Can't Get Enough of You (21 page)

BOOK: Can't Get Enough of You
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He was a patient man. He could wait for her to realize she still had feelings for him . . . that their love was not a thing of the past.

“If that means I don't have to move, I'm all for it,” she said wearily.

Ignoring his pulsating need, Scott undressed them both. They shared a soothing, hot shower. Jenna could hardly keep her eyes open by the time they cuddled in the center of his large, comfortable bed. After she kissed the place where his neck and shoulders joined, causing shivers to race over his heated skin, she mumbled goodnight, then drifted off into a deep, restorative sleep.

Although he was tired, sleep didn't come. He rested on his back, with Jenna's head tucked beneath his chin, while she slept on him. Her lush curves were covered by one of his old L. A. Lakers T-shirts. He gently smoothed a palm down her back. Her shapely long legs were tucked between his.

Savoring their closeness, his focus was entirely on her. Determined to enjoy every single moment they shared like this, he closed his eyes and gave his other senses free rein. He relished Jenna's softness while he inhaled her unique womanly scent. He indulged his sense of taste by dropping his head to momentarily lave her neck . . . no more. She needed rest, and that was exactly what he'd give her. All the while he listened to her deep, slow breathing.

Scott refused to dwell on his earlier disappointment when Jenna had flatly refused to consider his invitation. She'd swept it aside, just as he'd ignored his body's natural reaction to her sweet curves and closeness. As fatigue caught up with him, he acknowledged that he held his world in his arms.


enna was sleeping so soundly that Scott didn't have the heart to wake her. The urgency of his throbbing arousal forced him out of his comfortable bed and into a cold shower. He smiled despite his selfish need. Having her here was worth any amount of temporary discomfort.

He dressed in gray sweats, then went outside to begin his run. He smiled as he ran, leather gloves and a knit skull cap being his only concession to the bitterly cold morning. As his long, powerful legs ate the miles, he mulled over the chemical compounds and formulas he planned to work with in the lab the next day. Five miles later he was barely winded, his muscles loose. He took another shower, this one hot and soothing, then dressed in faded jeans and a black crew-neck, cashmere sweater.

He allowed himself only a few minutes to admire his lady snuggled against a pillow. Feet encased in athletic socks, he padded into the kitchen and began preparing breakfast. Pleased with his efforts, he carried the heavily laden tray down the hall. He was brought up short when he reentered the bedroom to find Jenna not in bed but nearly dressed.

She looked up, offering him a pretty smile as she eased her dress up over her luscious hips and plump breasts and onto her shoulders. She pushed back her thick, wavy hair.

“Good morning, I was coming to look for you.” Her hazel eyes twinkled. “You've been busy. It smells divine.”

Smiling, Scott placed the tray on the leather ottoman between the armchairs. “I'd planned to surprise you with breakfast in bed.” With a hand on a lean hip, he complained, “You're dressed.”

“If I'd known, I would have stayed put.” She stretched up on tiptoe to place a kiss on his lips. “How'd you sleep?”

“Not as well as you did. You looked so pretty asleep in my bed. I didn't have the heart to wake you so you could run with me.” He gave her a squeeze before he asked, “Hungry?”

“I could eat a small bite,” she hedged, then laughed at his frown. Rubbing her hands together she said, “What did you make? Cereal? Pop-Tarts?”

Chuckling, he said, “More like waffles with strawberries, turkey bacon, and coffee.” Discarding the dome, he held up a plate. “Did I mention the waffles were frozen, the bacon microwaved, but the coffee was freshly brewed.”

“It's the thought that matters.” Collecting a plate and silverware wrapped in a napkin, she settled in an armchair. “Smells good.” She said grace before she dug in. “Mmm, delicious.”

He couldn't stop grinning. “You must really be hungry.” He took the other chair, then passed her a glass of orange juice before he took his own plate. “I could have cracked a few eggs, but I didn't want to chance messing that up.”

Smiling, Jenna didn't stop eating. “Is it really ten? I didn't realize it was so late. Leah's probably at home wondering . . .”

“If Leah is back, she knows you're with me.”

“You think I'm overreacting, don't you?”

“I didn't say that.” He tucked a wavy lock behind her ear before he went back to his own breakfast.

