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Authors: K. M. Fawcett

Tags: #Romance

Captive (33 page)

BOOK: Captive
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She stopped and faced Max. “They’re taking us to Southland? Or Pele? Or whatever it’s called? Why?”

“Maybe you haven’t noticed how empty this cage is?”

“Wait. Are you telling me these Hyboreans are going to hunt humans in the same place we want to escape to?”

Max sat down next to Noah and stroked the baby’s fuzzy head. “They’re practically bringing us to the front door of the wildlife refuge.” With a satisfied smile, he laced his fingers behind his head, closed his eyes, and relaxed against the solid wall as if easing himself into a hammock on a Sunday afternoon.

“What good does that do us? I kinda hoped we’d escape
the refuge, not watch it pass us by from behind bars. Do you have a plan or are you hoping we’ll get lucky?”

A devilish smirk came slowly to his face. Suddenly, he pulled off his shirt.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting lucky,” he said, and stripped off his pants.

Chapter Forty-three

ike her father’s favorite Yankee used to say,
It’s déjà vu all over again.

Max stood before her naked as the day they met and with no shame. Of course, with a body like his, he had nothing to be ashamed of. Her cheeks flamed. A dry lump formed in her throat.

Mischief gleaned in his eyes as he sauntered toward her, tying his shirt and pants together.

“What’s that for?” she asked, unaware she had backed into the bars until her shoulder blades hit them.

“Rope.” He jerked the knot tight. She jumped. “Relax.”

Pressing her body further into the bars, she closed her eyes and held her breath, waiting for his touch. Her flesh tingled in anticipation.

When nothing happened, she opened them to see Max crouched down, fishing for their backpacks with his rope made of clothes.

“You jerk.” She pushed him hard with both hands and he fell on his hip, laughing at her expense.

If she were honest with herself, she’d admit to enjoying the sound of laughter again. Especially Max’s, when it rumbled from deep inside his chest. But she was too embarrassed to think about it. She took her remaining dignity, sat down next to Noah, and watched Max reel in the clothes and throw it back out again.

The man had been acting so different since she had reawakened. He hadn’t been this talkative or playful since the breeding box. He even called her by name now.

What had changed him? The fact that they weren’t in immediate danger? Noah’s birth? Her death?

That was still one concept she couldn’t wrap her brain around. She wasn’t sure she had ever fully believed Duncan when he’d explained how she had drowned. Or Max when he’d told her she had died the day after giving birth.

How can you believe something when you don’t remember it? Shouldn’t she have seen a white light, or floated over her body, or been greeted by angels or something? As far as she knew, she had awaked from a deep sleep, with a hangover.

Would she ever comprehend it? Did it matter? She was alive.

Enjoying her gladiator’s perfectly naked body, nerve endings she never knew she had sizzled. She thought of the kiss they shared only moments ago. Her lips tingled. Her heart fluttered. She longed to touch him, to—

“Hurry up, Addy.” He peered at her over his shoulder. “I need them.”

Need them? What was he talking about? “Need what?”

“Your pants.”

“No way.” She drew her legs up. “I’m not wearing any underwear.”

“And I’m not wearing anything, as you can plainly see.”

Heat scorched her face. Yes, she
plainly see. “But, but—”

“Hell, Addy, take off your pants or I’ll take them off for you.” The determination in his eyes frightened her. She had no doubt he’d get what he wanted one way or another.

She turned away and quickly stripped them off; grateful the long shirt covered all the necessary parts. When she turned back to him, there was no mistaking his body’s response.

She swallowed then tossed him the pants.

“Down, boy. There’s no time for that, now.” He went to work wadding her pants into a ball on the end of his makeshift rope.

The subaquatic sped along the coastline keeping about a mile away from the shore.

Again, Max swung his clothes rope onto the pile, hitting the top of her pack. He gave it a little tug. The wadded clothing fell into the loop of his baldric. With her pants as a heavier anchor, he pulled the belt free from the pile.

“Yes,” she whispered. Her heart raced in her chest for fear of getting caught as well as the anticipation of retrieving the sword. It had nothing whatsoever to do with crouching next to Max’s naked body.

Yeah, right.

Over and over, Max tossed the line out and each time he managed to slide the baldric a tiny bit closer before the pants popped out and he reeled it in for another cast. Closer and closer the sword belt slid until Max reached through the bars and grabbed it.

