Casanova In Training (3 page)

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

BOOK: Casanova In Training
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Boneless, Jaydee sank against him after he turned off the light, climbed back into bed, and covered them with the blankets. Thoughts of leaving were the furthest thing from her mind as he draped a corded, muscular arm over her waist and tucked her in close. She fell asleep with his deep breathing in her ear and his scent in her nose. There was also the warmth and security of his touch.


* * * *


She woke and lay still as her mind worked out where she was. This wasn’t her bed. Strong arms curled around her body, keeping her near…and warm. A head nestled into her breasts, stubble abrading her skin with each breath she took. She sought the clock and sighed.
Time to get going

How to untangle herself? She shifted to the side only to freeze when warm lips settled over one nipple, drawing tight. Desire unfurled within her and she moaned, arching, before she realised it.

A moan that turned to a cry of pleasure as he sank two fingers into her pussy. Her last coherent thought was,
I can leave later.
He brought her to another explosive orgasm, draining what little energy she actually had left. So, again, sated and fatigued, she drifted back off to sleep.

Twice more she woke and attempted to sneak away. Twice more he fucked her back into exhaustion. The third time she opened her eyes and just lay there. She was so sore. In a good way, but so sore.

“Close your eyes,” a deep voice said.

Turning her head, she found him staring down at her. Him.
I don’t even know his name.
His hazel eyes still smouldered and, despite everything, she felt herself respond.

“I need to get up.”

“I am up,” he said with a languid wink. One large hand skimmed over her belly before settling with familiarity on her pussy. He used a lone finger to stroke her and she bit back her purr of contentment as she widened her legs.

“Good girl.” In and out he moved the single digit. “I think I could get used to this in the morning,” he muttered in her ear as he slid inside her willing body with one smooth thrust.

Me too.

Accepting she’d not be leaving the bed anytime soon, she gave herself over to her stranger’s masterful touch. They spent all day in bed. One time when she woke, he’d brought some food to the room. After which they went back to bed. She didn’t understand, she was supposed to get him out of her blood yet the longer she was there it felt like he was deeper in it.

She urged her aching body out of bed and dressed while he was in the shower. Sure, it was the coward’s way out but she knew all it would take was one touch from him and leaving would fall by the wayside. One ear tuned to the shower, she shoved her feet into her shoes and made a call.

With one last, longing look to the closed bathroom door, she bit her lower lip and slipped from the hotel room, totally not understanding why leaving this man—whose name she still didn’t know—was so difficult. Forcing herself to leave, she closed the door behind her. She took a deep breath and strode from the hotel, clad in her club wear with her head held high. Not much later, a black Mitsubishi Spyder roared up to the entrance and she climbed in.

“Almost a day,” the woman behind the wheel said.

“Stuff it, Lexy.” There was no malice in her tone.

“Same guy as the previous night?”

She hung her head. “I couldn’t help it. There is…was…something about him.”

Lexy laughed. “I’m sure. I saw the two of you in the hall at the bar.” A sideways glance. “Are you hungry? Bet y’all didn’t come up for air much.”

She ground her teeth at Lexy’s over-syrupy Southern drawl. “Bitch.”

Another laugh as Lexy tore around a truck going too slow in her estimation. “You know it. Besides, I would assume you’d want to go change and hide that big-ass hickey on your neck. I bet you have them other places, too. Don’t you? Thighs? Ass?”

“Drive, you foul-mouthed bitch.”

Jaydee leaned her head against the window and closed her eyes. Even now, she could feel the caress of his callused hands on her skin. Moisture began to flow and she shifted on the seat.

Lexy whipped into her drive and pulled into the garage. “Come on, you go shower and change while I make you some food.”

It was already dark, had been when she left the hotel, and Jaydee’s stomach growled. “Thanks, Lexy.” She trudged, sore and tired, into the house then to the guest room. After showering and dressing in something a bit more conservative—a bit more her—Jaydee made more flight plans. She had to get to her destination—staying longer had cut into her time of learning the area.

After a filling meal, Lexy drove her to the airport and dropped her off. They shared a hug.

“I want to know about this guy.”

