Casino Infernale (10 page)

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Authors: Simon R. Green

Tags: #Speculative Fiction

BOOK: Casino Infernale
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“I have to wonder what it’s still doing here,” said Molly. “I mean, with Hadrian dead, all those who might have bound the Horse again are gone. If it’s so keen to trample the world, like you said, what’s it still doing here?”

“I don’t know,” I said. “Maybe it’s just doing a lap of triumph round the Island. It doesn’t matter. The White Horse is a threat to all Humanity, and I have to stop it here, while I still can.”

“How the hell are you going to stop something as big as that?” said Molly. “Walk up and punch it in the ankle?”

“Drood armour isn’t just about strength and protection,” I said. “Watch, and learn. And keep your magics handy, just in case this all goes horribly wrong.”

I concentrated on the strange matter of my armour, and a long golden line fell from my right hand, more and more of it falling in coils, until finally I had a long gold lariat in my hand. I formed a noose, and threw it high up into the air and right over the head of the massive White Horse. The golden lariat fell into place before the Horse even knew what was happening. The noose tightened around its great white neck, and the glowing golden line snapped taut.

Immediately, I was pulled forward by the sheer impetus of the Horse; but I dug my golden heels deep into the pebbled beach. The Horse dragged me on, so that I left two deep channels behind me in the beach; but the strength and power of my armour was more than a match for any living god. The White Horse slowed, shrinking all the time, until finally it was just a horse; and then it came to a sudden halt—shaking and shuddering, and tossing its head. I walked steadily forward, keeping a steady pressure on the golden line. Just a man and a horse now, and the bridle I’d made to break its spirit.

I called the golden line back into my glove, a few feet at a time, as I came to stand beside the horse. It stood very still. The long white face turned to look at me, with old, dark, very wise eyes. We looked at each other for a while. I heard Molly hurrying up to join me, but I couldn’t look away. I reached slowly out, took hold of the golden noose around the horse’s neck, loosened it, and pulled it over the horse’s head. The golden lariat snapped back into my glove, and was gone. I armoured down, and nodded to the horse, as Molly came to stand beside me.

“You were never a threat to the world, were you?” I said to the horse. “Just to those few poor fools who were so scared of you, that they tried to break you to their will. The one thing a creature of the wild like you could never stand. That’s why your old priests put you under the mound; because you didn’t give a damn about being worshipped. You just wanted to run free. So, go. Run free, as you were meant to.

“My people are the Droods. If you ever get tired of running, and you’d like some company, come and find us. You’d be very welcome. We’ve already got a dragon. You would be safe there, I promise you; free from all harm. But for now . . . run free!”

The White Horse reared up, growing larger and larger, until he was as big as the night sky, and then he turned and ran off across the sea, his hooves pounding on the waves until he disappeared into the night.

“You old softy, you,” said Molly.

“I’ve always had a fondness for wild things,” I said. “How are you feeling now, Molly?”

“More like myself,” she said. “I wanted answers, and I found them here; just like the Regent promised. But I can’t say I’m any wiser, or happier. We have to go back, Eddie. I need to talk to your grandfather about all the things he did as the Regent of Shadows.”

“Of course you do,” I said. “I have a few questions I need to put to him myself.”

“I know he’s your long-lost grandfather,” said Molly. “I know how much he means to you, and I know he’s done a lot to redeem himself. But I still have questions.”

“Take it from me,” I said. “Answers aren’t everything. Are you ready to go?”

“Hell, yes,” said Molly. “I never want to see this place again.”

“Then let’s get out of the cold,” I said.

I took out the Merlin Glass, and this time it worked perfectly. I shook the hand mirror out to full size, big as a door, and concentrated on the coordinates of the Regent’s private office at the Department of the Uncanny. We both stepped through the dimensional door. And then we both stood very still, as the mirror snapped shut behind us.

We were standing in the Drood family Armoury, deep under Drood Hall, facing my uncle Jack, the Armourer. I glared at him.

