Broken Bonds (Club Imperial Series) (9 page)

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“Nathaniel,” she said. “On the bed.”

Pulling out slowly, he clearly knew he was about to give up control, leaving her feeling empty. But he pulled the bed sheet back before she could say anything. He climbed on, his erection straining before him. She walked over, climbing onto the bed as well, tossing a leg over him, but this time with her back to him. He propped himself on his elbows and slid them both up the bed so he could lean against the headboard. “Ride ‘em, reverse cowgirl.”

She sank down on his erection, pushing him all the way home inside her. Gliding over him, his balls caressed her clit. His hands snaked around grabbing her nipples, pinching them into hard peaks. They were still tingling from when she’d played with them, and his fingers tortured them gently.

“Oh yeah, oh yes,” she whimpered, moving faster. “Yes, yes.”

She slid back and forth, adding an up and down motion to it. Her ass was still warm and stinging as she shoved him all the way inside. Finding the deepest part of her, causing the sweet little contractions again, she slid him in and out of her pussy, adoring the way he was so hard for her and she was so wet.

“Emmy, turn around. I want to see you come, riding me.” Nathaniel was panting.

She paused and expertly turned around, never letting his cock slip out. His eyes were heated when she caught them a moment later. She rode him, sliding up and down his shaft, teasing them both. God, it felt good. Resuming a more frantic pace, she held his eyes. “You want to see me come, huh? You kinky bastard, after you spanked my ass.”

He nodded. “You’re rubbing off on me.”

“I certainly am.” She nodded, shifting her direction one last time. She was already wound tight again and after just a few scrapes against her g-spot, Emmy came hard, contracting and pulling him deeper inside her. “Nathaniel!” She leaned into him to give him a hard, deep kiss.

After she started to still, she noticed he was still as hard as a rock inside her. She wiggled, stirring him around inside. “Whatever shall I do with this?”

“Ladies choice.” He smirked.

Emmy lifted herself up off him and crawled backward. She nestled herself between his legs and lowered herself to the bed. In a quick move, she took as much of his erection into her mouth as she could. Gasping, moaning, she moved her mouth and tongue over him. She could taste him and herself on him, combining. A ‘them’. The two of them together.

Moving him in and out of her mouth, she danced her tongue around him. She felt his hands on her head, weaving his fingers in her hair as he moaned his approval. He wasn’t far from finishing; he was hard as a rock and twitching against her lips. She stroked the underside of his cock, following the seam on the bottom and his legs twitched from the feeling she created. Tightening her lips around him, she created a little more resistance.

“God, that feels incredible,” Nathaniel breathed. “I want to come in your mouth.”

She ‘hmm’ed her approval and started moving faster. He tightened his fists in her hair, not enough to hurt, and moved her more roughly over him. She scraped her teeth lightly over his head and then pulled them back. She did that on the next three passes, and then let them scrape all the way down while her tongue petted him, pleasuring him.

She heard him gasp once, then again and felt him grow even harder and knew he was about to climax. She sucked him hard one more time. He drew a breath and grunted, then released his come into her mouth. She swallowed each of his jets as she continued to suck him lightly, licking up and down his now lowering shaft, smiling at him.

Nathaniel smiled back at her. He shifted them down from where he was leaning on the headboard. They wiggled into a new more comfortable spot on the bed. He was on his back, leaning on a pillow and Emmy was resting her head and arm on his chest. He gave her a deep, liquid kiss and before either of them could say a thing, they were asleep.

Chapter Nine


She ‘hmmed’ softly on his chest.

“Are you awake?”

“A bit,” she mumbled.

“Do you like living here?”

“I love this house,” she admitted. “But anywhere with you is lovely.”

“Move in? Permanently, I mean.”

She lifted her head and looked up at him. “What time is it?”

“Two a.m.,” he answered.

She yawned. “I’m going to tell you a little secret, Nathaniel. Girls like me? We don’t get the prince. There’s no bed of roses for us. I could move in here, but in a month, six months, a year, when we completely fall apart because of who I am and who you are, I’ll just have to move back out.”

