Canine Christmas (31 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey Marks (Ed)

BOOK: Canine Christmas
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A Ballantine Book
Published by The Ballantine Publishing Group
Compilation and introduction copyright © 1999 by Jeffrey Marks
“Clicker Training” copyright © 1999 by Parnell Hall
“The Emerald Collar” copyright © 1999 by Leslie O'Kane
“Yellow Snow” copyright © 1999 by Jeffrey Marks
“O Little Hound of Bethlehem” copyright © 1999 by Barbara Taylor McCafferty
“Toy Pincher” copyright © 1999 by H. Robert Perry
“The Fencing Crib” copyright © 1999 by Mark Graham
“Red Shirt and Black Jacket” copyright © 1999 by Virginia Lanier
“The Village Vampire and the Yuletide Yorkie” copyright © 1999 by Dean James
“Psycho Santa's Got a Brand-New Bag” copyright © 1999 by Deborah Adams
“Midnight Clear” copyright © 1999 by Jean Haddam
“Fowl Play” copyright © 1999 by Patricia Guiver
“The Reunion” copyright © 1999 by Lillian M. Roberts
“Good Dog Wenceslas” copyright © 1999 by Melissa Cleary
“Habits” copyright © 1999 by Jeremiah Healy
“Eye Witness” copyright © 1999 by David Leitz

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by The Ballantine Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto.

Ballantine and colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 99-90725

eISBN: 978-0-307-48267-9


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