Jenna swallowed. “You didn't answer my question.”

Scott didn't respond immediately. Reluctantly, he admitted, “I think you should ease up a bit. Stop worrying about every little bump in the road. I'd like to see you relaxed so you can enjoy this time with your sister.”

There was an extended silence as he waited for her response.

Sighing, she said, “I just want things to go smoothly as we get to know each other again. What's wrong with that?”

“There's no such thing as perfection, not in this lifetime.”

“I don't expect perfection,” she defended, sipping her coffee.

“You were shaken when your sister went with Neal Dunn.”

“I know. She surprised me, that's all. No biggy.”

“You sure?”

“Absolutely.” She flashed him a reassuring smile. Returning her nearly empty plate to the tray, she said, “I'll help you clean up before I leave.”

“You don't have to rush off. I'd like nothing better than to spend the day with you.” Finished with his plate, he came over to cradle her chin. “I haven't seen much of you since your sister arrived.”

Jenna stared at him for a long moment. “I know, but we talked about this, remember?”

“Yeah, I know. I'm not complaining, just missing you.” He held her close. “It's easier said than done,” he said with a shrug. When she reached for the tray, he said, “It's heavy. I'll get it.”

Once the kitchen was clean, she said, ”I should get back.”

He opened his mouth to protest but thought better of it. Then he nodded his agreement.

They both were quiet on the drive to her place. Even after he stopped the car, they looked thoughtfully at each other.

Jenna broke the silence when she said, “What are you going to do with the rest of your day?”

“I've got enough work to do on my project to keep me busy. I also promised to stop by and see my mom. Probably take her out to dinner. We haven't done that in a while and she likes that kind of stuff.”

He smiled, determined to conceal his disappointment. He consoled himself with the thought that there would be time later for the two of them to be alone together. He would wait until Leah had settled in and Jenna had more time to devote to him.

This was a special time for her, and he wouldn't burden her with a host of personal demands to cement their relationship. He prided himself on being a patient man. Besides, his lady was more than worth the inconvenience.

Introducing Leah to the Dunn brothers had turned out better than he'd hoped. He hadn't expected her to take off with them, but unlike Jenna, he wasn't surprised. Leah's body language screamed that she was ripe for the taking. His single goal had been to keep Leah occupied with any man she'd wanted, just not him.

He didn't appreciate the way Leah had clung to him last night. It had bordered on disrespect to him and Jenna. And he wasn't about to let Jenna's sister come between them. He'd really tried to withhold judgment for his lady's sake. It hadn't worked. Before they'd left Las Vegas, he'd found Leah to be extremely self-centered, but he'd wisely kept his opinion to himself. Jenna adored her sister and expected those close to her to do the same.

As Scott leaned down to briefly cover her mouth with his, he said, “I'll call tonight.” Then he got out and opened her door. He held his hand out to her, but he didn't trust himself to do more. He wanted her too badly.

aving fun?” Sherri Ann said over the loud music pouring out of the club's sound system. She paid for the next round of drinks the waitress had plopped down in front of them.

“I left fun two clubs ago,” Laura complained, kicking off her heels. Glaring at Jenna, she hissed, “This is our third night out this week, but does your sister appreciate our sacrifices? No! She's living it up on the dance floor with yet another guy. Only for you, sister girl.”

“Shut up, Laura. You're just tired,” Sherri Ann huffed. “None of this is Jenna's fault. She's only trying to entertain Leah. There's nothing wrong with that.”

“Laura's right,” Jenna admitted unhappily. “I shouldn't have dragged you two into my mess just because I'm having trouble saying no to my sister.”

Laura snapped, “I suggest you get over it before we all lose our jobs while Ms. Thing catches up on her beauty sleep during the day.”

Jenna sighed heavily. “Leave it to Laura not to mince words. Things aren't going as I'd hoped. Instead of Leah poring over college catalogues and planning her future, she has been burning the candle at both ends. And she's running me ragged.” She threw up her hands helplessly. “I've done everything I can think of to get her to see that there are other options open to her besides dancing nearly nude for a living. I've even dragged you two into it. I'm so sorry. This stops tonight.”

“Scott's going to celebrate!” Sherri Ann said.

