Can't Get Enough of You (19 page)

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Hoping to lift her twin's spirits, Jenna began telling her about their little neice, Corrie. She soon had Leah laughing and cooing over the pictures Jenna had taken at Thanksgiving.


cott, it's about time you showed your face,” Leah laughed, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him on the mouth. “I've been here two days already.” Leah clung to his arm. She wore a short, skintight black dress.

Clasping her by the shoulders, he held her at arm's length. Smiling, he said, “It's good to see you, Leah. How do you like the Motor City?”

“It's not Vegas!” she laughed. “Jenna and her foster sisters took me out clubbing last night. We had a good time.”

“Hi. Sorry, I'm running late.” Jenna hurried into the foyer and went to Scott. She blinked in surprise when he wrapped her in a tight hug and gave her a lingering kiss.

“You look good,” he said, admiring the dark purple knit that smoothed over her curves. His hand rested at the small of her back.

“Thanks. Doesn't Leah look nice?” She beamed proudly at her twin.

“Absolutely,” he said quickly.

With a wide smile, Leah linked her arm through Scott's. “Where are we going?”

“Bradley's. The grand opening is tonight. It's a very classy supper club. It's in a great location on the water, not far from Sinbads restaurant. The Jacobs brothers are the owners.”

“Who?” Leah asked.

“Brad and Brian Jacobs are from the Detroit area. They are determined to do their part in revitalizing the city. They renovated an old warehouse. Wait until you ladies see it. I think you will be impressed. They had a difficult time finding backing until I decided to help them out.”

“Really,” Leah practically bounced with excitement.

“Congratulations, Scott. Are you excited?”

“For them, yes. It's a dream come true.”

“Are they single?” Leah asked.

“They are both married,” Scott said, moving to help Jenna into her coat. Then he helped Leah. “There should be plenty of single men out tonight. Two of my friends from the Pistons are planning to attend.”

“Really,” Leah and Jenna said at the same time and laughed.

“Taylor and Donald also plan to come.” He explained to Leah, “My sister and her husband. Shall we?” he asked, opening the door.

“You don't have to ask me twice,” Leah laughed.

Scott ushered Leah to the waiting limousine parked at the curb. He hurried back to wait for Jenna as she finished locking up and setting the alarm. He clasped her hand as he quizzed, “You okay?”

She smiled. “I'm fine, although I've missed you this week.”

He kissed her temple. “Me, too. Spend the night with me,” he whispered.

Jenna shivered from the cold. It had snowed and the ground was coated. She whispered, “I can't leave my sister on her own. She's only been here a few days. Please, don't be angry.”

“I'm not.” He gave her fingers a gentle squeeze. “Maybe she'll get lucky tonight and won't need you.”

Jenna couldn't help laughing. “Shame on you,” she teased, then she sobered. “Scott, you didn't have to go through all this expense for us.”

He didn't wait for the driver but opened the door for her. “I thought you might enjoy the change.”

“Me?” She slid onto the lush dove-gray seats.

Getting in, he whispered close to her ear, “Yes, you. I haven't had a chance to spoil you since Vegas.”

Jenna blushed. Although she said nothing more, she was secretly pleased by the thought. It was an unusual concept. No one had ever attempted to spoil her. It made her feel warm inside . . . cared about.

Leah urged, “So tell me about these friends of yours, Scott. How long have they been playing in the pros?”

“Doug and his twin, Neal Dunn, have only been with the Pistons a year. We met while I played with their older brother, Matt, a few years back. They are considered to be a double threat and will take Detroit all the way to the championship.”

Jenna couldn't figure out why it mattered how long they'd been playing. They were NBA, so that should please Leah. She frowned as she stared out the window. Why was she upset by the way Leah had clung to Scott? It didn't mean anything. Leah flirted with every man within her vicinity.

Jenna was surprised by the crowd. The television cameras and crews were out. There were lines of limousines waiting their turn. It was unlike anything Jenna had ever seen. It reminded her of the Hollywood red carpet events she saw on television.

