Carpe Diem - Jesse 3 (11 page)

Read Carpe Diem - Jesse 3 Online

Authors: Eve Carter

Tags: #jesse, #new adult, #romance, #contemporary romance, #biker

BOOK: Carpe Diem - Jesse 3
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“Dude, you can open the door before you talk, asshole.” I laughed as I swung open the door. The look on his face told me it was time for some tuning adjustments on the bike.

“Did you miss me?” Jamie quipped.

“Like my balls miss jock itch.”

“You got ball?”

I shoved my phone in the pocket of my riding pants with a grin and said, “Come on, Dorothy, let's go.” I pulled the rattling aluminum door shut behind us, my chances of getting the afternoon off had just been shot to hell.

Chapter 14


y first two weeks in Italy had flown by in a flash. I only had another two weeks to soak in all the details of the fashion world via my temporary job as Giovanni Cavallini's assistant. I couldn't have asked for a better way to meet people in the industry. It had been an amazing experience so far, and working for Gio had turned out okay. After an intense start, he had withdrawn his fangs and didn't bother me with unwanted advances, turning out to be more professional as the days went by. He was always booked with gigs, with shoots almost every day and even some at night, though I suppose that shouldn't have surprised me. Everyone wanted the best, and after seeing his photographs, he was definitely one of the best. And even better, I had met several famous Italian designers.

It was Friday and I was busy preparing a set for tonight's shoot, holding a large multicolored backdrop, when I heard the buzzing from my phone. I had left it on the desk that Gio used for his computer, next to the prop area. It could only be Jesse. If I wasn’t with Jesse, I was with Gio. They were the only two people I received calls from here in Italy. I dropped the heavy board but I couldn't run to my phone in time and the call went to voicemail. Just when I was about to open the contacts on my phone, Gio yelled out, “Niki, come help with this light umbrella. I want to take a reading with my light meter. Stand here like you’re the model and let me take a reading.” Without even a moment for me to respond, he barked out, “Come, come.”

I had learned that Gio could be very demanding and also that if I didn’t comply he would be pouting around all evening. I sighed and put my phone back on the table without having a chance to listen to the message from Jesse.

After another hour, I was finished and checked my messages before leaving. A smile spread across my face as I listened to the voicemail Jesse had left. It said that we had been invited to a club opening in Milan tomorrow night. Finally, a chance to go out together. It also gave me the perfect excuse. Gio had asked me to attend a fashion show with him tomorrow night, saying it would be a great networking opportunity; but that had to take a back seat, now. Of course, Gio would mope about that, but he would just have to get over it. I had been working my butt off for free, even several evenings despite his promise that I would only work in the daytime. Even if Jesse and I weren’t going out, there was no way I would plan on spending Saturday night away from my love.

I clicked off the screen and marched over to the set Gio was fussing over and blurted out, “Gio, I won't be able to go to the fashion show with you tomorrow night.”

I stood with one hand on my hip, my cell phone still in the other, ready to stand up to the barrage of words he would undoubtedly spew out. But instead he just said, “Sure.”

“Well, okay then,” I said and spun on my heels to leave. Just as I was collecting my purse and tote bag, he asked me, “Where are you going tomorrow night?”

I was a little caught off guard by his unusual calm demeanor. “Jesse and I are going to the opening of a new club in Milan. One of the sponsors of Jesse's team is having a promotional event there.”

He turned back to fidgeting with a camera on the tripod, adjusting the lens, and said, “Oh, yes, I've heard about it. Have a good time.”

I slung my purse over my shoulder and turned slowly this time to head toward the door.

“Ciao, bella,” he called back to me as I left.

I didn't want to speculate about Gio and his crazy mood swings; I was excited to get back to the hotel, wrap my arms around Jesse and fall into his kisses. But sitting in the cab on the way back to the hotel, I began to mull it over in my head. Was this Gio being passive aggressive and just pretending to be okay with this? As soon as the thought popped into my mind, I chastised myself for even caring about Gio. I wasn't going down that path again. Gio held no fascination for me on a personal level, everything was strictly business.

Chapter 15


have a boner for you, baby.

