Ceremony of Seduction (8 page)

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Authors: Cassie Ryan

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: Ceremony of Seduction
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So far, this doesn’t sound bad. What’s the catch?
“Wait,” she said as her mother’s words sank in. “More energy than Stone can provide—exactly who all do I have to sleep with?”

“Stone will be the only one to invade your body—in all three of the usual ways. He is your betrothed. But in order for you to gain enough energy to survive the ascension, to wield power and fully bear the weight of being queen, you must ingest the essence of twenty of the strongest Klatch men.”

“In…ingest? As in swallow? No way!” Her mind whirled with the possibilities. Her traitorous pussy clenched at the thought of tasting several of Klatch’s “strongest,” but her morality balked at something so intimate with others on the same night she bonded with Stone.

“No, Alyssandra.” The edges of her mother’s lips twitched as if she was trying not to smile. “Not swallow. Their essence will be ingested through your skin while Stone claims you as his bride.”

Alyssa’s mind tried and failed to picture exactly how that would be done, but she pushed the thought aside. She’d had too much to digest for one night already.
Thank God it wasn’t “ingest.”
She didn’t think she’d ever think of that word the same way again.

Chapter 5

tone took the steps to his family’s rooms two at a time and pushed open the large double doors before the majordomo could announce him. The heels of his soft leather boots clicked against the stone floor, and his mother and father turned from their meal, both faces blooming into smiles as they saw him.

His mother had rounded a bit over the years and now tended to wear less revealing clothes than she had in her youth, but the extra weight made her no less beautiful. Her almond shaped eyes and quick wit make any room sparkle. His father remained muscular and tall, with just a touch of gray dusting his dark hair at the temples. His easy smile and gentle nature made him approachable by all. The fourth house of Klatch was always filled with visitors both because of its excellent array of wines and his parents love of gatherings.

“Stone!” His mother rushed forward to envelop him in a quick hug. The top of her head barely reached his chest and he leaned down to let her kiss his cheek. “Did you find her? Is she here? When do we get to meet her?” He smiled at the rapid-fire questions his mother loved to use during conversations.

“Take a breath, Darla. Stone can’t tell us his news if you don’t give him a chance.” Stone’s father clapped him on the back and gestured to an open seat at the table. For the first time, Stone noticed the fine lines around his father’s eyes, caused from many years of laughter. He knew Alyssandra’s childhood wasn’t filled with the same happiness as his, so he hoped to spend the rest of his life making sure to erase the damage her past had inflicted.

“Have some dinner and tell us your news, before you mother starts her questions again.” The older man winked at his wife, softening his words.

Stone smiled at the familiar banter. His parents had a much different relationship than the king and queen’s. No less loving and committed, but they didn’t have the added strain of ruling, which also allowed Darius and Annalecia to share an empathic connection. He smiled at the thought of his father and mother having to listen to each other’s internal thoughts after all these years. Some things were better off left as they were.

Stone nodded thanks to the servant who filled his goblet and took a healthy sip. “I did find her, and she’s meeting with the king and queen as we speak.”

His mother opened her mouth, no doubt to ask more questions, but his father placed a hand on top of hers and she smiled sheepishly and closed her mouth, allowing Stone to continue.

“She’s been raised without knowledge of her heritage, but no permanent harm has been done.” Both his parents would know he meant she was still virginal without him having to explain further. “Her roommate was a Cunt who had been continually draining her. No wonder she needed so much sustenance through our dream liaisons.” His fist clenched around his goblet as he thought about closing his hands around the throat of the skinny Cunt who had fed from his beloved.

The double doors banged open to admit Grayson and Ryan, both princes from other royal houses, and Stone’s two best friends growing up. His mother had always said where there was trouble to be found, the three princes would be right in the middle of it—and more often than not, she’d been right.

Stone stood, and shook hands with each as they pulled chairs up to the table and helped themselves to the wine without being invited.

“Don’t you two have any manners at all? Stone is about to tell us how he found the princess.” Stone’s mother shot each of them a reproving look softened by a smile as she tapped her cheek for her expected kiss of greeting. Both men had been frequent guests of the household since they could walk, and Stone’s mother had given up on all formalities with them long ago. There were only two unforgivable sins in the Fourth House of Klatch—deceit and not greeting Darla with her customary kiss on the cheek.

Grayson, the taller of the two men, grinned, and snatched a piece of bread from the middle of the table before leaning over to kiss her cheek. “Forgive us, my lady. That’s why we’re here, we wanted to hear about the princess firsthand. I’ve heard about nothing but this goddess from Stone for the last decade. We’re here to see if his dreams were accurate.”

