Business Affairs (7 page)

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Authors: Shirley Rogers

BOOK: Business Affairs
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“You're gorgeous,” he whispered as his gaze drifted over her body. He kissed her chin, her throat, her shoulders. She smelled so…female, so absolutely fantastic, he thought he'd die if he didn't touch her. Somewhere. Anywhere. Everywhere. Reaching for the ties behind her, he loosened them, and the scrap of material covering her breasts fell, baring her to him. Alex tossed it to the floor. Then, for one long, intense moment, he just stared at her.

He reached out and touched her nipple with his thumb, watched the soft peak harden right in front of his eyes. Going down on his knees, he slid his hands behind her back, urging her toward him. She felt like velvet, delicate and so tender. Was her skin so soft all over?

Jennifer squirmed on the bed, scooting closer, wanting to give Alex what he wanted, what they both wanted. His tongue touched her nipple, the roughness of it creating a burning sensation deep inside her. Then he took her in his mouth. His teeth gently nipped at her, and something wild and wonderful ignited deep inside her.

Alex's hands slid across her thighs and she shifted her hips, wanting him to touch her. His fingers grazed her skin, burning her everywhere they touched her. She needed him—oh, yes, wanted him more than ever. His hand slipped between her legs, warm and so gentle that she caught her breath.

She held his head in her hands, pressing him to her, encouraging him to suckle her as his hands explored her body. Each touch, each stroke of his tongue fueled her desire for him.

“Alex.” Jennifer held her breath when he tasted her once more, then lifted his face to look at her. She couldn't wait. Didn't want to. His hands on her body, his tongue on her breasts, was all it took for her to reach the peak of her desire. “I need you inside me.” Falling back on the bed, she beckoned him to her.

“In a moment, honey,” he whispered. Pulling the bottoms of her bikini off, he slid his hand up her thigh, between her legs. She moaned and moved against him, begging for more. Alex watched her and was stunned by her passionate response to his touch. He stroked her until she was panting and writhing on the bed, until she cried out his name and pleaded for him to make her his.

His. He wanted to brand her his, to make sure no other man touched her like this. Alex didn't have that right, but, hell, it was what he wanted. It didn't make sense. No woman had ever made him feel like she belonged to him.

“Please, Alex, now,” Jennifer whispered, biting her lip, holding back her climax. She'd waited a long time to be with him. So long. She wanted everything, every part of being with him.

Aching for her, he shed the remainder of his cloth
ing and shoes before covering her body with his. When his mouth found hers, he gave a guttural groan.

She thrashed beneath him, her hips pushing against his. Alex cupped her bottom, held her to him, loving the feel of her skin beneath his fingers.

Her hands slid over his shoulders, her fingers digging into his skin. He lifted his mouth from hers, his breathing ragged. Positioning himself between her legs, he hovered over her. “Are you using protection?” he rasped. It was too fast, he thought absently. He wanted to slow things down. But he couldn't stop. He had to have her. He willed her to say yes.

In a fog, Jennifer heard him whispering to her. But then she felt him probing her, and she gritted her teeth. Oh, please, yes. Unable to stop herself, she lifted her hips, pushing against him.

“Jennifer, sweetheart, I can't wait much longer. Do we need to take care of you?” he murmured.

His words vaguely registering in her mind, Jennifer tried to concentrate through the haze of desire.
her mind whispered.
You have to tell him now.
But deep in the recesses of her mind, she was only aware of her need for him. She wanted Alex so badly she couldn't breathe. “No.” The word slipped out before she could stop it.

Alex pushed himself partially inside her, testing her readiness for him. “You're so perfect,” he whispered.


Reality permeated her mind at blinding speed. No, she wasn't perfect. Guilt built inside her. She couldn't do this. “Alex!” she murmured.

But then he drove deep inside her, stretching her, filling her, and her ability to speak evaporated. And, oh yes,
he was moving. “Alex,” she cried, but her words were lost when he covered her mouth with his.

Jennifer couldn't think about anything except the pleasure he gave her, the absolute wonder of being with him. She moved with him, matching his pace, and they reached ecstasy together.


You lied to him.

Lying in Alex's embrace, Jennifer faced the awful truth. Oh, God, she had. She'd told Alex she didn't need protecting.

No, you wanted to tell him the truth.

Oh, she had, but her admission had come too late. Regardless of whether she'd had second thoughts, the fact remained that she'd misled him. She'd been trying to confess to him, but then he was inside her, moving, his hot body giving her so much pleasure she couldn't think.

If you tell him the truth now, he'll never believe you.

The damage had been done. It was irreversible. She could be pregnant right now with his child. To tell him now would only ruin things between them.

What should she do?

Don't say anything.

What could she say? If she told him they needed to use protection the next time, he'd know she lied.

