Cake (15 page)

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Authors: Nicole Reed

BOOK: Cake
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“Kylie, I’m not scared of some rapper. It’s that she referred to him as ‘her boyfriend’. I’m going crazy here. Some days I tell myself to give it up, but on others, I’m close to kidnapping her to some tropical island and strapping her to a coconut tree.”


“Whoa boy, let’s keep your warped fantasies to yourself.” I can’t help but laugh at him.


“God, what am I doing?” His voice sounds full of frustration.


Propping my arm with the phone in it on my desk, I use the other to soothe my throbbing head. “Okay, as long as you can keep your abducting and bondage tendencies to a minimum, I may have a plan. Let me gather a little information.” Grabbing my iPad, I find my calendar and ask, “When can you be in town?”


“Tomorrow,” he answers without pause.


“Let’s try this again. Today is Tuesday. Can you be in town this Friday?”


“Done. I’m serious about her, Kylie. I want you to know that.”


“Good because if this is some head-thing where you covet her only because she is unattainable, I’ll rip your nuts off.”


“No, it’s real.”


For some reason, I believe him. “Okay, bring your tux. Come by my shop around noon, and I’ll give you all the information.” Pausing for a second, I finish saying, “Nick, I can get you only about five minutes alone with her. No promises. No guarantees. And if I think, for one instant, that your emotions are not sincere, I’ll warn her. Please remember that I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing this for her.”


“Thank you.”


Not having anything else to say, I disconnect our call. He’s desperate for her, and I can’t decide if it’s super sweet or super crazy, but I find it very romantic and exactly what Mads needs.


Sitting at my desk, the ringing of my office phone breaks my thoughts.


“Kylie Lord,” I answer.


“My teammates want to know when you are going to start showing. They believe you should be at least three months, so everyone is betting anytime now. I did tell them you are getting a little potbelly,” Dray says, trying to stifle his laughter.


The rumors have mainly died down, but the speculation of mine and Dray’s true relationship is at a fever high. I know he told his teammates and coach that I was an old friend, hence the hospital incident, and that I panicked when I thought they wouldn’t let me see him. I know because, the day that Dray tried to clear the misunderstanding up, Jason Silas texted me that he was sorry for coming to any conclusions, but in all fairness, I came to my grand idea after his speculation at the hospital. I did text him back that it was okay and understandable; however, I’m not answering his weekly phone calls.


“If I’m getting a Buddha belly, I suggest you quit sending me gourmet chocolates.” I look to the corner of my desk where the almost empty chocolate trifle box lies open. “You are one evil man.”


“Babe, I so know your weakness.” His voice deepens when he’s horny, like right now.


“Yeah, I think I know yours also. Of course, it involves my mouth and your big...,” before I can finish, he cuts me off.




Laughing, I start to tell him that I have plans, but I soon realize that he’s already gone. Lil Rip has a local gig tonight, and I already promised Mads that I would go with her. He’s lasted longer than the rest, but part of me feels it has more to do with a certain singer than love. She refuses to even mention Nick’s name and becomes extremely upset when I do.


“Hey, Kylie.” Looking up, I see Leo standing in my doorway.


“Hi. How is everything going?” I start to clear some of the paperwork on my desk.


Walking in with his hands placed casually in his pant pockets, he stops short of my desk. “Great. Sales are unbelievable, and I’ve got my first closet preview set up for next week in Toronto.”


Sitting back in my chair, I smile up at him. “I’m excited for you. Are you sure you don’t want me to come along.”


“I think I’ve got it, but thanks. I really appreciate the opportunity, Kylie. Oh, and the pay raise is pretty great too.” He grins back at me.


“You deserve it, Leo. I appreciate how much you are doing for the boutique.”


Nodding his head, he glances towards the box of open chocolates on my desk. “Seems someone has an admirer with great taste. Anyone I know?”


Clearing my throat, I answer, “No.” I see the pained look on Leo’s face and know that he thinks I’m not sharing because of before. “Really, Leo. It’s nothing serious. Just someone to pass the time with.”


“Okay.” He smiles, looking at me.


“Listen, I’m off to have lunch with my aunt and mother. Call me if you need anything.”


“Will do. Give Aunt Leigh kisses for me.”


After he walks out, I gather everything in my bag and head upstairs to let Jonsie out before I leave.

I arrive late for lunch at one of my aunt’s favorite bistros. Kissing my mother on the cheek, I lean over to kiss Aunt Leigh and note that they both have started happy hour early by ordering Mint Juleps. “Tsk,” I playfully comment to my aunt.


“Leave an old lady alone. I take my kicks where I can get them,” she replies back.


We all catch up on the latest gossip that doesn’t involve me, thank God! The owner comes over halfway through lunch, monopolizing most of the conversation, which I secretly hate. My time with my aunt and mother is very valuable, and every second taken from me breaks my heart. When he finally leaves, my mother turns to me.


“So, are you going to tell me about this mystery man that has Madison in an uproar?”


Mads talks to my mother weekly. I love that they are so close, but sometimes, it can be a pain. Like now. Aunt Leigh looks at me and away. As long as my secrets do no harm to me or others, she keeps them. It’s always been our secret pact from my parents. I know everything I tell her is taken into true confidence. Tears swim in my eyes when I think about the day that I will not have that anymore. Looking away, I bring my emotions under control and look back at my mother.


