Captured Innocence (CSA Case Files) (28 page)

BOOK: Captured Innocence (CSA Case Files)
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Chapter Thirty


Connor entered Masters
after having been buzzed in by Jenny, giving a cursory look around to see who was here.  He had come alone, Jax having preferred to take Whip tonight.  It was all good, considering he didn’t need another lecture on his personal life.  He also didn’t know exactly what to say to Jax about Emily.  That was a bit of info that Connor was still processing.

It was later than he’d intended
to arrive, so the club was in full swing.  Latin music spilled from the speakers, but didn’t smother the sounds coming from the submissives at various play stations.  He saw Brie on the St. Andrew’s cross, Dante putting her through her paces.  Dante was a good Dom, although he only played at the clubs every so many months.  He also had an airtight alibi the night Marilyn was murdered.  So did Brie, for that matter.  Kevin hadn’t discounted anyone. 

Mistress Beverly had a male submissive lying on the bondage table, his cock and balls in a CBT cage.  Connor winced, moving his gaze along.  Bev had been here at the club the night of the killing.  Her normal three male subs had been in attendance.  Mistress Vivien was situated in one of the middle sections, comfortable in her thigh high latex boots.  She didn’t have an alibi, claiming she’d been home alone.

“Master Connor, would you like a drink?” Casey said, sidling up to him.  The brunette placed her hand on his arm.  He looked down until she removed it.  That was the second time that she’d touched him of her own volition.  She was a better sub than that and knew not to touch unless told.  “I can bring you a club soda.”

“Not tonight, Casey,” Connor said, stepping away from her. 
He refused to believe that he wasn’t going to play with her because of Lauren.  She had nothing to do with his decision.  Right now, he wanted to have a conversation with Joel.  “I see Master Scott warming up the violet wand on one of his subs.  Why don’t you see if he’ll play with you?”

Connor moved toward the bar, not waiting to see if she took his advice.  Russell was bartending this evening and Kyle was on his usual perch.  He resisted the urge to knock him off of it just because he’d offered his services up to Lauren.  A niggling
of doubt crowded the back of his mind.  She wouldn’t go for a guy like him, would she?  Kyle would have no idea how to handle her fear.

Hi, Master Connor,” Shelley said, passing by him with a grin. 

Connor returned her smile
but not the greeting and headed for the bar.  Flint must have something extra special lined up for her tonight, with the way her face had been lit up. He thought back to Kevin’s SITREPs and remembered that Flint and Shelley were each other’s alibi.  Two people could have easily subdued Marilyn, but that would make it twice as likely they would have left behind some DNA.  Taryn said those reports should be in any day now.

“Usual?” Russell said, reaching behind him for a glass.

“Yeah,” Connor said, taking a stool.  He leisurely looked into the mirror above the bar, assessing the area.  Only when he’d acquainted himself with who was where did he spare a glance toward Kyle.  He was in a conversation with a Dom on his left.  No one that Connor knew.  “Thanks.”

“I heard you played with Brie last week,” Russell said, placing a club soda in front of him.  “Casey couldn’t stop talking about it.”

“Casey needs someone to train her,” Connor replied, lifting up one side of his lip.  “That disrespect won’t last long in here.”

“Rumor has it that CSA is helping the police work Marilyn Sweeney’s murder,” Russell said, leaning his forearms against the wooden surface.  Connor kept a neutral facial expression, knowing that he was just fishing for gossip.  “Do you know how Terry’s doing?  It’s a shame that the police actually thought it was him.”

“You had him tried and convicted,” Connor said, reminding the barkeep of his initial reaction.  He took a drink of his club soda.  “And no, I don’t know how he is.  Kevin’s running the case, and since I’m not allowed near it I have no access to information.” 

“Well, look who it is.”  Connor looked to his right to see Joel walking around the corner from wh
ere he knew his office to be.  “Tell me it ain’t so.  Did Lauren back out?”

“I didn’t think she was ready for a club scene,” Connor replied, phrasing his words carefully. 

