Ceremony of Seduction (10 page)

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Authors: Cassie Ryan

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: Ceremony of Seduction
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His breeches clung to him like a second skin and she couldn’t help but wonder what his tight muscular ass looked like. There was a definite sexuality that clung to him, and as a woman, Alyssa was definitely affected, but there was nothing deeper. His presence didn’t make her stomach flutter and her heart skip as they did every time Stone was near.

Get a grip! You’re betrothed to Stone.
The other side of her mind answered quickly.
You’re engaged, not dead. Not looking at this perfect male specimen would be like turning your back on a great work of art. Just a little perfectly normal lust.

He held his hands out at his sides, palms open. “I apologize, I didn’t mean to startle you. I’m Prince Grayson. Prince Stone is one of my closest friends and I’ve heard quite a bit about you—not to mention you look just like your mother.”

Stone hadn’t mentioned any of his close friends, but most of their time together hadn’t exactly been spent talking. Alyssa made a mental note to change that.

Her gut told her this man wasn’t a threat, but old habits died hard. She’d been assured it was safe to wander the maze alone, but it never hurt to be careful. She relaxed her stance and held out her hand to shake. “Nice to meet you, Grayson, I’m Alyssa,” she said, purposely dropping the titles, which still made her uncomfortable.

He took her hand in his and pinned her with an intense stare while he slowly brought the back of her hand to his lips. “I think Stone’s right, Alyssa doesn’t suit you. It’s not regal enough. You’re definitely an Alyssandra.” His warm lips against her skin sent a jolt of lust through her system, but nothing lingering or building as it always did with Stone.

He studied her intently until his gaze became almost creepy. Alyssa pulled her hand from his grasp and his brow furrowed in confusion. She crossed her arms under her chest to put distance between them. “Everyone on Earth called me Alyssa. I guess I’ve gotten used to it.”

When he only continued to study her with his inscrutable expression, the only clue to his mood, his furrowed brows, she had to break the silence. “Is there something wrong?”

He laughed, his entire face blossoming into a boyish grin, softening him. “Forgive me, as this will sound rather conceited, but I’m just surprised I had no affect on you.”

“Excuse me?” She wasn’t quite sure what to say. Assuring him he’d had an affect didn’t seem like the best way to go, and denying it reeked of lying, which she wasn’t comfortable with either. What kind of man hoped to cause a reaction in his good friend’s fiancé?

His grin turned sheepish and he gestured for her to return to her seat at the pond. Not sure what else to do, she sat and dipped her toes back in the cool water, while he sat beside her facing the opposite direction, his long legs stretched out in front of him away from the water. “I hadn’t realized until just now how often I use my natural gifts. In my many years of meeting women, I’ve never experienced one who had absolutely no reaction to me whatsoever. It’s refreshing actually.”

Alyssa remembered hearing that each Klatch had their own natural ability, but she hadn’t heard anyone talk about it yet. “What exactly are your natural gifts?”

“All Klatch have some ability to cause arousal in others. My ability is to cause an instant and intense sexual reaction—instant intense lust, if you will. It’s just a new twist on an already common Klatch trait.”

She turned her head to study his profile, the dappled light through the tall trees making the hard line of his jaw appear to be carved from pure granite. Without thinking, she said, “That must make for a very lonely life.”

His eyebrows rose slowly as he regarded her silently.

Her cheeks burned under his intense scrutiny and she searched for words to explain. “I mean, lust without anything else is sort of like masturbation, only another person is present. Doesn’t having that intense lust up front keep you from getting to know the real person?” After years of watching Debbie have not only one-night stands, but five-minute stands, Alyssa had formed definite opinions on the subject. And although she and Stone had started out very much from lust, it was definitely different, and she would defend it.

He seemed to genuinely consider her words. “Forgive me for being too personal, but I think we’ve already gone past the point of delicate speaking. Do you and Stone have more than lust between you?”

She startled as he mirrored her recent thoughts. She searched his face for any signs of mockery or condescension, but found none. “I know it sounds strange, but even when we only met in dreams, there was a connection between us on a deeper level. Don’t get me wrong, Grayson, you’re an attractive man, no woman with eyes could deny the truth of that. But whenever Stone is near me, my reaction goes beyond lust. Butterflies flutter in my stomach, my heart squeezes in my chest, and the physical takes on a new meaning. Then when he’s gone, there’s an anticipation until I see him again.”

She turned to see his full lips curved into a frown and his brows furrowed even further than before. A laugh escaped her at his confusion. “I’m sorry, I don’t usually lecture people I’ve just met. Besides, I’m afraid I’m not explaining it very well. It’s not something I’ve tried to put into words before.”