“Mom, he’s just a guy. No one that is going to be long-term at this point.”


“And Trent? Have you heard from him?”


Of course. Everyone knows how I feel about Trent, except him. Shaking my head, I search for an answer that will placate her.


“Oh, leave the girl alone, Sue,” my aunt says to my mom. “She’s young and unmarried. Ah, to be a spring chicken again.”


“Leigh, her own reputation also affects the shop’s,” my mother exclaims.


“If I thought, for one second, that that is the truth, I would make her sell the damn thing in a heartbeat.” Reaching for my hand, she gently pats it saying, “You do what makes you happy. Everything else will fall into place.” Smiling at me, she turns to wave down a waiter. “More happy drinks, My Fine Fellow.”


My mother looks at my aunt and, with a soft smile, nods. Turning towards me, she mouths that she is sorry. We both do not want to say or do anything to upset my aunt. I lean forward and grasp both their hands, raise them to my mouth, and softly kiss each. These two strong Southern women have taught me my morals, my values, and how to kickass when I need to. Everything strong and good in me, I owe to them.


When the waiter arrives, I let go of their hands, reach for my drink, and listen to my aunt tell stories of her and my father when they were younger. I’ve heard them millions of times, but they never get old, and I can’t think of spending my time in a better way.

The bass reverberates through the club while hundreds of bodies bump to the beats laid down by the DJ. Club Vision is at definite full-capacity since Lil Rip is performing tonight. It’s almost midnight, and he should go on at any time. Madison and I are treated to the VIP lounge upstairs overlooking the club’s stage. At our table sits Lil Rip’s agent and some mutual friends of his and Mads. This time, she came over to dress me before going out. Normally, I wouldn’t be caught dead in this tiny black “dress” she poured me into. I almost cringe to call it a tube dress, but that is exactly what it is. My boobs barely stay in at the top, and my ass is close to hanging out at the bottom. Paired with fuck-me-red-high-heels, and there you have it. Hooker Kylie.


Pulling at the hem of my dress, I risk maximum exposure at the top, but I like to live on the edge. Grimacing, I think to myself that I could be having wild monkey sex with Dray right now...oops. Dray! Damn, I forgot to send him a text to let him know where I’m at. Actually, that is what is so great about our arrangement. It doesn’t matter. He’s not my boyfriend, so who cares if he shows up and I’m not there? Taking a deep breath, I smile inside. It’s almost a freeing sensation. Getting sex, but not having to deal with the emotional aspect of catering to someone because you are in a relationship is great.


“Why are you grinning like a jackass eating briars?”


Laughing at Mads’s little saying, I reply, “Nothing. Not a thing. I just ordered another Georgia Peach to drink, and life is great.” I shake my hips showing her I’m ready to have a good time tonight.


“Regular sex does a body good, right?” she replies back, holding her hand up for a high-five which I reciprocate.


“Yes, it does.” We both giggle and stand up to dance with the group we are with. The waitress hands us our drinks, and I take a sip of the sweet and cold cocktail. Lil Rip comes out, and the crowd goes wild. He’s developing a huge following, and I have to admit, he’s not half bad. Holding my drink up and out, the music pulsates through me, and shaking my hips, I let the beat take over. Mads smiles at me and sings every rhyme that he does.


The club is loud and popping. Even an hour later, I’m still having a great time, not to mention I’m a little tipsy. Glad I took a cab here. I’ve been approached by several men this evening, but none that I’ve wanted to share my number with. One is even Dray’s teammate, but I think he is only messing with me. Madison and I dance with each other, listening to the men around us whistle. They wish.


Stopping to order another drink, I look over to see Jason Silas standing at the railing, staring at me. He holds his drink up as if to say hello. I nod my head letting him know that I see him and turn to Madison who is watching Lil Rip’s show. Elbowing her to get her attention, I nod towards Jason. She turns back to me. Her eyes question, and I just shrug.


Leaning in, she asks, “I didn’t think this is his kind of music scene?”


“Me either.” Not really caring why he’s here, I go back to enjoying this slow song that Lil Rap rhymes with some chick.


Once the waitress returns, I reach to take my drink when I see who is entering the V.I.P. lounge. Dray. Dear Lord, my mouth waters. He’s dressed in jeans and a black button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Clothes can’t hide that body that God blessed him with. I can’t decide if I like him better clothed or naked. How about with clothes so that I can get him naked? That works for me. Just the sight of him excites me. Every single nerve in my body feels exposed. Why didn’t I stay home tonight? Actually, I wonder if my night is just getting started? Wait! Damn! Madison. She doesn’t know.


Dray surveys the entire crowd, looking for something or someone. It can’t be me. How would he even know I’m here? Finally turning my way, his dark eyes narrow in on me, regarding me from heel to hair and back again. Even across the room, I can feel his charm emanating from him. Licking his lips, he smiles, nodding his head towards me. My gaze goes to Madison who’s oblivious to what is going on.


Returning my attention back to him, I see several of his teammates call him over to their group. He doesn’t hesitate and greets them with back slaps. So, he’s not here for me. Damn! I’m disappointed. Somebody needs to tell my body to shut it down. Not wanting to be a stalker, I turn back to the stage, restraining myself from turning around to check his progress.

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