My eye lids flew open. It wasn't a dream. I really did have a boner, a morning boner, and it was no wonder, with Niki's firm round naked ass backed up against my body under the sheets. I checked the clock. Six thirty.


No sun yet— but wait—today's Saturday and I have the day off. The light fabric of the sheet tented up as I got harder. That thing was hard enough to cut stone. Morning boners were like that.

I rolled onto my side and put my arm around Niki's warm body. Her skin was soft to my touch and I could still smell the scent of sex on her from last night, just like the night in the limo ride. My cock jerked hard in response and I snuggled closer, poking her in the back with it. “Baby, I have a little surprise for you,” I sang out in a sing-song kind of voice. I rocked my hips against her back side, poking.

Poke. Poke. Poke.

She came to life with a groggy moan and twisted her head around to talk to me. “What time is it?”


“Why are you awake? It's Saturday, sleep in, already.”

Poke. “Say hello to my little friend, Mr. Morning Boner.” Poke.

She threw one arm up, bent at the elbow, to cover her eyes and said with a giggle, “Little? That’s a gross understatement. Are you always this horny in the morning?”

“Only when I'm in Italy.”

Niki lifted her arm from her eyes and blinked. “Not because of me?” She feigned indignation.

“And every time I'm with you, baby.”

“Good answer, silly. So now you have a little friend here in bed with us. Does that mean we're having a three-way?”

“I hope so. He does have a mind of his own.”

“So I've noticed. He can be very demanding at times.”


“You like it that way, don't you?” I reached my hand between her back and my body and moved my cock down to the space between her nicely rounded butt cheeks and slid it between her legs. She wiggled back against me as I rocked forward, my cock searching for her wetness.

It hadn't taken but a few seconds and her pussy was already wet. I cupped her breast with my hand, pressed it against her chest and pulled it back out, pinching the nipple between my thumb and forefinger as I pulled. A contented murmur was her response, the exact words of which were lost into the down of the pillow. But I knew I could get her even wetter by rubbing her nipple between my thumb and forefinger, so I tweaked it again and again. I loved watching her writhe with pleasure, watching her body contract and release. Her muscles twitched with excitement as I slowly and gently fondled the most sensitive parts of her body. If I rubbed hard enough, a genie would pop out and grant me my wish and Niki would give me the one thing everyone is searching for in this crazy world.

Niki was mine and I damn near purred with contentment as the tip of my cock found her slit and pushed in. My thickness spread her flesh, stretching it, creating a nice fit. This girl was so meant for me. She was tight and soft at the same time, just right for my large size. I needed this with her. I needed to be with her. I couldn't explain it; it was like I craved being inside her and I didn't think I could live without it, without her. Not for one day, not for one minute, not for one second. I was bound to her. Heart and soul.

I pushed on into her, alternating between rubbing her nipples and rubbing her clit until we both gave in to the ecstasy of passion and we came at the same time, in one monumental orgasm, shaking and trembling, our bodies melded together as if we were one roaring beast in this bed.

Our bodies relaxed but I didn't want to pull out. My erection didn't usually go down very quickly, so I could enjoy staying inside of her while we cuddled in bed together, waiting for the morning sun to climb higher in the Italian sky.

I needed the day off that Coach had given us. I felt like I had abandoned Niki most of the time we had been here and wondered what I could do to make the day special for Niki.

I rolled onto my back and put my hands behind my head, propping it up on the pillow. “What do you want to do until tonight? Go shopping?”

She looked at me sideways and gave me a disbelieving look. “You don't really want to go shopping, do you? It's your day off. We should do something you think is fun.”

“You know, there is an American bar just two blocks down. They're showing college football on satellite. But we can do both. The football games won't start until four o'clock. We can go shopping first and then hit the bar.”

I rose up onto my elbow and turned to see her reaction. Her eyes sparkled and I could tell she was already mapping out the route we would take, the one with all the boutiques she liked.

“You're already plotting something, aren't you?” I couldn't help but smile.

