Ceremony of Seduction (4 page)

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Authors: Cassie Ryan

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: Ceremony of Seduction
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A slow smile spread across his rugged face and he jumped to his feet, kicking off his boots while pulling his shirt over his head. “I love your creative thinking, Princess.”

Within seconds, he stood before her naked. His sculpted muscles were just as she’d imagined, his olive skin lightly dusted with dark hair. Following the line of his tapered waist, and the intriguing line of dark hair that arrowed down toward his groin, she studied his cock, now freed from his clothes and nestled in a patch of mahogany hair. His balls hung tight against his body and she wished she could feel their texture with both her mouth and her fingers.

She’d never touched a man’s balls before, in fact before a few minutes ago, she’d never held a cock in her hand, or tasted come. It was a day for firsts and she didn’t want to waste one minute.

Taking Stone’s offered hand, they knelt in the grass facing each other, their legs open, bent at the knees and tangled around each other. She giggled as the lush greenery tickled her bare ass and she leaned back against a large boulder, the stone cool against her bare back.

Stone grasped his cock and slowly stroked its impressive length. “Fuck yourself for me, Alyssandra. Let me see you.”

Reaching down tentatively, she rubbed her first two fingers against her aching clit. Sensations and energy flowed through her as her own juices coated her fingers, lubricating her movements. Stone continued to stroke himself, and she imagined his cock filling her, stretching her, his hot come spilling inside her. “I’ve always wanted to watch you pleasure yourself while I masturbate.” The flower-scented breeze played across her ripe nipples heightening her arousal.

Stone relaxed against the tree trunk, one hand cupped his balls, stroking his cock faster. Noticing pre come that glistened on the tip, she licked her lips and couldn’t wait to taste him again—hopefully when she could do it without blacking out. She rubbed her clit faster and with her other hand, rolled her nipple between her thumb and forefinger and then pulled on the ripe bud, enjoying the fresh spurt of energy that surged through her. Her arousal continued to tighten inside her, energy flowing through her veins like lava. He stroked faster now, his breathing labored and uneven, matching her own.

“Come for me, Stone. Let me see you come, push me over the edge. Please…”

As if triggered by her words, Stone’s body shuttered and creamy fluid spurted from his cock. At the sight, her own orgasm broke over her in a rolling wave. Almost peripherally, she noticed he aimed to the side, so his essence wouldn’t touch her, and kept pumping, milking his cock until every last drop escaped.

Her head swam as the energy flowing through her threatened to overwhelm her. She slumped sideways, lying flat on the grass, and closed her eyes. Her nipples and her pussy still tingled with delicious little aftershocks and her bare skin prickled with goose bumps as the gentle breeze teased her already sensitized system.
God help me, he didn’t even touch me and that’s the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had.


Stone pulled his T-shirt on over his head and turned to see Alyssandra pulling up her jeans skirt. “Well, witch,” he said with affection and smiled when she blushed. “It seems you’ve given us both enough energy to make it to the city and back ten times over, even with those orgasms.”

Her eyes widened with shock, but then her face softened and a smile blossomed across her face. “Anything I can do to help. And what do you mean, even with the orgasms?”

Stone knew she didn’t have much experience with compliments or praise. He planned to change that. “The sex helps you build your energy, but until you can harness it—until your coming-of-age ceremony, the orgasm drains some of it away again.”

“At least now I know why you left me hot and bothered every night and dissolved away.” She sat on a nearby boulder and pulled on her cowboy boots.

“Believe me, I would’ve liked nothing better than to finish what I started. I too was left ‘hot and bothered’ as you put it. But don’t worry, your ceremony will take care of that problem.” A mental picture of him sliding his aching cock inside her hot core sent a sudden flood of arousal straight toward his groin and he had to adjust himself inside the tight jeans more comfortably.

“How am I supposed to remember all this stuff? I feel very out of my element.”

The vulnerability in her eyes made him ache. This woman should have been raised as royalty, not treated like a pet for the Cunts. He fisted his hands at his sides, containing his anger. “You’ll learn, give yourself time.”

She nodded slowly and combed her fingers through her hair, smoothing the mahogany locks into a ponytail. Before she could slip the elastic band in place, he snatched it from her hand, pulling her into his arms and fused his mouth with hers. Threading his fingers through the silky waterfall of her hair, the scent of honeysuckle surrounded him and he inhaled, trying to imprint her smell into his memory.