He shook his head and smiled, his nonchalant expression suddenly back. “Not at all, Princess. You’ve given me a lot to think on. It’s been a long time since a woman has intrigued me to think about anything. You’re absolutely right—I don’t bother to get to know many women outside my family, so the unrelated women I do meet, I guess I’ve never given them a chance to intrigue me beyond the physical. Stone is a lucky man. I have a feeling you will keep him very intrigued on many levels.” He flashed a devilish grin. “Besides, he’s been far too responsible for too long. I think you’ll be good for him.”

It was Alyssa’s turn to furrow her brow. “What do you mean?”

He didn’t pretend to mistake her meaning. “I’m sure you already know that several tried and failed to ascend the throne.” At her nod, he continued. “Even before that, Stone took the weight of the world on his shoulders. He’s so protective of everyone, the queen and king included because it makes him feel like he can actually control things and keep them together. When in reality, fate has more to do with the outcome than Stone. I fear the weight of the world will one day crush him if he’s not careful. But you, my dear Alyssandra, will keep him on his toes and keep him honest.”

He stood and brushed the grass from his form-fitting breeches and she purposely kept her eyes from tracing the movements of his hands. “Besides, you’ve restored my confidence. You admitted I had some affect on you at least, so my male ego is still intact.” He flashed her a quick smile. “It was very nice to meet you, Princess. I’m sure we’ll meet again.” Before she could open her mouth to say anything, he’d disappeared through the dense foliage.

She shook her head, not quite sure what to make of Grayson. She’d have to ask Stone about him later.

Chapter 7

muffled sound to the side of the waterfall caught Alyssa’s attention and she stood, deciding to investigate. She ringed the pond, walking softly toward the sound and stepped through a gap in the trees that bracketed the waterfall on either side. She emerged into a small clearing surrounded by large leafy bushes. She stretched out her arms and her fingers just brushed both sides of the small clearing. Just large enough for the illusion of privacy for two people. She smiled as she imagined bringing Stone here for one of the rendezvouses Sasha had mentioned.

Another muffled sound just on the other side of her small clearing had her inching forward to peer through the leafy bush in front of her. Twenty feet away, a naked woman with lush curves stood in between two equally naked men almost as well endowed as Stone. Both men caressed her gently with lips and teeth and tongue while she moaned out her pleasure. Their engorged cocks rubbed against her stomach and her ass with their motions.

Heat pooled low in Alyssa’s belly and traced a hot path down toward her pussy. She groaned as arousal fired to life and sudden need speared through her. It had been several hours since breakfast and her energy levels were waning. Taking a quick glance around her small clearing, she shrugged. Might as well take sustenance where she could find it.
Besides, I’ve always wanted to watch.

She pushed her short top up over her breasts and pulled on her suddenly engorged nipples as she turned her attention back to the trio.

The man in the rear reached around to cup the woman’s plush breasts in his large hands, and Alyssa bit back a moan as she imagined Stone’s rough hands caressing her. The man plucked the woman’s large dark nipples between his thumbs and forefingers and Alyssa followed suit. When the woman gasped against the sudden sensation, the man in front swallowed the sound as he captured her mouth and then trailed his fingers down her rounded stomach to slip two fingers between her slick folds.

The woman leaned back against the man caressing her breasts, allowing the first man more access to her juicy core. Alyssa gasped when a hand closed over her mouth and another grasped her around the waist before slipping down inside the front of her skirt.

“Shhh, you don’t want to interrupt the show.” Stone’s breath feathered against her neck causing a rush of goose bumps to march over her. One blunt finger traced her wet slit slowly back and forth, shooting fresh jolts of pure arousal through her.

Stone removed his hand from her mouth and traced his fingers down to cup her aching breast. “Good morning, beloved. Don’t worry, all who come to the garden to share energy know they may be watched. It’s an unspoken agreement. Besides, I thought you might be in need of some sustenance. I had no idea you’d found your own. Do you mind if I help?”

She stiffened against him as the implications of his words hit her. “That means someone could be watching us right now…” She wondered if Grayson was still lurking in the bushes somewhere watching them. Moisture pooled between her thighs at the thought.

Stone continued to trace her slit. “I see that thought excites you, my greedy Princess.”

Wanting more, Alyssa bucked her hips against Stone’s finger. She returned her gaze to the trio just as the woman locked her arms around the man in front of her and rubbed her breasts against his well-defined chest.

“Describe to me what you’re seeing,” Stone whispered against her ear, his hot breath causing a sudden zing of energy to shoot down every nerve ending in her body.

“What?” she squeaked before she remembered to whisper. Lowering her voice, she looked over her shoulder at Stone’s amused expression. “You can see what they’re doing as well as I can.” Her breath came out in an urgent hiss.

