Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series) (33 page)

BOOK: Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series)
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“My lady?” Kiara gave her a confused look.

“Kedryn has been through a bloody battle and I do consider him to be a man now. He has seen things boys his age will never see and has been through things that has made him a man past his years. He may be seventeen but is more mature than most men I know.” she said

Kiara gave her a slight smile and Lara held out her hand and the smile disappeared. “However, I believe you two should wait and after all of this. After the final battle to decide on anything.”

Pushing her braided hair behind her shoulder Kiara felt her heart sink. She had never felt that way before and realized how she truly felt for Kedryn. More than she would care to admit. “You wish for me to speak to him?”

Lara noticed the look of sheer loss on Kiara’s face. “I did not mean for you two to be completely apart.” she gave Kiara a slight smile. “I don’t believe I could prevent it if I tried seeing the way you two look at each other. Please, just nothing serious. I am talking to you about this because I know he would not listen to me. When it comes to you anyway.”

“That is more than generous of you and a reasonable plan. I will talk with him about it.” Kiara looked to the door.

“That is all I can ask.” Lara said and turned to the sound of footsteps.

Kedryn walked into the armory and handed Lara her pack and salted pork. “Aodhan is finishing with the fires. Through all of the excitement you were the only one who did not eat.”

“Thanks.” Lara said and started to eat.

“I for one would like to know about what Nolan said.” Aodhan said as he walked in.

Anxious to get back home Lara looked to the hidden door. “I will make it short.”

She quickly told them about Nolan appearing and thinking she was Badb. How he didn’t know the descendant was of his line. When she was done they looked to the passageway.

Remembering what happened last time Aodhan gestured to Lara. “Ladies first.”

She squeezed him from behind and kissed his neck and laughed. Lara held out a hand and it glowed blue. A bright flash of light appeared and slowly faded. Aodhan decided to test it out again.

“It seems that one with the blood of the descendant allows passage.” Kiara said as she stepped through.

They walked a short way down an arched stone passage that ended at a set of stairs. Steps that led straight up to the ceiling.

“Kedryn and I should see to this. There might be another block or trap.” Lara said and motioned for Kedryn to go up the steps with her.

Running their hands along the ceiling they found two latches and a panel swung down and a shimmering blue light. Lara looked to Kedryn and pulled herself up through the hole and stood. The shimmering blue light faded as Kedryn pulled himself up. He reached down and helped Kiara through. Aodhan pulled himself up and walked over to Lara.

Looking around they were on a hill a few miles away from the ruins. There was a protective shimmering blue light surrounding it. Only one thing stood on the hill. Three huge standing stones with an angled flat stone on top. There were light blue glowing symbols carved into each stone.

Lara walked up to the stones and ran her hand over the runes. “It’s a Dolmen. A portal tomb.”

Kiara walked up to the stone. “Three sisters bound by blood.” she then walked over to another. “Shining blue moon.” then to the last “Three days.”

“That seems simple enough.” Lara said as she looked up at the stone on top and read the Gaelic runes on it. “Blood to enter and Blood to close. We walk through to open it and one of us can follow to close it.”

Before anyone could say anything Kedryn stepped underneath the stone and disappeared. Lara looked to Aodhan and Kiara. “Wait here. I will be right back.”

She stepped through and wound up in a small passage. A cool breeze came from behind her blowing her loose hair. Kedryn was examining a gate when the breeze past him and he turned to her.

“Did you feel that?” he asked looking around.

“Yes. Lara looked behind her at a dirt wall then to Kedryn. “Can we get through the gate?”

“It’s locked.” he said and took out his dagger and hit the chain a few times until it finally broke.

Lara followed him outside and looked around. “It’s the Mound of Hostages.”

“We are home.” he said giving her an excited grin. “Lets get the others.”

They stepped back through and Lara walked up to Aodhan. “Go get your mother and Eion. I would like for them to come along.”

“As you desire, my heart.” he said and disappeared in a flash.

Aodhan translocated to Carrick’s Estate and landed on the porch of the manor house. He walked in to find his mother sitting having dinner with the others. All but Eion looked up at him startled.

“We found the entrance and are going through as soon as possible. If Lara and Kiara translated the runes correctly we only have three days before it closes. Eion, mother we would like you to come with.”

Orla let out a relived sigh and set down the napkin she was holding. “That would be a wonderful idea. Thank you.” she stood up and walked over to Aodhan giving him a fierce hug.

“Your welcome mother.” Aodhan squeezed her back.

Eion stood and looked to Carrick and bowed to Shanna. “Thank you for your hospitality.”

Annie jumped out of her chair “I want to come.”

“No child. Stay here with your parents.” Eion said

“Ohhhhhhh.” Annie said and gave Shanna and Carrick a pleading look who both shook their heads no.

Walking up behind Orla, Eion placed his hands on her shoulders. She looked up at him. “Aodhan first.”

Aodhan disappeared in a flash of light as Eion placed his arms around Orla’s waist. “Ready my lady?”

She leaned back against him and rested her head on his shoulder. “As ready as I will ever be.”

They appeared in a flash on the hill and Lara walked to Orla. “Thank you for coming. This is the first night of the blue moon. It will not appear for another three years.”

Orla looked to the stone portal shimmering before her. She raised an eyebrow and looked to Eion. “What do you think?”

Walking up to the ruins Eion studied them. “It seems Kiara remembers the old language well.”

Kiara sadly looked at him. “Your brother was a brave man. I am not certain but believe something bad happened to him. My lessons stopped with him and I could not find him after Bevin’s arrival.”

