Brooklyn Brothel (10 page)

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Authors: C. Stecko

BOOK: Brooklyn Brothel
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I wanted to keep my gig movin’, so I could get back out there to scoop another John. I pushed Muhammed back into the chair next to the dresser and told him to sit back and relax. I swayed back and forth to the imaginary music in my head. Muhammed was about to see my first striptease act. I watched his penis get stiffer as if it were about to explode, while I danced from side to side. Ecstasy had to be in his system or some shit, ’cause I’d neva seen a dick so swollen it looked like it hurt.

Erotically, I unfastened my bra and swung it above my head, just before stuffin’ it into Muhammed’s mouth. I slowly slid my panties down ova my thighs, with the tip of my thumb scrubbin’ about my droolin’ lips. I knew I had Muhammed’s full attention when he stroked his manhood rapidly.

Once my panties fell to the floor, I stepped out of them, and placed one foot up on the bed to expose my newly shaven pussy. I spread my lips with my fingers and slowly pet at my clitoris. I even turned myself on when I started moanin’. “Yes Daddy, yes Daddy,” I growled. Muhammed started moanin’ with me. He closed his eyes, titled his head and once again groaned his request.

“Turn around, quick,” he ordered.

He had his hand pullin’ his dick back and forth, goin’ twenty miles an hour. I turned around allowing Muhammed to push me ova, leavin’ my ass high in the air in front of his face. With my ass ceilin’ bound, he shot his machine gun all ova my asshole.

When he finished releasin’, it took me about fifteen
minutes to clean up and get back out to the floor. I only had $150 in cash, but extremely happy with my jewelry, especially my pearls.

By ten o’clock, I had given up on gettin’ another client, until Tony walked in the door, walkin’ like Tony Montana. Instantly, I perked up. My Italian lover had come back for me as he said he would.

“Papi’s home,” he sang.

I fell out in laughter ’cause I knew he wanted me. He walked briskly, and waved the otha girls off who prepared to stand, showcasin’ themselves. He marched ova to me, grabbed my hand, and led me to the room with the open door.

I began to undress right away, wantin’ to really please Tony in ways he’d neva been pleased before. He told me to stop, and that he wanted to just chill, relax a bit before gettin’ his nuts off. He claimed he’d had a rough day.

I watched him climb onto the bed, crossin’ his legs like he was on vacation. All he needed was a Pina Colada and some Calypso music to finish off his mood. Ironically, his skin tone was of a tanned complexion, and his haircut was short. Allowin’ his stringy strands to lay perfectly.

I climbed on the bed with him and rubbed my finger through his hair. He started tellin’ me about a few of his workers that had been givin’ him some trouble and needed to be handled. Then he rambled on about his future, includin’ where he saw himself in five years. It sounded bright and prosperous to me. Listenin’ to him talk, it was certain he had mad business sense along with several types of businesses.

“So where do you see yourself in five years?” he asked, catchin’ me off-guard.

“I see myself married to you, with two kids, a white picket fence, and caught up in the Mafia.”

We both laughed as I kissed him on his stomach a few times.

“That’s not too far fetched, you know?” He smiled up at me. “That could fuckin’ be arranged.”

I laughed at the fact that he said fuckin’ in every otha sentence. It was wild ’cause when niggas back in Pittsburgh said the word it was disrespectful, but when Tony said it, suddenly it became charmin’. I kissed him again, noticin’ that his shit was rock hard. It wasn’t long before he gave me the look that he wanted to fuck.

I took his shirt completely off, and slid his pants down seductively, nibblin’ in the process with my teeth. I preferred black men, but Tony, I would marry in a heart beat. Italian men were half white, half-black anyway, so I’d heard. Before I knew it, we were bangin’ like two horny jack rabbits. Tony would moan, groan, curse, then tell me how good my pussy was. I was in la la land and wanted his ass to spend the night.

For the next twenty minutes, Tony took his time workin’ his rod inside of me. It barely felt like the condom was on, but I had seen him slap it on before we got busy. At first his strokes were easy goin’ as he moaned in ecstasy. He’d told me when we first met, he preferred to fuck with speed, so when he flipped me into a missionary style position, and started pumpin’ his ass in and out like a jack rabbit, he got me hyped.

