Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series) (37 page)

BOOK: Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series)
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“What is pizza?” Kiara asked.

“I think that would be the perfect distraction. Come ladies.” Clara walked to Orla and Kiara and took their arms leading them to the kitchen. “I will show you how to make a most excellent pizza.”

Teagan stopped Lara. “I brought a couple of things from home.”

Lara followed Teagan up to the second floor. The room was still decorated like it was in high school. Bright pinks and browns with cheetah print. A large plush brown chair with a fluffy white bunny sitting in it was in the corner. In front of the window there was an antique whitewood desk and chair.

“I see you still have the bunny.” Lara said picking it up and looked at the hot pink lap top on the desk. “And upgraded. Get sick of the monster?”

“I think after fifteen years it was time to retire it.” Teagan said and pulled out a tall travel bag. It had two separate compartments and a large zipper on back.

Lara knew exactly what was inside it. All of her paints in the section on top, archaeology tools on the bottom and sketch pads and more behind. She walked up to Teagan and gave her a huge hug. “I’ve missed you all so much.”

Teagan squeezed her back. “We have missed you too. I have two more things for you.” she walked over to her dresser and pulled out a bag. She walked over to her closet and pulled out a pair of boots and handed them to Lara.

“My spare boots.” she rummaged in the bag. “More black orchid

and mineral make up.” she pulled out some deodorant and laughed. “You are the best sister ever! Remind me to look into the bags Shane and Glen brought back from my, I mean, Alec’s house before we leave.”

Teagan laughed. “That man of yours sure can land a punch. Alec deserved a better beating than that for what he said.”

“What did he say?” Lara asked as she sat on the bed crossing her arms.

“It’s what he did and didn’t say.” Teagan said and rolled her eyes. “Alec stormed in the house and didn’t even bother to knock. He headed straight up to mother and accused her of breaking into his house. Stealing something out of a room.”

“With everyone standing there? He never had any sense.” Lara said and brushed a stray hair behind her ear.

“Dad pulled him away and that is when Alec noticed Kedryn was there. He looked right at Kedryn and said What the hell are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be dead? He turned and pulled mothers arm to confront her again. Aodhan beat father, Shane, Glen and Kedryn to the punch. Literally. I believe you saw the rest.”

Lara realized she was squeezing the bunny close. She had always tried not to let whatever Alec said get to her. This did. She set the bunny down. “Enough of Alec. I want to hear about you. Anyone special?”

“Yes. We should get back to the others.” Teagan said and turned to walk out.

Lara threw the bunny at Teagan hitting her in the shoulder. “Oh no. You are not going to walk out of here without telling me. Which doctor or attorney is it this time?”

Teagan picked up the bunny and walked back into the room. She sat down on the bed next to Lara hugging the bunny close. “Don’t laugh.”

“Why would I?” Lara asked.

Teagan set the bunny down. “It’s Connor.”

Lara nearly fell of the bed as she quickly turned to look at her sister. Then a huge smile spread on her face. “So the mighty doctor has fallen for the archaeologist. He is quite handsome and was the best assistant I had. Didn’t you say you would never?” Lara stopped when she saw the look on Teagan’s face. “Where is he?”

“On a dig in Africa.” Teagan let out a sigh. “I miss him.”

“Digs don’t last forever and I completely approve.” Lara said.

Teagan stood and looked down at her sister. “Are you sure you have to go back?”

“Yes.” Lara said giving her a sad look. “We will visit. I promise.”

“What if.” Teagan paused and looked down.

Lara scooted off the bed. “If we don’t survive the final battle? Nonsense sis.”

Teagan crossed her arms and gave her a look. “I’m serious.”

“I promise we all will come back. Alive.” she held out her hand pinkie up. “Pinkie swear.”

“We are not children anymore.” Teagan said putting the bunny down on the bed next to her.

“You will pinkie swear over a spa day and not this?” Lara said waving her hand in front of Teagan.

Teagan gave her a look. “This is more serious than a spa day.”

Lara let out a sigh. “I know.”

Teagan hooked her pinkie with Lara’s. “Lets get back to the others. I can smell the cooked sausage. Mother must be going all out.”

They walked down the stairs and stopped at the living room. Duke was showing Eion and Aodhan the wonders of TV. Kedryn held up the Superman movie when he saw Lara standing in the doorway.

“Look what I found. I thought it would be fun to show them the first one with Christopher Reeve. Then they will know what I’m talking about with the green crystal and all.”

“Wait until the pizza is done and we will all watch it.” Lara said.

“Sounds like a plan. I miss our movie nights.” Kedryn said.

She turned and then stopped. “Dad? Can you show them the special on Egypt. The discovery.”

“Sure. Aodhan has been asking about the Egyptians. By the time it’s done the pizza will be ready.” Duke said.

Lara smiled at him and caught the worry stone he tossed to her. She walked out and into the kitchen where her mother was showing Orla and Kiara how to make home made breadsticks. There was a bottle of white table wine and glasses set out on the counter.

“This is wonderful wine.” Orla said.

Lara walked over and picked up the bottle and set it down. “Guinevere’s Lace. My favorite.”

“Who makes it?” Kiara asked.

“A little vineyard in the country.” Lara said and looked at the label. “Kings Crossing. The local vineyards around here are wonderful.” Lara picked up a glass and took a sip. “Need any help?”

“No. I would like to give Orla and Kiara some hands on experience. We are almost done.”

Leaning against the counter Lara silently studied her mother. A sadness started to well up inside of her and to keep from breaking down she blurted out the first thing should could think of. “Teagan told me about Connor.”

“Lara!” Teagan said and looked to her mother.

Clara stopped in the middle of draining the meat and turned to Teagan. “Connor?”