“Thank you for telling me.” Eion said

“Not to change the subject but can we get on with it then.” Kedryn impatiently said.

“You are correct. We do not have much time now.” Eion said.

Kedryn patted Eion on the back. “I am sorry. That was selfish of me.”

“Apology accepted.” Eion gave him a slight grin. “Lets get it on with then.”

Lara and Aodhan first stepped through the portal with Kedryn

entering last and breathed in the fresh night air.

“How are we going to get there?” Kiara asked.

“Translocate of course.” Eion said looking up at the stars.

“To where?” Orla asked.

“To my parent’s house. The back yard. Aodhan, you have been there. Would you be able to go straight to the house?”

“It is not clear enough.” Aodhan’s brow furrowed.

Eion stepped up to Lara. “All you have to do is picture the location in your mind. A clear picture of where you want us to be. I will take it from there.”

“Who will go with who?” Kedryn asked.

Aodhan took his mothers arm. “I will take mother and Kiara. Eion you can go first with Lara and Kedryn.”

Eion nodded and turned to Lara and Kedryn. “Take my arm. Now is the time.”

Lara closed her eyes and pictured her parent’s back yard. She felt Eion’s magic surround her.

“Ready.” she said and then felt the pull then release as her feet touched ground.

Chapter 40

A scream sounded and Lara opened her eyes just in time to see Cassie in a brilliant white wedding dress fall. Her mother and Teagan were running up to her as she clearly heard her father say “See. Told you.”

Dropping her pack Lara was almost thrown to the ground by her sister and mother. They went on to practically tackle Kedryn and bombard them with questions. Lara laughed and raised her hand.

“Questions later. Mom, Teagan, let’s see to Cassie.”

Reluctantly agreeing the three women walked up arm in arm to the gazebo and up the steps where Glen was holding Cassie up. Her father was giving her a glass of water grinning at them all. Lara knelt down by her side.

“You don’t think that we would miss your wedding. Do you?” Lara said as she looked up at the stone gazebo. “This is new.”

“It’s been in the works for months. Just had it put up for the wedding.” her dad said.

“Mother has been bugging you for a gazebo for years.” Lara said.

“Your father kept saying you were not dead.” Cassie said pulling her into a hug.

Standing Lara helped Cassie up and smoothed out her dress. “You look lovely.”

Lara looked to Aodhan and motioned for them all to come over. “There are a few people I would like to introduce all of you.”

Orla walked up to Lara’s mother and held out her hand. “I am Orla and this lovely young lady beside me is Kiara.”

Lara’s mother walked up to Orla and Kiara giving them both a hug. Lara smiled at Orla’s surprised look on her face.

“Ladies, as you might have guessed. This is my mother Clara,

sister Teagan and the lovely bride is Cassie. The groom is my brother Glen.”

Walking up to her father Lara gave him a huge hug. “This is my father Duke. The man next to Glen is my other brother Shane.”

Orla greeted them all and Lara walked up to Aodhan and he put his arm around her waist and squeezed. “This handsome man is Aodhan.” she noticed her mother and sister’s curious look at them both but chose to ignore it. “The other is Eion.”

Kiara walked up to Lara’s father and held out her hand. He took it as she smiled up at him. “You have the gift of sight.”

“Indeed I do.” he said

Lara turned to him. “That explains a lot.”

“Yes a lot.” Aodhan said as he reached up and ran his hand through his hair.

Clara walked up to him. “Is this true?”

“Yes.” Duke tried to look innocent.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Clara said giving him the same look that Lara gave Kedryn when he was in trouble.

“Would you have believed me? It does not happen often enough anyway.”

“We will talk of it later. There is a wedding to finish after all.” Clara said looking around at everyone with a wide grin.

Lara looked around at the set up. “Just strictly immediate family. Where are your parents and your sister?”

Cassie brushed a wrinkle out of her dress. “Paris is still in London. She had her baby early and Jarron, mom and dad and his parents are there with her. I wanted to wait but mother insisted we go ahead. Especially since everything was paid for and there will be another ceremony when they arrive.”

“That’s too bad. I would have loved to of seen your parents and Paris.” Lara said.

“Now that you are back you can come to the reception.”

Glen put his arm around her waist. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. My sister is dead after all.”

Letting out a long sigh Cassie looked to Lara and Kedryn. “I suppose that would cause complications.”

Shane made his way to Lara and gave her a hug. “I want to know everything.”

Lara let out a laugh. “You will get your story. Is the reception tonight?”

“This weekend.” Glen said. He frowned at the look on Lara’s face. “What?”

“We can’t stay.” Lara said and the group grew silent.

“I believe we have a wedding to complete.” Duke said.

The wedding party took their positions in the gazebo and the rest sat in the front row of seats. Duke looked from Glen and then to Cassie. He reached out and placed their hands together.

“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Glen dipped Cassie and kissed her as they all cheered.

“I give you Mr. and Mrs. Glen and Cassie O’Broin.” Duke said and followed Glen and Cassie down the steps.

The happy couple led them into the house where a table was set up for dinner and there was a small cake prepared on the counter. Kedryn went straight for the ribs.

“Grandpas famous ribs. I’ve missed these.” Kedryn said as he loaded his plate.

“Save some for us.” Lara said and nudged her way in giving Kiara and Orla a plate each of ribs. She led them into the dining room. Lara looked at Cassie amused because her mother was draping a large cloth over her so she wouldn’t get any food on her dress.

“I would like to know everything that has happened since we left.” Lara said as she took a bite.

Shane took a sip of his soda and glanced up to her. “I personally would like to know first how you all just appeared in a flash of light.”

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