“You did it,” she cried, and he wrapped an arm around her neck, pulled her to him, claiming his victory kiss.

She obliged. Her only disappointment was that it ended too soon.

Max didn’t bother getting dressed but went straight to work using his gladimort to saw the base of a bar. Within seconds white shavings that reminded her of Parmesan cheese piled on the cage floor. He brushed them toward Addy. “Hide these.”

She glanced around the empty cage. Where the heck could she hide them?

Addy unknotted their clothes, crumpled Max’s shirt into a little nest next to where he was working, and retrieved Noah. The baby’s mouth moved, but he remained asleep as she carefully placed him in his new bed. Then she began sweeping the shavings underneath the shirt. As fast as Max made more, Addy hid the evidence. If the Hyboreans came in, at least the shavings wouldn’t give them away.

“Where can I hide the sword belt?” she asked.

“I don’t suppose it would fit under Noah?”

“Not quite.”

“Then throw it back on the pile of our things.”

She heaved the belt onto the pile the same instant the watercraft emerged onto the land. Bright light penetrated the room. Addy had been so busy hiding evidence, she never noticed the vessel had changed direction and headed for a rocky alcove. The vehicle ascended from the ocean and drove over jagged rocks, yet the ride was as smooth as it had been in the water. Apparently, the subaquatic had hovercraft capability.

After they came to a stop, two Hyboreans walked around to the front of the vehicle.

Addy grabbed Max’s arm. “Hide the sword.”

“They can’t see in.”

“Are you sure?”

“If they could see me, they would’ve been in here by now.”

Her breaths were loud as she listened to frightening clicks and bangs echoing throughout the room. What the heck were the aliens doing? The only thing keeping her sane was the speedy rhythmic sound of Max’s sawing.

Finally, the sword broke through the bar.

Max paused only long enough to rotate his wrist before sawing about three feet up the same bar. Shavings floated and fluttered down, making a bigger mess. Addy cupped her hands, trying to catch as much as she could.

She kept an eye out for the Hyboreans, but didn’t see them, hear them, or sense them. Where had they gone? What were they doing? Did she care? Their absence gave Max time. And time was what they needed most right now.

“That should about do it,” Max said when the blade was nearly through. A sliver was all that held the bar in place. “When the opportunity presents itself, I’ll remove the bar.” He moved on to the next one. Perspiration glistened on his bare back and at his temples as he worked hard sawing their way to freedom.

Addy spotted the two Hyboreans coming toward the vehicle. One was carrying a limp human body. “It’s the poachers.”

Max slid the gladimort's hilt under Noah’s bed, covered the blade with a pant leg, and then sat on top of it before pulling Addy down onto his lap. His ferocious lips covered her mouth, absorbing her yelp.

The outside door to the room sublimated.

Max tightened his grip, holding her head to him as he slid his other hand up her thigh, over her butt, and under her shirt. His fingers brushed the side of her breast. Goose bumps rippled across quivering flesh.

She heard movement above and behind her followed by a thud from the body dropped inside. The cage door cracked. But the Hyborean didn’t leave. She sensed him watching them, enjoying them and snickering in blatant approval.

Leave already, you dirty, voyeuristic bastard.

Though Max was leaning against the bars concealing their vandalism, Addy feared the poacher noticing it and stopping their escape attempt. Not to mention what the aliens might do to them as punishment.

She dug her fingers into Max’s shoulders, which were damp with perspiration. As if he had sensed her panic, he deepened the kiss, hijacking her fear as she succumbed to his feral power. She thought of nothing save his exploring hands, his musky heat. His erection beneath her.

Until he pulled her away from him.

She blinked. Looked around. The Hyborean was gone. Feeling humiliated and used, Addy slapped Max’s satisfied face.

He rubbed his jaw, looking pleased rather than angry. “A simple thank-you would have done.”

She snatched her pants, and jumped to her feet to put them on. “Thank you for what? Giving the alien a peep show?”

“I was naked and sweating. I didn’t want him to get suspicious.” He donned his own pants and swaggered toward her with hungry eyes. “Besides, you enjoyed it.”

“So did I” came an unfamiliar voice.

