Broken Bonds (Club Imperial Series) (23 page)

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“Oh, oh, shit.” She gasped. “Yes, just like that.”

“You’re always so wet,” he breathed. “You feel like hot velvet over my cock. I can’t get enough of you, Emmy.”

“I don’t want you to ever get enough of me,” she murmured. “I want you to keep trying.”

“I’m coming, love. Come with me.”

“Yes,” she breathed, and a moment later she felt him release inside her. The hot jet filled her and knocked her over the edge into a fulfilling, delightful orgasm.

She looked over at Nathaniel laying there curled around her. He was smiling and sated, for now, and he ran his finger down her nose. “You like my gift?”

“Let’s call this our gift,” she suggested. “And it’s perfect.”

He rolled his eyes, and laughed. “God, I could go again.”

“So could I,” she admitted.

He leaned up on his elbow. “I have an idea. Why don’t we get some house clothes on and go check out Joanne’s breakfast, because while I’m still ravenous for you, I’m also kind of hungry. Then we can come back, do each other again, and take a nap. How does that sound?”

“Like a great plan,” she said.

He carefully tucked her breasts back in their cups, and got up to retrieve his boxers. Emmy pulled the sheets on the bed taut again, and knew they’d be back in there sometime that day. Nathaniel put the cuffs and the flogger back and flicked the door open, showing her how to get back out of the room. It was a brilliant disguise, really.

Emmy pulled off the wedding night outfit and carefully folded it up.
Might have to put it back on later again
. She did like that set. She put on yoga pants and a plain T-shirt, as Nathaniel pulled on a pair of nylon basketball shorts and a T-shirt of his own.

They walked out of the closet as Emmy swore quietly. “I never gave you your wedding card,” she said, trotting over to her bag. She pulled it out and turned to him. “I didn’t think you were going to go so hog wild on a gift. I just got you a card.”

“I got you and that’s the best wedding gift of all.” He smiled, and took the card. He opened it, and Emmy grinned at him. He was honestly surprised at the card. “Handmade?”

“Ally’s gotten into it, so I borrowed her stuff.”

He looked at the front, at the gorgeous stained glass mosaic she’d made, nearly identical to the windows in the tower room. He opened it and read the whole card aloud.

“I have learned to not be afraid of being completely, wildly, happily, unconditionally, I-am-dizzy-and-can’t-help-myself in love with someone. Because I got that in return, and it is wonderful. You are my heart, my soul, my life. I love you, Nathaniel, and there is nothing more incredible than that.”

He read it again to himself, and once more quietly. He put it down on the bed and pulled her to him. “I wanted to give you that bed of roses, Emmy. But roses have thorns, and you deserve better.”

“Life has thorns, Nathaniel. The best we can do is help each other avoid them. Together.”

“Together. Always.”


About the Author

Armed with her Bachelors of English, Literature from Montclair State University and a pen name,
Katherine Rhodes
has set her mind to writing erotic romances which are kinky, dirty, and fun. She is a lackadaisical laundry goddess, and resides in Philadelphia with her husband, three cats and a beta named Fishtian Grey.

Club Imperial is her first foray into the word of erotica.

She invites you to visit her:

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Twitter at @Mistress_KayR,

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Amazon Author Page:

Books by Katherine Rhodes:

A Club Imperial Novel Series


Not Quite Juliet

Silver Soul 1: A Club Imperial Novel

Morgan Kirkbride is a self-professed super fangirl of Silver Soul. If they were playing, and someone mentioned it, she had to be there. One fateful night, by the grace of beer and peanuts, she fell for very hot, very sexy Nick D. Literally. Morgan was sure lead singer of Silver Soul thought she was a graceless flake, and almost fell again (literally) when he asked her to a midnight diner- and wound up back at her place. She was sure it was just a crazy one-night fling…

Imagine her shock when the very next Monday at Allegheny County Courthouse, the highly respected, well-credentialed chemist Dr. Nicholas Dovadsky is called as a witness — and Morgan recognizes him as the rock god she spent the night with.

Sparks fly between them, but things keep getting in the way: Dave, the band’s lead guitarist does everything in his power to keep her away; her roommate gets tied up – on purpose- and her own school schedule is taking away from their bedroom time. Nick isn’t going to let anything get in the way of getting to know the spunky, if clumsy, curvaceous woman. He just keeps coming back.