Darla shot the second man a mock glare and lifted her brows expectantly. “Well, Ryan?”

He hesitated a moment as if had to think about it and then laughed before leaning over and providing the requested kiss. “You know I could never deny you, my lady.” He picked up a
fruit off a platter in the middle of the table and took a large bite.

Stone’s father cleared his throat loudly before signaling for more wine. “If everyone is settled, I’d like to hear what Stone has to say.”

Grayson and Ryan grinned, unrepentant, but they sat quietly, waiting for Stone to speak.

“As I told my parents, I found her and she’s meeting with the king and queen now. She’s unharmed and easily the most stunning woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

Ryan leaned back in his chair, the angry red scar that ran from his right temple down his cheek stretching a bit as he smiled. “From the look on your face, I’d say she’s everything you hoped for. I’m amazed after all this time you haven’t soiled your breeches twenty times just getting her back here.” He smirked at Stone. “Or did you?”

Stone ignored his friend and took another sip of wine, savoring the taste while he chose his words. “I’d seen her in my dreams for all those years dressed in baggy clothes with her hair pulled back, but when I saw her a few minutes ago in full Klatch dress, she took my breath away.”
Not to mention caused a sudden evacuation of blood from my brain.
He laughed at the awed note in his own voice when he spoke of her. “She’s coming into her powers already and I know she’ll make an excellent queen…” His voice trailed off as he remembered another woman who had wanted to be queen.
Alyssa will be successful. She has to be. I’ll not watch another woman die trying to ascend the throne—especially not this one.

Grayson leaned forward and pierced Stone with an intense gaze. “Lianna’s death was not your fault, Stone. It was her decision to make.”

Familiar pain spiked through Stone and he took a deep breath against its intensity. “She wasn’t strong enough to ascend. I knew it, and didn’t try hard enough to make her listen. And I kept my promise to not mention my doubts to her betrothed.” He gripped his goblet so tight, he was surprised it didn’t crumple in his hand. “I could’ve prevented both their deaths, and instead I kept quiet.” He looked up to meet everyone’s uneasy gaze. “I have no such doubts about Alyssandra, or I’d never let her even try—regardless of the fate of the planet.”

His mother sighed and leaned back in her chair. “Grayson’s right, Stone. Lianna wasn’t strong enough and she knew it, but wouldn’t admit it. Nothing you said would’ve stopped her. But Alyssandra will be different.” She picked up her fork and gestured around the table with it. “Annalecia’s daughter was born to sit on the throne. I knew she would be perfect for you. She has to be much like the queen—blood will always win true. Her return should also help Annalecia. Her condition is worsening, and I fear she won’t last much longer.”

“She only has to last a week.” Stone pictured how drawn and pale the queen was when he’d left her. Even her elation at seeing her daughter hadn’t erased the damage done. “Now that Alyssandra is safe and sound, some of the burden from the queen will ease.”

Grayson held his goblet up for the servant to fill. “When do we get to meet her? If she’s that gorgeous, then she obviously has the wrong Prince of Klatch.” He allowed his lips to form a knowing smirk. “An oversight I’m sure she’ll recognize as soon as she has a choice of more than just you.”

Jealousy spurted through Stone, stiffening his shoulders and clenching his jaw. He knew his friend was joking, but the thought of anyone touching Alyssandra besides him made thick hot anger course through his veins. The princess was his.

Ryan shot Grayson a warning look. “It’s too close to the ascension to bait him, Gray. You know the future queen’s pheromones are high. One too many jokes and he’ll rip your heart out with his bare hands, friend or not.” The open amusement in Ryan’s eyes showed that he thought it would be entertaining to watch.

Stone forced himself to relax. “I doubt either one of you could handle her—she’s quite a handful, and besides, she can well take care of herself.” He winced as he remembered his bruised instep and stomach where she’d attacked him outside her apartment.

Laughter from around the table caused Stone’s lips to curve into a smile. “Let’s just say I pity the man who sneaks up on her unawares.”

“I definitely have to meet her then.” Ryan absently rubbed at the bottom end of his scar with his thumb. “If she’s a spitfire, then she’s absolutely perfect for you. I’m almost jealous of you having a woman like that all to yourself.”

Since several of the Klatch princesses and their respective princes had died trying to ascend the throne in Alyssandra’s absence, the selection of royal females in Ryan and Grayson’s age range were all but gone. They would have to wait until some of them came of age, marry a princess easily twenty years their senior or dilute the Royal line, none of which held much appeal.

