Ceremony of Seduction (6 page)

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Authors: Cassie Ryan

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: Ceremony of Seduction
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Sensations, erotic and compelling, washed through her. Sasha’s hands were soft and gentle and her touch felt much different than Stone’s. His touches were rougher and more demanding, even when he was being gentle. Where Sasha’s touch was nurturing and sensual, probably how she herself liked to be touched.

Alyssa sat up and faced the woman, taking the soap from her and dipping it into the swirling water, lathering it between her hands. She reached out slowly to run her soapy hand over Sasha’s coral tipped breasts. When the nipples pebbled to hard peaks beneath her hand, her pussy tightened and throbbed.

Sasha arched into her touch, so Alyssa became braver and cupped and kneaded the full breast in her hands, enjoying the feel of the silky smooth skin and the moans and gasps coming from Sasha. Her lips were parted, her gaze boring into Alyssa. Before she could think about it, she allowed her body free reign and she leaned forward to brush her lips across Sasha’s. A sound of approval spilled from the back of Sasha’s throat as she ran a wet line across Alyssa’s bottom lip with her tongue, causing a new wave of energy as Alyssa’s nipples ripened further.

Throwing aside her caution, she dipped her tongue inside the maid’s mouth and reveled in the soft, lush taste of her. The
on her tongue tingled as tongue met tongue and the sweet nutty flavor sharpened inside her mouth. Pulling Sasha closer, so the hardened peaks of their breasts rubbed deliciously against each other, she explored and plundered the woman’s mouth. Their tongues tangled, but whereas with Stone, it had been rough and exciting, with Sasha, it was silky smooth and erotic—a slow burn that would incinerate them both.

Tracing a path between them with her fingers, she found Sasha’s mound partly submerged in the water. When her finger caressed the seam of the swollen lips, the maid moaned into her mouth and widened her stance to allow better access. Alyssa swallowed the sound and dipped her fingers between the hot petals to find the swollen nub beneath.

She’d never touched another woman’s body and she found the sensations so soft and so vastly different than when she’d touched Stone. She wondered briefly what it would feel like to have both Stone and Sasha giving her sustenance at the same time. She bit back a moan as her fingers traced Sasha’s clit.

I want to make her come against my fingers while I watch.
She dipped her finger deep inside Sasha’s pussy to pull some of the creamy juices up to caress the swollen clit. When her finger feathered a slow path along the silky underside of Sasha’s clit, the maid arched against her hand and thrust her tongue against Alyssa’s with more urgency. She wound her arms around Alyssa’s neck, burying her fingers in her hair, their mouths still fused, their tongues dueling and mating, while Sasha’s hips ground against Alyssa’s hand.

“Please, Princess,” Sasha begged in an urgent whisper against her lips. “Make me come…”

Energy poured into Alyssa like she had become the vacuum focal point. She pulled Sasha’s body full against hers before rolling Sasha’s clit between her thumb and forefinger and allowing the built up power to flow through their connection straight into Sasha’s most sensitive erogenous zone. The maid shuddered against her and immediately screamed out her release. Enjoying the way Sasha’s nipples pulsed with her orgasm, Alyssa ground her mound against the maid’s until all her spasms stopped.

When she finally pulled back and spoke, Sasha’s voice was deep and breathy. “You are starting to gain your powers, my lady.”

Trapped power still zoomed through Alyssa like gunshots infinitely ricocheting through her system. “I’ve got to get rid of some of this power.” Her words sounded distant as she whispered through the tightest arousal she’d ever experienced.

“It is my turn to help you. Lie back, Princess, and allow me to attend you.”

Her maid stepped between her raised knees and ground her mound against Alyssa’s. She slathered more fruit flesh on Alyssa’s nipples and leaned over to take one of the
-covered tips deep into her mouth. Alyssa’s moan echoed around them as sensations assaulted her. Sasha’s skin was soft as silk against her own and the smooth rub of smooth pelvis against hers was unlike anything she’d ever felt. She reached down to trace her fingers down the maid’s arms and then around to cup her breasts. They were warm and full, the nipples ripening again under her touch.

