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Authors: Nicole Reed

Cake (16 page)

BOOK: Cake
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The whole concept about no strings. If he finds some “ho” that he wants to take home, more power to him. Who’s to say he already hasn’t? And why the hell is my heart hurting at the prospect? I would think between the football season being in full swing and the time he spends with me, he would be too worn out to be with anyone else, but Dray’s pretty viral. Peeking over my shoulder, I try to inspect who is hanging around them.


“Who are you chicken-necking over?” Madison almost shouts over the music.


“What?” I shout back. Grabbing my ear, she pulls me down, “OW!” I yelp.


“Who are you looking at? Is your mystery man here?” she hollers directly into my ear.


I may be deaf after this conversation as my ears ring with the sound of her voice. Pulling away, I shake my head and reply, “No.”


I see her glance around, zeroing in on Dray and the group of guys he is with. At the same time, Dray looks over at us and smiles at Mads. Her response it to flip him off. Great.


“When did that pecker-head get here?” She looks questioningly at me.


Feeling guiltier than a sinner in church, I get defensive. “I don’t know. Why would I know or care when he arrived? Why are you even asking me? I don’t know anything. Maybe you know when he arrived?” Sneaking another look, I see that several hoochy women are hanging all over them, including Dray. What the hell? Gritting my teeth, I turn back to see that Mads is staring at me. She looks at me like I’ve lost my mind.


“Never-mind,” she says while shaking her head as she turns back to listen to Lil Rip as one of his more popular party songs begins.


I’ve heard this one on the local radio, and it’s actually a decent song. Forgetting about the scene with Dray, Madison grabs my hand that doesn’t have a drink in it, wanting me to dance with her. Ooh, men like it when two chicks hump on each other. Alright Dray, get your eyes ready for this.


Stepping up on the couch, I pull Mads up with me and start dancing with my front pressing against hers. Because I’m much taller, I bend my knees and stick my ass out, shaking it all around. Everyone around us must like it because they clap and cheer. Madison dies laughing but gets into it, turning around and grinding her bony butt against me. Over her shoulder, I look to see him staring at me. The weight of his eyes is like kisses against my skin, circling my nipples and moving lower. I move in sync with Mads, our bodies weaving back and forth together, and the longer we dance, the bigger the crowd around us becomes.


While mine and Dray’s eyes stay locked together, some whore moves in front of him and begins giving him a lap dance. He doesn’t stop watching me, but neither does he cease her movements. The sexier she dances on him, the harder I try. Before long, Madison has stilled to watch Lil Rip on stage, but I continue moving for him. Trying to pop my ass out and, at the same time, keep my balance, I must look ridiculous dancing. Unfortunately, Madison jerks her hand back to salute Lil Rip and knocks me backwards to the floor. Flat. On. My. Ass.


The pain radiates up my back, stunning me for a second. Strong hands reach down to pull me up as I look into Jason Silas’s smiling eyes.


Leaning to whisper in my ear, he says, “You’ve got one mean-ass, Kylie Lord.”


Did he just insult me? Rubbing my stinging behind, I roll my eyes at him.


Laughing, he explains, “I’m told it’s a compliment. You know like a fine ass.”


“Get your mother-fucking hands off of her, Silas,” Dray says in a growl behind me.


Turning to look at Dray, he replies, “Or what, Savage? Looks to me like you were busier than a two-dollar whore on nickel night over there with someone else. Oh, and didn’t you explain to the team that you and Kylie were ‘just friends’.”


Jason’s hands are still attached to my arms where he pulled me up, but I try my best to turn around to see Dray’s face. And what I find scares me. Dray looks like he is about to tear his head off. I see two major problems with this: First, it would be messy, and I would lose my smash buddy, and second, they are teammates. The entire population of Georgia would skin me alive for messing with the Eagles’ winning streak.


