Brothers in Arms (16 page)

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Authors: Odd Arne Westad

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Page 40
57. Record of conversation, V. V. Vaskov (Chargé d' affaires)-Mao Zedong, June 16, 1954, AVPRF, f. 0100, op. 47, pa. 379, d. 7, pp. 67-68; Kapitsa interview.
58. Record of conversation, Iudin-Zhou Enlai, January 18, 1954, AVPRF, f. 0100, op. 47, pa. 379, d. 7, pp. 14-17; A. N. Lankov, "Krisis 1956 goda v KNDR" [The 1956 crisis in the People's Democratic Republic of Korea],
(1995): 4. On Sino-Soviet cooperation during the Geneva conference, see Molotov to Khrushchev, June 24, 1954, "Ob itogakh Zhenevskogo soveshchaniia" [On the results of the Geneva Conference], draft Central Committee Plenum speech, TsKhSD, CPSU Central Committee Plenum Collection, Nineteenth Congress. The Russian Foreign Ministry archive holds a special fond on the Geneva Conference, AVPRF, f. 0445.
59. Volkogonov,
Sem Vozhdei,
vol. 1,410-11; Li Wenjing, "Cong Youhao zouxiang polie Mao Zedong yu Heluxiaofu [From friendship to split Mao Zedong and Khrushchev], in
Mao Zedong guoji jiaowang lu
[A record of Mao Zedong's international social contacts] (Beijing: Zhonggong dangshi, 1995), 116-28. See also He Di,
Paper or Real Tiger: America's Nuclear Deterrence and Mao Zedongs Response.
Paper presented at a Cold War International History Project conference, Hong Kong, January 1996. The best available collection of Mao's papers relating to the 1954 crisis are in
Jianguo yilai Mao Zedong wengao,
vol. 4; see also
Mao Zedongjunshi wenji
[Mao Zedong works on military affairs] (Beijing: Junshi kexue and Zhongyang wenxian, 1993), vol. 6, 357-63.
60. Record of conversation, Mao-Iudin, December 21, 1955, AVPRF, f. 0100, op. 49, pa. 410, d. 9, pp. 11-19; see also Frederick C. Teiwes and Warren Sun, eds.,
The Politics of Agricultural Cooperation in China: Mao Zedong, Deng Xihui, and the 'High Tide' of 1955
(Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 1993).
61. Records of conversation, Mao-Iudin, March 31 and May 2, 1956, AVPRF, f. 0100, op. 49, pa. 410, d. 9, pp. 87-98 and 124-30; Wu Lengxi,
Yi Mao zhuxi
[Recalling Chairman Mao] (Beijing: Xinhua, 1994); Bo Yibo,
Ruogan zhongdejuece yu shijian de huigu
[A review of some very important policies and events] (Beijing: Zhongguo zhongyang xuejiao, 1991); Veljko Micunovic,
Moscow Diary
(London: Chatto and Win-dus, 1980). An unsubstantiated outline of the "secret" speech was reported in
New York Times
on March 16, 1956. An almost complete version was printed in
France Soir
on May 28, 1956.
62. Deng Xiaoping, in his conversations with Soviet leaders in the summer of 1963, provided a useful outline of how the Polish and Hungarian events had influenced Mao' s views on the Twentieth Congress. The Soviets had "thrown away Stalin's sword. Now our enemies have taken up the sword and will use it to kill us," Deng quoted Mao as say-


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ing in October 1956. See "Zusammenkunft der Delegationen der Kommunistischen Partei der Sowjetunion und der Kommunistichen Partei Chinas im Juli 1963 unkorrigierte Rohübersetzung" [Meetings of the delegations of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Communist Party of China in July 1963-uncorrected raw translation], Stiftung Archiv der Parteien und Massenorganisationen der ehemaligen DDR im Bundesarchiv (SAPMO-BArch), Berlin, Bestandsignatur DY J IV 2/201, Aktenband 696 [hereafter July 1963-SAPMO-BArch], 75.
63. For Chinese reaction to the Polish and Hungarian events, see AVPRF, f. 0100, op. 49, pa. 410, d. 9. The AVPRF holds records of the CCP Politburo meetings on October 22 and 23, 1956, but these have not yet been declassified.
64. Mao Zedong's conversation with a delegation from the Yugoslav Union of Communists, September 1956,
Mao Zedong waijiao wenxuan,
65. Mao Zedong's talk at a meeting of city, province, and autonomous region party secretaries, January 27, 1957, ibid., 283.
66. See records of conversation, Iudin-Zhou Enlai, May 22, 1957, and Iudin-Mao, October 11, 1957, AVPRF, f. 0100, op. 50, pa. 423, d. 5, pp. 27-34 and 44-5.
67. For Iudin's conversations with Chinese leaders in the fall of 1957, see AVPRF, f. 0100, op. 50, pa. 423, d. 5.
68. Mao's speech in Moscow, November 14, 1957,
Jianguo yilai Mao Zedong wengao,
vol. 6, 627.
69. For the Soviet reaction, see Kapitsa,
Na raznykh paralleliakh,
70. Record of conversation, Iudin-Mao Zedong, February 28, 1958, AVPRF, f. 0100, op. 51, pa. 432, d. 6, pp. 86-96.
71. Wu Lengxi,
Yi Mao zhuxi;
records of conversations, Iudin-Mao Zedong, March 15 and April 5, 1958, AVPRF, f. 0100, op. 51, pa. 432, d. 6, pp. 86-96, 122-34.
72. Record of conversation, Iudin-Zhou Enlai and Peng Zhen, September 28, 1958, AVPRF, f. 0100, op. 51, pa. 432, d. 6, pp. 170-2; record of conversation, Iudin-Chen Yi, November 30, 1958, AVPRF, f. 0100, op. 51, pa. 432, d. 6, pp. 188-96.


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