Can't Get Enough of You (24 page)

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She needed him as urgently as he seemed to need her. Instead of rushing, he slowly rimmed her opening. When she whimpered impatiently, he slid a finger inside her aching sheath, then another. When she released a keening wail, he switched breasts and continued his assault on her senses. By the time he moved a caressing thumb over her clitoris, Jenna's lush frame shook from her release.

“What are you trying to do to me?” she gasped, struggling for breath.

He chuckled. “Drive you out of your mind with pleasure and show you how much you mean to me.”

Before Jenna could digest that information, she was once again spiraling out of control. Her second release was swift and extraordinarily sweet. Feeling as if she was floating on air, she was sated physically but empty deep inside. When he began lowering his head, she pressed her hands against his broad shoulders, as if she could hold him in place.

“No more. I mean it, Scott.” She stared into his hot, molten gaze. “Find a condom, and make it quick, because I'm done with your sweet torture. I need you inside me . . . hurry.”

His lips tilted upward in humor, but he didn't laugh or waste time arguing. He opened the drawer in the nightstand and pulled out a box of condoms. She noticed that his hands shook a bit as he ripped the foil, then covered his erection. She took pleasure in knowing that she had managed to ruffle his ironclad control. She'd been frustrated because he wouldn't let her pleasure him to distraction as he so enjoyed pleasuring her. It was a tiny victory, but a victory nonetheless.

She released a poignant sigh. Finally, he was there, filling her emptiness. Moaning his name, Jenna lifted her hips to meet his thrusts and wrapped her legs around his waist. She marveled at the sheer pleasure of their intimate connection and smiled as she listened to his appreciative groan. Scott eased back only to return again and again. Quickly caught up in a maze of sensations, Jenna welcomed his thrusts as he established a consuming rhythm that quickly had them both drenched in perspiration and panting for breath. Scott quickened the pace, moving them steadfastly closer to completion.

Eyes closed and heart pounding with excitement, she lost all sense of her surroundings. The mesmerizing strokes of his fingertips against her clitoris had her shaking with the sweetest pleasure. Jenna said his name, telling him that she loved him as she climaxed. Mere seconds later, Scott reached his own earth-shattering climax as his big body shook with the power of his keen release.

Shocked by her declaration, she bit her bottom lip to keep from breaking down and sobbing her frustration. All those weeks, she'd been denying what had been in her heart. She'd lost control and in that weak moment had revealed her unwavering love for him. The instant she'd said those three powerful words out loud, she'd known they were true.

She loved Scott Hendricks. Had she ever stopped loving him? She closed her eyes. It didn't matter. There was no longer any question that he was firmly rooted deep in her heart.

How could she have been so careless? So foolish? Evidently when he'd revealed his feelings for her, all her carefully guarded defenses had started to crumble. Before she'd realized the depths of her feelings, the floodgates had opened and she was pouring out a tidal wave of feelings for him.

As she rested against him, struggling for a measure of control, Jenna's heart ached. It wasn't fair! She'd already made that mistake. Once should have been enough. Scott had shattered her world when he'd walked away. Yet here she was, handing over her heart, the very weapon that would destroy her.

She was nobody's fool, yet she had gone all weak inside because he'd said he loved her. Scott Hendricks wasn't offering any lifelong guarantees that he would stay this time around.

Suddenly, she was conscious of the weight of his ring pressing into the valley between her breasts. Jenna didn't need a reminder of the shattered dreams she'd foolishly weaved about them . . . the sweetest one being a family of her very own. She'd wanted his babies so badly.

He had crushed that dream like pieces of broken glass beneath the weight of his athletic shoes when he'd walked out of her life to enter the NBA. Basketball had always come first with him. He had claimed to love her back then, just as he said he loved her now.

“Wow!” He held her close, kissing her tenderly. “I still can't believe you love me.”

Jenna's eyes burned from unshed tears. She said candidly, “I can't believe it either. I didn't know how I felt until the words came rushing out.”

He surmised, “You don't sound happy about it.”

“How can I be? You know the things that went wrong between us. We hurt each other badly. And I'd be a fool if I didn't have plenty of misgivings. I'm scared, Scott. How do I know you won't hurt me again?”

