Ceremony of Seduction (23 page)

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Authors: Cassie Ryan

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: Ceremony of Seduction
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Chapter 14

tone sensed Alyssandra’s presence and immediately set out at a run toward the portal. He’d been on his way back after checking on the queen, whose condition was worsening at an alarming rate. When he burst outside and rounded the building, he ran out into the courtyard, the noise of a commotion pushing him faster.

Fear for Alyssandra rose up like bile in the back of his throat and he swallowed hard as the shimmery portal came into view. Several guards ringed the portal blocking his view and he shoved them aside hoping for a glimpse of the princess.

He stopped short as he saw her. She lay on the flower-covered ground totally naked and laughing while tears streamed down her face. He started forward, but stopped when two more people fell through the portal and were immediately set upon by the guards.

Alyssandra rolled out of the way as she was nearly trampled by the guards in their haste to subdue the Klatch man and woman who’d emerged behind her. Stone rushed forward lifting her into his arms and crushing her against his chest as he’d longed to do since she’d gone missing.

She threw her arms around his neck and buried her face against him. “Stone. I was so scared I wouldn’t make it back in time.”

“Alyssandra.” He closed his eyes inhaling her scent, gripping her to him, almost afraid at any minute she’d dissolve away. “Are you all right? Did they hurt you? Did they…”

She pulled back far enough to look up at him, a weak smile curving her lips. “I’m back where I belong. That’s all that matters.”

He wanted to hear her say that no one had touched her, that no one had forced her to complete the ceremony, that she wasn’t carrying another man’s child. But when he looked deep into her eyes, and his heart swelled inside his chest, he knew nothing mattered except that she was back in his arms for good.

When she pulled him down for a kiss, he lost himself inside her plush mouth, reveling in the knowledge that she was once again safely back home.

“Prince Stone, should we take these two back to the castle?”

Stone reluctantly broke the kiss with his beloved and looked up at the guards. He opened his mouth to tell them just that when the woman cut in.

“I am Natasha, Princess Alyssandra’s nanny, and this is my son, Shawn. We’ve been held captive by the Cunts for the past twenty-three years. I need to see Queen Annalecia immediately.”

Alyssandra’s head whipped around to stare at the woman and the Klatch man’s mouth fell open as he stared at her while several emotions flowed over his face including anger, hurt, and disbelief.

Stone cleared his throat. Obviously, there was an interesting story behind all of this, but his first thoughts were only for Alyssandra. “Bring them before the king. The queen is too sick to take visitors.”

Alyssandra stiffened in his arms as the guards led the two Klatch away and she looked up at him with fear shadowing her eyes. “How bad is she?”

He took a deep breath before answering, but there was no way to hide the truth. “When you were taken, the brunt of the energy needs for the planet reverted to her. She was already weak and the sudden power drain nearly killed her. She’s been abed since you left.”

“I need to see her.” She caressed his cheek with her fingers, even as her eyes were etched with guilt.

“This wasn’t your fault, Princess. Your thoughts were purely for Sasha. You had no way of knowing the Cunts were coming for you.”

“Of course I did, Stone. Even without you voicing your concerns about my vision, the conclusion was obvious—especially since I knew the Cunts wouldn’t give me up without a fight. I should’ve been more careful.”

Stone’s brow furrowed as the queen’s words came back to haunt him yet again. “I’m sorry, Alyssandra. I should’ve told you. There will be no more secrets between us, that I promise you.”

She smiled up at him, caressing his cheek with her fingers. “It’s a deal.” She traced her fingertip over his lips. “I can walk, Stone. I just have to see my mother and make sure she’s all right.”

He brushed a gentle kiss against her forehead. “We’ll go, but I’m not putting you down. I’ve spent every second since I found you gone swearing that when you returned, I’d never let you out of my sight again. You’ll let me carry you everywhere for the next sixty years, and you’ll like it.”

She laughed, the sound twisting through him, filling his heart with hope and happiness.