The bed got to squeakin’ and feelin’ like it was about to break. His dick kept stabbin’ my kitty, harder and harder. I just knew he would puncture my uterus.

Before long, we fell on top of one another and rolled around on the bed like two lovers. I figured it was a fantasy for me, ’cause the next John would treat me like shit.

When Tony left, he passed me his cell number. He had a look in his eye that confirmed he wanted more from me than just a fuck. “Whenever, you come back into town, call me. I’ll rush right over.”

“I will.”

“I’m fuckin’ serious,” he said shakin’ his forefinger my way.

Needless to say, he left me with a smile on my face; actually my first smile of the day. Toward the end of the night I sat on one of the velvet sofas countin’ my cash. It had been a good day. The best day yet for me. I was finally learnin’ how to use my head. I didn’t always have to let every John lay me down and fuck me like a dog in heat. I had to be creative and make my money without always gettin’ my pussy pounded. In all, I’d collected $2,000 dollars. But I was tellin’ Betty’s ass that I’d only made a ‘g’.

Sasha passed by like the Wicked Witch of the West, catchin’ me off guard. I asked her to come ova so we could talk.“You made your decision yet?”

She was so damn aggressive. I was scared to even answer. “Look, I’m not goin’ back to Bo, if that’s what you’re thinkin’.”

Sasha crossed her arms and changed her stance from easygoin’ to whip ass mode.
I’m so glad her ass is leavin’ the house tonight
I don’t wanna keep talkin’ about this,
I thought.

“Sasha, I’m not gay. Last night was just sex. I was drunk and just experimentin’.”

“Didn’t seem like you was experimenting to me.”

“Look, I’m gonna collect my money from Betty in three more days, and go somewhere close to my son.…I’m sorry, I just can’t go with you. I got my…”

Her hand flew up toward my face. Sasha shot me with a poisonous look and walked away. I tried to talk to her later on, but she gave me the cold shoulder. She did however leave me a note on my bed before she left tellin’ me to give her fuckin’ wig back.

Chapter 8

Days passed and
it was time for me to say my goodbyes. Cinnamon hugged me like three times in between me draggin’ my suitcase toward the door and cleanin’ out my dresser drawers. It was important to make sure nothin’ was bein’ left behind. I didn’t know where the hell I was headed once I got to Pittsburgh, but I was outta Betty’s for sure.

I’d made $10,200 dollars in all, half of which I shoulda been takin’ back with me. I was also takin’ the $680 that I’d made in tips; money that I’d managed to keep away from Betty and Serita. The rest, Betty was supposed to give me just before leavin’ out the door. It was only ten o’clock in the mornin’, and my bus didn’t leave until after five. I had been rushin’ since I woke up, hopin’ not to run into Sasha before I jetted for good.

I figured I would take a taxi downtown, explore a few sights; maybe even go into the Empire State Building or visit Rockefeller Center. It was funny how I felt free, even though I hadn’t officially told Bo I was done with him. Once I was far away, I’d already told myself that I at least owed him a phone call.

He needed to know that he’d taken advantage of a good black woman when she was down, but that I was strong, and now realized he didn’t have my best interest at heart.

Cinammon helped me get all of my stuff down the stairs when Mike walked in the door. He winked at me. I was
just about to wink back when Betty called me into her office. This was the first time I
an office visit. I
my cash!

She told me to sit down, she had somethin’ important to tell me. She told me she’d just gotten off the phone with Bo, and that she’d been ordered by Bo and Sugar G not to give me any money to take back on the bus.

I jumped from my seat. “You can’t do this Betty!” I shouted angrily. Devastation couldn’t even get close to what I felt.

“He told me to send it all Western Union,” she said causin’ chill bumps to appear on my arms. “Sugar G said it would be best just in case you got robbed or mugged.”

I flipped, and stood up like a soldier ready for war. “Betty that’s my money. And you know it. Hand it ova,” I warned, “or else.”