When Sasha had laved all of the
from one breast, she turned her attention to the other, being just as thorough as with the first. Then finally, she traced a wet line down Alyssa’s stomach to her mound and then down to her aching clit. Alyssa widened her legs, offering herself. “Please, Sasha. I have to come now.”

Sasha parted the swollen folds with her fingers and Alyssa shuddered as warm breath feathered against her slit. When a silky tongue traced her nub before soft lips closed around it, sucking it inside a delicious heat, she moaned and bucked against Sasha’s face.

Sasha sucked hard, while still feathering her tongue against the tip. Alyssa found her own nipples with her fingers, and pinched and pulled as heat coiled tighter and tighter inside her. When Sasha gently scraped her teeth against the swollen bud, Alyssa’s world shattered. Her pussy clenched and convulsed while ripples of energy flowed around her like a maelstrom. Bright colors danced in front of her eyes and small static shocks of electricity danced along her skin.

After what seemed like an eternity, Alyssa’s body and mind settled back together. She took stock and was surprised to find herself refreshed and alert. Sitting up, she faced Sasha. “That’s the best I’ve ever felt after an orgasm.”

Sasha smiled, her hands still resting on Alyssa’s thighs. “You tapped energy from Tador as a true queen would. It is the renewable energy source that all share. That was but a small preview of your power. It will be infinitely stronger once your ceremony is complete.” Sasha smiled. “We need to get you cleaned up and dressed before you are presented to your parents.”

“Presented? I feel like a package.”

“You’re the First Princess of Klatch and heir to the throne.” She handed Alyssa a bumpy yellow fruit that smelled like almonds. “Of course you’ll need to be presented.” She nodded toward the fruit. “Bite into it, it’s good. Even though you have plenty of energy, not even Klatch can live on sex alone.” She winked.

Alyssa bit into the soft yellow fruit and closed her eyes in ecstasy as the sweet juices slid across her tongue and down her chin. “Wow, I was never big on fruit, but what is this?”

“It’s called
.” Sasha reached for the basket of fruit, taking her own snack.

Tentatively, Alyssa rubbed Sasha’s braid between her thumb and first two fingers, the multicolored beads glinting in the candlelight. The hair felt like velvet silk under her touch.
Who would I be and what would I look like if I weren’t stolen?
“Do you think you could do something like this in my hair?” she asked, her voice sounding sad and distant in her own ears.

A smile bloomed across Sasha’s face. “I’ll make you look every inch the stunning Klatch Princess.”

For the first time, Alyssa actually felt like a princess. She might as well go all the way. “I’m all yours, Sasha. Turn me into the Klatch I should’ve been.”

Chapter 4

ebbie slouched in her chair in front of the Cunt council and tried to think of a way out of her current situation—before the council decided her fate. She’d had to befriend that Klatch bitch from an early age and make her feel included and needed so the council could keep an eye on her. Now that the ungrateful cow had run off with that bastard prince, the council wanted answers. Answers Debbie knew they wouldn’t like.

She glanced at the row of five women and four men who stared at her with contempt. All of them were the epitome of the Cunt people—silvery blond hair, clear blue eyes and athletic thin bodies that all the humans envied. She still didn’t understand what twist of fate had made a princess out of that fat olive-skinned, mousy bitch she’d lived with for the past few years. Just more evidence that life wasn’t fair.

“How did he find her?” Sela, the Queen of the Cunts and council head demanded.

Debbie winced at the cutting tone, but took a deep breath and let it out slowly before she answered. “I have no idea. When I dropped her off at work this morning, everything was in place. I’d even mentioned to her that I wanted to introduce her to Shawn.” She gestured to the dark haired Klatch bastard in the corner.