“I could be asking you the same question, but I'm not.” He smoothed a hand up and down her arm. “We can't see into the future. We have no choice but to step out on faith. Take it one day at a time.” Brushing his lips against hers, he said, “I don't intend to hurt you any more than I believe you intend to hurt me. Fear doesn't change what we feel for each other.”

Jenna frowned, infuriated with her loss of control. Why couldn't she have kept her mouth closed? A glance at the bedside clock had her saying, “I'm sorry, but I can't stay.”

He asked, “What harm can come from spending what's left of the night with me? I'll get you home as early as you'd like. Five? Six? I'm not ready for our special day to end.”

She smiled. “It was very special.”

He pressed a lingering kiss on her lips. “I'll set the clock for six. Okay?”

Weakening, she nodded. “Thanks.”

“Thank you. I could use a shower. Interested in sharing?”

“I'd rather soak in the tub, but I'd probably fall asleep and drown.”

“No worries. I'll keep you safe.”

He soon had them relaxing in his large tub, the whirlpool jets soothing tired muscles. Jenna was nearly asleep when he dried them both off and carried her back into the bedroom. Once they were settled in the middle of his big bed, he curved an arm around her, easing her back against his front.

“Comfortable?” He kissed her nape.

“Mm . . .” she moaned, curling her fingers over his wrist, where it rested against her stomach.

The sweetness of their time alone drifted through her mind. There was nothing so urgent that it had to be resolved that night. As sleep claimed Jenna, her last thought caused a smile. Despite all that had gone wrong between them, he had said he still loved her.


enna was busy dealing with finals and working to make her first semester as a full professor successful. She tried not to worry that Leah wasn't job hunting or even looking through the college catalogue she had brought home. She struggled to hide her increasing frustration at not knowing her sister's plans. Leah hadn't said if she was going to stay in Detroit or return to dancing in Las Vegas. She had skillfully managed to avoid Jenna's inquiries while spending her time catching up on her sleep after more nights out on the town with the new friends she'd met in the clubs.

No matter how often Jenna told herself she had no reason to be concerned, she disliked the way her twin vied for Scott's attention. Jenna did her best to ignore it, aware of her sister's need to be the center of male attention. The knowledge that her sister loved her and would never do anything to hurt her was what made her dismiss the worry. She flatly refused to give in to that fear, or let it rule her world.

On Friday evening Scott and Jenna drove to Laura's condo for a tree-trimming party. Jenna had been disappointed when Leah had refused to come, preferring to go clubbing with her new friends.

“What exactly does one do at a tree-trimming party?” Scott asked, opening the heavy glass door of the Riverfront Condominiums for Jenna.

“You mean besides eat, drink, and make merry?” she teased. “Oh, look! There's Sherri Ann.” She called out, “Hey, girl.”

“Hey, yourself,” Sherri Ann smiled. She and her date were waiting in the lobby for the elevators.

The foster sisters hugged before Sherri Ann introduced them to Ben Edwards, her escort for the evening. By the time the couples reached Laura's front door, Jenna had surmised that Sherri Ann had no true interest in getting to know the handsome lawyer at her side.

Sherri Ann had made no secret that her career came first with her. She fully intended to make partner in a prestigious law firm before she reached her thirty-fifth birthday. Marriage and a family were going to have to wait until she reached her career goals.

“Well, it's about time!” Laura announced with a hand on her hip. She pointed to a large, bare evergreen tree in front of the picture window. Judging by the laughter and music playing in the background, the party was well under way.

The three hugged. Jenna and Sherri Ann handed over their gift-wrapped ornaments.

“Now we can get this party started,” Trenna McAdams laughed. The nursery school owner was a mutual friend and a member of Laura's book club. She also had come with a date.

Newlywed Vanessa Grant Prescott, one of the founding members of Laura's book club, was with her husband, Ralph. Scott and Ralph were old friends and former college teammates. The two men greeted each other with warm grins and fist bumps.

The newcomers were greeted warmly by Maureen Hale Sheppard. She owned and headed the Sheppard Women's Crisis Center, where Laura worked. An avid reader and book club member, Maureen never gave up trying to convince Jenna and Sherri Ann to join their group. And, like the others, she'd come with a date.

Laura had invited Craig Owens. The two were friends and had met through work. Craig, a police detective, had investigated some of the rape cases that Laura had been assigned. Craig was nothing like the highly successful men Laura dated.

