Read Cast On, Bind Off Online

Authors: Leslie Ann Bestor

Cast On, Bind Off (27 page)

BOOK: Cast On, Bind Off
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After a couple of rows pull on the tail to close the center hole. Weave in the tail to secure the end.

Invisible Circular Cast On

This cast on is a great way to begin projects
worked from the center out, such as circular lace shawls, blankets, and throws. It also works well for hats worked from the top down. The tail functions as a drawstring to pull in the center loop. In structure, it is like a provisional cast on done over a loop of yarn.

Blunt tapestry needle




• Invisible beginning with no hole

• Less bulky than the Circular Cast On


• Circular shawls and blankets

• Top-down hats

• Bags

Working the Cast On

This casts on an odd number of stitches. If you need an even number of stitches, see Getting It Right.

Make a loop of yarn, with the working yarn on top and going to the left. The tail will be underneath and on the right. This is the loop you're going to use while casting on all your stitches.

Reach the needle through the loop from the front and catch the working yarn and pull it through. (But don't tighten the loop; keep going.)

Reach over the top of the loop and catch the working yarn (like a yarnover) to create the second stitch.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have one less than the desired number of stitches. Work step 2 once more.

BOOK: Cast On, Bind Off
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