She leaned back and raised her head, her gaze traveling slowly over his face until she met his eyes. Without speaking, she moved out of his embrace, reaching for something to cover herself the moment her feet hit the floor.

Alex watched her movements with a mixture of frustration and surprise. Becoming fully alert, he asked, “Where are you going?”

Barely glancing at him, Jennifer edged toward the bathroom. “I'm going to, um, use the bathroom. Why don't you order us something for dinner? I'll be out in a few minutes.” Not waiting for him to answer, she rushed into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

Practically growling, Alex climbed from the bed and pulled on his sweatpants. What the hell had just happened? If he didn't know better, he'd have thought Jennifer was trying to distance herself from him.


You know why.

Alex sucked in a breath, then blew it out hard. He'd felt her hesitation. Right before he'd taken her, he'd sensed her indecision. Instead of pulling back, instead of letting her speak, he'd kissed her. A long, drugging kiss meant to seduce her.

Hell, he hadn't wanted to give her a chance to ask him to stop. Because if she'd asked him to stop, he would have. And he would have regretted not sleeping with her for the rest of his life.

Feeling lower than scum, he stared at the closed door. He heard her turn off the faucet. His heart in his throat, he waited for her to come out so he could apologize.

As if a few remorseful words could make amends for what he'd done. She was probably furious with him, and rightly so. He deserved so much more than her anger. Snatching up the telephone, he called room service and ordered dinner.

Still, the bathroom door remained closed. The woman who was assertive and confident in a conference with some of his toughest customers, the woman who had been an energetic and exciting partner in bed, didn't want to face him.

Cursing under his breath, Alex paced to the bathroom and knocked on the door. “Jennifer.”

“Just a minute.”

Alex tried to judge what she was thinking from the tone of her voice, but he came up blank. He wanted to see her face, needed to know he hadn't ruined everything between them.

There was a click, then the doorknob slowly turned. Seconds later Jennifer came out, wrapped in his robe.

robe. She looked so right, so absolutely breathtaking, he'd never forget this moment. Her hair was wet, slicked back from her face, her skin glowed.

God, she was beautiful.

She looked at him then, her hazel eyes soft and so endearingly shy. His breath dammed up inside his lungs. Fascinated, he couldn't take his eyes off of her. “Are you all right?”

“Of course, Alex.”

Her eyes brightened for just an instant, but then she turned away. As if she wasn't even aware of him watching her, she retrieved a pair of slacks and a sweater from her suitcase. Then she looked at him. Well, looked in his direction. Her eyes avoided his.

“I need to dress. Do you want the bathroom?”

She didn't say anything more. Alex didn't want to push her. But he did want to talk about what happened between them. Clear the air.

Beg her forgiveness.

“Sure.” But not just yet. Right now he'd give her a few minutes alone. Give her the time she needed.

He'd search for the right moment.

And he'd pray that he'd find the right words.


e need to talk.”

Alex's senses went on alert. He hadn't expected
to confront
His gaze met hers and she didn't look away. Hell, she didn't even flinch. He had a feeling he wasn't going to like what she had to say.

When he'd finished his shower and come back into the room, the food he'd ordered had arrived. Jennifer had taken the time to place it on the coffee table. Following her lead, he'd sat across from her and they'd eaten.

They'd talked, sure. About work. A little about his family. More about hers.

Just not about what had happened between them. Because he'd never garnered the nerve to apologize. Now it was too late. She'd taken the bull by the horns.

“All right.” Alex studied her guarded expression.
Every muscle in his body tensed as he waited for her to speak.

“Alex…” Sitting on the edge of her seat, Jennifer hesitated, searching for the right words. She'd rehearsed them over and over again in her mind, but saying them out loud wasn't as easy as she'd hoped.

She couldn't tell Alex the truth. Now that she knew what it felt like to make love with him, she was selfish. She wanted more. As soon as the road was clear, they would be headed back home. She was going to make the most of her time alone with him. If she had her way, she'd never leave this room.

But if this was going to work, she had to be sure Alex had no knowledge of her feelings for him. He had to believe she wanted the same thing out of their weekend he did.

Sex and nothing more.

Her gaze rested on his handsome face, and oh, God, she fell in love with him all over again. Tears sprang to her eyes. Dammit, she was going to cry. She sniffed, willing them away. She didn't want Alex to know just how much making love with him meant to her.

“What happened between us…” She began again, “Well, I don't know what you think of me, but I don't make a habit of inviting men to my bed.”

“I didn't think you did, Jen.” Alex held her gaze, saw the tears in her eyes, hated knowing he was the one who caused them.

Jennifer wanted to cry even more. He'd shortened her name once or twice over the weekend while they were skiing. But in bed, while he was inside her, he'd said it over and over again. “Neither of us meant for this to happen, but—”

“I don't think I want to hear what's coming next.” He knew she was wrestling with something, and it was killing him not knowing what was going on behind her beautiful hazel eyes. Leaning toward her, he took her hand. “I don't think I could stand it if you had regrets.”