“I told you everything over dinner, Lexy.” She grabbed her bags and headed for the door. “I’ll call you when I land. Thanks for everything.”

“Name!” Lexy yelled. “What’s his name?”

Glancing back, she shrugged and placed her bags down. “I don’t know, we never exchanged them.”

Lexy’s grey eyes grew wide as an ear-to-ear grin split her face. With a fist pump, she gave a wolf whistle. “I always knew you had it in you. Love you!”

Jaydee rolled her eyes and ignored the stares. With a wave over her shoulder, she grabbed her luggage again and continued. Once on board the plane, she settled in her seat and sobered. There was a lot of work to be done at her new duty station. Best to be met with a clear head. She covered up with a blanket and closed her eyes, settling in for the flight. Jaydee fell asleep even before they reached cruising altitude.


* * * *


Two weeks later, Jaydee’s boots made very little noise as she headed to the briefing room. Her belly was full of knots, although she ensured none of her distress or unease displayed on her face. It was always difficult coming in to a new squadron. Even a test pilot one. And even more so when she was replacing a fallen pilot and friend.

Voices, loud and male, drifted out into the hall and to her ears.

“Who’s taking his place?” A slight pause. “I mean who’s filling his spot? Sorry, Casanova, I know no one can take Sidewinder’s place.”

Casanova? Well, guess it isn’t hard to figure out what he’s done to get that nickname.

The response was too low for her to make out. Then another man spoke. “Lieutenant Commander Jaydee Amos, call sign Dusti.”

She paused right before entering. They were talking about her and she bet anything they were assuming her first name was initials. It normally happened. The next speaker’s voice made her pause it was filled with so much anger. “Jaydee, never heard of him.”

She was right—they assumed she was a male.

“Comes highly praised. Apparently some sort of hotshot pilot.”

“We’ll see.” The angry one spoke again.

Jaydee forced her legs to carry her into the room. Silence descended as numerous gazes fell upon her. A low whistle filled the air and several men eyed her up and down as if she was their next meal.

“You seen the new chick, Casanova?” a blond asked.

“Who are you?” a different blond questioned.

She opened her mouth to answer only to see another man step into her line of sight. Her body reacted violently and expediently. Staring back at her was tall, dark and handsome from her wild and impetuous twenty-four-hour dalliance.

Male laughter erupted. “Looks like she’s already smitten with Casanova.”

He’s Casanova? Hell, he’s a pilot? And why is he here?
She rallied and drew on the ice that flowed through her veins. Unbidden, her gaze drifted back to Casanova. His beautiful hazel eyes had narrowed suspiciously as he stared at her. She’d been doubted because of her gender before, it wasn’t anything new.

“Who are you?” The question was repeated.

She answered simply, “I’m Lieutenant Commander Amos.”

You could have heard a pin drop. Casanova’s features hardened.

“Hell no!” he snapped, fire blazing from his eyes. “You’re the pilot? Jaydee?”

She couldn’t believe this was the same man who’d loved her so thoroughly and completely that night two weeks ago. A gaze that had smouldered and stared at her with relentless hunger were now furious.

“That’s me. Many people assume I’m a man from my name.” She shrugged. “I’m not.”

“You’re a girl.”

Derision dripped from his words. He prowled towards her, looking all kinds of hot in his flight suit. Around them, the room fell silent. She held his stare, her expression blank. He stalked around her, teasing her senses. Again, face to face, he scowled at her.

“Have you even flown a B-2?”

All remaining gentle feelings towards him about their shared night vanished in a puff of smoke. “Obviously, or they wouldn’t have sent me. Don’t try to measure your dick to mine, Commander. You’re sure to come up short.”

Laughter erupted around them yet she ignored everything but the man going toe to toe with her. He crossed his arms, his glower deepening. It took a bit of time for her to ignore the power she knew rippled beneath the flight suit.

“Can it, Cassano!” a new voice intruded. “Leave her alone. Listen up, everyone. We’ve been a man down with the loss of Walker, and Amos here is filling in. Until we get a permanent pilot assigned.”

“Better not be too long,” Casanova muttered beside her.

“Listen up, Cassano,” the CO demanded. “Nothing fancy today. We’ll brief in the air. Make sure you introduce yourself to Amos.” He slammed his book shut and left. Leaving her to fend for herself.