“That’s really very negative of you,” he spoke softly.

“It’s realistic.” She put her head back down.

“I don’t want to ever lose you, Emmy,” he admitted. “I almost lost my brother. I can’t stand the idea of you not being in my life. I love you.”

“Oh, Nathaniel.” She sighed. “I wish it were different. But I know how these things go.”

“Emmy, do you love me?”

The quiet hung in the air. He was afraid she’d fallen asleep again, but then felt her sigh against him. She lifted her head and looked at him sadly. “Yes, Nathaniel. I do love you. Very much.”

“Then stay with me.” He poured all of his love into the words.

“Life doesn’t work that way,” she argued, gently.

“Yes, it does.” He sounded so sure. “We’ll make it work.”

“I’m damaged goods,” she tried to explain. “So fubar’ed it’s not funny.”

“We’ve had this conversation before,” he reminded her. “At what point did I say I had a problem with that? Apparently, I’m a little fubar’ed too, since I let you tie me up, spank me, flog me, blindfold me, and liked it.” He glanced at her with her chin on his chest looking at him. “Emmy, move in here. This, right here, with us together in the same bed, feels right to me. Anything can go wrong with anyone. I’m sure Victor never thought Greg was cheating on him and defrauding him. We can’t know we’re going to fail if we never try.”

She pulled her hands under her chin. “You really want me to move in here?”


She raised her eyebrows. “You know I’ve never had a relationship like ours. I’ve never had a boyfriend before. I’ve never lived with someone who wasn’t a sub. It’s going to take me a while to adjust.”

“I know.” He smiled at her, hope shining in his eyes in the dim light.

She smiled back. “You’re very serious about this? You want me to sleep in the same bed with you every night?”


“All right. We’ll try it. I can’t really complain about the accommodations.”

“Good.” He pulled her closer, and they both drifted back to sleep.


He felt something warm and soft laving his shaft. He wasn’t hard, not yet, but the soft caress continued and it wasn’t long until he did start to grow hard. He hummed quietly at the feeling, and then opened his eyes. The sky was just barely bluing in the east and he could make out shadows in the room. Nathaniel looked down and found Emmy between his legs, enjoying his rapidly growing cock, tasting him.

He let out a breath and ran his hand through her hair. With just a careful pull of his hand on her neck, he raised her off him and drew her up the bed. She smiled at him, her features faint in the darkness. He brought her to his lips, and kissed her slowly and deeply. He ran his hands down her sides, enjoying her soft skin under his touch.

Emmy changed her position and slid him slowly inside her. She didn’t move on him; she just enjoyed him being in there. He enjoyed himself there as well, inside her, stroking her sides and back slowly as he kept kissing her.

She started to slowly draw him in and out. Nathaniel moved his hands to her breasts and plumped them. The fine silk of the bustier slipped over his hands and he pinched her already hard nipples. She let out a sigh of quiet lust against his lips.

He wrapped his arms around her and rolled them so he was on top. Dipping his head down, he suckled on her nipple, moving his hips to slowly pull his erection out and slide back in, feeling each movement from tip to base.

Emmy ran her fingers through his hair, her breaths long and low. Closing her eyes, she arched off the bed, moving her hips in time with his, creating a whole different level of sensation between them. Giving it one last lingering kiss, he pulled off her nipple, moving back to her lips, again kissing deep and soft.

Nathaniel was ready for his orgasm, and from the way Emmy was responding to him—thrusting softly against him and her breath a rapid, quiet staccato—she was nearly there herself. He pushed all the way in, hitting home and thrust against her, over and over, never pulling all the way out. Her movements rubbed her excited nub against him, and he felt her slick wetness rubbing against him.

He gave three hard pumps and spilled himself inside her. She responded to his thrusts and his come with a quiet, shaking orgasm of her own. Letting her breath out slowly against his lips, she laid still under him for a long a moment.

Emmy slowly opened her eyes and Nathaniel smiled at her. “Good morning to you too.”

She smiled wickedly. “I have terrible impulse control around you.”