“What should I wear? I can't decide what to wear to shop, and then for the bar and maybe I can find a cute dress for the club tonight... or maybe some new shoes. What do you think?” She sat up straight in the bed and tipped her head to one side in thought. Her attention had already drifted from this hotel room to the shopping district of Milan and if there was such a thing as window shopping in your mind, she was doing it right now. “I'm going to go get ready now, sweetie. Why don't you order us some breakfast?”

“You have to plan what to wear to go shopping? I'm glad I'm a guy. Jeans and a T-shirt are all I need.”

With barely a second of contact with my skin, she brushed her lips to mine, then spun on her heels to go and get ready. I watched her ass cheeks twitch from side to side as she trotted off to the bathroom. I shook my head and swung my legs off the edge of the bed to go and call in our room service order. She's crazy good looking and I was out of my mind for her.

Chapter 16


ll I could think of when we walked in was that this club was heaven. The DJ hadn't started playing yet, but light background music drifted through the room while the sponsors started their promotional event, and I had a chance to purvey the club's architectural design. It was a chic, monochrome space, under glowing blue UV lights, with waitresses carrying pink neon drinks trays. Low tables with waiting silver champagne buckets were surrounded by low modern seats, upholstered with cream ostrich leather. Jesse led me over to the bar where I was surprised to find myself staring into the middle of a nude mosaic and the dancer on the upper bar had me not knowing where to look. I swiveled my head to scan the vast space and took in the dance floor, where people would be dancing under a suspended flying saucer with flashing spotlights; I would learn later, that they also shot out jets of smoke.

As I watched people filtering in, I was glad I had worn my brand new short, tight black club dress with glittery heels. I had bought it earlier in the day, when Jesse had surprised me yet again. He’d actually come shopping with me and only complained about it three times. Of course, he’d gotten his reward when he sat for three hours in a local American bar watching football. After an hour I’d had enough and went back to the hotel to get ready for tonight.

Feeling the mounting excitement of the evening, Jesse leaned into my ear and said, “Just wait until the DJ starts. It's gonna be off the hook.” Even as he spoke the music was changing, rising in both tempo and volume, to create an aura of excitement about the sponsor's product and this new club.

The sponsoring company was passing around samples of their energy drink in neon green drink glasses. The bartenders were making various alcoholic drinks mixed with their energy drink as a base. It was all very thematic.

Jesse handed me an energy drink in a plastic neon colored cup and I nearly spilled it when I bumped elbows with some guy who was standing right next to me. Before I could say a sarcastic, “excuse me” I looked up and then blurted out, “Gio, what are you doing here? I thought you were at the fashion show?”

“And miss out on the hottest party of the year? Good thing you reminded me about it, yesterday. A friend of mine is one of the owners of the club.”

I thought it was a little odd that Gio would just happen to know the owners, but I brushed it off as coincidence and said, “Wow, you know everybody in this town. But since you're here you can finally meet my boyfriend, Jesse. He's right here.”

I turned but the crowd had merged into our space and Jesse was no longer at my side. He wasn't far away, but why was he talking to a blonde chick in a bikini?

Gio caught my look of surprise and said, “Oh, the one talking to that blonde?”

“Yee-aah...” What
he doing with that blonde? I wasn't sure if I felt a pang of jealousy of if I just had indigestion.

Gio smiled at me and tried to smooth over the awkward moment. “Don't worry, they get paid to chat with the customers at these promotional events. I'm sure he's not hitting on her.”

Well, that was a pretty catty remark. Did he say that to plant a seed of jealousy in my mind, or was Jesse really hitting on her?

Pushing through the crowd I made my way over to Jesse and the blonde. Two elbows and guy with a handlebar mustache later, I was tugging at Jesse's arm. “If you have a moment...”

He turned to me and said, “Niki, this is Bianca, we were just talking about motocross. She really likes motocross.”

“Yeah, I can see that,” I replied flatly. When it comes to a blonde with big boobs in a bikini, men are so easy.

“Jesse, if you have a moment I would like for you to meet my boss, Gio.”

Although Gio had followed me and was standing at my elbow, Jesse lifted his gaze and surveyed the crowd in the immediate area. “Oh, is he here?”

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