When an ex-boyfriend comes back to haunt Morgan and her roommate, Lisa, they think that his ego- and head- were bruised by his dismissal. But when the simple threats become violent, perverse and horrifying, they realize that someone is out to get them.


Chapter One

With nothing more than a pair of boxers slung low on his sculpted hips, barely hiding the massive package he sported, he swayed toward me. His flat stomach rippled deliciously as he slowly prowled closer, and then climbed on the bed. Rock-star long hair teased me as he worked his way up the mattress, brushing against my stomach, then my breasts. I could feel his breath on my face as he leaned in close.

Longing clear in his eyes, he dipped in even closer and sniffed me. He pressed a kiss to my forehead and then started licking my face.

“Nick?” I was startled and confused as the licking continued.

He looked at me lustily, licked my nose.

“Nick, what—”

He licked an eye lid, then looked at me again and asked, “Meow?”

I snapped my eyes open to find Dervish staring at me.

“Meow?” he asked.

“Oh, you fucking cat.” I pushed him off to the side. With a heave and a groan, I sat up and ran a hand down my face, then looked at the clock—7:45 in the morning. “Uff da.” I narrowed my eyes at the black cat sporting a tux and a white eyebrow. “You little shit. It’s Saturday morning.”

“Mrow!” he said, rolling over. He wanted tummy rubs; they hadn’t been given at the proper six-fifteen in the morning. He swatted my hand and rolled even further.

“He was about to ravish me, damn it!”


“Don’t be contradictory, or I’ll buy you store brand next time.”

“M-ow.” Cat for shut up and pet me.

I surrendered and complied with the Feline Master. When Dervish asked for tummy rubs, he was being genuine. Most cats, if they showed the tummy and you went for the pet, they were more like Venus fly trap, snapped their little paws right around your hand. Not Dervish. He had me on a schedule.

Once the fuzzy bastard was satisfied with my ministrations, I climbed out of bed. It wasn’t worth it to try and go back to sleep at that point. He trailed me into the kitchen, waiting for the familiar pop and plop of his breakfast. As he tucked in, I set about starting the coffee and defrosting one of the gluten free bagels I had decided to try.

Lisa walked out of her bedroom about half way through the coffee pot. She yawned and stretched and sat on the chair. I looked at her and raised my eyebrows. “What are you doing here? Where’s your Sir?”

“Asshole,” she mumbled.

“Oh, this should be good.” I sat down on the stool next to her.

“I’m so done with him,” she stated. “He took me to the shibari room last night, and left me tied up for seven hours. Inverted.”

“You’ve gone longer,” I said.

“He left!” she cried. “He found some other hussy to tie up and left with her. He
about me. Do you know who found me?”



I cringed. “And let me guess. She laid into you.”

“Thank God Franz walked by,” Lisa mused. “He lit into her.”

I paused. “Did anyone take you down?”

“No!  I had to hang there, listening to these two yelling at each other.”

I started laughing. “You were just hanging there tied up while Franz and Jemma screamed.”

“It’s not funny!” She laughed. “Tessa finally showed up and lit into the two of them about me still hanging there.” I tried to hold back the laugh, but it was really hard to do. Lisa looked like she wanted to be pissed off, but finally gave in and started laughing with me. “She finally let me down and called in Dusty to let me out. They took me to the office and made me sit and have some orange juice.”

“So, Dominic…?”

“Dominic racked me and stacked me, and left,” she tried to growl. “He can blow that donkey of his.”

“How did no one come down and tell me this was going on? I would have You Tubed this!”

“Oh, nice, nice,” she said. “Just video tape your best friend hanging upside down, half naked.”

“Only half?” I teased.

She laughed. “Just go get me coffee, bitch.”

“Who’s the submissive here?” I slid off the seat. “Next time you’re hanging around, make sure you send someone to come and get me. I need to see that.”

“Well, it’s a possibility that Sir—gah, Dominic, will be by later. I need him to take his shit from my room. I’m not going to be left hanging. Literally.” She accepted the coffee from me. “Um. Morgan, can you please hang here today with me? I really need to be rid of S...Dominic. He’s been a jerk to me more than once lately, and I haven’t been bratty at all. Last night was the straw that broke the camel’s back.” She ran her thumb over the handle of the mug, innocently.

My poor submissive friend. There was nothing innocent about her, but she really was a very submissive person. She always followed other’s directions. When it came to standing up to someone, she always needed backup. That’s why she had a roommate—me.