Dislodging myself from Jason, I smile up at them both. I’m tipsy, but not drunk; however, neither one of them knows the true status of my sobriety. The sound of me giggling surprises and catches them off guard. Okay, here we go. Closing my eyes halfway, I sway my body between them. Modesty demands that I pull my dress up to cover my boobs, which are two seconds from swaying in the wind, but both of their eyes are glued intently on them. Bringing my hand to trail down the side of my neck and across my Dolly Parton cleavage, I feel heady from the sensation of having these two guys totally ensnared. This rocks!


I finally see Dray snap out of his titty trance, and show time is back on. Acting like I’m teetering, I fall against him, giggling loudly and gripping his strong biceps beneath my hands. “Whoa!” I slur. Damn, I’m good at this. “Dray, I need to find the ladies room. Can you help me?” I’m trying to sound sexy and pray that it doesn’t sound like I’m constipated.


“Looks like his date is waiting for him, Kylie.” He indicates where Dray was sitting, and sure enough, the hooker is waiting and watching his every move. “I would be glad to show you where it’s at,” Jason says as he reaches a hand out for me to take.


Damn, does this guy have a death wish? If looks could kill, well, Dray would use his hands and break Jason’s face off.


“If you value that arm of yours, I suggest you pull it back. Otherwise, I’m going to break it off and beat you with it.” If I thought Dray was ever being mean to me in the past, I realize, now that maybe I didn’t know him so well.
Dray, I would have run screaming from. Bowing his chest out, he stands tall and menacing. Even though he is several inches shorter than Jason, I would bet on Dray in a heartbeat. Okay, this is getting scary. Grabbing Dray’s face, I place mine directly in front of his.


“Do you want to go back over there with her?”


It feels like minutes later, but he finally quits glaring at Jason and looks at me. “Hell no! She is just some chick that started dancing on my jock.”


“Do you want her to dance on your jock because I didn’t see you pulling her off it?”


With a smile that goes all the way to his eyes, he asks, “Are you jealous, Kylie?”


Rolling my eyes at him, I start to spin around when he grabs my hand and pulls me away from Jason. Teetering on my heels, I try to follow without falling over my own feet. Looking down, I realize how indecent I almost am and try to use my other hand to pull up my dress. He pulls me towards the back and through a series of entrances before we reach an office that has a single bathroom. My eyes fly to his as he closes the door to the office.


He shrugs and replies, “I know the owner.”


The sound of the music whips against the walls, vibrating and bouncing all around us. The only light is a low lamp in the corner. In the center is a large oval black marble table that gleams even in the dim light. A single chair and a couple of pictures decorate the dark walls, but other than that, the office is sparse.


“Restroom is right there.” Dray points it out. My eyes lock on the table.


“I don’t need it.” Stepping forward, I touch the top of the table. It’s cold and smooth like glass.


“What are you doing?” His husky voice asks.


“I wanted to see if it’s as smooth as it looks.”


He gulps, “Is it?”


Looking up at him, the blood rushes hot and fast through my veins, but I calmly state, “Why don’t you come here and see?” Visions of what I’m about to do flood my mind. Dray sitting on the table with me bending over him. Me on the table naked with him covering me. Dray bending me over the table.


He steps closer and starts to reach out to touch the table, his eyes never leaving mine.


“No,” I whisper, grabbing his hand before it comes in contact with the marble and placing it back at his side. Reaching for his shirt, I unbutton it, exposing his immaculate chest, but leave it on. Next, I move to his jeans, unsnapping the top button of his fly and slowly gliding my hand to his zipper. Pulling up slightly, I tug him towards me and then, barely moving, unzip him, letting the sound fill the silence. Moving both my hands up the side of his hips, I grasp the top of his jeans and pull them gently down to rest on his thighs. His boxer briefs are already filled with excitation at what I’m about to do. Trailing my pink fingernail up the front, his low moan excites me further. My nipples draw up, sending a wake-up call to my va-jay-jay who’s been up past her bedtime. At my touch, his cock jerks towards me while still in his briefs, wanting out. Hooking my finger in the elastic band of his underwear, I pull them down to meet his jeans.


His member falls heavily in front of me, weeping at being released. Pushing him to walk back, his butt hits the marble table and he jumps forward.


“Fuck, that’s cold. Damn, my balls just tried to crawl back up.”


