Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series) (38 page)

BOOK: Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series)
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“What’s wrong?” Lara asked.

Eion gave her a sad look and then brightened up. “Nothing for you to worry about. It is between myself and your father.

Clara hugged Lara and Kedryn. “Return when you can. I love you both.”

Kedryn and Lara hugged her back and each said. “Love you too.” Duke walked up to Kedryn and gave him a huge bear hug and then Lara. “Keep safe.”

Lara wrapped her arm around Aodhan’s waist. “We will.”

Teagan walked out of the house pulling Lara’s bag with her supplies in it. “Do you want to take this?”

Lara considered it for a second and looked to Aodhan. “Would it be too much?”

“I think we can manage.” Aodhan said.

Kedryn walked to Eion and tapped him on the back. It felt like an anvil had hit him in the head as he fell to his knees. He let out a loud groan and bent forward. It was as if the world was spinning around him filled with blood and gore. He looked up to see Lord Faolan looking smugly at something. He reached for a sword that wasn’t there and looked around. Bloodied and twisted bodies were strewn around him. Another pain spiked through his head and Kedryn jerked up feeling himself hit something. He felt like he was going to get sick and the spinning stopped. He saw himself standing and looked down to see a sword and staff in his hand. Bodies surrounded him and he recognized the one at his feet. The vision disappeared and Kedryn passed out.

“Is he alright?” Lara asked as she sat up from being knocked down by Kedryn.

Clara looked to Cassie. “Get a cold cloth.”

Cassie ran into the house and brought out a glass of water, aspirin and a wet washcloth. She handed the cloth to her mother.

“Good thinking.” she said and put the wet cloth on Kedryn’s forehead.

Teagan looked to Lara who was now kneeling by Kedryn’s side. “Is he ok?”

“Just go the wind knocked out of me. I’ve never seen him react like that.” she looked to Eion. “Was that a flash?”

“I believe so.” Eion said

Kedryn groaned and slowly sat up. Teagan handed him the glass of water. He took a drink and looked at the aspirin bottle on the ground near him. He rubbed his head and felt something warm on his chin and took the cloth that fell to his lap and wiped it off and saw blood.

“Perfect time for a nosebleed. I may need these.” he said as he picked up the aspirin.

“You scared me half to death.” Lara said as she took the bottle and opened it and handed him a couple of pills

“Thanks. It was just a flash nothing important.” he looked to his grandpa and then to Eion. He didn’t know how they knew but he could tell they knew what he saw.

“It did not look like nothing.” Aodhan said.

Kedryn stood and leaned against Lara to gain his bearings. She looked him over. “You need rest.”

“I can rest when we get back. We should be going before the portal closes.” Kedryn said and looked at everyone’s concerned faces as he pressed the cloth to his nose. “Really. I will be ok.”

Aodhan walked up to Kedryn and placed a hand over his face covering it in blue light. The bleeding stopped and Kedryn flipped the washcloth over and wiped the rest of the blood off.

Shane looked in shock at Aodhan. “Did he just?”

“I believe he did.” Clara took the cloth from Kedryn. “At this point. nothing surprises me.”

“I guess not.” Kedryn let out a laugh and looked to his grandpa who appeared by his side.

“Remember, flashes are like visions. They may or may not come true.” Duke said.

“Neither one was good.” Kedryn said as he glanced at Eion.

“I know. We will see you all again.” Duke said as he looked to each of them.

“You might want to stand back.” Eion said and Lara’s family, except for Shane walked back a few feet to watch them leave.

Orla placed her arms around Eion’s waist and he put a hand Kiara’s shoulder and they disappeared in a flash of light. He reappeared and walked over to Shane and took Lara’s bag that Teagan had given her.

“Are you ready son?” Eion asked.

“As ready as I will ever be.” Shane said as he shrugged on his back pack.

Lara held onto Aodhan and he placed his arm around Kedryn’s shoulders. “Are you ready?”

“Yes.” Lara whispered she looked to her family and gave them the best grin she could. “See you on the flip side”

Kedryn, Lara and Shane looked at their family wondering if they would see them again as they disappeared in a flash of white light.

BOOK: Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series)
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