Annalecia sat up in bed and leaned back against the headboard, a soft sigh escaping her lips. The draw of energy had lessened in a sudden surge and she knew Alyssandra was back, hopefully unscathed from her ordeal on earth. For the last few hours, she’d been worried that the planet would drain the last of her energy before her daughter could return and ascend. She wasn’t sure exactly what would happen to the planet or its people if she died, but with a sudden loss of energy, she could see the inner core of the planet imploding—at least that’s what her fevered dreams had shown her vividly every time she slipped into sleep since Alyssandra had been gone.

A few past queens had died before their daughters had ascended, but Tador had been at full health both times and had a reserve of energy to survive on until a hasty ascension could be arranged. This time they had no such reserve.

The door opened, pulling her from her thoughts, and she leaned forward in anticipation of seeing her daughter. Instead, the one face she thought she’d never see again peeked around the doorframe. “Natasha!”

The nanny, a longtime friend of Annalecia’s growing up, was taken twenty-three years earlier while she’d been watching Alyssandra. When she’d not been heard from, everyone assumed she’d been killed by the Cunts along with all the others who had been captured.

Natasha rushed forward to envelop the queen in a crushing hug and tears pricked at the backs of Annalecia’s eyes. “I thought you were dead!” She pulled away, holding her friend at arm’s length and studying her. “I can’t believe you’re here. I never thought I’d see you again.”

The queen smiled at her friend until a thought struck her. “Wait, what happened to the baby?” The very day she’d disappeared, Natasha had told Annalecia of her pregnancy, and they’d laughed and celebrated, imagining their children playing together.

“He apparently tried to rape our daughter.” Darius’s voice boomed from the doorway and Annalecia recoiled as if she’d been slapped, while Natasha stiffened, her expression suddenly guarded.

Annalecia collapsed back against the pillows as Darius stepped aside so Stone could enter carrying a very naked Alyssandra.

“Is she hurt?” Panic rose until her daughter smiled at her.

“I’m fine, but Stone refused to let me walk. Although, I am a little cold.”

“Stone, grab my robe for her and then tell us what happened.”

Stone gently settled the princess on the bed next to her mother before pulling a robe from the queen’s wardrobe and wrapping it around the naked girl. Annalecia gathered her into her arms, inhaling the scent of her daughter’s hair and thanking the universe that she’d been restored to her again. Alyssandra returned the tight hug and for a moment they just held each other.

Finally, she pulled back studying the princess critically, but other than the dark circles under her eyes and a general lackluster appearance to her hair and skin, Alyssandra seemed fine. Once Stone restored her energy, she’d most likely be perfectly healthy. Although, depending on what happened while on earth, any emotional damage could take much longer to heal.

“Mother, I’m fine. I’m more worried about you.”

Annalecia laughed. “I’m tough to keep down. I was just resting until your return.” She kept her arm draped around her daughter and turned her attention to her friend. “Tasha, why don’t you tell us what happened?”

Natasha looked at everyone around the room before taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. “I never thought I’d find my way back to Tador. It’s good to be home, Anna.” She smiled sadly and studied her hands.

A fat tear escaped Annalecia’s eye to carve a path down her cheek. No one but Natasha had ever called her Anna, and she’d thought to never hear it again. Her friend had aged, a few more wrinkles around the eyes and mouth and her hair a long mass that desperately needed a trim. Yet, even dressed in baggy sweats and an oversized T-shirt, Natasha looked lovely. She realized she’d missed her friend much more than she’d ever allowed herself to admit. She squeezed her hand in encouragement. “Tell us what happened, Tasha.”

“When Alyssandra and I were taken, the Cunts didn’t know I was pregnant. Once I gave birth, they took Shawn from me and raised him to believe that the Klatch were the cause of the war, and the only way he could redeem the honor of his people was to complete the ascension and father a new race.” She closed her eyes as if holding back all the painful memories from overwhelming her.

“I spent the last twenty-three years locked in a cell trying to keep tabs on both Alyssandra and Shawn through mental links. Then, when the false ascension started, I knew I had to stop it. However, by the time I got there, the princess had overloaded everyone’s arousal to the point they were all but incapacitated. I only had to cut her free and open the portal.” She smiled weakly up at the queen. “I’m glad I still remembered how.”

Alyssandra crossed her legs under her, and tucked the robe around her. “What’s Sasha got to do with this? When they brought me back, Shawn was surprised I wasn’t Sasha. In fact, he was almost angry that I wasn’t.”