Addy spun around and backed into Max’s chest. His arm protectively encircled her waist. “Been awake long?”

“Long enough,” the stranger said. He sat up against the bars, eyeing Max up and down with a calculating stare. His long red beard and even longer Viking hair contrasted against his black-and-white uniform. His wrinkled and weathered, street-tough face reminded Addy of a bulldog, though she doubted his temperament matched the friendly canine’s. The man emanated bad news.

“You a refugee?” Max asked.


“You know a man named Kedric?”

The man’s eyes hardened. “Yeah, I know him. What’s it to you?”

“Is he in the refuge?”

“Yeah, he’s in the refuge, all right,” the man sneered. “He’s the rat bastard who suspended me.”

Addy turned to Max for an explanation, but he grabbed her wrist, pulling her behind his shoulder without taking his eyes from the stranger. Whatever
meant, it wasn’t good.

The man snickered. “You think you can protect her? You failed when the poachers came.”

“Lucky for me you’re not a poacher.”

“Why didn’t Red Beard protect himself from the poachers?” she whispered.

Red Beard stood and turned loathing eyes on Addy. He probably didn’t care for his nickname. Oh well. Pointing to Max, he said, “Because his pal Kedric bound my arms and legs and strung me up a tree.”

She gasped. Max tightened his grip on her wrist. Maybe she should leave the talking to him.

“What’d you do to deserve Kedric’s wrath?” he asked.

“Murder.” There was no hesitation or hint of remorse. In fact, he seemed proud of himself.

Max moved to stand between Red Beard and Noah, his gaze never leaving the stranger. He never blinked.

Neither did Red Beard.

They stared each other up and down, neither one speaking a word, neither one looking away, neither one backing down from his aggressive posture.

The tension in the cage smothered Addy like thick summer humidity. Her heart began pounding. She ached to pick up Noah, but feared the slightest movement would provoke Red Beard to attack. He’d probably think she was after the sword and not her baby.

Frozen in her place, she waited for someone to strike. No one did. Red Beard was the first to look away. He glanced down at the foodstuffs the Hyboreans must have put in the cage while she and Max were making out.

Red Beard’s gaze shot to Max, and with a slow, sly smile he raked the food into a pile with his foot.

Eyeing the shiny produce, Addy realized the last meal she remembered eating was the fish broth Max had put to her lips. Her stomach growled. Loudly.

“Hungry?” the man asked Max. “Perhaps we can make a trade.”

Oh, no, here we go again.
Why was it every man on this planet wanted sex with her? At least this time she knew Max wouldn’t consider it.

“I’ll give you this.” Red Beard picked up a piece of fruit, swiveling it in his outstretched hand. “For that.” He pointed in Noah’s direction.

She followed his finger to see the blade of Max’s sword. Duh. Of course he’d want the weapon.

“No,” Max said without looking.

Red Beard bit into the crunchy green flesh. Juice ran down his whiskered chin as he chewed with disgusting deliberateness. He wiped a sleeve across his lips. “Mmm, good eats.”

Her stomach rumbled again.

“Hungry?” He taunted her with his half-eaten Hyborean fruit.

she thought, though she remained silent.

“I suggest you share that food.” Max spoke in a sinister gladiator voice so cool that shivers attacked her.

“Why don’t you come take it?”

Her throat dried. She was about to see a pissing match.

Chapter Forty-four

tand down, man. I’m an alpha gladiator.”

Red Beard spit a seed, hitting Max in the neck. He refused to acknowledge it outwardly, though the beast within him stirred. He could almost feel it pacing the cage he’d locked it in, waiting to be unleashed. “Don’t make me hurt you. This is your last chance to hand over—”

Red Beard charged. Max lunged at him, closing the distance. Addy snatched Noah and ran to a small open space away from the blows they were exchanging.

“Stop! Stop it!”

Was she kidding? There’d be no stopping until he defeated Red Beard. All her yelling did was make the kid cry harder.

Max struck high and low, creating an opening for a takedown. Red Beard fell hard, and they rolled. On his back, Max took a grappling position from the bottom. Though Red Beard ground his forearm into Max’s throat, the guy didn’t have enough leverage to choke him out. He wrapped his legs around Red Beard’s and pushed them apart, taking the guy’s base away. Max controlled this fight, no question.

BOOK: Captive
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