“She was subdued as usual. Then, when I went to pick her up, her boss told me she’d left early.”
Okay, so I lost track of time while I was fucking my human boss in an elevator, but the council doesn’t have to know that!

“When I got home, the Klatch Prince was already there with her. We fought for several minutes, and I’m sure I injured him, but then he slashed through my draining spell and zapped me, knocking me out.” She still had the energy hangover to prove it. It would be a cold day in hell before she’d admit that mealy mouthed little Alyssa had been the one who’d given it to her. Besides, if the council knew she was already coming into her powers, things might be even harder for Debbie to wriggle free of.

The energy level in the room skyrocketed, causing the hairs on Debbie’s arms to prickle. In the next instant, an invisible blow landed hard against her jaw and she suddenly flew across the room to slam into the far wall and land in a heap. Small silver bursts swam in front of her eyes and she shook her head tying to clear her vision.

At least human hits you can see coming. Damn.
She swiped the back of her hand across her mouth wiping away the blood and looked up to see Queen Sela looming over her. Even in her fury, Sela was beautiful, and Debbie’s pussy clenched at the thought of the queen using her as one of her sex slaves. Everyone knew the queen’s tastes ran to the exotic and kinky—even for the Cunts, and Debbie had always skirted that line herself.

The queen’s silver-blond hair flowed around her shoulders in a shimmery waterfall and her blue eyes glinted with icy danger. “Your
job was to watch her, to keep her out of trouble. I spent twenty-three years raising the little bitch with my own family, and now everything may be ruined because you were off fucking some human.” She spat the last word as if it was something distasteful and then kicked Debbie in the side, knocking all her air out in a painful rush.

Debbie bit back a moan as one of her ribs cracked, the sound echoing through the room like a gunshot. Showing Sela that pain affected you was a surefire way to invite more.
How the hell does Sela know I was fucking the human?

“We allowed you to drain her energy to keep her docile and to free you from having to constantly feed on the humans so you’d always be around to watch her.” The queen reached down grabbing a handful of Debbie’s hair and pulled her face close. “You find her and somehow make this right or I’ll enjoy finding the longest and most agonizing way for you to die that I’ve devised to date.”

The queen’s spittle splashed in angry droplets against Debbie’s face and she shuddered. The Queen of the Cunts was infamous for her cruelty when she was crossed. Debbie swallowed the lump of fear lodged in her throat before answering. “Yes, my lady. I’ll find her. I swear it on my life.”

“Your life isn’t worth enough to even swear on.” The queen yanked hard, ripping some of Debbie’s hair out by the roots and tearing a scream from her parched throat. “And if you don’t find her, there will be nowhere on either planet that you can hide from me.”

“What of our bargain?” Shawn asked from the side of the chamber. “I’ve held up my end all these years. I’ve waited patiently and bided my time. It’s through Cunt incompetence that this happened. It shouldn’t negatively affect me.”

Debbie stayed as still as possible, not daring to move, hoping the queen would turn her wrath elsewhere.

Shawn had been cultivated for his role since birth. When Alyssa was kidnapped, her nanny, Natasha, had been taken too. No one knew Natasha was pregnant until she was already through the
. Everyone was surprised the baby even survived the trip. From there it was easy enough to take the child and raise him to believe he was to be the father of an entire race—especially since he’d been taught an amended version of history.

Sela wanted to breed a race of subservient sex slaves, starting with the princess and Shawn, and ending with Alyssa luring the royal family of Klatch over to the human world for the slaughter they deserved so the Cunts could return to Tador, where they rightfully belonged. And it all hinged on one fat, dark haired worthless princess.

Sela rounded on Shawn as if offended he would address her directly. “Debbie will find her and you will still mate with the little bitch.” Sela kicked Debbie again without even looking down at her. She curled into a tight ball on the floor and tried to disappear.

“We still have another week,” Sela continued. “Stone won’t risk mating with her until the ceremony because he knows it could kill her.”

