Read Cast On, Bind Off Online

Authors: Leslie Ann Bestor

Cast On, Bind Off (52 page)

BOOK: Cast On, Bind Off
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• Pulls edge in


• Preventing flaring along the edge of stitch patterns with a lot of lateral spread

Getting It Right

Use larger needles to prevent the edge from becoming too tight.

Working the Bind Off

Work the first 3 stitches.

Pull the first stitch over the next 2 stitches and off the needle.

Work 1 more stitch.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have 2 stitches remaining on the right needle. Bind off the last 2 stitches by pulling the first over the second and then cutting the yarn and pulling it through the last stitch.

Sloped Bind Off

The Sloped Bind Off
is a great way to smooth out the stair-step effect of multiple bind offs on a neck or shoulder edge. You will still be working the bind off in steps, but by not working the final stitch in the row before you bind off, it softens the jagged effect. Plus, it is simpler than short rows (which involve wrapping and turning, and then picking up the wraps again), and it creates an even edge for seaming. But you will not be able to seam it with the Three-Needle Bind Off (
page 160
) because the stitches are bound off in steps.


• Turns stair-step bind offs into a slope

• Smooth edge for seaming


• Armholes, sleeves, and shoulders

• Neck openings

Working the Bind Off

On the row before the first bind-off row, work up to the last stitch in the row. Do not work this stitch; leave it on the left-hand needle and turn the work.

BOOK: Cast On, Bind Off
11.12Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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