“If you’re going to wake me up every morning like that, I don’t want you to learn any.” He slid himself out of her and dropped down next to her on the bed. “We have to go to work.”

“Yes, I know.” She sighed. “And I really need a shower.”

“Can we shower together?” he asked.

He saw her almost say yes, then stopped herself. “I need time,” she said.

He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “You got it, Fubar,” he teased.

She laughed and threw the covers over his head. He watched as she slipped out of bed and looked around. Giggling, she looked back at him. “Whoops. Clothes are in the other room.” 

“I think there’s a trail of stuff.” He laughed, throwing his sheets back as well. She leaned down to pick up the crop and smiled at him. He opened the nightstand drawer and motioned her over with it. “You can put that in here. I never use the side tables for much of anything.”

She handed it to him and he dropped it in the drawer, closing it. He followed her out into the sitting area and they each picked up the trail of clothes they’d left behind the night before. Emmy wrapped herself in the robe, and headed for the door.

“Wait, wait,” he called, tossing the clothes on the couch. He walked over and wrapped his arms around her. “Keep the room over there if you want, but move some of your stuff in here.”

“I will,” she agreed. “Over the weekend.”

“I’m glad you’re staying.” He kissed the side of her neck.

She looked at him. “I am too,” she admitted, and he saw something in her eyes he’d never seen before. A brightness, a light. “Go shower,” she whispered in his ear. “You smell like wet sex.”

“I wonder how that happened,” he said, opening the door for her.

“Big mystery.” She grinned, waving her fingers at him before disappearing down the hall.

Nathaniel closed the door and leaned his head against it. Everything just felt so right with her there, and he had adored having her in his bed. He hoped she’d start letting him in the rest of the way. He wanted to know her better.

Victor and Emmy were already at the table when he came down from the shower, and it was good to see Victor sitting there.

“How are you feeling, bro’?” Nathaniel asked.

“Better,” he said. “The gin and tonic toss back was a bad idea. Twelve hours of moderately interrupted sleep was definitely the key. Laurel was very accommodating with helping me with Sylvia. I like that girl.”

“You like a girl?” Nathaniel asked, laughing.

Victor threw a piece of toast at him.


“You Walshes sure are good at making trouble,” Garabaldi said.

“Thanks.” Victor laughed.

Emmy put her hand up. “I’m not a Walsh.”

“By injection,” Nathaniel whispered in ear.

Her mouth fell open and she had to choke back a laugh. She smacked his arm and turned back to Garabaldi in the middle of Victor’s office.

He’d come in with all the information he could about the bomb, which as it turned out wasn’t much really. The security pictures weren’t very helpful; they had caught only the back end of the person scaling the fence, and only a part of his face, mostly ear and hair, on the way out. He had immediately sent his men back to get prints off the top of the fence to see if they could find anything up there.

“He was wearing cotton gloves, wasn’t he?” Emmy asked.

“Yes,” Garabaldi said. “We found the fibers that matched the ones in your apartment.”

“Great, useless,” Nathaniel lamented. “Can we at least guess it’s Cortez?”

“Wrong build,” Victor said as Emmy intoned, “Wrong body type.” They looked at each other and grimaced.

“Well, it’s interesting that you both said that,” Garabaldi said, “because more and more we are finding parallels to the attackers at the club and this bombing through the profiles. If you have any ideas as to what’s going on here, it would be greatly appreciated if you share that with the police.” He looked around the room. “I’ve been really lenient on you all with this investigation, but I’m going to start to get pressure to solve and close this soon. Dorn, I know you’re pushing back, and I appreciate that, but at some point, no amount of push is going to stop the top brass from coming down on my ass.”

“You know we have our own investigation going—” Franklin started.

“I am aware,” Garabaldi cut him off. “And I want this solved as much as you all do. Properly. But you all have to realize I’m the cops. Not a friend. Not a PI. Lieutenant Detective Simon Garabaldi. And I like my ass where it is.”

Victor glanced at Franklin. “Can you give the Detective a full written report of your investigations thus far?”