“Or else what?” Her voice deepened and her face crinkled. She stood up, towerin’ ova me. “First of all bitch, I don’t take too fucking kindly to threats. I understand you’re upset, but I gotta business to run, and regular clients to satisfy. Now, I told you before, Sugar G sends me plenty of business. He’s connected. So I gotta keep my reputation as a straight by the book business woman.”

“It’s not fair,” I cried. Tears flooded my face, and my heart had fallen into my shoe. My mind raced not knowin’ what to do or say next. I started pacin’ the floor, wipin’ my tears, and takin’ small, deep breaths.

“I will tell you this…” Betty paused. “He thinks you might try to run away with his money.”

I stopped abruptly, “Now where would he get an idea like that?” My hands all of a sudden straddled my hips. I had an idea but it didn’t matter. “How much you sendin’em?” I wanted to know bad. I’d done my own calculations ova the seven days, but wanted to hear what kind of crooked addition
she was workin’ with.

When she told me, “Fifty-one hundred,” I flipped again. Just the thought of makin’ that kinda money off of me had my blood boilin’. I knew for certain I had to be on that five o’clock bus. There was no way Bo was gonna spend my hard-earned money without me. Then suddenly, it hit me. My dreams of runnin’ had been wiped out. Now, I had to go back to Bo’s ass.

As I walked outta Betty’s office, she gave me her number and said to keep in touch. She reminded me about her offer to come back another time without a pimp. I thanked her for everything and left the room. When I got outside the door, my newest enemy was standin’ next to a large naked paintin’ with a devilish grin.

What the hell is she doing here,
I thought to myself just before I spoke up
“I thought you left,” I said to Sasha.

However, before she could respond, Betty answered for her. “Sasha is a hardworking hoe. She went to go work at another spot over in Harlem, but as you can see the bitch is back. Sasha knows where she can make all the good money at.”

At that point, it all clicked. I knew Sasha had told Betty about my plan to pull a fast one on Bo. Betty in return must’ve told Bo. It was crazy how Betty played both sides of the fence. She wanted her cake, and was eatin’ it, too.
The hoe business was a bitch

I looked around the room and noticed Mike and Cinnamon starin’ at all of us. “Why would you snitch on me Sasha?” I asked her in front of everybody.

She had her victory smile clamped on real good. “You got what you deserved. Now take that sweet pussy back to Bo Rich.”

Cinnamon grabbed me by the wrist, and pulled me toward the back of the house, near the kitchen. She whispered
into my ear, “Do you believe me now?”

“Believe what?” I whispered back.

“About Bo. He don’t really love you Co-Co. You better go in that bathroom and stash what money you have left in a condom like I told you. You need some lubricant?”

“I got some in my purse,” I explained. “I’ll do it later. I got several hours before I leave. I’m gonna have Mike take me to get some drugs. I need to get high!”

Cinnamon’s eyes lit up. She knew I had hit an all time low. “Why Co-Co? Please don’t go that route.”

“I have to. I need to get my mind off all this shit.”

We exchanged a few more hugs all the way to Mike’s car. We wanted to exchange numbers, but had no stable phone information to exchange. Neither of us had a cell phone to call our own. We hugged one last time and vowed to keep in touch through Mike.

After me and Mike finally pulled off, I told him my plans. “Umm…I need you to make a stop before you take me back to the bus station.”

“Okay.” He looked at me through the rear view mirror.

“Look, I’m not even gonna beat around the fuckin’ bush. I need you to take me to get a good line.”

Mike glanced through the rear view again, but this time he looked confused. “A line of what?”

“A line of coke. Oh, and I could use some weed too. I haven’t had a blunt in a while.”

Luckily, as soon as I said that, Mike stopped at a traffic light. He turned his body all the way around. “Coke. Are you serious? Please don’t tell me you into that shit, too.”

For some reason I became very offended by his response. “What the hell do you mean, don’t tell you I’m into that,
. Just take me to get the shit, and if not I’ll try and find somebody else. I don’t need no fuckin’ lectures right now!”

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