Natasha smiled over at her. “Just like your dreams from Stone, Sasha received them from Shawn. Once I figured out who he’d contacted, I nurtured the relationship as much as I could. I had no idea he thought she was the princess. Apparently, all the lies Sela told him worked to our advantage.”

Annalecia took a few minutes to digest the information before turning to her daughter with the question that burned on her tongue. “How much of the ceremony was completed?” She held her breath as she waited.

“None. I was able to…distract them before anything happened.” Color rose high on her cheeks and she smiled gratefully at Natasha. “But I really appreciate the help with the portal. I wasn’t sure how I was going to get back.” She turned her attention to Annalecia, her brow furrowing in concern. “Seriously, how are you feeling? I was so scared I wouldn’t arrive in time…”

She laughed as she realized what Alyssandra was trying not to say. “Don’t write me off just yet, daughter. As soon as you returned, the drain from the planet lessened again. I’m all right, and can certainly last a few more hours. I’m well enough to escort my daughter to her ascension ceremony, as is my right.”

Darius opened his mouth to object and she held up her hand to stop him. “Darius, I promise I won’t overdo. I’ll just escort her in and then relax until the ceremony is complete.”

Darius didn’t look happy, but finally he nodded. “You’ve won this round, but I’ll be there to make sure you keep your promise.” He glared down at her, his expression stern, and she resisted the urge to smile. It wouldn’t do to gloat. Darius might get it into his head that he needed to fight harder to win their small skirmishes of will. Soon, they would lose the empathic link they shared when Alyssandra ascended the throne. But after sharing thoughts for so many years, they probably knew each other so well that the link wasn’t even required anymore.

Natasha bowed her head before the king, staring at his boots, while her hands trembled in her lap. “What about my son, my lord? The guards confined him to a room when they brought us here.” She swallowed hard before she continued. “He’s not an evil man…”

Darius looked like a miser caught giving alms to the poor. He cleared his throat and shifted from foot to foot. “I sent his father to him.” His brow furrowed and he glared around the room, defying anyone to contradict him. “The boy should hear the truth from his father. It will be a difficult transition for him.”

Annalecia reached out and pulled her husband’s hand into her own. “Thank you, Darius.” She knew he must have known how hard it had been all these years without Natasha. It was for her that he showed kindness to the man who had almost hurt their beloved daughter.

His cheeks flushed and he cleared his throat again. “It’s not the boy’s fault. He’s been raised on lies and he should be allowed to learn the truth about his culture before deciding his future. A few days spent with his mother and father, then perhaps Sasha can show him around.”

Stone broke in, clearly rescuing the king from his discomfort. He placed a protective hand on the princess’s shoulder. “There are only four hours until sunset. I think Alyssandra needs time to rest and recover before the ceremony.”

The queen caught Stone’s gaze and held it. “You’re a good man, Stone. Take care of her for me. I’ll see you both at sundown. On your way out, can you have the servants send up a bath, some fresh clothes and some food? I have some catching up to do with Tasha.”


When Stone dropped Alyssandra off at her room, Sasha was waiting for her. The maid’s eyes and nose were puffy and red from crying, while dark circles marred the delicate skin under her eyes and her face was drawn with grief.

Sasha dropped to her knees before Alyssa, her head bowed submissively. “Princess, I’m so sorry. I never meant for anything to happen to you. Please believe that I would never willingly put you in danger.”

Stone had filled in the gaps for her while he’d carried her back to her room, so she knew now the full story on everything that had happened with her maid. Had it just been a few hours ago that she’d been on an altar on earth about to be raped and forced into an ascension? She sighed.
Talk about a long fucking day…

“Sasha.” She knelt and hugged the maid. “It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know what he planned to do, or even that I’d followed you.”

The maid sniffled and raised her gaze to Alyssa’s. “Regardless, I put you in danger. I’m so sorry.”

Alyssa grabbed Sasha’s hand and pulled her up to stand in front of her. “Sasha, I need your help for the ceremony. I’m counting on you.” She took the girl firmly by the shoulders. “Will you be there for me?”

Hope lit Sasha’s eyes for the first time. “You…aren’t going to dismiss me?”

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