Busted By My Stepbrother (Steamy Stepbrother Taboo Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Busted By My Stepbrother (Steamy Stepbrother Taboo Romance)
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I felt the smile and color drain from my face, right before I whipped my hand out to try and snatch the phone from him.  He pulled it away before I had a chance, though, and all I succeeded in doing is knocking myself off balance and falling from the bed.


"You're an asshole," I muttered from the floor, feeling defeated.  That picture was going to be hard to deny, even for me. 


"What was that?" he asked.


"Nothing," I said, not meeting his gaze.


"That's what I thought."  I hated the smug tone I heard in his voice, but it’s probably the same tone that would be in mine if the situation was reversed.


"So what are you going to do?  Tell my mom?" I asked, turning my gaze up to look at him.  Despite the position he had me in, it was hard to stay completely angry at someone that reminded you of a greek god.  He was so fucking handsome, and I’d had a lot of fantasies about my dear stepbrother over the last year or so.  In fact, I couldn’t be sure I wouldn’t have been thinking about him, even just a bit, if Jimmy and I had actually gotten down to having sex.  As it was, though, the image of his perfectly sculpted body was beginning to blur as I felt tears stinging my eyes.  “She'll fucking kill me."


Nathan just nodded.  "You're right.  She will.  But I'm not sure yet if I'm going to tell her.  Maybe you and I can work this out on her own..." 






I saw a glimmer of hope light up Meg's face, making her even more beautiful, despite how annoying I found her.  I always forget how gorgeous my stepsister is when I’m not face to face with her, but then as soon as I am, I’m reminded of her crushing beauty.  That’s part of why she gets away with so much from so many people.  She’s a hard girl to say no to, or to disappoint.


And sitting there, simply wearing panties with a thin white tee shirt that was thin enough that I could see her nipples creating little dark tents to prove she wasn’t wearing a bra, the thought of disappointing her was getting even harder.  As was something else.  My dick twitched in my pants, reminding me that even though we were related by marriage, I was still a man with a cock that just didn’t care.


"Things are going to have to change around here," I finally said.


Meg nodded as she looked up at me.  Her expression reminded me of a puppy dog that was waiting for a treat.  She was clearly very anxious about getting out of trouble this time.  I'd never seen her so agreeable.


"First of all, you need to stop fucking guys in this house."  If I had to abide by our parents rules, then so did she.  And anyway, the whole reason I was abiding by them now was that she was around, cramping my style.


"I wasn't fucking him," she protested.


"Well, you were giving him a blow job," I said.  "That's bad enough.  And I'm sure if I hadn't come in it would have led to you guys fucking pretty soon." 


Meg just shrugged, noncommittally.


"I wasn't born yesterday.  It's called foreplay for a reason, sis.  Because it happens before sex."


She just shook her head.  "I know, but that doesn’t mean… I don't... usually do that."


"Do what?"


"Sex.  I mean, I haven't yet.  Not all the way."


My mouth hung open.  There was no way my sister was a virgin, was there?  She had to be lying.  And yet...




She shook her head again.  She was staring at the floor in front of my feet, almost as if she was embarrassed. 


Suddenly, it all made sense.  Sure, she dressed like a tramp, but Meg was a girl that liked to get her own way.  She liked having guys do everything for her.  She wasn't a slut after all.  She was worse.  She was a tease.


"So you just lead them on?  You blow a guy, get him to think you're going to go further and then, what?  String him along for a while?  Let him do things for you, buy you things, try to convince you to have sex with him?  Make him think it's going to happen and then when he just won't wait anymore, you dump him.  Is that about it?"


Meg just shrugged again, continuing to stare at the ground as she shifted uncomfortably.  She looked like she wanted to say something, but then thought better of it.  Likely I'd hit the nail on the head and she just didn’t want to admit it.  When I was in college, I hated girls like her, and my opinion of them hadn't improved much since.  Still, though, the guys were to blame as well.  They let her completely manipulate them for what?  A little bit of head? 


"How many guys have you done that to?"


Meg just shrugged.


"A lot?"


She nodded.


"I can't believe there are so many weak minded guys out there that can't see through a little cock tease like you."


Meg's head snapped up as I called her a cock tease.  She looked a little shocked at my language.  But if she was old enough to suck them, she was old enough to be called out for what she was.


"I guess I'm just good at it," she said with a shrug.  She had a little half smile starting to creep up her face again, and I got the feeling she was starting to think she was out of the woods.


"I'm still deciding whether to tell your mother," I said.  Her smile disappeared immediately as I regained the upper hand.


"I thought you said we could work something out?" she pleaded, her puppy dog eyes looking up at me and I was now fairly sure I was being played.


"I'm rethinking that," I replied flatly.  "I don't think you're taking this seriously."






I stood up.  "I am, Nathan.  I really would do
to not have Mom hear about this."


The one thing about my stepbrother Nathan is that he has always acted like he was my father, and although it usually annoyed me, it also felt kind of nice at the same time.  The thought that there was someone out there that wanted to keep me safe and protected.  It still annoyed me, but it was hard to stay mad at him for it, his intentions were good.  Besides, he was just so handsome.  Even when I knew he was mad at me.    And the thing was, the way his eyes were glancing down at my tits and underwear, almost unconsciously, I was starting to wonder whether he had some of the same feelings about me.


He clearly thought I was a total slut.  I almost admitted that I had been planning on having sex with Jimmy just so he’d know I wasn’t a total cock tease like he was making me out to be, but I wasn’t sure it was a lot better to admit that I was going to have sex with someone I had practically just met.   Despite our differences, Nathan’s opinion really did matter to me.  I loved him.  Like a brother, sure, but maybe even a little bit more as well.