Jenna found it interesting that Laura only dated men that met her financial requirements and also managed not to become emotionally involved with any of them. When challenged, she would laugh and insist she just hadn't met the right millionaire.

Both foster sisters liked Craig and believed he'd be great for Laura. Despite the intensity of his work, Craig was easygoing, refusing to take himself or life too seriously.

An elaborate spread had been set up in the dining room, which was where Sherri Ann and Laura teamed up on Jenna. Having just popped a shrimp canapé into her mouth, Jenna blinked in surprise when Sherri Ann took her plate and Laura grabbed her elbow. They ignored her protests that she was hungry and pulled her into Laura's lovely bedroom.

With the door closed, Jenna looked from one to the other. Annoyed, she complained, “I'm hungry, why'd you take my plate?”

“Forget about food. We have important things to discuss,” Sherri Ann said.

Jenna asked, “Like what?”

“Like you keeping secrets! Leah let slip you've been wearing an expensive ring on that gold chain. Well?” Laura demanded.

“Are you engaged and forgot to tell us?” Sherri Ann asked, all business. Judging by the set of her mouth and her crossed arms, she was not backing down. She expected an answer.

Throwing her hands up in a show of helplessness, Jenna confessed, “I didn't tell you because I didn't think I had much to tell.” Hoping to buy time, she sat down on the padded bench at the foot of the bed and crossed her legs.

“Did Scott propose?” Laura wanted to know.

“Why keep it a secret?” Sherri Ann quizzed.

Laura insisted, “Sherri Ann, will you hush and let her answer the question.”

“Which one?” Jenna said impatiently. “I told you about the day Scott and I revisited many of the places we enjoyed while we were students.” She smiled, recalling.

“The ring?” Laura prompted.

Jenna ignored the interruption. “It was such a wonderful day. We were parked on the island when he told me he'd never stopped loving me. Then he asked me to marry him. I wasn't expecting it. I didn't know what to say or even how I felt about it or him. He assured me that he didn't expect an answer. He promised not to pressure me but wait for my answer. He asked me to wear the ring on a chain, close to my heart, until I decide.”

“I want to see!” Sherri Ann insisted.

Jenna pulled the ring hidden under her purple turtleneck sweater.

Her foster sisters gasped and began talking excitedly.

Laura gushed, “Wow!”

“Simply stunning,” Sherri Ann marveled. “Well? What have you decided? Should we be congratulating you?”

“See, that's exactly why I didn't tell you two. I knew you'd demand answers.” Jenna frowned, holding the ring tightly in a fist. “I wish I knew.”

Laura said, “We all know that you're still in love with the man. That's been apparent for weeks. Why else would you have crawled back into bed with him?”

“She's right,” Sherri Ann said.

“It would have helped if one of you told me,” Jenna snapped. “I didn't realize how deep my feelings went until I blurted it on Saturday night while we were making love. I felt like such a fool.”

When Laura and Sherri Ann started laughing, Jenna hissed, “It's not funny.” But soon she joined in. Once they'd sobered, she confessed, “I don't have a clue what I'm going to tell him when the time comes. Despite his promise, he expects me to say yes. I do love him, with all my heart. I just don't know if I can trust him not to hurt me again. I'm scared.” She shook her head wearily. “I keep thinking that I'll say or do the wrong thing and he'll be gone again. He walked before.”

Laura moved to sit on her right and Sherri Ann on her left, surrounding her with their loving support.

Sherri Ann said, “You're not going to lose him. He's back and willing to give you the time you need to make the decision.”

Laura insisted, “We're forgetting what's important here. You two are in love. That's what matters. The problems can be worked out.”

“She's right.” Sherri Ann put her arm around Jenna's shoulders and gave Jenna a quick squeeze with a brilliant smile. “This is good news. Congratulations, sister girl.”

Laura kissed Jenna's cheek. “Congratulations! Much love and happiness! And we'd better get out of here before my guests come looking for us and asking pointed questions. Scott's no doubt waiting for his lovely, soon-to-be fiancée.”

cott approached Jenna the instant she returned to the living room. Resting an arm on her shoulders, he whispered close to her ear, “Everything okay?”

“Perfect. Did you eat? I'm starving.”

He smiled. “We'd better take care of that.”

