Read Ceremony of Seduction Online

Authors: Cassie Ryan

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

Ceremony of Seduction (24 page)

BOOK: Ceremony of Seduction
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“No. Of course not. You’ve been nothing but kind to me. I need your help if I’m going to become queen.”

Sasha swallowed hard before speaking. “Thank you, Princess. I’m so sorry.”

Alyssa’s blinked her gritty eyes and prayed for a bath. She resisted the urge to shake Sasha if she apologized one more time.
I suppose in her place, I’d be doing the same thing.

She sighed and crossed to the bed, flopping down and sighing in near ecstasy when the soft mattress cradled her ass. “Sasha, why didn’t you tell me about Shawn?” Alyssa pulled the maid down onto the bed to sit next to her.

Sasha closed her swollen eyes and took a deep breath before continuing. “I thought he was from an outlying village, and that he’d seen me, but I’d not seen him. I wanted him to be the one to help me with my coming-of-age. I thought it was all very romantic the way he visited me in my dreams like Stone did with you…” She raised her chin, meeting Alyssa’s gaze. “It sounds stupid now.”

She laid a comforting hand on top of the maid’s. “No, it doesn’t. I remember when Stone visited my dreams. They gave me something to look forward to, a place to feel like I belonged. A place where the Cunts couldn’t take my hope away from me. I understand exactly how you felt.”

Sasha’s lips curved into a brittle smile. “When he called me Princess, I was devastated.” She looked down at her hands. “Not that I could ever blame him for desiring you, but when I went to meet him…”

“You hoped the title didn’t matter and he wanted you anyway.”

Fresh tears welled and Sasha sobbed into her hands. Alyssa pulled the maid into a hug and let her cry. She made soft “shhh” sounds until Sasha’s tears ran out and the maid pulled away to wipe at her eyes and nose with a handkerchief Alyssa took from her nightstand.

Alyssa pulled the robe tighter around her. “Shawn asked me who you were, when they took me to earth. He seemed angry that I wasn’t you.”

Sasha’s tear-stained face tipped up. “Really?”

“They convinced him that he had to father a new race because of the supposed atrocities past Klatch had committed against the Cunts. He grew up believing their lies. When he tried to go forward with the ceremony with me, it was because he was doing what he saw as his duty.” She squeezed the maid’s hand. “But he made it clear, he’d rather have you.”

Sasha’s brow furrowed and she fisted the handkerchief. “He almost…The king would never let him live…They…”

Alyssa held up her hand. “My father understands that he was raised among our enemies and raised on lies. He also loves you and wants you to be happy. He’s agreed to let you start showing Shawn around, once his parents have spent some time with him and ensured he understands the truth. Then it will be up to him if he wants to return to earth to stay, or to remain here on Tador.”

“Do you think he still wants to see me after everything that happened?

Alyssa grabbed her pillow and hit the maid in the shoulder with it. “Sasha, I’ve never seen you so insecure. And to think, when I got here, I was the timid one.” She smiled to remove any sting from the comment, breathing a sigh of relief when the maid laughed.

“Thank you, Princess. For everything.” She stood, wiping her face one last time. “Now, why don’t I have a bathing tub brought up so we can get you cleaned up and then you can take a nap until the ceremony?”

An erotic moan escaped Alyssa’s throat at the thought of a nice hot bath, and both women laughed.

Sasha put her hands on her hips and winked. “I’ll take that as a definite yes.”

Chapter 15

lyssa’s nerves thrummed.
This is it!
She placed her hand against her stomach hoping to quiet the herd of butterflies that had taken up residence and threatened to make her lose what meager dinner she’d been able to force past her lips.

“Are you ready for this, my daughter?”

She glanced over at the smiling face of her mother.
Sure, I’m totally ready to lose my virginity while twenty naked men whack off around me, so I can “absorb their essence” and save the planet.
She returned her mother’s smile. “I hope so. It can’t be harder than the ceremony earlier today on earth.” She took several deep breaths, hoping to drown the jitters with oxygen. Turning to look into the full-length mirror, she shook her head, still not quite believing.

