Broken (The Chances Series Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Broken (The Chances Series Book 2)
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“I didn’t mean it like that Jaz.  Look- I like you, a whole fucking lot.  And earlier when I told you I had feelings for you and you rejected me.  It cut deep.  Back in college I was in a relationship with this girl for a couple of years.  It was a very complicated relationship.”  She looks at me confused and I know she wants me to explain.  “It was complicated because Brody was in the relationship too.”  I look at her waiting for her reaction.  She looks down and then back up at me.

“So you were in a polyandry relationship, with Brody?”

“Yes.  At first it was just fucking.  We were all drinking and one thing led to another.  We ended up hooking up a few more times and it just got comfortable to all be together.  Habit.  It lasted for a couple of years.  I fell for her hard.  I wanted to marry her.  But she fell for Brody.  And Brody loved her, but wasn’t in love with her.  When he saw I was serious about her he backed out.  She wasn’t happy about him leaving the relationship and gave him the ultimatum.  Marry her or get out of her life.  He got out of her life.  And she got out of mine.  It ripped my heart out.  And I vowed I would never be in a relationship again.  Until I met you.  You have awaken things in me that have been buried deep for years.  And these feelings, they are way stronger than what I thought I felt for Katie.”  She looks a little freaked.   “Jaz,  I’m not saying I want to get married or anything any time soon that is,”  I wink, she smiles.  “But I do want to be in a committed relationship with you.  I want to try again, I want that with you.  I know you have your hang ups too on being in a relationship, But I think we will be good together.  I think we can help heal each other.  I don’t want to be broken anymore.  I want us to be whole together, to be one.  And face our demons head on together.”  She looks up at me with her big beautiful blue eyes and she has tears streaming down her face.  “Talk to me Jaz.  What’s wrong?  What are you thinking?”  She reaches up, cups my cheek and lays her soft lips on mine and softly kisses me.  I kiss back.  She pulls back and rests her forehead on mine.

“Oh Eric, I want that too.  I have had feelings for you since we first met and I was fighting them as well.  I don’t want to get burned again.  I also don’t want to miss the opportunity to be with you.  I think we will be good together as well.  I want you.  I want us.”  I pull her back in for a kiss.  I have to taste her lips.  I have to feel her close.  She gets up on her knees and straddles my lap.  “You are a sweet sweet man.”  She kisses me and I smile in the kiss.

“Don’t tell anyone it will ruin my hard ass rep I have worked so hard to uphold.”  She giggles.

“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”  And she kisses me hard.  I answer her right back.  Damn I want her again.  My cock is hard as steel and I need to be in her again.  I rotate us and lay her back on the seat and lay on top of her.  I work quickly on her shorts.  She helps yank them off.  I unbutton and zip and pull my jeans down to my knees and slide into her.  I desperately need this.  We both need this.  I fuck her hard, long and hard.  She has her ankles hooked around my waist and digging them into my ass pushing me into her harder.  She runs her nails up my back and I growl.  I pound her faster.  “Son of a bitch Eric, your cock is so big and feels incredible in me.  I love it.”

“MMM, it loves being buried balls deep in you hot pussy.  FUCK!  Especially when you grip my cock like that.  Damn Jaz your turn me into a horny teen.  As soon as I see you naked or first slide in you I’m ready to come.

“I’m coming now.  Oh god, ERIC!!!”  I bite down on a nipple and she soars.  Damn she is fucking beautiful. 

“JAZZY!!!  Fuck, I’m gonna fucking come so hard! Shit, AAAARRRGGGG.”  I come with a roar.  I come hard.  I have never come that hard.  It felt as though my balls were going to explode.   “God you are perfect.”  Once I catch my breath I sit up and pull out.  I happen to look down and see my come sliding down her ass.  “Damn, that’s fucking beautiful.”

“What?”  I groan.

“My come filling you up so much that it runs out down your ass.”

“Well, beautiful or not I need to clean up and I hope you have napkins or something in here.”  I chuckle and tuck myself back in and nod towards the glove box.

“Yea, in there.”

