Campaign of Desire (CSA Case Files 4) (42 page)

Read Campaign of Desire (CSA Case Files 4) Online

Authors: Kennedy Layne

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller

BOOK: Campaign of Desire (CSA Case Files 4)
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“Then why resort to contract work if it’s only for eight weeks?”

“Because after that, I’ll be your personal security detail on your mission trips.” Lach reached out, stroking the side of her breast with his finger. She grabbed a hold of his hand, as if she couldn’t concentrate on what he was saying. He grinned. “Which, since compromise is what I’m aiming for here, you’ll cut back the overseas operations and include domestic assignments, which will allow me to take occasional jobs with my team.”

“Wow, you have really thought about this.” Phoebe tucked her hair behind her ear, leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on his shoulder. “What happens if my father becomes President?”

“We’ll make adjustments.” Lach rested his cheek on top of Phoebe’s head, where she once again snuggled against him. He wrapped his arm around her and when her hand snuck down below the sheets, he quickly held it against his abdomen. “It shouldn’t change the initial summary.”

“I’m not tired.” Phoebe lifted her chin so that she could meet his gaze. Her blue eyes darkening to the sapphire color he loved clued him in to what she was about to say. “Let me explore.”

Lach raised an eyebrow, not willing to let her get away with starting something now. They’d both had a hell of a day and she was exhausted. She needed sleep. If he had anything to say about it, they would live long lives enjoying each other in the most carnal way.


Lach held his chest as she elicited another laugh from him. Damn, that hurt. She’d already pushed the covers down, revealing his hardened cock. The moment she’d sat up revealing her pert breasts and her pink nipples, his dick had responded. Once again, he held tight to her wrist.

“You’re tired.” Lach caught her other wrist when she repositioned herself over his thighs. “You need to rest.”

“What I need is to feel you inside of me.” Phoebe stilled and Lach saw the determination in her eyes. He slowly released her and watched as she leaned over the bed without disconnecting their contact, retrieving a condom from the bedside table. She held it up triumphantly. “Looks like we’re going to need a lot more.”

Lach smirked and allowed Phoebe to tear open the wrapper. She didn’t know it, but he was giving her two minutes before he took over this show. Hell, maybe she did know it and that’s why she constantly baited him. He adored her independent streak, but for fuck’s sake, did it ever spur his dominance.

“You don’t seem too tired,” Phoebe quipped, removing the condom and tossing the wrapper over the bed and onto the floor. She then proceeded to roll the latex over the head of his cock, causing him to lock his jaw to prevent himself from throwing her back onto the mattress and driving himself into her. Damn, but she knew just the right amount of pressure that triggered his balls to tighten. “I bet I could help with that though.”

Lach motioned with his finger that she should lean down. When Phoebe did as he requested, he wrapped his fingers around her neck and pulled her mouth down on his. Drinking from her, he made sure he had his fill before releasing her. Her inflamed lips were now the same color as her flushed nipples. He shifted his hips against hers so that he could catch one in his mouth, nibbling on one of her sensitive nubs. She cried out and braced herself with her palms on his pillow.

“I didn’t hear my title,” Lach murmured against her skin, now using his teeth to hold her into place.

“Sir,” Phoebe replied breathlessly.

“Go ahead and take me inside of you.” Lach didn’t release her nipple, wanting her to feel the pull when she moved her body. Phoebe hissed when she lifted her hips and slowly sank down over his cock. The more she took of him, the more taut her nipple became between his teeth. He swiftly released her, his hands immediately holding on to her waist so that she couldn’t lift up. “I want to see you pleasure yourself at the same time.”

Lach made sure she understood what he was saying before gradually loosening his hold on her. He would initiate a scene at some point where she pleasured herself, giving him more insight to what pleased her. At the moment, he understood her desire to feel physically close to him as he had the same deep-seated animal need. It was embedded inside of them.

He locked his fingers behind his head so that he could lay back and enjoy watching what was about to take place. The dull throbbing in his chest faded away slightly as the heat of her womb engulfed his cock. Lach opened his mouth and though it took a second, Phoebe presumed correctly that he wanted to be the one to wet her finger. She slid her middle digit into his mouth, where he encircled it with his tongue.

No words were exchanged as Phoebe pulled her hand away. Gently pulling up on her folds to expose her clit and give him a better view, she gently placed the pad of her middle finger over the now unprotected tissue. Her eyes immediately closed at the sensation and he could feel the walls of her pussy contract. He tightened his fingers on the back of his head.

“Stroke it.”

Phoebe didn’t open her eyes, but she followed his instruction. Rubbing her clit had a direct effect on her hips, which started to rotate back and forth at a slow pace. Lach’s abdomen tensed to prevent himself from moving. She was lost in her own pleasure, taking what she needed to feel alive. It was a lovely thing to witness.

The faster Phoebe massaged her clitoris, the more she started to lift herself off of him by her knees, only to slam herself back down. Her pussy was leaving her juices on his skin every time her inner thighs made contact with his. Lach wasn’t inhuman, and after a day like today he knew he wouldn’t last too long. Then again, neither would she. She elevated herself once more until only the tip of his cock was left inside of her opening and when she slammed back down, her dark sapphire colored eyes popped open.

“Come for me,” Lach moaned, releasing his hands from behind his head and curling his fingers into the meat of her ass. “Eyes on me.”