“Regrets?” Smiling at him through the tears that crested her eyes, she shook her head. “I don't. I mean, not like you think. I still want—” she gestured toward him “—this to happen. I mean again. If you want to.”

Relief flooded Alex. Oh, he wanted to. Right this second wouldn't be fast enough. Before she could say anything more, he leaned forward and took her hand. “That's a relief, because you were sounding like you didn't.”

At his touch, Jennifer's skin grew hot. He had that effect on her. “Oh, no. Don't think that. It's just…I need you to promise me something before we, um, have sex again.”

Wondering where she was going, he gave her a long, searching look. “Anything.” He frowned, not liking the way the word
sounded when she said it. It had a passing tone to it that made him feel uncomfortable and just a little bit irritated. All right, maybe he wasn't interested in anything permanent. Why should he be surprised to learn she wasn't, either? And why did it bother him?

“Alex, when we talked about coming here, I think we were both a little naive. We thought nothing could happen between us. But being in each other's company for a few days, I guess it's only natural we indulged in a brief affair.”

affair. So if he had any other thoughts about them making love, she was telling him straight-out ex
actly what it was. Not just an affair, but a
affair. There was more behind those eyes, though. More she wasn't saying. “What aren't you telling me?” he asked, annoyance creeping into his tone.

“This can't go on beyond right here and right now.”


Because I'm in love with you.
Sheesh! She couldn't say
“My job!” she blurted. Yes, she'd use the fact that they work together. It was a solid reason, something he'd understand.

“If you're worried about having a job when we get back—”

“My career is important to me.”

Alex let himself off the hook. He'd been worried because even though she'd initiated intimacy between them, while they were making love he'd suspected she'd had second thoughts. Now he knew the real reason for her hesitation. She'd been afraid of losing her job. So she'd wanted him, but not if it would cost her career. Nice to know. “Your job isn't in any jeopardy.”

“That's what most people think when they work together and become involved. The only way I can be sure is to have your word that when we get back, we'll forget this weekend ever happened.”

“What?” Okay, he hadn't seen
coming. He wasn't sure what the hell to say. He stroked her hand as he thought about her suggestion. He could promise her that she'd always have her job. He could
as if he didn't know her body intimately. But there was no damn way he could promise he'd ever forget what it felt like to make love to her. “Is that really what you want?”

her mind whispered. But she said, “Yes.”

“And the rest of the time we're here?” he asked. His
gaze slid down her body, then back to her face, his intentions implicit. He wanted her. If she was intent on keeping their relationship relegated to the next day or so, he wasn't going to waste any more of their time talking.

She stood and went to him, stepping between his legs. Her heart was beating so hard she could feel it banging around inside her chest. She ran her finger across his forehead, then rested her palm on his cheek. “The rest of the time, we spend in bed if you want.”

Alex stared up at her. He couldn't say he agreed with her proposition, but her idea of spending the rest of their time in bed made his temperature soar. “You're a tough negotiator.”

She smiled. “That's why you hired me, right? Because I'm good at what I do?”

He stood. She was good, all right. But he wasn't remotely thinking about work. He was thinking about how damn good she felt in his arms. “If you want my word, then you have it.”

Before she could take a breath, Alex hauled her against him and his mouth took hers in a searing kiss. Jennifer moaned as his tongue mated with her own, teasing it with promises that left her knees so weak she could barely stand.

Alex scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bed. His eyes fastened on Jennifer, he stepped back to pull off the sweatshirt he'd put on earlier. Lying on the bed, she reached down and grasped the hem of her sweater and pulled it over her head.

She wasn't wearing a bra. His gaze raked her. She lay half naked, her beautiful breasts luring him to her. He joined her on the bed, lying beside her. He kissed
her then, a long, drugging kiss that had him panting for more. He slid his hand to her breasts, kneading one then the other, his fingertips fascinated with her nipples.

He watched her eyelids close. “Do you like that, Jen?” he asked, his tone husky.

“I like everything you do, Alex,” she whispered, opening her eyes and gazing at him.

Alex rolled to his back, bringing her with him. She straddled him, her hair framing her face.

“Come here.” He took her hands, place them on his shoulders, then slid his hands under her arms and urged her to lean over him. “I want to taste you.” Lifting his head, he licked her nipple, laved it with his tongue, then took it into his mouth, branding her taste to his memory.

He looked up at her, saw her eyelids drift down. “Do you want me, Jen?” He needed to hear her say it.

“Oh, yes.” Desire coiled through her body. She looked at him, and his gaze held hers as he took both breasts in his hands. Her hips rocked against him. He was so hard, so incredibly hard.

“Say it,” he demanded.

“I want you, Alex.” Oh, yes. She wanted him forever. “Come inside me,” she whispered.