“Thank you.  So I just realized you never told me what Brody was going to do with his house?”  I look at her and I’m debating with myself.  She looks at me with confusion.  “Eric?”

“Sorry was just thinking.  Umm, I’m buying it.  I told him there was no fucking way he was going to sell it to some other fucker.  The house is our first build and we are keeping it. ”

“That’s good.  I’m glad you are getting it.”



“I would love for you to move in with me.”





Chapter 5



“Move in with me.”

“Eric, I- we can’t move in together.  We have only known each other a couple of months and officially dating now for 30 minutes!”  Why does he want me to move in so fast!

“Jaz, you mentioned you didn’t like living with your roommate now, so why not?  We know each other so there won’t be that uncomfortable meeting in the common areas of the house until we become acquainted better.  We won’t even officially be moving until Brody and Annie move out first.  So it’s not like it will happen today or tomorrow.  It will be a few more weeks.”  He does make some damn good points.  And it won’t be for a couple weeks anyways.  Fuck it all!  I want to.  I want to be with him. But what if things go to hell between us? 

“Eric, what if things don’t work out between us?  I will be out of a place to live.”

“I won’t do that to you.  If things did go to hell between us, and they won’t, but if they did you would obviously have your own room then and stay as long as needed.  There will be no rush.  Besides we would have to come to a truce because we will be working together too.”

“Yeah, shit Eric.  I don’t know.  I don’t want us to end up getting sick of each other.  I mean I asked Annie so many times about taking time to herself.  She and Brody are joined at the hip.  They have no room to breathe, but they claim neither one of them want it.  I do want that.  I’m sorry if that hurts you, but we need time to miss each other.”  I look down.  I don’t want to see the disappointment on his face.

“Baby, I agree.  I have told Brody to get his damn dick back from Annie and be a guy once in a while.  Hang out with men, not just his girl.  Same for you chicks.  You need to have your girlie times.  BUT, not at the clubs and bars without your men, got it?  I was so pissed when Brod and I hauled you two out of that club just before their wedding.  Fuck Jaz, Seeing that dude all over you, I was ready to kill the fucker for touching my girl.”

“I wasn’t your girl Eric.  We talked about that night.  Or I should say fought about it.   And you now officially don’t have to worry about that happening because I have no need to go to the clubs without my man anymore.”   I lean over and kiss him.  He slips his tongue past my lips and I lick it.  He moans and goes to deepen the kiss but I pull back.  “Ah, Ah, we have to get to Brody and Annie’s.  We have no time to fuck again.”  He groans.

“The discussion of us living together isn’t over.  We’ll table it for now.  Kiss me.  I won’t drive until you kiss me with your luscious lips again.”  He smiles his panty melting sexy smile and I dive in for his kiss.  I love kissing this man.  I tangle my fingers into his hair and deepen the kiss.  He answers back and then pulls away.  “Ah, Ah, we have to go to Brody and Annie’s, we don’t have time to fuck again.”  He winks and laughs.

“You shithead.”  I shove him and slide back over to my side of the truck.  He starts the truck and heads down the drive.

“Yup and proud of it.”  He winks.  The house comes into view and it’s gorgeous.  It looks just like the one they have now only twice the size.

“So they stayed with the same layout just bigger.”

“Yup Annie insisted, the only difference is there is a basement in this one and two bedrooms downstairs.” 

“He has the hidden hallway too?”

“No.  Annie wanted it but Brody said he was too grown up now to have secret passage ways.”  We laugh.  “The only thing that is hidden is the basement door.  That is in the pantry.  The basement is a walk out to the pool and yard.”  We get out of the truck and Eric is greeted by one of the men.

“Hey fucker!  About time your ugly face got here.”

“At least I made it.”  He looks over at me then back.”  I have more important things I’d like to be doing right now.”  I blush and walk off to look around, but still in ear shot.

“Damn, who is that fine piece of-“

“Watch it Sam!”  Eric growls.

“What?  I was going to say chocolate.”  Sam chuckles.  “Shit Eric, lighten up!  So who is she?”