Laughing at his words, I move him to the side. Reaching for my dress, I push the top down, exposing the satin red strapless, then the tiny matching panties. Once it hits the ground, I step forward and out of the dress. Leaning down, I pick it up and lay it on the table. Looking at him, I raise my eyebrows and nudge him backwards again.


This time, he slides back to sit, grasping the sides with both hands as his eyes devour every inch of my body. Reaching both of my hands up to his shoulders, I gently push him back to lie down, with which he complies. His eyes never leave me, and I make it well worth it. Turning around, I undo my bra, slowly letting it fall to the ground my body sways to the music outside of the room. Glancing over my shoulder at him, I move my hands down both sides of my body to reach the top of my panties. Slowly, I turn around, and his eyes fly to my chest which I now know he appreciates the sight of. I gyrate in front of him, pulling my panties down to reveal my very well-manicured play area and, finally, stepping out of them. The fuck-me-red-high-heels are all that remain.


“God, what you do to me, Kylie,” he groans.


Hearing his words is like receiving a million dollars, but I don’t stop dancing, letting this peep show continue. Raising my arms above my head, I sensually move around, dancing as much for me as for him. As the song ends and another begins, I move forward, tightly gripping his wrists as they hold the sides of the table. Leaning down, I lick the top of his exposed thigh, letting it guide me to his hip which I nip with my teeth.


At the sound of his hiss, I smile against his skin. Not slowing down, I stick my tongue back out to run it from the base of his penis to the head, only stopping to lick the shiny pearl that awaits me at the end. His taste is unique to him, a combination of salty and all-man. Placing my lips on the tip, I suck him all the way down, repeating the motion and allowing him deeper in my throat and swallowing each time. If his moans are any indication, he is really enjoying this. I continue my movement, wrapping the fingers of one of my hands around his base and slightly squeezing his balls with the others, struggling through my gag reflex. My nipples glide back and forth against his thighs with each motion, stoking the fire within me.


I feel his hand twine around my hair and gently yank back. His cock slips from my mouth with a loud pop from the break of deep suction.


“Damn, Girl. You drive me so crazy.”


“Well then, keep your seatbelt on because I’m about to ride you hard.”


Bracing my arms on either side of him, I climb atop the table. My knees fall to either side of his hips as I straddle him, my pussy resting against his crotch with his bare dick standing up against me. I look into his eyes and wink as I reach my fingers down to grasp him for a hand job. His eyes close in pleasure.


I don’t stop as I ask, “Condom?”


“Front pocket and fucking hurry, Girl.”


Smiling at his command, I reach around in his pocket to find what we need. Bringing it to my lips, I tear the paper and hold it in my mouth as I remove the rubber. Turning my head, I spit the paper to the side and slide the condom down his hard cock. Before I mount him, I have this brave thought to try something I’ve only ever read about.


Rising up on my knees, I look down at him and wink again. Bringing one of my knees back over him, I turn around and place my knee back. Now I’m facing away from him.


“Shit! Reverse cowgirl?” he asks.


Looking over my shoulder, I ask back, unsure, “Okay?”


“Fuck yes!”


Rising up, I place my hands on each of his thighs to brace myself and slide down him, letting him fill me to full capacity. God, I love that I can control how deep he can go and the angle. OH! MY! G.O.D.! It’s incredible to feel him this way. Letting my head fall back, I feel his body trembling beneath me. Our moans mingle as I ride him faster and harder. When I feel my orgasm getting close, I slow down. Dray surprises me as he sits up behind me. Grasping my waist on both sides, he holds me still as he kisses my neck, sucking hard. My back rests against his chest as his hands guide me back down on him then up again.


“Fuck!” I yell as the pleasure overwhelms me. His chuckle against my necks causes a full body shiver.


In my ear, he whispers, “I only wanted to create a bad girl, but damn if I didn’t create a monster.”


My ass cheeks rub against his stomach and down on his crotch at our close contact. It’s the most sensual moment of my life. His hands glide up to cover each of my breasts, pinching and pulling at my tight nipples as I ride him.

BOOK: Cake
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