Cake (17 page)

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Authors: Nicole Reed

BOOK: Cake
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“We are going to come together. Come when I tell you to, Kylie.”


Nodding my head, I lean it back against his shoulder and feel his lips lightly kiss my neck. I pound faster and faster down on him, not able to control the tempo at this feverish point.


“Now,” he softly says in my ear.


At the sound of his voice, my orgasm explodes inside me as I feel his cock jerk hard against the wall of my vagina, evidently finding my G-Spot. I can’t control the subsequent scream that releases from my mouth. He reaches up to place his palm against my lips, and at the same time, bites down on my shoulder. I feel owned and used, but damn if it doesn’t feel like the best drug in the world.


When I finally come down from my high, I’m still sitting on him with his arms wrapped around my waist and his head resting in the crook of my neck. He places small kisses up and down my shoulder. One hand rubs my stomach, almost if he can’t stop himself from touching me.


“What are you thinking?” I,
to know. I can tell he hears my question, but he doesn’t answer at first.


In between his kisses, he answers, “How good that would have felt without latex between us. I want to go bareback with you. You know I’m clean, and I know you are.”


Well it isn’t what I thought, but it’s honest. “I’m not on any type of birth control,” I answer back. I feel him halt his kisses. “I haven’t had regular partners before you, so it didn’t make sense to put my body through the hormones. And well, since we’ve been together, you’ve always used protection so I haven’t thought about it.”


“I’ll use condoms,” he states with firm authority.


“Good idea,” I reply back.


Rising up, I feel him slip from me as I lower myself from the table to stand. My juices seep down my leg, and he surprises me as he leans down to run his finger through it. Lifting it to his mouth, he licks it clean.


“I never get tired of tasting you, Kylie. In fact, if you want to switch positions...”


I’m tempted, but also reality reminds me exactly where we are at and that Madison has probably scoured the entire venue looking for me.


“Next time, Lover Boy.” I reach down to grab my bra and panties and head for the bathroom to clean up.


“Next when I slip into your apartment later this morning?” His voice follows me inside the lavatory.


Running the water and cleaning myself up the best as I can, I call back, “No, as in, if you crawl in my bed today, it better be to sleep or you will be singing falsetto.”


“Okay, I’m feeling you. I wouldn’t make a good soprano, so I’ll just stay in my bed.”


“Smart man,” I call back.


When I step out of the bathroom, he has my dress ready for me to step in, which I do and pull up.


“I’m having a love-hate relationship with that dress of yours.”


“It’s Madison’s,” I answer.


“That explains it. But you know, I love that I can see you in it, but I hate that every other dick out there can too.”


Leaning up, I pat his cheeks with my hands and sarcastically reply, “Ah, you say the sweetest things, Baby.”


Hearing his snort of laughter does something to my heart. I stare into his eyes, looking for answers that I’m not sure I’m ready to see. I’m enjoying what we have, and I don’t want to know if he doesn’t feel the same way. I’m not sure if our friendship is a bonus for the sexual relationship we have or if the sex is a bonus to our friendship. Don’t question it, Kylie. I tell myself. Just enjoy the moment. Tapping his cheek hard one last time, I turn to leave.


“Ouch! What is that for?” He asks while following me and rubbing his love tap.


“Just because.”


“Because what?”


Turning to him before we enter the V.I.P. lounge, I place my index finger in his face and whisper, “Because if you let some hoochy-momma dance up on you in front of me again, I’ll end this. What you do when you are not with me is your business, and for the record, I don’t care. BUT...if you are in my vicinity and you plan on fucking me that night, have some respect.”


Twirling around, I leave him smiling. I think he got my message loud and clear. And for the record, admitting only to myself, I do care. Way too much.


“Yo, Bitch! Where have you been?” Madison’s voice rings over the crowd.


Looking up, I see her sitting on the couch now with Lil Rip. Ah, well I guess I missed the end of his show. Walking towards them, I answer, “Bathroom.”


“For forty-five minutes?”


“Yes, Mother. I couldn’t find one.”


“You are glowing like you got some.” She spies me up and down.


Putting my hands on my hips, I look down at her and answer, “Maybe I fingered myself in the bathroom.” Dear Lord, I did not just say that out loud.


Lil Rip cracks up laughing, spitting his drink everywhere. It’s the first emotion I’ve seen from him.


did not
just say that,” Madison replies.


See, great minds do think alike. I feel my face flush from embarrassment. Madison looks at me perplexed and a little pissed. My God, Dray is right. He is creating a monster.


“Excuse me while I find the bathroom for myself,” she says while standing up and walking away.


“Hey,” Lil Rip says getting Madison’s attention as she turns towards him. “If you are going to...,” he sticks his thumb out pointing to me, “I can take care of that for you.” He tries not to smile, but the joke gets the better of him, and he dies laughing.


“Funny,” she says sarcastically and cuts her eyes to me. Turning around, she walks away.


Sitting down next to Lil Rip, I debate on ordering another drink.


“Man, that is funny,” he says still laughing at his own joke.


“Sorry, that was crude and so unlike me.” I look over at him, surprised to notice that he is really handsome when he smiles. “I really enjoyed your show. You are very talented.”


“Thanks. It seemed like the right progression after college. I was still unsure what I wanted to do with my life, so here I am.”


I can’t help the surprise on my face at this revelation, and he notices it. He immediately wipes the smile off his.