“Those redheads have a way of being spontaneous,” Joel said, walking behind the bar.  “I thought she seemed a little too eager to come tonight.”

“You aren’t talking about Lauren Bailey, are you?” Kyle asked, butting into the conversation.  Connor had to take a deep breath to keep his muscles relaxed.  He placed his fingers on the rim of his tumbler.  “Are you shitting me?”

“No,” Joel replied, placing his hands on the bar and leaning against the surface like he was staying for a while.  “Apparently she’s attracted to military men.  That sure as shit cuts you out of the equation, Kyle.”

“Shit, if I’d known that, I would have signed up long ago,” Kyle said with a laugh.  He slapped the bar with his palm.  “Con
nor, you sure know how to pick ’em.  I never had a chance with that little ginger.”

“Master Connor?” 
Jenny, the hostess, stopped the conversation.  That was probably a good thing, because if Kyle kept talking, Connor knew it was only a matter of time before his fist would shut him up.  “You have an important phone call.”

Connor had shut his cell phone off, per the rules, before entering the play area.  He could be a boy scout once in a while, but now he was regretting it.  Would Joel or the members question his attendance this evening?  He scanned their faces as he stood up, following
Jenny to the front kiosk out in the foyer.  He saw she’d set the phone down on the dark oak reception desk and picked it up.


“Within five minutes, the cops will be all over that place,” Jax said, his voice coming in loud and clear.  “They’re coming to arrest Joel Summit for the solicitation of prostitution.  He and Gerry have been using the private parties to sell out the sexual services of willing submissives.  Two have already been taken into custody for prostitution.”

Connor took a moment to digest the news, shock rolling through his system.  Out of all the shit that Joel and Gerry could have done, this one took the prize.  Had Marilyn found out
, and they thought death was the only way to silence her?  It didn’t sit right with him, but either way an arrest would be made and their investigation would suffer a few delays, but they would continue until they had their answers.

“Let me guess,” Connor said,
trying to look into the play area as Jenny opened the door to admit a member.  Joel, Russell, Kyle, and the man who’d been standing next to him were still deep in conversation.  Sweeping his eyes over the room before the door closed, he saw Mistress Bev and her sub in one of the small areas where she was administering aftercare.  Mistress Vivien was nowhere to be seen.  The rest of the members seemed to be accounted for.  “Juliet and her little blonde friend.”

“Got it in one,” Jax replied.

“And Gerry?”  Connor asked, able to get the name out before Jenny sauntered back to her position. 

She gave him a smile and he wondered if she knew of Joel’s dealings on the side.  He could guarantee that there was a hell of a lot more than two subs at those private parties. 
Had Marilyn been privy to what was going on behind closed doors and gotten herself killed?

“His ass is already in the back of a police car.  I’m heading your way.  I just wanted to confirm that Gerry didn’t get some message off to Joel before he was taken in.”

“Negative,” Connor replied, keeping his answer vague so that Jenny was kept in the dark. 

Connor pulled the phone away from his ear and pressed the disconnect button.  His first instinct was to
check his weapon that he’d secured in his ankle holster, but he refrained. Connor nodded to Jenny that he wanted back into the main area.  Once he entered he walked to the bar, taking his seat as if nothing was amiss.  Conversation ceased and it was evident they’d been talking about him.  If he had to guess, he’d say it was in relation to the case and not Lauren.  He didn’t blame them for their lack of trust.

“Everything okay?” Joel asked.

“Yes,” Connor replied.  “Jax just wanted to know if Casey was around tonight.  He thought she’d be at Whip.”

“So are you topping Lauren now?” Russell asked, placing beer on the counter for Kyle. 

“What the fuck?” Joel murmured, panic coming through in his words. 

Connor tensed, catching sight of two boys in blue
and one detective coming through the doorway.  Jenny’s face was priceless as she stood in the doorway, watching the police proceed through the play area.  He had to make a quick decision in whether or not to go after Joel if he decided to run.  If he did, Connor would be sacrificing his position along with the trust of these members.  If he didn’t, would the outcome be any different?  The police would eventually find Joel and place him under arrest.