A blond man—the one who’d previously called her ‘chick’—approached her, his blue eyes sharp and assessing. “I’m Keel. You’re my pilot.”

She nodded, understanding that, if they were called up, he’d be the mission commander. “Dusti.” Keel didn’t offer his hand, just sized her up. There were two other women there in the room, but they didn’t look any happier to see her then the men did.

“Meet you at the bird.”

She nodded and watched the others leave. Falling in behind a cocky lieutenant, she reached the door a second before it slammed in her face. Tall, dark and handsome leaned against her exit from the room. Arms crossed. The pure sexuality he oozed made her waver a second. The anger in his eyes cooled her ardour.

“You’re in my way, Commander,” she said without intonation.

“You ran from me while I was in the shower.”

She blinked. His words shocked her, for she hadn’t thought he would have mentioned it. “You’re still in my way.”

“Women shouldn’t be flying in combat.”

“This is a training facility and you need to move.”

“We need to talk,” he rumbled.

“No, we do not. Now get out of my way.”

With a mocking smile and an exaggerated bow, he opened the door for her, only to fall in behind her. All eyes were on them as they strolled from the building, now side by side. They peeled off and she surreptitiously stole a final glance as he sauntered to his plane. He was a man who was the epitome of a fighter pilot. An unmistakable swagger and an ego the size of the sun.

Striding up to her jet, she stared at the impressive B-2. The bombers were lethal, dangerous and, to her, absolutely beautiful. She loved flying them. The excitement built, spreading throughout her as she talked to the mechanic for her new bird. His name was Tory Sedin, a Petty Officer First Class.

Chapter Two




Giovanni Cassano fought down his anger. A woman was joining them. And not just
woman—this one happened to be the one he’d spent nearly twenty-four hours in bed with, trying to sate his hunger for her. It hadn’t worked. He wanted her even more after having seen her again. Memories were no longer going to be good enough.

It would have been damn near perfect seeing her again, if not for two things. One, her being in his command, and two, her being a pilot. Yes, he was a bit of a chauvinist. Women could fly, but combat? Not with him.

She needs to stay where it’s safe.

now had a name. Jaydee ‘Dusti’ Amos, a Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy. He’d heard her first name and assumed she was a man.

“What do you think of the sweet filly, Casanova?” Jason ‘Lizard’ Armstrong asked him with a friendly smack on the shoulder.

Despite not wanting to, he glanced over to where she stood by her plane. Her flight suit only turned him on even more, given that he knew each and every curve and inch of skin beneath it personally.

“She shouldn’t be here,” he bit off.

“You’d rather them bring in an Air Force guy?”

“Yes,” he snapped. “Sidewinder’d been flying these for years and look what happened. You really think putting a woman up in one is a good idea?”

“What about Tessler and Puck? They’re women.”

“That’s different.”

Lizard grunted. “Only because you gave them a chance to prove themselves. And no matter what you say, she’s damn fine to look at. Been a while since a woman’s stirred me like this. Wonder if she’d go out with me.”

Jealousy rose swift and deadly. “Control your cock, Lizard. This ain’t the dating game.”

A sly look crossed his friend’s face. “You thinking of trying for her yourself?”

I’ve had her and I’ll be damned before I let you have her.
“Pre-flight done,” he said before he ascended the ladder and climbed into his seat.

Lizard, thankfully, became all business and climbed into the seat next to him. At take-off time, he swallowed and felt a trickle of sweat run down his back. This was his first flight since Mike’s death.

“Alpha One, this is Tower. You’re clear for take-off.”

He glanced to his left. “Let the newbie go first,” he replied arrogantly, wanting to watch Jaydee Amos take off personally.

“Roger that. Alpha Two, you’re cleared for take-off.”

Her voice came over the radio, smooth and unruffled. “Roger that. Alpha Two copies.”

Giovanni sat there—with a hard-on, courtesy of her sultry bedroom voice—and watched her manoeuvre the one hundred and seventy-two foot wide bomber up in the air, smooth as glass.

“Nicely done, Dusti,” a voice Giovanni recognised as Keel’s stated.

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