fortune in shipping costs since we’re each hauling a wagon full of goods to sell. Finally, I’ve put a lot of work and money into building these wagons. This is the most economical way to transport them west,” Father said.

He stood up, glaring down at the younger man. “Henry, I explained all of this to you back in Boston. You don’t like it, go your own way. Otherwise, shut your yap and don’t bring it up again. I don’t care if we’re the only ones on the road, it makes it safer and faster for us to travel.”

Without another word, he stomped off and Claire watched her mother stand up to join him. Claire watched as Henry’s eyes looked around at the circle of children and young women. He rose and rushed Bella and the sleeping boy off to their wagon.

As Claire crawled into bed, she managed to smile at the little girl who lay there waiting for her nighttime story. As soon as Claire finished reading, she blew out the candle and stared out through the flapping canvas. She could not remember her Father getting so upset at anyone. He meant it. Maybe she would never see the Lambton’s again. Troubled, she wondered if that would be good or bad. Softly she prayed, then relaxed.




Claire was relieved to see Henry the next day walking alongside his wagon, without speaking to anyone, even his wife. The next day, when she saw him at breakfast, he smiled wryly at her. Claire tossed her blonde hair and said “Good morning, Henry.”

Looking over, she noticed Bella standing at her wagon. The woman’s dark eyes grew brighter, like a hungry raven.

Ignoring her look, Claire sat beside Henry, taking her plate from Bonnie and thanking her. Henry looked at Claire and waited. “Father says it’s going to rain.”

“Yes, I think he’s right.” If he hadn’t sighed, the conversation would be like the ones they used to have. To keep from starting a fight with Bella, Claire spoke to her next as she sat, trying to position Barney so she could manage her plate and feed him too.

“He looks happy this morning. I thought the rain bothered him,” Claire said in her normal voice.

Bella stared at the girl, then smiled. “Sometimes, I guess he is better today. I’m glad we get to sit in the wagons.”

Claire nodded, “Definitely, but it may just keep things cooled down.” Her Mother stood and walked over to assist Bella. She smiled at her daughter, then spoke to Henry. In minutes, the terrible tension of the last few days was gone. As though the group hadn’t been divided, everyone was back talking to each other.




At the farmer’s market that Saturday in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, they found the right two horses to buy. The gentle pair of bays were solid animals, well trained, with gentle temperaments. The gelding and mare were named Bob and Sue. Claire thought the matched pair of bays were lovely, like something out of a picture book. They had rich brown coats, black legs and muzzles, and long black manes and tails. Even though they came with saddles, she wasn’t sure she would ever be able to ride one of them, but she followed the children in petting them.

Bonnie loved them on sight. She was already pleading to be the first to ride Sue.

It was the day Henry found the receipt in the Lambton’s wagon box. The ensuing argument was loud enough for all to hear.

“I told you we need that money, you stole from me.”

“My parents desperately needed the money, money we owed them. We still owe them. I left us half. If it’s as easy to sell the clothes out west as you think, we’ll have plenty of money.”

“You think it’s that simple. We have the wagons and now there are no more expenses. What about camping fees, fresh food, or this horse? Don’t you trust that I know what is best for my family?”

“I think you would never have paid them anything. I did what I thought was right. What you should have done. What you told me you had done before we left Boston?”

Claire turned away in embarrassment at the public argument. She and her mother led the children into a store to buy candy. Bonnie stayed, clearly waiting to intervene if Henry tried to slap Bella. Claire knew there would be no physical blows. Henry was angry, but he would never hit a woman. It was hard to understand why the couple seemed to like to feud more than live together in harmony.

That night, as soon as everyone retired, the camp became eerily quiet. Even the animals seemed to be holding their breaths and waiting.



The horses changed everything. They had all taken turns learning to ride the wonderful matched pair of bays. The boys claimed to prefer riding their favorite oxen to riding the horses, probably because they were still too short to feel in control even when the saddles were adjusted.

Mother and Claire had been terrified, but taken their turn being led around on the horses and would ride them but only beside one of the men. Mary Anne would only ride seated behind Bonnie or Father Wimberley. Bella had refused to try, using a crying Barney as her excuse. Henry insisted she learn and they had quarreled bitterly for a whole day before she gave in and tried it. Of the women, only Bonnie liked to ride.

The men now posted up and down alongside the wagons, talking to everyone, making sure the oxen moved along by flicking them with new, longer whips. Tom and Jim walked along beside the lead bullocks, and Bonnie walked beside the third. At night, everyone still slept inside under the canopies, the tents neatly stored at the foot of tailgates.

Whenever one of the men needed a rest from riding, Bonnie would mount up and take off. She loved riding ahead to scout and look for food, but with Father Wimberley always fussing, she was never allowed to go very far ahead. He didn’t believe in using guns and absolutely refused to let Bonnie try to use one. Henry agreed with him.