Leah was clearly excited when it was their turn to exit the limo. She linked her arm through Scott's, laughing and smiling as if she expected to be on the late-night news.

Bradley's was bound to be a hit, judging by the enthusiastic crowd and impressive facility. Jenna waved to Sherri Ann and Laura when she spotted them in the crowded foyer.

“Do you think we're going to be able to get seats?” Jenna asked.

“No worries. We have reservations,” Scott said, nodding to people he knew in the crowd. He grinned when he spotted the owners. The Jacobs brothers were tall, but Scott towered above them.

“Scott, I'm glad you could make it,” Brian said, shaking his hand.

“Looks like you guys have a success on your hands,” Scott grinned.

“Let's hope so,” Brad said. “We owe you, Mr. Hendricks. We couldn't have done it without you.”

“You came through for us.” Brian grinned. “This is my wife, Sheila, and Brad's wife, Joan.” He introduced the two ladies.

“Nice to meet you both,” Scott smiled, shaking hands. “This is my lady, Jenna Gaines.” His arm was around her shoulders. “And this is Leah Bennett, Jenna's twin sister.”

“Two beautiful ladies,” Brian laughed. “Welcome to Bradley's. It's a pleasure to meet you both.”

Scott smiled. “And this is Sherri Ann Weber and Laura Murdock, Jenna's best friends. Brian and Brad Jacobs, the owners of the club.”

Sherri Ann and Laura had come with dates. They took turns introducing them as they waited to be seated.

“I hope you're all ready for a good time.” Brian signaled the hostess. “This is Karen. She will show you to your table.”

“Thanks. Congratulations again. We'll talk later,” Scott nodded.

Karen smiled. “This way, ladies and gentlemen.” She moved past the grand staircase into the beautifully appointed dining room, where there were gleaming crystal chandeliers overhead.

Bradley's was tastefully decorated, upscale and classy. The service was excellent, even on opening night. Jenna wasn't surprised, considering the fact that Scott was the silent backer. He'd clearly picked a winner.

He'd undoubtedly had the Jacobs brothers thoroughly investigated before he'd agreed to help them. Jenna liked that he valued his name, guarded his reputation, and kept his word. She also admired the fact that despite the hard economic times he was willing to offer a helping hand.

Jenna was impressed by the celebrities and community leaders that stopped by their table to shake hands with Scott. Judge Quinn Montgomery and his beautiful wife, Heather, stopped to say hello, as well as the head of the Malcolm X Community Center, Dexter Washington, and his wife, Anthia.

Scott's mentor and old friend, Charles Randol, and his wife, Diane, also took time to talk. Charles owned Randol Pharmaceutical, one of the most successful drug companies in the country. Jenna recalled Scott's enthusiasm over the cutting-edge research they were doing in HIV and respiratory medications.

Scott was greeted by NFL player Wesley Prescott and his wife, Kelli, and ex-NBA player Ralph Prescott and his bride, Vanessa.

The impressive nightclub was on the third level. A live band performed on stage in the front of the room. A crystal fountain sparkled in the center of a gleaming mirrored curved bar. The music was going full blast when they were shown to their table. The Jacobs brothers sent over a complimentary bottle of champagne.

“This is a nice boss man,” Leah teased as she playfully stroked Scott's arm. He was seated between the twins. “This place is on jam! It reminds me of Vegas.”

“Looks like everyone turned out to celebrate the grand opening,” Laura said from where she sat with her date. “I don't think I've been in such a crowd since the festivals during the summer.”

“You've got that right,” Sherri Ann said. “Isn't that Wesley and Kelli on the dance floor?”

“It is.” Laura waved to them.

“Enjoying yourself?” Scott asked close to Jenna's ear.

Jenna smiled, sipping from her glass. “Absolutely.” After watching her twin snapping her fingers in time to the music, she whispered to him, “Dance with her. She's dying to get on the dance floor.”