Sitting back he glares at me, “What? You think I’m an uneducated thug?” My eyes bug-out at his accusation.


“No, I don’t.” But the awful part, the truth, is that I did. I feel ashamed that I stereotyped him from the beginning and never truly gave us a chance to get to know one another, for Madison’s sake.


“You know, I could have easily labeled you as a poor little rich girl, but Madison explained how you are so much more. She seems to support you and always has your back. What about you? If you are supposedly her best friend, where you been when I’ve been around? Seems to me you would want to get to know her man if you are as close as she says.” He sits up and rolls his shoulders back.


“Look...,” I start to say.


“You know, the times I have had a chance to have a conversation with you, I could tell I was judged before I even opened my mouth. So, if you want to say that I wasn’t overly friendly, maybe you need to look in the mirror first.” Standing, he looks down at me, “I’ve seen you with that Nick Andrews. And I know what that punk-ass white boy wants. You can tell him that she’s with me. For good. And I suggest you watch where you’re steppin’ if you get what I’m sayin’. It didn’t have to be like this, but you only have yourself to blame.”


Wait, now who’s judging who? “Are you threatening me?” I ask in amazement. This conversation can’t be happening.


“I don’t make threats. Only promises,” he answers back. Before turning away, he adds, “I’m sure you can see your way home. I got Mads.”


I’m shaking from his words, not because I’m scared, but because I’m pissed. How dare him! I’ll own up to my own stupidity, but damn, give me a chance to repent. Looking around after he leaves, I don’t see Dray, but Jason Silas is now sitting with his teammates, and he is still staring at me. Figuring it’s time to leave, I go to retrieve my jacket. I retrieve my phone and cash from the interior pocket and head downstairs to hail a cab. Glancing back once more, I see Madison leaning against Lil Rip laughing. I want to walk over to haul her away from him, but what do I say. Your asshole boy-toy just threatened me? Some things have a way of working themselves out. I can only hope he is one of them.

Between my schedule and Dray’s, by Friday morning, I still haven’t heard from him. Some weird part of me, that I wish would go away, suffers from a tiny bit of disappointment when he doesn’t at least call or text daily. Damn me. As I step out of the shower, I hear my phone buzzing with an incoming text.


Dray – Tonight?


Me – I have a benefit to attend.


Dray – The Children’s Hospital?


Me – That would be the one.


Dray – Just out of ???....who’s taking U?


I smile at his question. Now who’s jealous, otherwise, why ask? Madison is my date, well, I hope she still is. I asked her months ago, but we haven’t spoken since the other night. I’m not telling him that. Let him wonder after that lap dance.


Me – Who’s jealous now???


Dray – Who?


Me – I’ll text you when I get home.


Dray – WHO


My phone instantly rings, and, surprise, surprise, it’s Dray. I send him directly to voicemail and turn my phone off so he can’t bother me the rest of the morning. Serves him right.


Before getting dressed, I take Jonsie out and let him do his business. Rushing back up, I finish with my make-up and head to work. Martha is my oldest sales rep who actually worked with my aunt for years. She was my first choice to run the shop, but she didn’t want the responsibility and only wanted to continue to be an associate. Her grandkids are visiting today, so I’m taking her shift until Jess comes in around eleven this morning.


Opening up, I look around, and again, I can’t help but be proud that I’ve continued something that my aunt loved so much. I need to call her today and see if we are still on for lunch on Sunday. Maybe I can spend the day and night with her on Saturday. Dray would hate it because it’s an off week for him, and I bet he’s planning on us spending some time together. All the more reason to see if I can’t work it out to stay with her. I’m in a mean mood this morning.


As the morning progresses, I have several customers and make quite a bit of sales. It feels good to be on the floor once again and to watch people find one-of-a-kind fashion. My favorite shoppers are my men who know their fashion, and in Atlanta, there isn’t a shortage. They are so much fun. It’s like dressing up my own Ken doll. That’s one reason I love that Leo has taken an interest in procuring men’s wear for me. He has a great eye for women and men’s clothing. I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but if I do take a partner in the future, he is becoming more of the clear choice. Not that I financially need a partner, but as much as I love the store, the truth is, it was my aunt’s dream. I don’t think I could ever sell it, but bringing someone in so that I can be in the background may appeal to me one day. At least it might get me out of the limelight.


When Jess comes in, I smile at her. Big sunglasses cover half of her pixie face, and she wears a sixty’s wraith dress that compliments her petite frame. Pulling her frames down to the bridge of her nose, she stares over the top.


“When are you going to pop those babies out your cooch?”


“Classy, Jess. Real classy.”


She smiles back at me and goes in the back to clock-in.


“Hey Kylie,” Leo says as he walks in from the back of the store.


“Hey. I didn’t think you were scheduled today? In fact, Jess just walked in.”


“No, I’m not. I forgot my jacket in the back the other day.”


I start to reply back when I see him freeze in place. His mouth drops to the ground, and I swear his already white skin goes translucent. Turning to see what he is looking at, I glance over to see Nick Andrews walking into Decadent Darling. Even though I spent all day yesterday planning out tonight’s events, I still have to shake myself to totally digest that Nick is standing two feet in front of me. He looks like any other twenty-something guy walking around in his blue jeans and a light blue Polo shirt with tennis shoes. A baseball cap, with his sunglasses resting on top, covers that signature hair, but if you are a super-fan like me, and obviously Leo, you can spot who he is from a mile away.

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