“Oh.” Lara said giving her sister an apologetic look. “Sorry.”

“I have been seeing Connor for a few months now. I just. Well I

just didn’t know if you all would approve. He has been working with Alec after all and I know you all see me with a doctor or something like that.” Teagan said as she bit her bottom lip looked at her mother.

“No dear, whatever makes you happy and Connor has a good head on his shoulders. He will not to be influenced by that pompous arse.” Clara said making all the women laugh.

When the pizza was ready they placed all of the food and drinks on the center island. Duke and the boys set out tv trays in the living room and Kedryn put in the dvd.

At the end Kiara looked at Kedryn. “He is amazing. Does he not truly exist?”

“No. It’s just made up. Kind of like a play but much much more advanced.”

“I see. I think. You will have to explain more later. There is so much of this realm I do not quite understand.” she looked to Lara and remembered their conversation and scooted away from him.

Kedryn gave Kiara a puzzled look and looked to his mom giving her a knowing look. “We have our whole lives for me to explain it to you.”

Lara let out a sigh and narrowed her eyes at Kedryn. He pretended not to see her annoyance.

“I think it is time for bed.” Duke said.

Aodhan stood “I second that.” he scooped Lara up in his arms

and turned to everyone. “Good night.” he said and carried Lara out of the house and to the guest house.

He opened the door and kicked it shut behind them and set Lara on her feet. She pulled him to her and rested her head on his shoulder. Aodhan put his hand under her chin and brought her face up to his. As he kissed Lara he slowly backed her up into the bedroom.

He whispered against her lips. “Finally.”

Chapter 41

The next morning Lara woke to the smell of coffee, eggs and bacon. She sat up and watched as Aodhan walked in with a tray full of food.

“You spoil me.” she said.

He sat the tray down on the bed in front of her. “We should make a tradition of this. As soon as we are done here Eion wants us all to meet in the living room. We will have to leave soon.”

Setting down her cup of coffee she gave him a sad look. “We will come back.”

He put his hand on hers. “Of course we will. Eat.”

Lara sat the cup down and pushed the tray away. She tugged on Aodhan’s shirt and he leaned to her. She kissed him and whispered in his ear. “How much time do we have?”

Aodhan sat on the bed and pulled the tray to them. “Not enough.”

She picked up a sausage link and grinned at him. “Spoil sport.”

When they finished Aodhan and Lara walked hand in hand to the house. Her family was gathered in the living room and she walked over to the bags. Aodhan sat on the couch next to Kedryn as Lara removed the items onto the coffee table and looked around.

“Where are Orla and Kiara?”

“Eion took them on a walk to explore a bit before you leave. Orla suggested we needed family time and they headed to the botanical gardens. It’s not too far of a walk.”

Lara took out her worry stone. “Orla will love that but I hope they don’t get lost.”

“I gave Eion my cell.” Shane said.

Kedryn laughed. “Are you sure he finally figured it out.”

“Cell? That would be the tiny black thing?” Aodhan raised an eyebrow.

Duke laughed. “Yes.”

Shane rubbed his cheek. “I hope he remembers. No magic spell can make it call here.” he eyed the bag and table. “So what did we pick up for you sis?”

Lara picked up a black box off of the coffee table and handed it to Teagan. “With that said I believe it’s time for gifts.”

Teagan opened it to find an emerald teardrop necklace with matching earrings. She looked to Lara. “Your favorite set. Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Lara said and handed the other two boxes to her mother and Cassie.

“Oh my.” was all that Cassie managed to say as she placed a large pink diamond ring on her middle finger.

“Thank you dear.” Clara said with tears in her eyes. Duke helped her place a bracelet made of flawless diamonds on her wrist. She stood and walked over to and gave Lara a hug. When they pulled away both had tears running down their cheeks.

“Let’s get this over with before I completely break down.” Lara said and wiped her cheeks.

Aodhan handed her his kerchief and she gave him a smile. Lara picked up a large leather binder and handed it to her father.

“These are all of the maps from my digs. They would make an interesting addition to all of the ones in your den.”

“I will cherish them.” Duke said and he reached over giving her hand a squeeze.

She looked to Shane and Glen. “The statues and busts you can keep or donate to the museum.” and handed Glen a key. “This goes to a safety deposit box at my bank. All of your names are on it and I think you will like what is inside.”

Glen gave her a curious look. “What is in it?”

“A true genuine Samurai sword with the maker’s markings and a Nubian dagger.”

“Sweet.” Glen said and then looked to Shane. “Dagger or sword?”

“Dagger, but my story will be a good enough.” Shane said “When do we leave?”

Duke stood from his seat. “I will drive down to the gardens and pick them up. Then I need to discuss something with Eion.”

Shane stood. “Let’s make a side trip to the bank. I think the dagger may come in handy.”

Shane and Duke left and a few minutes later Kiara walked through the door. There were a multitude of flowers stuck in her hair. “The gardens were amazing.” Kiara gave Lara a bundle of flowers.

Kedryn plucked a flower out of Kiara’s hair. “I’m surprised they didn’t stop you from picking these.” He placed the flower behind her ear.

Orla, Eion and Shane walked in followed by Duke.

“Say your good byes and we will be back out shortly.” Duke said and he left the room with Eion.

Shane walked up to Lara and gave her a hug. He pulled out the dagger from a bag. “Thanks.”

“Your welcome.” Lara said and looked around. “Time to get our bags.” Lara turned and walked to the cottage.

She looked around and decided to go through her dresser and closet one more time. Lara pulled out some clothes and stuffed them in her pack the best she could. She shrugged on her frame pack and walked back outside where everyone was gathered by the gazebo.

Hugs and kisses were being exchanged and the tears began to flow. When Duke and Eion walked back out both of them had grim looks on their faces.

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