“You’re stunning.” Her mother hugged her from behind, ignoring the reference to the false ascension.

The woman staring back at her in the mirror
I just still can’t believe it’s me!
She wore an almost transparent shimmering white floor-length robe. High necked with long sleeves and covering her from neck to toe, the flowing fabric moved with her giving erotic views of everything she had to offer.

Her hair fell over her shoulders in the style of the Klatch, braids sprinkled throughout with snow-white beads worked in here and there. Her lips were full and red and her kohl-lined eyes appeared luminous and exotic. Tears burned at the backs of her eyes as she realized she looked like a healthier version of her mother. Her lips curved at the thought.

“You’ll make a wonderful queen, my daughter. Don’t worry, you’ll do fine. I have to get back before your father decides to confine me to my room.” The queen kissed her cheek and then quickly turned to go.


The queen paused and turned back.

“I love you.” She caressed her mother’s slightly sunken cheek with her fingers. “Thank you both for not giving up on me—both times I was taken from you.”

Annalecia’s smile lit her face, and her eyes misted. “We will always be here for you, my daughter. Always. There will always be a connection between us that the Cunts can never steal from us.” The queen brushed a kiss against Alyssa’s cheek and turned to disappear through the door. Alyssa watched her go, blinking back the tears that threatened as thick emotions welled up inside her chest.

Sasha stepped inside the room. “All is ready, Princess.”

Alyssa turned toward her lady’s maid, fighting a last-minute urge to flee. Instead, she forced herself to say, “Let’s do it.” She stepped through the doors after Sasha and into a large open chamber lit by thousands of flickering white candles. The tiny waving flames threw shadows over the large altar dominating the middle of the room.
At least this time, the shadows are intimate and not scary!

The altar, covered with layers of deep purple fabric spilling over the sides, made her think of a royal throne, only in bed form. A large half circle indent cut into one end of the throne, she knew to allow Stone access between her legs for the final stage of the ceremony.
Wow, much nicer than the Cunt altar.
She bit back a laugh as she realized most women were never on an altar in their entire lives and in a few more minutes, she’d be able to say she’d tried out two in less than a day.

The flock of butterflies increased their rhythm and she swallowed hard against the lump of nervousness and curiosity inside her throat. More memories of the false ascension room on earth assaulted her and she shivered.

Holding her chin high, she walked forward into the room and took her place beside the altar. The door on the opposite side of the room immediately opened and Stone emerged looking dark, dangerous and sexy. He wore a robe similar to hers, but black and knee length. She found herself mesmerized by the tantalizing glimpses of his wonderful anatomy as the fabric shifted with his movements.

“The ceremony may now begin.”

The gravelly sound of a woman’s voice startled her from her perusal of Stone. An elderly woman dressed in the normal Klatch gauzy clothes, braids sprinkled throughout her long gray hair, stood at the head of the room.

“I am Annara and as the eldest Princess of the second house of Klatch, it falls to me to officiate.” She held her hands out to both Alyssa and Stone. Alyssa stepped forward to take the offered hand while Stone mirrored her movements. Annara brought her hands together, keeping her hands cupped over Stone’s and Alyssa’s.

“Princess Alyssandra, do you willingly come forward to assume the throne? To be responsible for the sustenance of the people of Klatch and for maintaining a symbiotic relationship with the land of Tador which sustains your people?”

Emotions swirled through Alyssa as the importance of this moment and this ceremony fully registered. She swallowed hard before she spoke, placing a firm hand over her stomach to calm her herd of butterflies turned into bats. “I do.” The words made her think of a wedding ceremony. Something she thought she’d never have. However, in the Klatch culture, the wedding was a small part that happened after the ascension. A quick glance at Stone’s charming grin reassured her.

