Propositioning Her Brother's Best Friend

BOOK: Propositioning Her Brother's Best Friend
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Copyright© 2013 Sam Crescent



ISBN: 978-1-77130-536-5


Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs









WARNING: The unauthorized
reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.
No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the
case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


This is a work of fiction. All
names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events,
locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.






This is to my editor
and to
, for their constant support and help
with bringing my stories to life. Thank you so much.







Sam Crescent


Copyright © 2013



Chapter One


“You want me to do what?” Paul Ellis
shouted the words across the room. He was shocked and outraged at the
suggestion just put before him.

And a little excited.
Don’t forget the excitement, you sick fuck!

He was ten years older than the
woman stood before him, and she was his best friend’s little sister. There was
no way he should be having erotic thoughts about her. Even as he ranted at
himself, Paul couldn’t stop the need to claim her from bubbling up inside him.

“What’s so wrong with what I asked?
You like doing what I asked, and I’ve heard
really good at it, if the gossip is anything to go by. Why can’t I have you
teach me?” Rachel Kramer asked.

His mouth opened, but no words came
out. Her words were not wrong. Paul loved sex, and he enjoyed fucking women
regularly, but what she asked for was too much even for him. He liked hard,
rough sex and to hear his woman s screaming her pleasure. Taking Rachel’s
virginity would require something he wasn’t sure he possessed.

Because out of all the other women you’ve fucked, you want Rachel more
than anything.

“Do you have any idea what your
brother would say?” He brought up her brother even though Mitch was the last
thing on his mind. Paul had been lusting after Rachel since she turned
eighteen. Her birthday had started a spark inside him he couldn’t stop. Sure,
he loved her dearly, but seeing her on her birthday had been like a shock to
the system Paul had purposefully dated and fucked other women to get her out of
his mind. Trying to get his thoughts away from Rachel was a constant challenge
and one he didn’t always win. He wanted her that badly, and he hated himself
for his weakness. What kind of friend could he call himself when he thought
about his best friend’s little sister during sex?

“I want you to teach me about sex.
It’s a simple request.” Her voice was calm and steady as she spoke.

Paul didn’t feel calm and steady. He
felt ready to take her, to make her his after all this time of yearning. She
was giving him an opportunity to take her. Instead, he continued to stare at
her in an attempt to gather his thoughts.

You can’t do this. Mitch is your best friend. He trusts you to take care
of her in his absence.

Fighting his own need was the
hardest thing Paul had ever done.

“I heard you. I’m not fucking
stupid. I get what you want, but, Rachel, have you completely lost your mind?”

If she hadn’t lost her mind he was
close to it.

“No. I want to learn about sex, and
I want you to be the one to teach me,” she said, clearly.

Why was she propositioning him? They
weren’t in some kind of movie. This shit wasn’t supposed to happen in real
life. He was being asked to teach his best friend’s sister about sex. Paul
needed to remember that fact. She was Mitch’s little sister with a good ten
year age gap between them.

There was no way he was hearing
things. Her words were clear even though he wished he hadn’t heard them from
her lips.
Her tempting plump lips, which he dreamt about on a
regular basis doing all kinds of sinful shit to his body.
He shouldn’t
be thinking about her let alone touching her. Teaching Rachel about sex would
require a lot of touching.

“No. No way. Not with me.” He shook
his head turning away from her. Staring at her would break his resolve. He
wanted her too damn much to risk it. What kind of friend would he be if he took
Rachel up on her offer?
A lousy one.

He never thought his friendship with
Mitch would ever be in question. With Rachel staring at him with her sweet,
innocent eyes, Paul was losing his resolve.

“Is it because I’m not attractive? ‘Cause
I know that I’m not your usual type,” she asked.

He saw the blush stain her cheeks.
Paul couldn’t believe she thought that. Her curves drove him crazy. Men watched
her all the time. Yes, she was on the larger side, but her loving attitude drew
men to her. Her hazel eyes made him melt all the time. If he looked at her now
he’d be a goner. Rachel had this effect on him all his life. Spending time with
Mitch was an excuse to be closer to her. When they were younger, he merely liked
being around her. There was nothing perverted in his feelings. She was young,
and her inquiring mind was endearing. His love for her was based on how Rachel
made him feel. He’d been drawn to her from a young age, and that had developed
over time until he now had lustful thoughts of the woman she’d become. Her
curves were only one part of her. Paul took a chance and looked at her. Her
long, brown hair was curled up into a messy bun. Strands of hair had escaped
making him want to reach out to tuck them back. Any excuse to touch her and he
wanted it.

She’s giving me the best reason to touch her.

Take her, and make her yours. Forget about everything else.

Why did Mitch have to leave him with
the promise of looking after her?

Taking care of her from a distance
was different. He was tired of watching the men flirt with her while he
couldn’t act on his own feelings for her. Paul spent every day fighting the
battle to stay away from her.

She’s my best friend’s little sister. Don’t think of sex and how good she’d
feel wrapped around my cock.

“I don’t think that, Rachel. I don’t
have a type, okay. I’m not a type kind of guy,” he said.

Why did she have to come and ruin
his carefully constructed little world?

He’d been doing fine until she
turned up. When Rachel wasn’t stood in front of him asking him to teach her
about sex, he could pretend for a few minutes of every day that he had no
feelings for her. Since the night of her eighteenth birthday party she’d been a
thorn in his side. For the past three years since her birthday he’d been
fighting his need for her. Rachel would never be a one-time deal for him. He
always saw Rachel as the woman he would marry and spend the rest of his life

He didn’t just want to have sex with
Rachel. No, he wanted to have everything with her. Since he was a young boy
he’d known Rachel was different from everyone else. Despite being ten years
older, he’d never found her company boring, and over the years he’d fallen in
love with her and hadn’t stopped. Hiding his feelings had been the hardest
thing. Lying to his friend about how he felt hurt more than he liked to
remember. Mitch was really protective of his sister. Being the older of the
two, Mitch had no choice but to be protective. Mitch had been taking care of
her since their parents died in a car crash when Mitch was twenty-five and
Rachel was fifteen. Rachel hadn’t been taken away. With the ten year age gap,
Mitch was the one to take care of his sister. Paul and his family helped as
well. .

The only problem with his feelings
for Rachel was Mitch. His friend demanded he stay away from her. Since Mitch
took full responsibility for her, no man was good enough for her, not even his
best friend. Paul understood his feelings. Rachel was completely innocent and
always found a reason to care for others. Staying away from Rachel was the
hardest thing he’d ever endured. He fucked women to hide from his true
feelings. The excuse was a poor one but one he needed to stick to in order to
stay away.

Over the years since her eighteenth birthday,
he’d been jealous of all of her dates. Watching her go to prom with her nerdy
little friend had been the worst. Paul recalled wanting to crash the party to
make sure she was fine.

The woman was a temptress, and her
appeal had only grown over time. His love grew with every passing year, and
every year he kept his feelings for her hidden. Wanting her was never the
problem. Pretending not to want her was the worst. Paul had been succeeding in
staying away from her, but now, days after her twenty-first birthday she came
and asked him this when her brother was away on one of his adventures. Mitch
was known for taking off days and weeks at a time to go exploring with a tent
and the barest of essentials to keep him alive.

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