Scott whispered back, “I'd rather dance with you.”

Jenna smiled but softly urged, “Please.”

He sighed heavily, then said into her ear, “The next slow dance is mine. Okay?”

“Okay.” She watched as Scott escorted Leah out on the dance floor.

“Are you nuts?” Laura hissed, moving to the empty chair beside Jenna.


“You know what! Sending Scott to dance with her. He should be dancing with you. The girl is practically in his lap as it is. And don't tell me you haven't noticed the way she flirts with your man every chance she gets,” Laura snapped.

“Hush, keep your voice down. That's Leah's way. She doesn't mean anything by it,” Jenna defended.

Laura whispered, “Just because she makes a habit of flirting with every man that comes under her radar doesn't mean she's harmless. Will you open your eyes? Leah is not just beautiful. She looks exactly like you. That girl could be a threat.”

“She is also my family. She would never do anything to hurt me,” Jenna insisted.

“You know that?”

“Yes. Just like I know you and Sherri Ann wouldn't do anything to hurt me. Come on, Laura.” Jenna squeezed her hand. “Leah didn't have Mrs. Green teaching her how to behave. Give her the benefit of the doubt. Please.”

Laura sighed impatiently. “Okay, but be careful. Scott is a decent man, but he's no saint.”

Jenna laughed. “I trust him. If I didn't, I wouldn't have let him in the front door. Besides, he knows that I don't play.”

“Okay.” Laura gave her a quick hug. “Love you.”

“I love you, too. Stop worrying.”

“Something wrong?” Sherri Ann joined them.

“I'll tell you later,” Laura promised. To her date, she said, “Come on, Sam. Let's break in this brand-new floor.”

“It sounds good to me.” He took her hand.


“Nothing wrong, Sherri Ann. Relax,” she said with a smile.

“Come on, Sherri Ann. Let's hit it.” Her date—Ross Turner, a coworker—rose to his feet.

“I can't leave Jenna alone.”

“Sure you can. Enjoy yourself,” Jenna said and waved her away. “Go!”

Sherri Ann reluctantly let her date pull her onto the crowded dance floor.

Jenna sipped her soft drink. Laura was being protective. She was wrong about her twin. It didn't matter that they were just getting to know each other all over again. Deep down where it counted, they were connected. They weren't just sisters, they shared the same DNA. They were identical inside and out. For so long, Jenna had felt as if a vital part of her had been missing, but she hadn't felt that way since she'd found Leah.

Their differences came from circumstances they could not control. Leah hadn't grown up with a Mrs. Green in her life. She hadn't received the love and care that Mrs. Green had given the three of them—or the polish. That didn't mean Leah didn't have a good heart or that she didn't love her family. Jenna was confident that time would prove to Laura that she was mistaken.

The music stopped and the others came back to the table.

“You've been sitting here all alone?” Scott quizzed with a frown.

“Only for a few minutes. The band is wonderful. The food is fabulous. I'd say, Mr. Hendricks, that you have a hit on your hands,” Jenna enthused.

“Scott, I didn't think I'd ever find you in the crowd.”

He looked up at the sound of his sister's voice. Grinning, he kissed her cheek, then introduced Taylor and her husband, Donald, to everyone.

Taylor and Jenna hugged. “I'm so glad to see you here tonight. Scott has been telling us about this place. I thought my baby brother was exaggerating.”

“You were wrong, sweetheart.” Donald patted Scott on the back. “I have to say, brother-in-law, this deal was sweet. The place is great. You've got a big moneymaker on your hands.”

Scott threw back his head and laughed. “That's high praise indeed, coming from you. Did you meet the Jacobs brothers?” He motioned to the waiter to bring more chairs.

“Yes, Taylor and I were impressed.”

“We're going to have to bring Mama and the kids for an early dinner. The food was wonderful. Jenna, what do you think?” Taylor asked Leah.

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