One evening at the campfire, Bonnie was complaining about how ignorant and stubborn men could be at times. Claire refused to listen to her friend’s complaint about either man. But Claire confessed, “I do envy your boldness.”

“I love to ride. If your father would listen to sense, I could find some game to add to the pot each night. We could all use a little more variety.”

Claire nodded in agreement, eager as always for her supper, even if it was beans and fried fatback. Bonnie squatted to carefully turn the meat, then moved it out of the way enough to put the pot of coffee on to heat. She stared up at Claire, smiling at her cute friend. Claire, as usual, had the bonnet pushed back to hang from its ribbons around her neck. She had gone back to combing her curly hair into long sausage like curls and letting them spread out from a gathered knot atop her head.

“You surprise me. I thought you’d want to ride. If nothing else, so you could talk fashion again. You two never get to talk in the evenings, do you?”

Claire looked puzzled for a minute, then shook her head. “It upsets Bella if we do, then we all have to listen to them fight.”

“You could be a good rider, if you’d ride astride.”

Claire blushed, scandalized by the idea. “I wouldn’t dare. You’re the one with the split skirt. And don’t offer to loan it to me again. I would be lost in it, dragging it through the dust.”

“I saw a woman in Harrisburg riding astride. She had on a regular dress. Here, step over and I’ll show you.”

Claire followed her around behind the wagons and Bonnie showed her how to sweep her skirt up between her legs and handed her the full skirt hem as she scratched her head. “Well, I guess she was wearing a skirt, because then she just tucked the back skirt into her waistband. Looked a little like Turkish pants, you know those bloomers you told me about before.”

Claire held the skirt tail and turned from side to side. “It might work if I had a belt. You’re right, it does look a little like bloomers, and it doesn’t show the shape of my legs or rear. That would never do.”

“Don’t you have a belt?”

“No, but I will.”

The two women were still laughing when Mother Wimberley yelled at Bonnie. “I smell something burning.”

Claire watched her friend disappear and felt happy for the first time in days.




The next day when the two men needed a rest from the saddle, Bonnie and Claire finally got the chance to ride together. Although, still not as confident as Bonnie, the gait of the mare Sue was smooth and she followed everything that the other horse, Bob, did. Claire had no trouble riding, even when Bonnie urged her horse into a trot.

When they returned, laughing, their hair tossed and blowing across their pink faces, the men and boys with the wagon train smiled at the pretty image. Bonnie dismounted and helped Claire down, then began to shorten the stirrups on the gelding. She showed Tom what she was doing and he groaned.

When both horses and saddles were ready, Father Wimberley and Bonnie helped the boys up and into the saddle. The horses walked off with the lighter boys and Bonnie ran alongside, yelling instructions. When it looked like they would be in trouble if the animals decided to run, Bonnie managed to snag both bridles and turned the group back toward the wagon train.

“You need to relax, lads. The horses can sense your fear. Just sit up straight, hold your reins the way I showed you and ride them back to the wagon. When you get there, turn them and ride back.”

Claire clapped softly from the back of the wagon as the two boys rode up on the prancing horses. “Now you look like cowboys.”

Determined, the two rode back to Bonnie. When she was satisfied, she took the reins of the pair of animals and handed them back to Father Wimberley.

“Good start for all four of you, I’d say. Another week of practice, and you’ll all be able to outride us, even Claire,” Father Wimberley said.

Claire sniffed at the faint praise, but sat up straighter in her seat. If Bonnie could learn to ride, she could and would.




It was mid-June when they reached Columbus, Ohio. The weather had favored them and it had been a little over five weeks since they left Boston. Bonnie came up beside Claire’s wagon as she approached the riders.

Bonnie spoke first. “According to the farmer last night, we’re close to Columbus. I want to ride to the barracks to see Ian and Shawn.”

Henry Lambton answered, “You want to ride cross country in this. Look at the sky. I vote against it. We’ve not time to pause and detour around to this place. Even if we find it, the boys probably aren’t there. It’s a foolish waste of time.”

Father Wimberley agreed, “You know, Henry and I seldom agree, but darling, we can’t spare the time. We need to keep moving while the roads are good. You see that wall of clouds. It’s going to pour any minute. If we turn off on the road to the fort, we might get mired in mud and lose an entire day.”

Angry, Bonnie didn’t argue, just donned a yellow rain slicker and took her place beside the nervous oxen.

The rain began as soon as they pulled onto the road. The road was macadam with no danger of getting mired down.

Bonnie yelled to Claire. “I can’t bear it. Every step is taking me farther from the arsenal and training center.”

“Fussing won’t do you any good, you heard the men,” Claire answered.

“Why do the men get to decide?” Bonnie snapped.