“You interrupted the spatial transfer!” I said. “You diverted us here! I didn’t know you could do that.”

He smiled smugly. “I am the one who wrote out the operating manual for the Merlin Glass, remember? Which I am ready to bet you still haven’t finished reading yet. It doesn’t matter. Eddie, Molly—you need to come with me. You’re needed. All hell has broken loose.”

“Oh, not again,” said Molly.


Half as Old as Time

olly gave my uncle Jack her best cold hard glare, the kind that could punch a hole through a stone wall. The Armourer glared right back at her. And I quietly took several steps back to let them get on with it, because I knew better than to get involved. There was no way this was going to end well, for anyone involved, and the best I could hope for was to find something large and solid to hide behind, for when they started throwing things. There was nothing I could say that wouldn’t just make things worse, so I removed myself from the firing range, and took a look around.

The Drood family Armoury looked much the same as it always did. Lots of sound and fury, signifying things going bang. Lots of white-coated lab assistants hurrying back and forth between workstations and testing grounds, trying out brand-new versions of weapons of messy destruction. You have to be brave and talented and a mechanical genius to work in the Armoury; but it does also help if you’re completely lacking in self-preservation instincts. It’s a wonder to me we haven’t bred the lab assistant gene out of the Drood family, through extreme testing to destruction. But, there’s always a long waiting list to get in, proving once again the triumph of optimism over experience. There’s pride and honour and worth to the family to be found in the Armoury, if you last long enough.

One young woman was knocking chunks off a stone golem, using depleted-uranium knuckle-dusters. The golem was looking pretty peeved about it. Someone who’d turned himself invisible could be heard barging about and banging into things, while swearing loudly and bitterly at the world in general, because the field that stopped light getting out also stopped light getting in. So he couldn’t see anything. Or even find the
switch . . . and two interns who’d developed a highly miniaturised and very powerful explosive device, and then dropped it, were scrabbling around on the floor on all fours, trying to find the bloody thing before the timer ran out. Just another day in the Drood Armoury. I always enjoyed my visits. As long as I was careful where I put my feet.

Reluctantly, I turned back to Molly and the Armourer, who were now standing face to face, eyeballing each other so closely they could hardly blink without entangling their eyelashes. It would have been funny if the emotions involved hadn’t been so raw, and so dangerous. Molly had discovered what she’d always thought she wanted—the truth concerning the death of her parents. And it had stabbed her in the heart. Being Molly, she dealt with the pain by spreading it around.

“Give control of the Merlin Glass back to Eddie,” Molly said flatly. “I have to get to the Department of the Uncanny. I have questions to put to the Regent.”

“Ah,” said the Armourer. And just like that the fire went out of his eyes, and he stepped back. He sighed, almost sadly. “You’ve found out, then.”

Molly was so surprised, she almost forgot to be angry. “You knew?”

I was thrown, myself. “You knew the Regent of Shadows killed her parents? And you never said anything?”

“Of course I knew,” said the Armourer. He sat down in a handy chair. I sometimes forget how old he is, and how sudden shocks can drive the strength right out of him. Like most of my family he’s fine with violence, but has trouble with emotions. He looked suddenly tired, and frail. A tall and stooped man of more than middle age, wearing a grubby white lab coat with many chemical stains and burns, over a T-shirt bearing the legend
. Two shocks of tufty white hair jutted out over his ears, under a bulging bald pate. He always looked like he carried the cares of the world on his shoulders, and couldn’t wait to do something really unpleasant to the people who put them there. He was an excellent field agent, in his day. Like his father before him, my grandfather Arthur, the Regent of Shadows. The Armourer sighed heavily.

“I always meant to talk to you about this, Molly. But somehow it never seemed to be the right time. And you were so pleased to find your missing grandfather, Eddie; I didn’t want to spoil it for you. But yes, I know. I’ve always known. I was still part of the family Council, back then, deciding policy, and enforcement . . .” He looked steadily at Molly. “You mustn’t think too harshly of the Regent. He only ever did what the family asked of him. He still thought there was a chance he might be allowed to come home.”