“Has he said something to you?” Jenna asked, aware that she hadn't seen much of him lately.

“Of course not. I'm just saying he has to be sick of it.”

“We're all sick of it . . . that is, everyone except Ms. Leah,” Laura said, picking up her club soda with lime.

“I'm sorry. I shouldn't—”

“Jenna, will you stop with the guilt? You didn't drag us into anything. Laura and I don't want you to be out here alone, fending off some drunk while Leah's living it up.”

“That's right. Are you prepared to let her go out on her own, if it comes to that?” Laura quizzed.

Jenna took a swallow of her diet cola, then said, “I'm tired of her bad habits invading my life. If she insists on clubbing every night, then so be it. We all have better things to do.”

“Like sleeping,” Laura remarked dryly, causing all three of them to laugh.

“What's funny?” Leah asked. She picked up Jenna's glass but quickly made a face and put it down when she realized it was a soft drink.

“We're leaving. We have to get up early in the morning,” Jenna announced.

“It's not even midnight!” Leah complained.

“This pumpkin is tapped out.” Jenna began collecting her things.

“Just like that you're going to leave me stranded in a strange city?” Leah glared at her twin.

“Leah, it's late. We've got work in the morning,” Sherri Ann defended.

Leah, clearly put out, swore. “I don't believe this—”

“What I don't believe is you!” Laura snapped. “Jenna has practically bent over backward trying to please your selfish behind.”

“That's enough out of both of you. Leah, you're welcome to stay, but we're leaving.” Jenna had had enough. She wasn't about to get into a shouting match in public. “Let's go, ladies.”

Leah was mumbling beneath her breath, but she grabbed her coat and purse before she followed them.

It was a bitterly cold night. The moon shone bright overhead. They were forced to let the engine run before they could get underway. Jenna was behind the wheel.

Sherri Ann broke the strained silence. “Laura is right, Leah. You're acting like a spoiled brat. Jenna adores you and has gone out of her way to please you.”

As she guided the car onto the expressway, Jenna said, “Can we drop this, please? We are all tired. And I don't know about anyone else, but I've had all I can take for one night.”

It was starting to snow. Jenna was forced to slow her speed and switch on the windshield wipers. They dropped off Sherri Ann first, then Laura. As they turned out of the driveway of Laura's condo, the snow was really coming down, and Jenna was forced to slow down even more.

Jenna was concerned about Leah's continued silence. She didn't want her sister to feel as if they were picking on her. She tried to lighten the mood by saying, “It's really coming down. I'm glad we left early.”

The lack of response caused Jenna to glance at her twin in the passenger seat. Leah sat with both arms crossed beneath her breasts, staring straight ahead.

“Leah, I'm sorry you're upset. Laura and Sherri Ann can be very protective at times, but they didn't mean to hurt your feelings.”

“What was calling me names meant to do? Make it all better?” Leah said in a huff.

“No, but we were all tired and upset. Perhaps some things were best left unsaid. No one meant to call you names. Can we please leave it at that?”

“Fine!” Leah snapped.

Jenna worried her bottom lip, trying not to feel as if she was caught in the middle of a war. She did her best to concentrate on getting them home safely. She didn't relax until she eased to a stop in her drive.

Jenna didn't say anything more until they were inside. On her way to the kitchen, she asked, “Would you like some hot chocolate?”

“No,” Leah snapped.

“Please, don't go to bed angry.”

“What do you expect, Jenna? You and your friends ganged up on me tonight, and I didn't like it.”

“It wasn't like that. We were only trying—”

Leah held up her hand, palm up. “That's the way it seemed to me. It's time I moved back to Vegas.”

“No, Leah! You're more than welcome to stay here.”

“You mean as long as I do things your way, don't you, big sis?”

“That is not what I said. That's the last thing I want. You've just moved here. You haven't given yourself enough time to get on your feet after your breakup with John. I know money is tight, and you're used to doing your own thing. But why move back and get yourself into a financial bind? Stay here with me. It will give you time to decide what you want to do next. Look at the college catalogues. You don't have to dance in clubs to make a living.”

“I know that,” Leah said, crossing her arms.

“Good. I've also learned a lesson. I'm stepping back and letting you do your thing. My friends and I won't be following you from one club to the next.”

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