Pulling back reluctantly, he leaned his forehead against hers. “This is your world, Alyssandra—yours and mine. We will rule together and the world will prosper.” He took a deep breath and then said with obvious strain in his voice, “And don’t bind your hair. There’s not a bigger crime against nature than hiding your beautiful crowning glory.” He kissed her forehead and took her hand as he resisted the urge to undress her again and spend the entire day discovering every secret her curvy body held. “Ready for the walk into the city?”

She nodded and bent to pick a small blue flower, bringing it to her nose to inhale the musky vanilla fragrance she knew it held. “Tell me about the city. What’s it like?”

They walked hand in hand, picking a path through the trees, the wind whistling through the leaves and branches high above them. The path before them dappled with sunlight. “It’s beautiful, built from
the white stone which is native to Tador. Throughout the city, there are waterfalls and fountains that feed into bathing pools and several large grassy areas dotted with trees and flowers.” He pulled a branch back, allowing her to pass before letting it spring back into place.

“It sounds lovely. And a bathing pool sounds great about now.”

Trying not to think about all the wonderful things he wanted to do to her inside a bathing pool, he swallowed hard and willed his erection to relax. “Soon enough. But for now, I think we should discuss your parents.”

She stopped walking and turned to face him, all the blood draining from her face, leaving her pale and drawn. “My parents?” Pulling her hand from his grasp, she slumped down against a large boulder. “I’ve thought about it a few times since I found out about my parents—my real parents. But I think I was afraid to ask.”

“Why?” He knelt in front of her and placed a finger under her chin, raising it until she met his gaze. “They have been looking for you for twenty-three years. It was extremely hard for them to wait until I reached maturity and could psychically connect with you. Until that day when I turned sixteen, they didn’t know if you were dead or alive.”

She sighed, the sound sad and vulnerable. “How much worse for them. I spent my entire life not even knowing they existed.” Her eyes sparkled with tears and a lone drop slid down her cheek.

He caught the tear on the end of his finger before he placed the salty liquid on his tongue, her energy and her grief surging through him from the contact.

“What do I say to them? How do I know they won’t be disappointed with who I am?”

He pulled her against his chest and buried her head against his shoulder, as Alyssa let the sobs come. “Shhh, beloved. They will love you as I do.” She stiffened in his arms at his words. She would have to come to terms with his feelings for her, but not now. He knew she hadn’t thought him real all those years, but he had always known one day they would be together.

He’d lost his heart to her over the course of the first several months of their dream contacts. Meeting the real woman all these years later only assured him of his love. “They are your parents and would gladly have traded places with me all these years. I got to connect with you each night and they were forced to wait until I came into my powers and was able to search for you in the human realm.”

Gently rocking her, he let her sob. He knew years of frustration and loneliness had finally caught up to her as well as the betrayal of those she thought were her family. Through her dreams, he’d learned enough to know that the Cunts had eroded her self-confidence and sense of worth from infancy. She’d spent her life hiding behind baggy clothes and developed an uncanny ability to blend into the background. He’d done his best inside her dreams to show her how special a woman she was, but each dream connection took so much energy, he often didn’t have time to do anything but give her sustenance and retreat before having to recharge himself.

She pulled away far enough to raise her tear-stained face to his. “Do they look like me?” She looked so hopeful and fragile, he was glad to reassure her.

Wiping away her tears with his thumb, he nodded. “Your mother looks just like you, except her hair is longer. King Darius looks much like me—all the Klatch do. Dark hair and lavender eyes are the easiest ways to identify the Klatch.”

“Darius…” She looked up at him, her teary eyes sad. “I can’t believe I don’t even know their names. What’s my mother’s name?”

He swallowed hard. How would she react when she learned of her mother’s illness? “Annalecia,” he said softly and kissed her forehead. He knew he’d have to face it and tell her eventually, but not while she was still so fragile. She took a deep breath and smiled, hoping to lighten her mood. “If you continue to cry, all your energy will be drained before we even get into the city. And if that happens, we’ll be extremely late getting back.”

She laughed, as he’d hoped. The sound twisted around his heart, warming him.

“I suppose I should pull myself together so I can meet them.” Wiping her eyes on the tail of her oversized shirt, she straightened and stood. Will I have a chance to get a shower before I meet them? I don’t want them to see me like this.” She gestured down at her rumpled clothes and looked so beautiful, he was tempted to get her out of them again.

“Earth to Stone,” she said, and waved a hand in front of his face.

He laughed as he realized he’d been staring. “Yes, you’ll have a chance to get cleaned up before your parents see you. I just wish I could help.” He pictured her naked and glistening with water in the bubbling baths, surrounded by dozens of other voluptuous Klatch women.