“That doesn’t matter,” said Molly. “Nothing matters, except getting to the truth. Right to the bottom of it.”

“Hadrian Coll claimed my grandfather had a reputation for killing work,” I said. “I don’t like the sound of that.”

“We’re not responsible for the way the world is,” said the Armourer. “But we are responsible for doing whatever’s necessary to preserve it from those who would corrupt and destroy it.”

“Stop,” said Molly. “No excuses, no distractions. I don’t care what the Droods’ current emergency is . . .”

“Don’t care was made to care,” the Armourer said mildly. “Especially since the current emergency is mostly of your making.”

“Oh, hell,” I said. “What have I done now?”

“No!” Molly said fiercely. “I am not going to be reasonable, I am not going to listen to you, I am not going to be guilt-tripped by you! To hell with this. Keep your Merlin Glass; I’ll teleport myself out of here.” She looked at me. “Well?”

“You know I want to come with you,” I said. “I don’t want you facing the Regent alone. But, I think I ought to at least find out what this new emergency is.”

“This is why you’ll never be free of your family,” said Molly. “Even after everything they’ve done to you, they still have a hold on you. The Droods just use people, Eddie; I thought I’d taught you that. Don’t look at me that way . . . you stay if you want. I’m going.”

She concentrated . . . and then looked shocked when nothing happened. The Armourer cleared his throat, in an almost apologetic way.

“The Armoury has very powerful shields, my dear. Nothing gets in, nothing gets out. It’s safer for everyone, that way. . . .”

“Then lower your shields.” Molly’s voice had never sounded colder.

I slowly realised that it had grown unusually quiet in the Armoury. I looked carefully around me, and found that all the lab assistants had stopped what they were doing to watch the infamous and much feared Molly Metcalf go head-to-head with the Armourer. Some of them were quietly turning strange weapons and unusual devices in her direction. And, in mine. The assistants put their lives on the line every day, not just in service to the family, but in service to the Armourer. They admired and adored him, to a man and a woman. And they were more than ready to kill anyone who threatened him.

Sometimes, I forget that Molly had spent years at war with the Droods over the death of her parents. I had forgiven Molly her many sins, but my family hadn’t. Still, if the family was determined to make me choose between them and my Molly . . . the family would regret it. I smiled easily around me, and was pleased to see several of the lab assistants flinch. I moved forward, to stand beside Molly. Her whole body was painfully tense, her face dangerously cold.

“Lower your shields,” Molly said to the Armourer. “Or else.”

It’s always hard when you’re forced to choose between people you love. Especially when there’s a whole bunch of heavily armed people watching you with narrowed eyes, fully prepared to blow you into small meaty chunks if they don’t like your decision. So I braced myself and stepped very firmly between Molly and the Armourer.

“Everybody calm the fuck down,” I said. “Or there will be tears before bedtime.”

“You just can’t bring yourself to do it, can you, Eddie?” said Molly. “No matter how many times you leave the family, they always drag you back in, to do their dirty work.”

“I’m trying really hard not to choose a side,” I said. “I don’t want to see anyone hurt.”

“Well, tough,” said Molly. “That’s not an option. You’re either with me, or against me. Don’t try to argue! I’m not interested! I’ve waited too long for the truth about my parents’ death to be stopped by anyone.”

“It’s been ten years,” I said. “Can’t it wait just a few minutes more . . . ?”

“You got your parents back!” said Molly loudly. There were tears in her eyes. “Mine are still dead! All I’ve got left is the truth.”

I nodded, slowly, and turned to face the Armourer. “Let her go, Uncle Jack. Whatever this is, you don’t need her. You need me. So let her go. I’ll stay, if you let her leave.”

“Honourable as ever, Eddie,” said the Armourer. “You know I’ve always been so proud of you . . . but unfortunately being reasonable won’t do it, this time. You both have to stay, because you’re both needed. The family requires your assistance in this emergency.”