Lach barely got those three words out as his teeth ground together, his balls releasing his cum and continuing to do so as her pussy repetitively constricted its walls around his cock. He reared up, the strength of his orgasm overwhelming. His face was inches away from hers, her pretty pink lips parted in a silent scream, reacting to the force of her own release. He grabbed her wrists and held them against her lower back, placing his other hand on her shoulder and holding her tightly into place. He needed to savor this moment.

“I love you,” Lach whispered harshly. He searched her eyes, watching and absorbing the pleasure she received. It fueled his own. The future was ahead of them, and although there were numerous unknowns, they could handle anything thrown their way. They’d proved that today. “You’re mine…now and forever.”


rest walked through the dark offices of CSA and made his way toward his office with only the dim security lights shedding some illumination. It didn’t matter, as he knew the layout like he knew the inner workings of his 1911A1 weapon. It was after midnight, but after everything that went down with the Dunaways and the debriefings afterward, he knew sleep would be evasive. If he wasn’t mistaken by the contemplative look in Lach’s eye, Crest had just lost himself an operative.

Walking into his private den, he crossed the floor and turned on his desk lamp. Ethan had finally headed out for Texas, although Taryn didn’t know that he’d been sent ahead. Crest refused to put her into the crosshairs of a trap without first knowing something of the landmine that Ryland had undoubtedly set. She wouldn’t be happy about it, but it was his call.

Taking off his jacket, knowing he’d be here for quite some time, he’d been about to walk over to the coat rack when he heard a noise out in the hallway. Laying his coat down gently on the desk, he used his right hand to unsnap his holster. The doors had automatically locked behind him when he’d entered, indicating whoever it might be was supposed to be here, but Crest wasn’t taking that chance. He waited patiently for whomever it was to show his or her face. Jessie appeared in the doorframe, holding a white envelope in her hand.

“Jessie, what the hell are you doing here this late at night?” Crest released his hold on the weapon and leaned against the edge of his desk. “You’re lucky I didn’t shoot you.”

“That would mean you made a mistake, and I highly doubt that could happen.” Jessie closed the distance, her usual confidence in place. There were moments that Crest had witnessed the hurt in her eyes over the barriers he’d erected, but for the most part she’d conducted herself professionally like he’d asked. He couldn’t have asked more from her. “This could probably have waited for Monday morning, but after hearing from Ethan what took place today, I figured you’d be here.”

Crest studied her, not liking this foreboding feeling that had suddenly settled over his office. Jessie was strong-willed, and throughout the several years that she worked for CSA he’d watched her mature and grow into a beautiful woman. Unfortunately he’d aged as well and the differences between the two of them were too vast to overcome. She was still too innocent for his predilection and she always would be.

“Is there something you need?”

Crest looked her over, taking in the short black blazer that cinched at the waist and covered the white top that she wore underneath. She was wearing jeans, which didn’t give away what she’d done with her Friday evening while he’d been involved in a life and death situation. Her black leather boots came up to her knees, the little heels not giving her much more height than what she naturally was. Nothing about her gave any indication of what she was about to say. She held up the white envelope.

“This is my resignation,” Jessie exclaimed as if they were having an ordinary conversation. “I quit.”

Crest didn’t reply right away for fear he might say something he’d regret, or worse, ask Jessie to stay. His muscles radiated the tension he was feeling but damn if he’d show that to her. He forced himself into a standing position, slipping his hands into his pockets to give him time to form a response. When she saw that he wasn’t going to take the envelope from her hand, she tossed it onto his desk.

“I’m sorry to see you go,” Crest countered, giving the standard line most supervisors said when placed in this situation. He looked for any regret on her part and whereas she was usually an open book, she was getting better and better at hiding her true feelings. The fierce urge to place her on her knees and in a position where she would never keep anything hidden from him was crushing, but he kept it in check all the same. “You’ve been a tremendous asset to CSA, as well as me. I wish you nothing but the best, Jessie.”

“That’s it?” Jessie tilted her head, a simmering of anger finally pooling in those green eyes of hers. “You’re going to stand there and wish me well? As if I was nothing more than an ordinary, everyday personal assistant? You are such a condescending ass.”

“Jessie, I don’t know what you want me to—”

“What I want you to do is tell me to stay.” Jessie stepped forward, her denim-clad legs touching his desk. Her long hair brushed the wood as she leaned over, making her point. It took everything in him not to drag her over the hard surface and take her the way he truly wanted. “I want you to finally man up and put a stop to this cat and mouse shit that we’ve been playing. I’m done, Gavin. I thought I could stay here and be in your presence day in and day out, but I can’t. I want more, and if you’re not willing to give it to me then I’m walking.”

Crest’s demon inside wanted to rage at her for the position she was putting him in. He felt the claws inside his chest trying to break free and give Jessie what she claimed she wanted, but she had no fucking idea who he truly was. He wasn’t this knight that she dreamt of or fantasized about.

“It’s for the best, Jessie.” Crest found it in himself to control his actions and finally walked around the desk. She took a step back when he got too close, which was very wise of her. He wasn’t so sure what would happen if they touched. “I wish circumstances had been different. I—”

“You are so full of shit.” Jessie spun on her heels and walked to the door, but she wasn’t done having her say. Crest saw his vision go red at the sight of her coming out of her shell and being so fucking alive. The color invaded his senses and he took an involuntary step forward before he stopped himself. “You have treated me as if I’m made of glass, like I’m some fucking china doll that you put on a shelf and admire from afar. I’m not some schoolgirl that you can lock away and protect like some vestal virgin. I’m strong, Gavin.”

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