Annara turned to Stone. “Prince Stone, do you willingly come forward to support the future queen, safeguard her well-being and supply her with replacement energy so she can provide sustenance to all her people?”

Stone turned to smile down at Alyssa, love and determination shining in his eyes. “I do.” The seductive rumble of his voice sent gooseflesh spilling over her—a promise of things to come.

“The vows have been affirmed, let the ascension begin.” Anna clapped her hands together twice. In response, a side door opened admitting a line of twenty of the most virile Klatch men on Tador. They were any woman’s erotic fantasy come true and she instantly thought of them of as “the Adonises.” But in her mind, none of them could come close to Stone.

It took her a moment to realize they were all entirely nude…and just as well-endowed as her betrothed. A chuckle from Stone made her realize he’d caught her staring. Then when she finally traced her gaze up from their swollen cocks to their faces, she realized that the two best-endowed Adonises were Ryan and Grayson.
Wow, my vision of them naked was pretty damned accurate.
She swallowed hard as the vision of one of their cocks stretching her ass while Stone fucked her flashed through her mind.
I really have to find a way to limit my vivid sexual imagination!

Annara stepped back against the wall and then gestured toward Sasha. The lady’s maid stepped in front of Alyssa and immediately dropped her robe. And even though Alyssa had already seen Sasha naked many times, her eyes were drawn to the luscious curves of her breasts and hips and memories of their time together in the baths brought a rush of dampness flowing between her thighs.

“Princess, I offer myself to ready your body for the ceremony, to be your protector and companion for the duration of your reign and beyond. Will you accept me?” Sasha bowed her head awaiting Alyssa’s acceptance.

The many eyes watching her from around the room bored into her like lasers and she tried hard to ignore the self-consciousness that came with that knowledge. They’d be doing more than watching in a few minutes and she had to keep moving if she was going to get through this ceremony without dying of mortification and embarrassment.
Besides, it is kind of erotic to have all of these men standing here naked watching me. Might as well enjoy the fantasy while it’s here!

She took a fortifying breath, loosened her robe and slipped it off, letting it fall into a silky puddle at her feet. She tipped Sasha’s chin up to meet her gaze. “I accept you Sasha as my protector and companion for the duration of my reign and beyond.” Cool air assaulted her bare skin causing her nipples to pebble into tight peaks. She shuddered as more gooseflesh marched over her.

Stone cleared his throat, reminding her to turn and take his hand so he could help her up to sit on the edge of the altar.

She flushed at her breach of protocol and took Stone’s hand, allowing herself to settle atop the altar with her legs straddling the half circle indent in the edge of the table.

Sasha stepped forward into the indent, before dropping to her knees and spreading Alyssa’s pussy lips wide.

A quick glance around the room showed dark desire sparking in every eye. With that knowledge came the heady flow of pure feminine power. A small smile curved her lips as she leaned back on her hands and tried to relax.

The first swipe of Sasha’s talented tongue made her gasp as a trickle of power traveled from the point of contact to both breasts. Before she had time to recover, Sasha laved her cleft again, setting a steady rhythm.

Creamy wetness pooled between her thighs and she glanced down to watch Sasha’s small pink tongue dart out to caress her aching clit. She moaned at the sight, but Sasha only smiled and sucked the swollen nub between her lips, reaching around Alyssa’s thighs to cup her bare ass. The delicious friction started a thrum of energy low in her belly. As Sasha sucked harder, the power coiled tighter and tighter until Alyssa’s breath came in choppy pants and she wantonly thrust her hips forward to give the lady’s maid better access.

Movement caught her attention and she looked up in time to see Stone drop his robe, revealing corded muscles and sculpted planes to her hungry gaze. His cock, fully erect, jutted toward her, a pearl of wetness beaded on the engorged tip. His eyes blazed with desire as he stepped forward behind Sasha, leaning over her to brush his lips lightly across Alyssa’s. She opened for him and he needed no further encouragement—he thrust his tongue inside her mouth in a similar motion to what Sasha did inside her swollen pussy.