I smiled. “Of course.”

“Thank you.” She beamed.

I hopped up on the stool again. “How about I make us some breakfast, and we find all of Dominic the Jackass’s stuff in this apartment and pack it up before he shows?”

“That sounds fantastic,” she said.

“What do you want to eat?”

“Whatever you like,” she answered.

I raised an eyebrow. “One of these days, you’re going to slip and call me Mistress.”

Lisa snorted into the coffee, then started coughing and choking while trying not to laugh.

I wound up making pancakes and bacon after coaxing the decision out of her. No amount of effort on my part ever changed her—she always wanted to let someone else take the reins. She wasn’t lazy as several other of her previous roommate had accused her of being. She was just naturally submissive. It was a distinction I had learned early on at the club, and I had learned to work with that without turning into her Domme. We had an elaborate chore chart, and specific things each of us had to do, and as long as I reminded her to do something, we did well as roommates.

Right after breakfast, we started hunting down Dominic’s crap in our apartment. After an hour of searching just her room and our dining room, I realized how much stuff this guy had in our place. When I found his underwear in our hamper, I about blew a gasket.

“What the hell is this?” I screamed, pulling them out. Lisa was horrified. “Do you mean to tell me that we’ve been doing his clothes for him?!”

“Oh, my God,” she whispered.


“He’s been so sweet lately. He kept offering to take the clothes to the laundromat for us.”

“The laundromat,” I reasoned. “Where we have a standing account for charges.”

“He’s been having us pay for his laundry.”

I slammed my hand on the wall. “That son of a bitch!” I looked at her. “Do you realize his nasty under-roos were next to my sexy club clothes?!”

She sighed. “I’ll pay you back.”

“For what? I don’t care if your undies are with mine, but his? Especially since you just found he’s doing the world tour de skank?” She laughed. “He owes us both money.”

We managed to separate the clothes, his from ours, and finish packing up the rest of his stuff. I wished that Lisa could get some non-submissive tendencies, aside from being bratty once in a while. From the amount of stuff Dominic had in our place, he had been practically living there.

Not that I would notice, really. I worked two jobs—the bar at Club Imperial and my full time job as per diem court clerk. I wasn’t there very often. Usually it worked out for my friend’s kinky sex habits. I wasn’t there when she was getting tied up, and since I never got laid anymore, she never had to hear me.

The ever inconvenient Dominic showed up when I was showering before my bar shift. He let himself in, though I hadn’t given him a key and I was pretty sure Lisa hadn’t either, and he was standing in the kitchen when I walked in wearing my robe. He was in the middle of giving Lisa a dressing down and she was sitting at the breakfast table, head hung and taking it.

“Excuse me,” I interrupted. “Who let you in?”

Seeing me standing there, he looked at me with the usual annoyance. “Morgan, go back to your room and finish your shower.”

“No. Give me the key.” I held out my hand.

“What key?” he asked.

“The key to our front door,” I snapped.

“Please give her the key.” Lisa’s quiet voice backed my demand.

“Shut it,” he said to her.

“Key, Dominic,” I repeated. “You’re not welcome here anymore.”

“That’s not your call.”

“Yes, it is. This is half my apartment, and I get half the say.”

He stared at me. “This is my subbie, and you get no say in that.”

“She’s not your
, Dominic,” I stated. “You left her hanging in the shibari room last night. You are not welcome here, you are not welcome in her life. Give me your key, now. Take that box near the door and get out of here. Don’t come back, and don’t come near Lisa again.”

“Lisa,” he said, turning and looking at her.

“You’d better go, Dominic.” Her voice quivered. “I’m sorry, but we’re done. I can’t do this anymore. I know what this relationship should be, what I want it to be, and it’s nothing like that. You’re just a jerk with a BDSM tie tack.”

Go Lisa!

“Do I need to discipline you?”

She looked over to me and took a deep breath before she answered, “You won’t ever discipline me again, Dominic. We’re done. I won’t let you near me. You left me last night.”

“It was discipline.”

“It was torture!” she screamed, suddenly blowing up. “I called the safeword, you sick fuck! Twice! And you left me there to play with some other poontang!” Holy shit, she’d called the safeword? She neglected to tell me that detail. And that was a doozie of a detail to leave out.

“I didn’t hear it.” His tone was disingenuous.

“You didn’t hear me scream


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