He chuckled, the deep vibrations rumbling through her. “Actually, since you’re peering through the foliage, I don’t have a really good view.” He pinched her nipple causing her to gasp. “So, tell me, witch. What do you see?”

Alyssa swallowed the sudden lump in her throat and turned her attention back toward the trio. “The man in front is lifting her so she can wrap her legs around his waist.”


Her clit throbbed as the woman reached down and positioned the man’s engorged cock against her pussy lips. “He thrust his hard cock fully inside her.” The woman’s head lolled back as she moaned, her eyes closed, her full lips parted.

Stone traced her clit in small circles until Alyssa bucked her hips against him and her breath came in short choppy pants. Her release zoomed toward her, but then his hand stopped and she resisted the urge to scream in frustration.

“Don’t stop, Princess. Tell me what they’re doing now.”

She opened her mouth to tell him he was the one who shouldn’t have stopped, but snapped it shut when she realized the quickest way to get him back to rubbing her clit like she wanted was to describe the scene. “The second man is smearing
onto his cock and into the crack of her ass.” Realization hit her, and her pussy clenched at the thought of having two large cocks inside her at once. “Wow, he’s going to fuck her up the ass while she rides the other guy. Two cocks inside her at once…” She trailed off and squirmed against Stone’s finger as she tried to imagine what they would feel like inside her at the same time.

Stone’s fingers resumed their ministrations, his other hand pinching one aching nipple. Power sizzled along her skin and flowed down her body and into the ground like lightening. “Does that excite you, witch?”

How could she admit that it did, when it would mean having someone else inside her body besides Stone? She’d meant what she’d told Grayson. A nameless man fucking her in the ass while she rode Stone did excite her, in fact it made her wet and panting with need. But the second man was just an additional sexual element, not an emotional one like she had with Stone. She opened her mouth to deny it, not sure Stone would understand, but he spoke before she had the chance.

“No lies between us, Princess, remember? There’s no shame in what excites you. Very little is forbidden among the Klatch, and from what I know of you, I don’t think your tastes run to anything that crosses the line.”

The short list of forbidden things Sasha had told her flashed through her mind and she shuddered. She had no desire to do any of those. However, if everything else was fair game, that left a lot of territory to explore. Fresh moisture dampened between her thighs and Stone chuckled against her ear. She ignored the heat that flowed up her neck and into her cheeks and glued her gaze to the scene playing out before her. “He’s positioning his cock against her ass and slowly pushing forward, stretching her.” Her voice sounded strained and it was suddenly harder to pull air into her lungs.

“Imagine it, Alyssandra.” He traced his fingers down her slit to tease her opening. She bucked her hips against his hand, silently begging him to finger fuck her, but he only continued his slow teasing. “Imagine my cock plunging inside your pussy, filling you, your long legs wrapped around my waist, while another thick long cock slowly pushes forward into your tight ass. Picture both cocks buried inside you to the hilt, the feeling of being sandwiched between two men while we fill you.”

She moaned and he increased his pressure on her clit. With the vivid picture flashing inside her mind as she watched it played out in front of her, her ass and her pussy throbbed with sudden awareness. For a brief second she wondered if the men could feel the pressure of the other’s cock head pounding against the woman’s core.

Stone slid two fingers inside her pussy, curving his fingers against the front of her pelvis until they hit a spot that spiraled energy throughout her body. She moaned and arched back against him, so he could reach farther inside her.

The sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the air, punctuated by moans and gasps as the trio’s rhythm increased, pushing them all closer to release. The rhythmic flex of the men’s muscled asses and the scent of sex permeating the air insinuated themselves into her fantasy, and Alyssa’s orgasm hit her just as the woman moaned out her own release. The two men continued to pump into the woman, through her contractions, until they both stiffened as they spilled their essence inside her.

As Alyssa’s awareness returned, she had a brief flash of sensation—two streams of thick hot liquid spilling deep inside her from both sides. Her knees buckled and Stone caught her easily, guiding her down to lie on the ground.

He pushed wisps of hair away from her face and leaned down to brush a kiss over the newly bared skin. “Have you come back to me, Princess?”

A languid haze of liquid gold flowed through her veins and she sighed, contented. “Mmm hmm. How are you, my Prince?” She looked up into Stone’s strained features and realized how much control her betrothed had employed.

“I’ll be fine.” He smiled down at her weakly.

She reached down to cup him, enjoying the way his cock jumped against her hand. “Liar.”

Stone hissed through his teeth and bucked against her hand. Alyssa sat up, pushing Stone onto his back before he knew what she was about to do. She straddled his thighs and unlaced his breeches, freeing his cock to her hungry gaze.


“Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.” She leaned forward to run her tongue up the length of him, careful to avoid the glistening pearl of pre come pooling in the eye of his swollen tip. Blacking out again wouldn’t help either one of them. The silky skin under her tongue made her long to lick every engorged inch of him, but she knew when too much temptation would get her into trouble.

She pulled back and wrapped her fingers around him, stroking him slowly while she used the other hand to yank on his pants. She rose up on her knees to give him room. “Down.”

Stone didn’t need to be asked twice. He lifted his ass and wriggled his breeches down around his ankles. Alyssa spread his thighs and with her free hand gently rolled the soft sacs covering his balls in her fingers. Stone’s cock hardened in her grip and his hips bucked against her hand. She lowered her face until she could trace a line between his balls with her tongue and then gently sucked one of the sacs into her mouth, caressing it with her tongue. Stone hissed against the sudden sensation and she couldn’t help but smile. The ribbed texture of the soft skin fascinated her and she promised herself when she was no longer worried about the effects of his come, she’d make time to do a thorough exploration of Stone’s entire body.

She continued to slowly stroke his engorged cock up and down, careful to avoid the growing dollop of pre come that tempted her to lean down and taste. Watching Stone’s olive skin flush and his breathing become ragged, Alyssa’s own arousal mounted again. Would there ever be a time when she was fully satisfied and didn’t crave any more? She fervently hoped not.

Remembering her session with Sasha, she funneled her arousal down both arms and into her fingers, the energy flowing out into Stone’s cock and balls. He stiffened and cried out her name as his cock pulsed rhythmically under her touch and his thick creamy come spurted out the tip. She licked her lips as it splashed against the grass and flowers next to him. A small drop fell against the smooth skin of his stomach and she had to forcibly restrain herself from leaning down to lick the salty liquid from his body. She continued to stroke him until the pulsing stopped and his cock softened a bit in her hand.

Unsure what to say, she allowed silence to fall between them. As Stone’s breathing returned to normal, he huffed out a contented sigh. “I might not live through the several days until the ceremony at this rate, witch.” He smiled up at her and then slowly stood, pulling up his breeches and tying them securely.

“I know what you mean,” she muttered under her breath.

Stone’s laughter rang out over the clearing and he pulled her into his arms. “Really? Am I not keeping my Princess satisfied, then?”

Her cheeks burned as she realized her comment had sounded like a complaint against Stone. “It’s just…I…” She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin, which always helped bolster her confidence. She pierced him with a steady gaze and spoke her mind, not holding anything back. “I crave your cock inside me, and I think this constant foreplay is going to kill me too. I want to feel your hot come spill inside me as you fill me. I want you to fuck my ass until I scream out my orgasm. I want to taste your come on my tongue as you spill against the back of my throat. And then I want to start over and do it all again in every conceivable way we can both imagine.”

Stone leaned his forehead against hers and closed his eyes, his features strained again, the outline of his now fully hard cock digging against her stomach. “You don’t know how much control it takes not to throw you to the ground and slip inside you, Alyssandra. Your body calls to mine as I’ve never experienced before. Believe me, once the ceremony is complete, I’ll be happy to fulfill every fantasy inside that creative mind of yours.”

He pulled back to look at her, his hands on her shoulders. “But no one else will ever enter your beautiful pussy. That is mine and mine alone.” His eyes burned into hers, not so much with command, but with a vulnerable plea. “There have been kings who have allowed such things, but the thought makes me want to crush
with my bare hands.”

Alyssa tried and failed to picture anyone else but Stone filling her pussy. Although the thought of another man filling her ass while Stone fucked her still made her clit throb with reaction. She looked up at Stone. “I agree completely. I think I also have some terms of my own.”

His eyebrows rose and his sculpted lips curved upward, accentuating the deep dimple next to his mouth, and she had to remind herself to focus on the discussion at hand before she got lost tracing that adorable dent. “Name your terms, Princess.”

“It doesn’t seem fair, considering what you’ve just said. But I don’t want you entering anyone else—ever. I’ll just have to make sure to keep you satisfied enough that you never need to. The thought of you inside another woman, even if it was her ass—” She shook her head and closed her eyes trying to erase the picture from her mind. “I don’t know how often it’s done, but I probably wouldn’t care if you…gave your essence. You know—like the twenty Klatch men will do for my ceremony. Or even if another woman sucked your cock.” She swallowed hard and forced the next words past her lips, determined not to hold anything back from Stone. “But I would want to watch.” Her pussy throbbed at the erotic thought and she rushed on before she lost her nerve. “And I suppose if we ever had any others join us—that outside of those parameters, it would turn me on very much to watch, or even to…participate, as you are comfortable.”

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