Turning to him with desire smoldering in her lavender eyes, she asked, “Why can’t you?”

“Because there is too much of a risk that some of my essence would reach you within the waters. Women who have not yet gone through the coming-of-age bathe together in all-female baths. It’s not a matter of modesty for them to bathe apart from the men, but necessity.”

Her beautiful brow creased and she chewed her full bottom lip. He already knew from their short time together that this meant she was pondering something. “So, all Klatch women have that issue, not just me?

Smoothing the crease from her brow with his fingers, he took her hand and they began to walk again. “Every Klatch has a coming-of-age, both men and women. But you are a princess and have more tolerance. What you experienced from just a small taste of essence is nothing compared to what effects a nonroyal would have.”

“What about the men, do they have a bad reaction to ‘female essence’?”

“Actually, they do. Female juices are just as dangerous for males before that time, but fortunately, males have their coming-of-age at sixteen, not twenty-four.”

She whistled and he stared fascinated with the way her lips worked together to make the sound. “Another sexist society.” She smiled, removing the sting from her comment, and stopped walking, turning to face him. “You said once the ceremony is performed we’ll be able to…finish what we started. We’ll be able to do anything without worrying about me blacking out. Right?”

Stone smiled at her enthusiasm and took both her hands in his, placing a gentle kiss on the back of each. “You are exactly right, Princess. And I can’t wait.” He just hoped she’d still be so enthusiastic once he explained the ritual to her.

Chapter 3

lyssa’s first view of the city literally stole the breath from her lungs. It was more beautiful than she’d ever imagined. And she
this place. Her entire life, she’d thrived inside her own imagination and this had been her dream world. Only now, it was real.

Her gaze traced the gleaming white towers and parapets, which elegantly sliced into the cerulean blue sky. Deep purple flags, emblazoned with a curved sword crisscrossed with a red rose, flew from each turret, flapping in the gentle breeze. Almost eclipsed by the castle’s beauty, smaller white stone buildings spread in a pleasing arrangement between large waterfalls and lush green parks. The gurgling of gently falling water sounded all around her and she breathed deep, enjoying the clean crisp air.

Stone stepped behind her, and pulled her back against him. “Wait until you see it at night, Princess. The view from your room is spectacular.” His breath feathered against her neck, making her shiver.

Smiling, she closed her eyes and pictured the room from her dreams. It had a large four-poster bed with purple sheets and spreads, with several fluffy pillows. There was a white stone dressing table with pink crystal seams running through it, a large sitting area with floor to ceiling bookshelves, overflowing with books, a bathroom bigger than her apartment, and a veranda, which overlooked the main bathing pools. She would wait and see if reality again matched her dreams. She turned in his arms and twined her arms around his neck before brushing a kiss over his lips. “I’m ready to see more.”

They walked hand in hand and within minutes, began to see people. People who looked very much like she and Stone. All of them with dark wavy hair and lavender eyes—the women voluptuous and the men muscular. Even though each was individual, she’d never felt more like she stuck out. Everyone dressed scantily in comfortable-looking light cotton clothes and all were barefoot, while she was wrapped in oversized denim and a baggy T-shirt. Alyssa cringed at the thought of showing as much of herself as these people did in public.

When they reached the main grassy pathway, she heard a gasp and turned to see a young woman staring at her wide eyed. “Princess Alyssandra!” The woman bowed her head and dipped into a curtsy before raising her gaze.

“Stone,” she whispered, feeling very much like an imposter about to be unmasked. “How do they know who I am?”

He raised her hand to his lips, and brushed a kiss on the back before answering. “You look very much like your mother. And of course, you’re with me. The entire kingdom knows I’ve been looking for you. They’ve all eagerly awaited the return of the First Princess of Klatch.”

Before Alyssa could reply, several other people caught sight of her. A loud chatter rose around her, her name murmured through the crowd like a living thing. Dozens of men and women bowed and then studied her with friendly and open curiosity.

Stone placed a protective hand on her shoulder and borrowed energy flowed through her body as his deep voice rang out over the noise of the crowd. “The princess must rest and recover before meeting the king and queen. There will be time enough for everyone to meet her later.” As if by magic, the crowd bowed again toward Stone and then parted, allowing them to pass.

“Wow,” she murmured. “I didn’t really buy the whole princess thing until just now.”

His rich laugh flowed over her body like an erotic caress. “I have a feeling all your doubts will be erased very soon.” He chuckled as he led her toward the largest of the white buildings that sat at the foot of the castle.