The combination of sensations, Stone’s rough tongue mating with hers and Sasha’s soft sensual assault on her swollen clit, pushed her past all reason. Power flowed through her along with her orgasm, blanking her thoughts. Instead of relaxing her, the release only heightened her senses and her arousal. Every inch of her skin felt like an expanse of exposed nerve endings and her breasts and pussy were heavy with need.

A crackling noise startled her. She opened her eyes and noted small pink sparks of energy sizzled over every inch of the room. Each of the twenty Adonises were so erect, they looked almost uncomfortable. But each of them nodded and murmured to each other. It seemed they already had faith she would succeed where many others had failed. Grayson and Ryan both smiled as they watched her.

Returning her attention to Sasha, she noticed a smug smile creep across the woman’s lips before the maid bowed her head as she allowed Stone to help her to her feet.

Before stepping away, Sasha met Alyssa’s gaze and whispered, “Blessings on you, Princess. You will be the one to save us all. I know it.” At any other time, Alyssa would have appreciated the sentiment, but her body’s demands were making it difficult to think.

Stone stepped forward into the circle indent in the table Sasha had just vacated, the heat of his body in close proximity sending shivers over her entire body. “It is time, Alyssandra.”

Her mind whirled, her breath coming in small pants. Her body ached for Stone and he stood so close that his proud cock jutted against her belly. “Tell me what to do. I’m ready. Just please, do it now. I need you inside me.” Her voice sounded pleading in her own ears, but she didn’t care. If Stone didn’t bury his cock inside her right now, she couldn’t bear it.

“You need to take in my essence three times, the last time in tandem with the other Klatch men’s contribution.”

She shook her head, past the ability to think enough to form words.
Don’t give me words, damn it, just show me!
Stone must have understood, because he lifted her gently down from the platform helping her kneel before him.

Like a homing beacon, his erect cock arched toward her. Her pussy ached for him, but seeing his beautiful erection in front of her, she knew she had to touch him. To taste him. A fleeting thought ran through her mind that several other people were in the room watching her, but the pull of Stone’s body overrode any reservations she had.

She wrapped her fingers around the velvety length of him, his gasp echoed through the room. His cock was rock hard and jumped as she stroked him. Power flowed from her hand and into Stone at the point of their contact, breaking a long moan from deep inside his throat.

The milky dew glistening on the swollen tip of his cock called to her, begging her to taste, to pull his essence inside herself, to make it her own. She slowly lowered her head and licked a quick line over the tip, capturing the salty treat. Stone’s hiss of pleasure made her smile. As soon as the pre come dissolved on her tongue, a steady flow of energy poured through her body, energizing her, driving her, making her crave more.

She took the head of his cock into her mouth and swirled her tongue over the swollen tip. His breath exploded out over her and she hummed in smug female satisfaction. With one hand, she grabbed his muscular ass and pulled him deeper inside her mouth, enjoying the way his ass muscles flexed as he thrust forward.

“Suck me hard. Drink my essence into your body.” Stone’s words sounded strained and she complied with his request, the thought of finally being able to do anything she wanted with him giving her power. He thrust deeper and the swollen tip bumped against the back of her throat, swelling impossibly, letting her know he was close.

She concentrated all her energy on Stone’s beautiful cock. Her world narrowed until nothing mattered but bringing Stone to release and having his hot come explode deep inside her throat. Without breaking her rhythm, she reached up to cup his balls and gently roll them between her fingers. They were pulled tight against his body, his breath a series of small urgent gasps. She increased her rhythm, enjoying the way his cock swelled even harder inside her mouth. She ran a finger along the silky seam between his ass and his balls and he exploded inside her mouth just as she’d imagined. Stone’s roar of release filled the chamber.

BOOK: Ceremony of Seduction
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