He heard whispers and murmurs throughout the room and knew that everyone saw the police walking through the area.  Connor was impressed with their work ethic as he watched them come closer, seeing their focus was on Joel
instead of the naked subs attached to various pieces of furniture.  Joel had made his way around the bar, but made the better choice of staying where he was instead of running.  Defeat was written on his face.

“Joel Summit?” the officer asked, although Connor knew that he was well aware that Joel was his guy.  “You’re
under arrest for the solicitation of prostitution.”

Connor stood, moving out of the way so the police could do their job.  He felt movement behind him and quickly looked into the mirror.  Kyle had slid off of his stool and had lost all color in his face.   Well, what do you know?  This ass
hole was involved too.  It didn’t surprise Connor, but what caught him by surprise was the fact that Kyle was shifting his body toward the door.  He was going to run.

Connor’s gaze connected with the man who had been having a conversation with Kyle.  He was watching and waiting to see what Connor would do, but
Connor didn’t stop to analyze it.  Reflex kicked in and he turned.

“Going somewhere?” Connor asked. 

Kyle sprinted for the door, knocking a plant over near one of the couches.  Connor looked over at the two police officers who were now reading Joel his rights, but neither saw what was happening.  Fuck.  Weren’t they paid to pay attention to their surroundings?  And what happened to all these cops that Jax had referred to?

“You’re going to let him get away?” the man asked, regarding him with c
uriosity.  “Aren’t you some type of law enforcement?”

“Aren’t you?” Connor inquired, intuitively knowing this man was a cop.

“DEA.  Max Higgens.”  Max looked toward the door, bringing his drink up to his mouth but stopping short.  “Trust me.  The members here won’t think less of you for going after a prick that pays for it.”

Connor shook his head, not wanting to cause a scene but knowing that he couldn’t allow Kyle to have one more second of freedom.  Fuck.  He
ran toward the front door, hoping that his suspect was smart enough to take off through the door and down the alleyway.  At least, that’s what Connor would do considering there was another police car pulling up as he made his way to the sidewalk. 

Veering directly around the corner, Connor saw a shadow exiting at the other end.  He took off
at a dead run.  By the time he turned the corner, Kyle was almost to the parking garage entrance that was situated behind the building.  It wrapped around the other side of the structure, which was where members usually parked.  He instinctively reached behind him, not slowing down.  Shit.  His weapon was attached to his ankle.  No time to stop and reach for it. 

Connor had managed to close
the distance between them as Kyle started to run up the ramp.  Kyle only managed to slow himself down by looking over his shoulder.  He didn’t see the car backing out.  The impact wasn’t as bad as Connor thought, but it did send Kyle to the ground.  Connor reached him right when he tried to get up. 

“I’m so sorry,” a woman’s voice echoed throughout the garage.  She was the driver of the car and had stepped out of her vehicle.  “I didn’t see him!”

“It’s okay, ma’am.”  Connor could see that Kyle wasn’t injured and was, in fact, looking around in panic for a way out.  “I’m working with the police and this man is being placed under arrest.”

Connor, just let me go.  I wasn’t part of it, I swear.”  Kyle backed away one step.  “I attended once and that was the only time I paid for it.”

“Kyle, turn around
and face the vehicle, putting your hands behind your head.”

“If this gets out, I’ll lose my job.”

“You should have thought of that beforehand.”

Connor could tell by Kyle’s stance that he was going to run for it
again.  Before Kyle had completely turned around, Connor had him shoved up against the parked Tahoe in the next stall.  He heard the woman gasp behind him, but ignored her.  He reached in front of Kyle and started to undo his belt.

“What the fuck, man!”  Kyle started to struggle, but cried out when Connor dug his elbow into his back. 

BOOK: Captured Innocence (CSA Case Files)
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