Nathan raised an eyebrow as I moved closer to him, clearly wondering what I was planning.  I wasn’t even sure myself.  A bizarre and naughty idea was forming in my head, one I knew I should ignore but didn’t think I’d be able to.  Especially not after Jimmy was chased out right in the middle of things a few minutes ago.


"There must be
I can do..."  I was looking him in the face, letting a smile creep up on my face as a hint as to what I was getting at.  In a moment of sheer boldness, I even let my fingertips brush lightly against the front of his pants.  He gasped and looked down to see if it was an accident.


It wasn’t.  My palm was resting against him completely now, right along the contours of his cock which I was pleasantly surprised to feel get instantly hard through his trousers. 


"Meg!" he exclaimed.


"Oh come on, Nathan," I said as my fingers closed along his shaft right through the fabric of his pants.  "We're both adults here."  Even if he rarely thinks of me as one.


Nathan stepped back and stared at me in shock, but I could clearly see his cock straining against his pants, even as his eyes were having trouble staying focused on my face.   They kept dropping down to take in my tits.  I watched as he gave his head a little shake before frowning at me.


"That's enough," he said.  "I think there is only one adult here, and one child.  A child that has gone too long without a proper punishment."


"Oh come on," I laughed.  "What are you gonna do?  Spank me?"  Sometimes he really seemed like he wanted to be my father instead of my brother.


"That's exactly what I'm going to do," he suddenly barked.  As if something in side of Nathan finally snapped, he grabbed me by the forearm firmly and yanked hard, practically dragging me toward the bed.  I stumbled as I struggled to catch up but then he pulled me off balance and I fell forward, right across his lap.


"You're never too old for a spanking," he said.  "Especially if you've been deserving one for as long as you have.  If our parents aren’t willing to discipline you, then maybe I’m the only one left to do it."


Nathan lifted his arm quickly, letting it fall hard and fast, palm slapping against the cotton panties covering my ass.  I let out a little yelp as the first blow hit, but then I realized that it actually didn’t hurt all that much.  As much of a show as Nathan was putting on, he couldn’t actually bring himself to hit me hard.  I couldn’t help but giggle. 


"I can't believe this," I said, pulling against the arm that was holding me down as I struggled to free myself.  "Let me up.  This is ridiculous."


As if the thin cotton of my panties had been the only thing holding back the sting of his slap, Nathan growled as he grabbed a hold of the sides of my underwear and yanked them down until they were mid thigh.  Now I really did yell and start to squirm.  How dare he actually pull my panties down?  I was just teasing before, and I’m sure giggling just made him more angry, but this was crossing the line.


"Nathan, what the fuck!"


My mouth snapped shut when he began to spank me again, this time the sting of flesh on flesh hurt a lot more, and the sound of the slaps rung in my ears.  I couldn’t help but cry out for real this time as he continued his blows.  After about a dozen he finally stopped.  I could feel my ass burning, and I imagined it was very red.  All of the squirming had gone out of me, and the only thing I had the energy to do was whimper softly. 


I felt one of my legs slide off of Nathan’s knees now that he wasn’t holding me in place, causing my legs to spread a bit, but I didn’t care.  I was worried that if I moved at all he would think I was resisting and start spanking me again. 






As my sister lay across my legs, I finally let my eyes gaze down at her fleshy globes.  Aside from the pink hand prints, she had a magnificent ass that had felt soft and smooth each time I had slammed my hand down on it.  I still can’t believe I got so carried away and actually spanked her.  Something about her attitude always just drove me crazy, though.  Still, pulling down her panties was probably over the line, even if it did allow my eyes to feast on this amazing sight.


One of her thighs had fallen off of my knees, causing them to spread a bit, and by tilting my head I could see down into the crack between them.  Her pussy lips were pouty and full, and completely hairless.  At least from the angle I was looking.


I felt Meg finally start to push up on her arms in an attempt to get away, so I pressed her back down with one arm and then slapped her again with my free hand.


"I didn't say you could get up," I said.


She said nothing, but this time didn't try to get back up.  My hand rested on her ass now, as I hadn't taken it away after the last slap.  Whether consciously or not, now that I was touching her I could feel the heat emanating from where I had been pounding and I started to rub her cheek slowly.  I felt her stiffen against me as I did, clearly wondering what it was I was doing, massaging her bare ass.  Hell, I was wondering the same thing.  What
I doing?


"This will take the sting away," I said, continuing to rub.  Her flesh was so smooth I couldn't stop myself.  The almost invisible downy hairs that covered her skin tickled my palm as I ran it along her flesh.  My cock felt like a steel rod in my pants now, and I was sure she could feel it poking into her upper thigh.


"Do you think that maybe you'll start taking things more seriously now?" I asked, my voice wasn't as harsh now as my anger had been released with the thrashing I had delivered against her naked flesh.


"Yes, brother," she said.


I don't know why she chose to call me
at that point, or what it was about how she did it, but as soon as she said it I nearly creamed my pants.  My cock jumped and I felt her shift.  There's no way she didn't feel that.


My fingers continued to graze along her ass, but now I let them move downwards along her thigh.  I knew I should stop myself, but I couldn't.  She was too beautiful.  My cock was too hard.  It had been too long since I’d had sex, which was something I still blamed Meg for, whether that was a valid complaint or not.  My palm slid around her thigh just above her panties and then I moved it up again.  I felt her tense along me once more and then my index finger made contact with her pussy lips and she jumped slightly in response.


As she did, I slipped it up a bit higher and when she settled back down it caused my finger to push between her lips slightly.  Oh my!  Meg was actually as wet as I was hard.


"What the hell is this?" I asked, pressing my finger harder against her, pushing deeper into her folds.  "Is this turning you on?" 

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