She swallowed her disappointment—after all, didn’t the princess live at the castle? Her childhood fantasies always revolved around her own room just across the hall from parents who loved her and would comfort her when she had nightmares. So far, this world was everything she’d always hoped, so why did that one difference make her sad? She was a grown woman now, who didn’t need such things as comfort from bad dreams. She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin. “Is this where my room is?” she asked tentatively.

“This is where your
is.” He squeezed her hand as they stepped through the doors into a large open area with corridors leading off to each side and a large fountain in the middle. “Don’t worry, after we take our baths, I’ll meet you at the dressing room and take you up to the castle.”

Maybe her dream room at the castle
a reality. For some reason, that made her feel better, like the parents part of her dreams would come true too. She smiled at the thought. “You’d better not forget to come back. I don’t know anyone here but you.” She looked around at the smooth white walls. They resembled the creamy marble she’d only seen at museums, but these had lines of soft pink crystals running through them—like the dressing table she’d imagined inside her room. She stepped close to the wall to run her hand over them. When her fingers brushed against the pink vein, warmth pulsed against her skin, where the white parts of the wall were cool as she expected.

“I could never forget about you, Princess. I’ve waited far too long to have you by my side. Just wait, by the end of the day, your pretty head will be swimming with the names of people you’ve met. All of them, happy to see you safe and finally home.” He brushed his lips across hers and energy flowed through their connection, zinging down to each of her nipples then making a beeline for her pussy. Moaning, she melted against him, pulling him closer and tracing his lips with her tongue until he opened for her so she could delve inside. Heat sizzled between them and flashed as she ground her body against his erection.

Stone pulled her away, firmly holding her at arm’s length, his breath coming in labored pants. “I think we both need a bath before I endanger you by fucking you here on the floor and pumping my seed deep inside you.”

Smiling, she enjoyed the pure feminine power of being able to push him beyond the limits of his control. But after her earlier blackout from just a taste of his pre come, she would trust his judgment that tempting him too far would be dangerous. Exciting and erotic as hell, but still dangerous. “How soon is this ceremony?” She couldn’t wait to have all restrictions gone between them.

He smiled and leaned his forehead against hers as if still fighting his urges. “It is on the eve of your birthday.”

A rush of relief flowed through her. Surely she could survive one week. She hoped.


Alyssa stepped through the archway on the left and followed the corridor toward the sound of a waterfall. The sharp click of her cowboy boots against the stone floor echoed around her. Erotic paintings of couples and even groups in varying stages of copulation graced the walls on both sides. All were naked and uninhibited. Totally unlike the world she knew.
I wonder how different I would be if I’d grown up here, around these people.
There was even a painting of several naked women in a pool, pleasuring each other.

It had always been a deep dark fantasy of hers to have sex with another woman, but not one she’d ever admit aloud. She’d never been tempted by Debbie or any of the other Cunts she knew. Her fantasy had always revolved around curvy voluptuous women with dark hair and full lips, not the too thin and trim body of her roommate. She stepped closer to study the painting. Women with full breasts, rounded hips, curvy stomachs and lush thighs open and waiting taunted her from the wall causing her clit to swell and ache.

“Welcome, Princess,” a sultry feminine voice said from behind her.

Alyssa jumped, her cheeks burning at being caught studying the erotic painting. She whirled to see a young woman about her own age with hair so long, it brushed the ground. Her dark hair cascaded around her with small braids sprinkled throughout, each adorned with multi-colored beads. She wore nothing but a white gauzy half top and string bikini underwear. Her coral nipples poked against the thin cloth and the creamy bottom curve of her breasts were visible just underneath the short top. Alyssa couldn’t help but stare. The woman stood the same height as Alyssa and had the same full hips, rounded stomach and thighs that she looked at in the mirror every day. Yet, this exotic woman looked sexy, enticing and comfortable with her body. Something Alyssa had wished for all her life.

There was more. The woman’s aura was electrifying and drew Alyssa in like a moth. A breath caught in her throat. She wanted this woman to touch her. Wanted to feel her petite hands on her body. Wanted to try out every fantasy.

Must be the effect of that damned painting!

“I’m Sasha, your lady’s maid. I’ve waited a long time to be able to fulfill my duties.” She bowed and then stepped forward to link her arm with Alyssa’s as if they were lifelong friends. “Come this way and I’ll show you the pool. I’m sure you’re exhausted and in need of some energy before meeting your parents.”

Alyssa walked with her willingly, instantly comfortable with this beautiful woman, even despite the sudden attraction. “I’m actually a little hungry,” she admitted, noticing her growling stomach for the first time all day.

