Read Cast On, Bind Off Online

Authors: Leslie Ann Bestor

Cast On, Bind Off (51 page)

BOOK: Cast On, Bind Off
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• Firm edge that does not stretch


• Adding crochet edgings and fringe

• Matching Chained Cast On (
page 39

Working the Bind Off

Insert the hook into the first stitch on the needle knitwise, catch the working yarn with the hook, and pull through a loop.

Let the stitch fall off the needle.

Insert the hook into the next stitch, wrap, and pull through a loop, letting the stitch fall off the needle. You now have 2 loops on the crochet hook.

Wrap the yarn around the hook.

Pull it through the 2 loops on the hook.

Repeat steps 3–5 until you have 1 stitch remaining. Cut the tail and pull it through the remaining loop on the hook.

Gathered Bind Off

a.k.a. One-over-Two

The Gathered Bind Off
pulls the stitches together along the bound-off edge. This is useful for stitch patterns that tend to spread a lot, such as cables or openwork. You can combine it with a Traditional Bind Off (
page 148
), using the Gathered Bind Off only in the areas that need to be pulled in.

BOOK: Cast On, Bind Off
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