Stone cleared his throat. “You two are very creative. I’m sure you’ll come up with something that your families will approve of.”

“That doesn’t necessarily mean those are choices
approve of,” Grayson said around a mouthful of bread.

Silence reigned until Stone’s father held up his goblet and the others followed suit. “To the future king and queen, who will save us all.”


Stone stood to the side, letting Alyssandra explore her room. It had been updated over the years to meet her current age so it would be ready at any time the princess was recovered. Now it was the room of a young and vibrant woman—natural woods, deep purple cloth and the snow-white
stone. She’d seemed happy enough to find it as she said she’d always dreamed it would be. But Stone could tell something bothered her. Ever since he’d met her after the dinner with her parents, she’d been quiet and withdrawn.

He sighed. Once they completed the coming-of-age ceremony, they would share an empathic link. He wished they already did, since his last several attempts to find out what was amiss had resulted in her averting her eyes and saying she was “fine.” He knew enough about women to know that wasn’t a good sign.

After completing a circuit of the room, opening every drawer and cabinet, and thumbing through several books, she opened the French patio doors and stepped out on to the veranda. Stone followed her, admiring the sway of her hips and the halo of mahogany hair that flowed around her. When she leaned her arms on the stone wall railing, he stepped close behind her.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” He looked up at the dark sky, the stars twinkling silver overhead, the moon bathing Alyssandra’s smooth skin in a silver glow. “I’ve often stood here wondering where you were and what you were doing.” He placed his hands on her shoulders, unsure what kind of reception he would receive.

She sighed, the soft sound echoing off the stone of the veranda. “Why did it take so long for you to find me?” Her voice so low, he had to strain to hear her words. She sounded like a lost child.

He hesitated until she placed one of her hands over his. Stepping close behind her and enveloping her in his arms, he kissed her hair before answering. “I could see you and you only. We were meant from birth, so therefore we have been linked since puberty. But only our minds were linked, not our locations. I searched for you since the first day I came to you in your dreams.”

She nodded and leaned back against him as if basking in his warmth. “Do men have a coming-of-age ceremony?”

He smiled to himself. So that’s what this was about. Her mother must have discussed the ceremony with her. “Yes, but men have theirs at sixteen, not twenty-four.”

Turning in his arms, she studied his face. “What does the male ceremony consist of? How many Klatch women did you have to bed?”

Stone’s mouth dropped open, but all that came out was, “Uh…” How could he discuss
with his betrothed? Not only was it not a good idea to talk about any other woman than Alyssandra meeting his sexual needs, he knew it would end up hurting her in the long run. He knew how the female mind worked and like it or not—no matter how he answered, this was a recipe for disaster.

“Well?” she prompted. “This is a sexual society and you already said you had a coming-of-age ceremony.” She pierced him with a stare that pinned him in place. “So, explain what was involved in yours. You obviously already know what happens in mine.” Her tone was clipped and she crossed her arms in front of her, placing a barrier between them. Stone refused to step back, but instead kept his arms loosely around her.

Leaning forward, he kissed the crease of her brow and pulled her toward his chest until she gave up her crossed arms and threaded them around his waist. “I would never wish to hurt you in any way, Alyssandra. If you wish to know of my ceremony, I’ll tell you. But I think your question has more to do with your fears over your own. Does it not?”

A warm wetness touched his skin through his shirt and he realized she was crying. He held her, rocking her gently while the moon slowly sailed across the sky the span of his outstretched hand. He knew she was reacting to more than just the ceremony—she grieved for her lost childhood and heritage. Those years she could never reclaim. He regretted that so much responsibility fell squarely on her shoulders. It didn’t give her much time to come to terms with her new circumstances.

Finally, she sniffled and pulled back enough to raise her watery gaze to his. “I’m sorry. I think something inside me finally broke.” She blinked and a few more fat tears carved a slow path down her cheeks. “I’m scared. I don’t know if I can handle the ceremony. But if I don’t—my mother will die…won’t she?”

For the first time, Stone wished he could lie to her. Anything to remove the pain from her eyes. A quick flash of memory reminded him of the night Lianna died. She hadn’t been able to contain the energy of the planet and her body, overloaded with energy, had just stopped functioning. The backlash of the energy had flowed down through her intimate connection with her betrothed and electrocuted him. He’d been one of the twenty Klatch men, there to give his essence, and the sight of Lianna’s lifeless eyes staring up at him still haunted his nightmares.

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