“He’ll have it by COB today,” Franklin stated.

“Thank you.” Garabaldi nodded, relief seeping through his voice. “Believe me, I don’t want to go all hard-ass on you all. You’ve been nothing but helpful and cooperative since this all started.”

“And we’ll continue to be,” Nathaniel said. “As much as we can.”

“Victor, how are you feeling?” Garabaldi asked.

“Like I almost had a bomb blow up next to me two days ago.” He paused. “Oh, wait.”

Garabaldi shook his head. “All right. Mr. Franklin, COB?”

“Personally hand delivered,” he assured him.

“Thank you.” Garabaldi smiled. “I’ll contact you if I need anything else or if I have any information you might need to know.” He nodded at Victor and Nathaniel and walked out of the room.

Franklin looked at Cecelia. “You swept this morning?”

“Of course.” She folded her arms across her chest. “They are going to be delivering the guard dogs today, as well. You all need to come down and be introduced to them so they don’t bite your damn heads off. No one else will be introduced to them. Just the people in this room. No overtime until this is solved. Those dogs will be set lose when I leave.”

“Good idea,” Franklin agreed.

“I thought so.” She smiled.

“All right, ladies, gents,” Franklin stated, wrapping up the meeting. “Keep your eyes open. I don’t want to up security more than it already is, because I know you don’t want it any more than I want to screen more people for security.”

The room emptied pretty quickly and Victor motioned for Emmy to stay for a minute. He had some very non-threatening work for her to take care of and took a minute to explain what he was looking for out of it. Nathaniel gave her a quick peck and headed out the door.

Franz seemed to materialize out of the wall. She hadn’t even seen him leaning there after everyone left. “How are you?” he asked quietly.

“I haven’t taken a Xanax in two weeks, and no pain killers for the past four. I have an appointment with Doctor Mueller today at five, and I think we’re going to go back to every-other-week visits for now.”

Franz smiled at her. “You are one hell of a woman, Emmy.” He sat down on the wing back chair in front of Victor’s desk. “How’s domestic life?”

“What? All four days of it?” she asked, laughing.

“Well, you’ve been there longer,” he said, his eyes crinkling with laughter. “But yeah.”

“It’s fine, Franz. Really.”

He played with the pinky ring he was wearing. “Am I going to lose Tessa Saint?”

She looked at him, glanced at Victor and pulled herself up short. “I…” She looked down at the work on her desk, and then back up at him. “I didn’t even think about that, Franz. I love the club…but…Nathaniel…” She blinked at Victor.

Victor sat forward. “Emmy, I asked you to stay there because you could keep an ear to the ground. But since we now have Franz and Chantal on our side there, if you don’t want to stay, don’t.” 

She glanced back at Franz. “I don’t want to say drop me off the list, but…I don’t feel like I need to be there anymore.”

“It happens to pretty, smart girls like you.” He put a hand on her shoulder. “You find a guy, he digs what you’re serving up and the trade-off is enough you don’t need the control in the club anymore.” Emmy wanted to say something, but Franz held up his hand. “Talk to Mueller, I’m not going to drop you off the roles yet. I’m glad you’ve come this far, sweetheart, and you know even if you say to drop you, you’ll always have a place.”

She nodded and smiled. “Thank you, Franz.”

“At least with you, and Chantal, if she goes, I know you’re on your way to a better life,” he said.

She didn’t know what to say, so she just smiled again and headed for the door. She sat at her desk and stared at the papers Victor had given her to work on, feeling a little strange.

Someone placed a pile of mail on her desk and she looked up to thank them, and burst into a grin. “Oh, my God!” She jumped out of the chair and ran around her desk. “Peter! What are you doing here?!”

The fatherly man accepted the hug gratefully. “Hello, Ms. Westerly,” he said. “I started working down in the mailroom two weeks ago. Jim is out, so I offered to do his rounds.” He paused, then continued, “Mr. Walsh came back the next morning. He brought me to the library with Mom and Westin and helped me type up a resume. He took it with him and left me some cash for the suit and the water. More than. I’ve been trying to give it back.”

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