Claire stared at her angry friend, past her to the boys in their own slickers. The three in yellow were the only discernible shapes in the driving rain. She couldn’t even hear the riders in the pouring rain. Claire sneezed, reached behind her for her shawl and one of the oversized umbrellas to prop in front to keep her dress from getting damp.




Later, after the first shower stopped, they encountered a large cargo wagon headed the opposite direction on the road. It was pulled by a team of four mules. When the men rode up beside the wagon to talk, Bonnie moved up closer as well.

“A fine day for traveling. That’s a pretty big load.”

The man looked at the oxen and series of wagons strung out along the road. The oxen looked painted, their brown and white spotted hides still wet from the storm. The canvas covered wagons bloomed white, like spring mushrooms behind them. He shook his head. “You folks lost?”

Father smiled tightly. How many times had they been asked the same question, in just that tone, Claire wondered? “On our way to Independence, Missouri.”

“Well, this is the road. Not near so pretty once you pass Vandalia, Illinois. Up ‘till then, she’s a peach to travel. Especially on a day like this one.”

“Where are you headed?” Henry asked.

“Just up another six miles. Taking supplies for the Columbus Barracks. They’ve been ordering a lot, feeding and training a bunch of troops again, getting ‘em ready to fight the Indians. Hadn’t been so busy since the Civil War ended.”

“Is there a shortcut from here?” interrupted Bonnie.

The man looked at the tall woman and grinned. “Well, I might could give you a ride, but the road changes up ahead. Still pretty good. We could talk awhile if these mules get mired,” he said, grinning again.

Bonnie blushed and looked off to the right. “I meant riding from here.”

“About three miles, if you can fly due North. But they ain’t no road that way. It’s all farm country. You can’t get this bunch through. No way.”

Bonnie turned and walked ahead to the Wimberley’s wagon. She climbed up into the back of the wagon, took out one of the sandwiches she’d made up for lunch and one of the apples. She shoved one into each pocket. She pulled a canteen from under the end of the oilcloth and shook it. She was filling it from the half-empty barrel on the side of the wagon when Mother Wimberley walked up beside her.

“What’s going on, Bonnie?”

“Mother Wimberley, the man says the Columbus Arsenal is three miles across country due north. I’ve got to go see my brothers.”

“Walking alone?”

“I’d rather ride Sue. But walking if I have to.”

“Robert!” Mother Wimberley shouted.

Father Wimberley rode up, stared down at both determined women. He dismounted and handed Bonnie the reins. “Henry, you’ll need to escort her.”

“Nonsense. I’m not riding to hell and back on a whim.”

“Get down, then,” Father Wimberley said through gritted teeth. “Boys,” he bellowed.

“Bonnie, you’re not going off alone?” Claire called. “It’s raining,” she added, even though it had stopped.

Tom and Jim came running and Bonnie turned back to grab a rucksack and add two more sandwiches, then removed the one from her pocket and put two apples in its place. She crossed the long handles over her chest, the strap of the canteen in the opposite direction.

“I don’t think you’ve thought this through,” Father Wimberley said.

“I’d feel better if you’d let me take a gun along, or at least your knife with its compass,” Bonnie argued.

“And have you shoot yourself or one of the lads. Never,” he said as he removed the belt with his special knife from his waist. Bonnie waited until Tom was in the saddle, then adjusted his right stirrup. The angry man adjusted the other.

“Claire,” he yelled. Claire leaned forward to stare at them. “Get down, you’ll have to manage Bonnie’s team until she and the boys return.”

Bonnie and the boys turned off the road into the high grass toward the distant hill.

“But Father, what if it rains again.” Father had turned his back to her, stood watching bright dots of yellow disappear.




Claire flung the ugly oil-cloth wrap onto the empty wagon seat. Her feet were killing her, even though she wore her trail boots instead of her dress shoes. No one seemed interested that the bottom half of her dress was wet and constantly wanted to tangle in her legs as she walked. At least it had stopped raining again. In front of her, she watched Henry Lambton carefully fold his own cover and pass it up to Bella. She waited, finally saw her Father ahead as they rounded a curve in the highway.

Bonnie and the twins had been gone for hours. She saw her Father pull on the horn of his lead ox to stop them. “Noon stop. Claire, pass out food. You ladies may want to get down.”

Claire’s mouth dropped. What was she? Didn’t she get a break? Instead, she stared at her father as he helped her mother down from the wagon. She had never thought about it before, but he did this every day. Bonnie had done it for weeks, walk along beside these bellowing beasts. Even the young twins did it every day.

Mary Anne appeared beside her. “I can help, Aunt Claire.” The little girl gave her a bright smile and Claire let her arm curve around her. “Thanks, I’ll be back in a minute. Can you pass out the food today?”

But the little girl was already headed to the back of the Wimberley wagon. Why hadn’t she realized how hard it must be for the others?

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