“Her name is Jasmine.”  Eric replies.

“Shit not you too!”


“First Brody and Annie, now you and Jasmine?”

“Dude, what are you talking about.”

“You, hooking up with your secretary.”

“Who said we are hooking up?”

“Eric I wasn’t born yesterday.  Brody has told me how much you have been hung up on her since she started working for you and then you two show up here with a just fucked look and your hair is messed up.  She’s blushing a beautiful pink there too.”  Eric looks back at me and smiles.  I smile too and walk over to them.

“Hi, I’m jazzy.”  I reach out to shake hands.

“Hi sweetie, I’m Sam.”  He reaches out and grasps my hand and kisses it.  He must have lingered to long for Eric cause he took my hand from Sam and is now holding it.

“Back to work.  How is it coming along inside.”  Eric asks as we head in.  “Any hang ups?”

“Nope.  It’s just about done on the first floor.”

“So their room and upstairs spare room are getting done today and tomorrow?”

“Yes.  It needs to be done for Wednesday, yes?  Annie’s furniture comes then?”

“Yup, and Jazzy and I will be here to receive them so you guys can continue working.”

“Whoa, Eric?  We already discussed this.  I’m staying at the office to work.  You were coming here yourself.”  I question him.

“I changed my mind.  I would like you here too so the guys don’t have to stop working.  Then it will all be done for when the honeymooners come home.”  And he walks off with Sam to look at the progress, and I’m left standing there stun.  Then I go and wait outside for him.  I looked around to out back and the pool is also getting dug out today.  They have a lot of contractors here working.  It pays off to have your own construction business and know all of the right contractors to come in and get everything done quickly.  I’m checking emails on my phone when Annie calls.

“Hey bestie!  How goes the honeymoon?”

“A-fucking-mazing!  I love it here.  How is everything going with you?  Eric dead yet?”

“Things are ok.  Why would Eric be dead?”

“You haven’t strangled him or anything yet?”

“No, it’s only Wednesday Annie.”  I giggle

“Wow, how are you going to survive another  7 more work days?  At least you don’t see him after work or the weekend this week.  When we get back we are having a house warming pool party.  I can’t wait for you to see the new house!”  She squeals.

“Actually I’m at it now, it’s gorgeous Annie.”

“What?  How did you get there?”

“Eric.  He wanted me to come up with him.”

“Why would he want that?”  I can hear Brody in the background trying to coax her off the phone.  That man has the sex drive of a thirteen year old.  Then she gasps.  “Did he make a move finally?”

“What!  No.”  I try to sound convincing, but I’m sure I wasn’t.  I’m not that good at lying when it comes to my friends.

“Jazzy!  He did!  Tell me, how did he?  Was he an ass about it?”  I hear Brody say something about the tickets to her and that Eric asked him for advice on how to show he was interested.  “He bought you Philip Philips tickets?”

“Yes, and tell Mr. Nosey pants that we want you guys to come too.”

“Oh, hell yea we are!  Oh this is so exciting!  Double date bitches!”

“Annie, go back to your husband.  I’m getting nauseous listening to his dirty talk.”  He starts laughing.  “Anastasia McGhee!  You better not have me on the fucking speaker phone again.”  She giggles.

“Ok, sorry.  I put it on for him to hear that we are going to the concert too.  I will go now.  Just wanted to call to say hi and I miss you.  I will call again in a few days.”

“Ok, enjoy your time don’t worry about things here just be with your husband.”  We say our goodbyes and hang up.

“How are things with the newlyweds?”  Eric asks sitting down next to me.

“They are good.  Annie wants all the details about us as usual.”

“And what are you going to tell her?”

“I don’t know.  What would you like me to tell her?  Are we a couple?”

“I would like us to be a couple.  I thought we cleared that up back in the truck earlier?”

“We did, I just want to make sure it’s what you want.”  I look at him and then look down.

“Jaz, I told you it’s what I want.  I want a relationship with you.  That I haven’t felt for a woman in years.”  He kisses me on the forehead.

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