“Okay,” I said. “Stuff the family.”

I armoured up, and the golden strange matter flowed around me in a moment. Molly and I moved quickly to stand back to back, ready to stand off anything the lab assistants might throw at us. I showed them a golden fist, with heavy spikes rising from the knuckles. Molly raised one hand, and dark and vicious magics flared around it. Most of the lab assistants did the sensible thing, and ran for cover. The rest turned their guns and devices on us, with steady hands and wide scared eyes. And then the Armourer cleared his throat loudly, and everyone turned to look. He was holding up a small green plastic clicker, in the shape of a cartoon frog.

“I designed this for emergencies,” he said calmly. “It shuts down armour and magic, temporarily. I can strip you both of what makes you strong; but I can’t guarantee to give it back to you.”

“You wouldn’t,” said Molly.

“Only in self-defence,” said the Armourer.

Molly shot me a quick glance, and I shrugged quickly at her. “We haven’t got this far by being sensible. I’m game, if you are.”

“You’re really ready to go to war with your family, over me?” said Molly.

“Looks like it.”

“What about your old motto: anything, for the family?”

“I got a new one: anything, for you.”

“My lovely hero. All right, let’s do it. No magic, no armour; but . . . they still never met anyone like us. I’ve got a spare knife in my boot, if you need it.”

“No!” said the Armourer. He lowered the clicker, though I noticed he didn’t put it away. He looked quickly from me to Molly, and back again. “Please, just listen to what I have to say. Let me explain why your help is so necessary. If you don’t agree, then you’re both free to go.”

It was my turn to look at Molly. “I would like to hear what all this is about. But if you really need to do this . . .”

Molly considered the matter for a worryingly long moment, and then shrugged, and relaxed, just a little. “You’ve fought your family over me before, Eddie. I know where you stand. I’ve no right to ask you to do it again. The Regent . . . can wait. Talk, Armourer.”

I armoured down, and Molly let her magics dissipate into the air. The lab assistants lowered their various weapons, and wandered off for a quiet sit-down and a nice cup of tea, until the shakes wore off. The Armourer shook his head slowly, and put away his clicker.

“I swear to God, you two put years on me. Come with me now, and all will be made clear to you.”

He led the way out of the Armoury, and I hurried after him, with Molly bringing up the rear. I moved in close beside the Armourer.

“You were bluffing with that clicker, weren’t you, Uncle Jack?”

“I’ll never tell,” he said easily. “Good to have you back, nephew.”

•   •   •

We passed quickly through the wide corridors and packed passageways of Drood Hall, past paintings and sculptures of incredible value and antiquity, by names you’d know; the loot of generations of Droods, presented to us by a presumably grateful Humanity. Luxuries and comforts everywhere, wood-panelled walls and thick carpeting, along with objets d’art and objets trouvés that went back centuries. It was good to see the old place again; my bad memories were mostly of the family, rather than the Hall itself. And it was all made much easier by the knowledge that whatever the family said or did, I wasn’t staying.

People rushed back and forth, on missions of their own, and I spotted familiar faces here and there. Most of them seemed surprisingly pleased to see me. I hadn’t been this popular when I was running the family. Perhaps especially then. I was beginning to feel distinctly uneasy. The only time my family is ever pleased to see me is when they need me to do something for them. Usually something really unpleasant and spectacularly dangerous.

“I had no idea I was this popular,” I said dryly to the Armourer.

“You’re not,” he said, not even slowing his pace enough to glance around. “It’s just that something really bad is coming, headed straight for us, and you’re all we’ve got to put in its way.”

“Situation entirely bloody normal, then,” I said.

“Actually, no,” said the Armourer. “This particular situation shows every sign of being so bad it’s beyond the family’s abilities to deal with it. We’ve had to call a Summit Meeting.”

I just blinked at him for a while, utterly astonished. “But . . . that hasn’t been necessary for . . . what? Decades?”

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