His hands found her waist. Jennifer went up on her knees, then felt him between her legs. She moved on him and he gritted his teeth. “Oh, yes, Alex. You feel so good.”

As though he was meant to be hers. Her head fell back as he began moving inside her. Spreading her legs farther apart, she cried out with pleasure. Unable to support her weight, she melted against him as his mouth devoured hers.

Her release came so suddenly, so incredibly forcefully, she cried out his name. His hands squeezed her derriere as he arched his back and climaxed.

And Jennifer knew she'd never love anyone else for the rest of her life.


As they lay together, their breathing ragged, Alex felt Jennifer stir. He tightened his arm around her, holding her next to him. He wasn't going to let her do another disappearing act. There was no telling what other conditions she'd come up with if he let her have too much time to herself.

Shifting his body, he rolled over and pinned her to the mattress. Exhausted, he lay there, his hand caressing her. Her skin was warm. And soft. So damn soft.

His thoughts drifted to the promise he'd given Jennifer. She didn't want him to remember anything about being with her. She'd asked the impossible. Though he'd given her his word, he was never going to be able to forget making love to her.

Why was she different from the other women he'd been with? It had been easy to compartmentalize his feelings for them, keep them at a distance. His eyelids drifted shut. Wanting to analyze his reaction to Jennifer, Alex fought the sedating effects of lethargy. He didn't want to go to sleep. He didn't want to wake up in the morning and know it was probably going to be the last day he had with her.

As if it was the most natural thing in the world, Alex hugged her to him. He smiled to himself when she snuggled closer, her bottom fitting perfectly against him. Satisfied she wasn't going anywhere, he drifted into sleep.


The telephone startled Jennifer, jarring her awake. Who on earth could be calling? No one knew they were here. She started to reach for the phone, but she felt so wonderful cuddling with Alex that she couldn't bring herself to move from beneath the covers. Alex didn't budge, either, except to tighten his arm around her waist. The phone quit ringing and she sighed sleepily. Like the sunshine peeking into the room, reality seeped into her thoughts.

As she'd told Alex, it was best for them to forget they'd ever made love after they returned home. For herself, that was impossible. A day would never go by that she wouldn't remember being here with him.

But Alex had easily agreed with her suggestion. That hurt. If he'd have put up a bit of an argument, she would have felt as if she'd meant more to him than sex with no strings attached.

Her heart constricted. Though she'd known better than to expect it, she'd wanted to be more to Alex than a weekend fling. Which was silly, she supposed. Alex had women flaunting themselves at him all the time. She'd seen it for herself whenever they attended a business function. Women swarmed around him.

Well, he
gorgeous. And sweet. And romantic, she thought, remembering their sleigh ride. No, she chided herself. Alex hadn't been aiming at romance. He'd told her himself the sleigh ride was his way of apologizing to her.

He kissed you.

Well, their kiss was simple to explain. They'd been caught up in a moment. That kiss—that wonderful, seductive kiss—had been part of his apology.

But he also said he thought you were hot.

He'd just been flirting. She'd seen him in action at dinner parties. Alex had charm, and he knew how to use it. He had a way of making the woman he was talking with feel as if she were special. And even if he did find her attractive, why should she read more into it? She was no Julia Roberts, but she considered herself appealing.

And the sex?

Lust. Just plain lust.

He stirred, then nuzzled her neck, and her thoughts scattered. His lips pressed a soft kiss to her shoulder and she turned in his arms to face him. His eyes opened languidly and she smiled when they closed again. She raised her hand to his face, touched it with her palm, then traced his nose with her finger. “I thought you were a morning person,” she whispered.

Alex opened his eyes. “That was before I knew what it was like to wake up with you in my bed.” His hand slid up her rib cage to her breast. He caressed it tenderly, his eyes meeting hers. “Know what I'm thinking?”

Her stomach growled. She laughed and said, “It's time to eat?”

He kissed her, then smiled. “Well, eating wasn't exactly what I had on my mind.” His hand slid between her thighs. Her skin was soft and oh, so silky. His body responded to her on every level. His skin heated, his arousal obvious. But what stunned him was the quickening of his heartbeat.

Danger signals flashed through his mind. Jennifer was hazardous to his heart. But despite the powerful effect she had on him, Alex pulled her against him and rolled onto his back, bringing her with him. “I guess I'd
better feed you. You're going to need all the strength you can get.” He kissed her, a long, sensual mating of their mouths.

Her pulse accelerating from the desire in his eyes, she watched as he rolled away and stood. Jennifer couldn't drag her eyes from him. He was so gorgeous that he stole her breath. His stomach was flat and taut, and the muscles in his arms and shoulders rippled as he picked up his sweatpants. She needed to fan herself. She'd always thought Alex was handsome, but without clothes, well, he was heart-stopping incredible.

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