Even though Jenna enjoyed the party, she was relieved when Scott suggested they leave early, after they lit the Christmas tree.

She giggled when she saw him cover a yawn. “I'm glad I'm not the only one worn out by the hectic week. There's been too much to get done.”

Unfortunately, her work wasn't the reason she'd gotten little sleep. Night after night, she'd lain awake holding his ring and wondering if they could have a future.

He grinned sheepishly. “It has been a struggle to get everything finished and turned in on time.”

Laura only offered a token protest when they said their good-byes. During the drive back to her home, Jenna knew she didn't want the evening to end. She smiled as she watched him walk around the car to open the passenger door. She took his hand, enjoying, rather than needing, his help. They walked hand and hand to her lit porch. Once inside, she called out her sister's name. There was no response.

“It looks as if we have the place to ourselves,” she smiled. After hanging their coats in the hall closet, she tugged him along with her into the living room. “You aren't in a rush to leave, are you?”

“I'm beat.” Scott stretched out his long legs, settling back against the sofa cushions. Covering another yawn, he said, “Sorry, but I can't stay long. I don't want to risk falling asleep on your couch.” He chuckled. “You wouldn't be able to move me without a forklift.”

Jenna snuggled up to him. “Don't go,” she said, covering her yawn. “Excuse me. I want you to stay the night.”

“That's not a good idea,” he said wearily.

“It's a wonderful idea,” she said, closing lids too heavy to remain open. She had no idea how much time passed, but she stirred when she felt herself being lifted. “Scott? Where are you taking me?”

“To bed. It's late and there's no point in us both losing sleep.”

Looping an arm around his neck, she didn't offer a single protest. When he put her down on the side of her bed, she couldn't rouse herself enough to comment as he systematically helped her undress.

“Where do you keep your T-shirts?”

She nodded, pointing to the dresser's top drawer. He returned with an oversized I love New York nightshirt. Stretching the neckband, he dropped it over her head and guided her hands into the soft cotton sleeves. He pulled back the flannel sheets and tucked her beneath the quilt. Jenna didn't rest against the pillows.

“You're staying, aren't you?” She pressed a kiss against his throat. “Please . . .”

“You sure?” he quizzed.

She patted the place beside her. “Yes, hurry.” There was no doubt about it. “I want to sleep in your arms.”

There was no holding back his smile. Scott stripped down and joined her, drawing her close to his side. A little later, relishing the sound of his deep, even breathing, Jenna heard her sister's footsteps in the hallway and her bedroom door close. Content, she sighed deeply. For the first time since he'd proposed, Jenna was able to sleep soundly.

efreshed from a good night of rest, Jenna woke early. Scott was sleeping so peacefully that she didn't have the heart to disturb him. Hungry, she recalled the wonderful pecan cinnamon rolls they used to pig out on on lazy Saturday mornings back in the day.

On a whim, she decided to surprise him with the treat. The bakery was near their old upstairs flat close to campus. She quickly showered and dressed in a pair of comfortable black cords and a bright violet sweater. Dashing on a touch of makeup and taming her hair with her favorite hair butter, she ran a wide-tooth comb through her wavy curls. Jenna paused. She was momentarily captivated by the brilliant amethyst-and-diamond ring that hung from the fine gold chain. It was so beautiful.

She wanted it to mean that he would always love and cherish her. That he would always be there for her. She wanted that future with Scott. She desperately wanted to believe she could put her well-being in his care for safekeeping and know that he would never walk away from their love. He'd had his choice of the most beautiful women in the world, yet he'd asked her to be his wife. It was something that she couldn't dismiss.

Impulsively, she decided not to tuck the ring inside her top but leave it where she could see it, a lovely reminder of what they meant to each other. After collecting a pair of ankle boots, her purse, and keys, Jenna tiptoed out and closed the door softly.

As she put on her boots, she glanced at her sister's door. She started forward to tell her where she was going, then stopped. Leah was a late sleeper. There was no need to wake her.

On her way into the foyer, Jenna decided to make a stop at the market and pick up shrimp and crabmeat for a delicious seafood frittata to go with the rolls. Bundled in her down-filled parka, she jotted a note and left it propped on the table in the foyer. She smiled, imagining Scott's and Leah's faces when they woke to delicious smells filling the house.

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