Sasha frowned. “The prince knows to take better care of you than that. You are precious to all the Klatch.” She led Alyssa into an open room with only a chair and dressing table. Its gleaming white stone surface was covered with brushes, beads, combs, perfumes and assorted makeup.

“Stone took very good care of me,” she said, suddenly defensive. She wanted to defend the man who’d saved her from her previous life.

Sasha laughed. “Believe me, I know the prince would not be able to keep his hands off you after all this time. But if you are hungry, he let you orgasm, which means you lost energy. Until the ceremony, he’ll have to exercise more restraint.”

Alyssa’s mouth dropped open and her cheeks burned. Did everyone know she and Stone had been fooling around?

“Don’t mistake my meaning, Princess. I know from personal experience what a good man Prince Stone is, and how honorable his intentions. But until the ascension, he needs to have a care with you.”

Sasha’s words caused a trickle of ice down her spine as jealousy spurted through her. The exotic woman obviously knew Stone quite well. Alyssa couldn’t help but wonder
well. She tried to keep her voice nonchalant as she studied the maid, ready for her reaction. “What type of personal experience…if you don’t mind me asking?” She held her breath while she waited for an answer.

Laughter filled the room and Sasha’s eyes danced with amusement. “Oh, Princess. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply anything like that.” Sasha’s features suddenly seemed strained as if she were thinking of unhappy memories. “When I was but twelve years old, my mother and I had gone to an outlying village while the queen was there visiting. I wandered away chasing a kitten, as young children do.”

A sudden flash of pain filled her eyes before she masked it. “Several Cunt warriors came through a portal in front of me and well…They would’ve raped me if Prince Stone hadn’t stopped them. As it was, I was merely bruised and frightened. He was severely injured from the encounter, and could have died. The fact that he was willing to risk his life for mine, a mere daughter of a lady’s maid, has always stayed with me. He will always have my complete trust and loyalty.”

Alyssa could picture a younger version of Sasha, frightened and alone until Stone put himself at risk to save her. It explained why Stone was so bitter toward the Cunts and also why he was so protective of her. This new insight about Stone gave Alyssa a greater understanding of the man she’d only known through dreams for the past decade. She promised herself it wouldn’t be the last she found out about her mysterious betrothed. “Thank you for telling me, Sasha. I’m sure it’s something Stone would never tell me, but I’m glad you did. I still don’t know very much about him.”

Sasha’s gaze softened and a small smile tugged at her lips. “Don’t worry, Princess. Now that you are back where you belong, the two of you have a lifetime to get to know one another. I know it’s difficult to put your trust in new people after what you’ve been through, but Prince Stone won’t let you down.”

Alyssa returned her mind to their previous conversation and curiosity pushed her to ask, “You said that Stone let me orgasm and it made me lose energy. You don’t mean that all Klatch women have to forego orgasm before their coming-of-age ceremony?”

Sasha turned to face Alyssa with a sexy half smile that made her pulse jump. “Not at all. It just means they must eat more to maintain their sustenance. Think of sexual energy as another food group, but the most important one for our people. While we need water and food, sex can cover for both of them for a time.” Her kohl-lined lavender eyes sparked with amusement. “I have a feeling many of our human sisters wish it were the same way for them.”

Alyssa thought about all the women she knew who either complained about not getting enough sex or went without it altogether. “I think you have a very good point.” She smiled at Sasha, who grinned in return. “I feel completely out of my element here, so you’ll have to tell me what I’m supposed to do.”

“As your lady’s maid, I’m here to be your companion, your confidant and your friend. Not to mention, I’ve always been curious about the human world. How about you answer my questions and I’ll answer yours?” She smiled, her pink tongue darting out to moisten her bottom lip.

Alyssa found herself fascinated with the small action and longed to feel the woman’s pink tongue exploring inside her mouth.

“Let’s get you out of these clothes and into a bath.” She pulled Alyssa’s shirt up and after a moment of shock, Alyssa raised her arms, so the shirt could continue its path over her head.

She opened her eyes in time to see Sasha fold it carefully and lay it on the chair. She raised each leg dutifully as Sasha pulled off her boots and placed them on the floor next to the chair.

“I understand humans are modest. But here on Tador, where sex is a needed staple, modesty only gets in the way of your well-being. I will try to keep your discomfort in mind and explain what’s happening, since I know this is all new to you.” Sasha stood and faced her. “How did you keep up your sexual energy among the humans—besides your dreams with the prince?”

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