Shawn nodded but looked unconvinced. “If you don’t find her, what then?”

The queen scowled at his impertinence. Hatred burned in her eyes and she raised her hand to strike him, but stopped only inches from his face. A quick flicker of fear ran through Sela’s eyes before she masked it and then slowly lowered her hand. “I won’t waste my time striking you. I’ve never broken my word to you. Your destiny is an important one to our people. And I won’t deprive you of your chance to make up for the dishonor among your people.” She straightened her skintight leopard print dress and glanced back at him. “If Debbie fails in her journey, you can have

Shawn took a hostile step toward Sela and she took two hasty steps back. But then, as if realizing what she’d done, she raised her chin in a defiant gesture. Shawn’s deep voice reverberated through the room. “You promised me a virgin to make my own. To share energy with. Not a common whore. How can I fulfill the prophesy of being the father of a mighty race with this—” he gestured to Debbie, contempt plain in his voice, “—in my bed? So many men have had her, I’d probably fall inside her overused pussy and never again be found.”

The queen nodded once and then glared down at Debbie. “She will not fail, or I’ll let you kill her, however you choose.” Returning her attention to Shawn, she said, “Remember, if you take the princess on the day of her birth, she won’t die, but you will conceive a full Klatch child. I’ll have twenty of our best Cunt men ready to complete the ritual when Debbie finds her. Just be ready to do your part.”


Stone bowed low before the king and queen. “Your Majesties,” he said before rising to face them. They sat in the throne room in high backed, purple velvet chairs. Both were dressed in the gauzy revealing clothing of the Klatch, but instead of pastels or white, they wore the colors of royalty—hues of deep purple and blue. The king in breeches and a tunic and the queen in a simple top and skirt.

Queen Annalecia coughed before asking, “Where is she?”

Stone met the queen’s gaze and his forehead creased in concern. She was more drawn and frail than when he’d last seen her. Her skin pale, her long mahogany hair dull and lifeless, dark circles marring the skin under her eyes, and her cheeks sunken from the weight she’d lost. Lines of illness creased her face, but he could see remnants of the beautiful woman he’d known all his life. Her frequent coughs now rumbled inside her chest and made her gasp for each breath.

Pushing his concerns for her from his mind, he tore his gaze from the queen’s face and forced his lips to curve. “I went to fetch her, but Alyssandra and her maid told me to wait here, that she wanted to be presented at her very best. Sasha advised she would bring her to the castle when she was ready.”

King Darius held his wife’s hand tenderly. When she coughed again, concern and love etched deep into his expression as he brought her hand to his lips before turning his attention back to Stone. “Tell us how you found her. Where has she been all this time? Has she been mistreated?”

“For heaven’s sake, Darius, at least invite the boy to sit before you grill him.” The queen gestured to a servant who immediately brought a comfortable chair and wine for all.

After settling himself and accepting the wine, Stone cleared his throat, not wanting to inflict pain on his godparents. “She has been sickly her entire life with the Cunts. When I found her, the woman she lived with had a drain spell in place.”

Anger flowed across Darius’s features, his jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed before he gestured for Stone to continue.

“As far as I can tell, she hasn’t been mated, but I have not asked her. It is not my place. But she is very self-conscious about her body and thinks herself to be unattractive and undesirable…despite my best efforts.” With the last, his lips curved as memories of all his best efforts flowed through his mind.

The queen’s laughter rang out across the large throne room echoing around them. For a moment, it was like having Annalecia back healthy and whole. She squeezed the king’s hand. “I’m sure you’ve done your very best, Stone. I know you’ve waited a long time for her. I’m proud of you for having such iron restraint.”

She turned toward her husband. “Calm down, my love. She is home now and nothing has been done that is not reversible. She will need all our love and understanding, not our anger. Save that for when we find the Cunts who stole her.”

Darius sighed and shook his head, frustration evident in the stiff gesture. “You’re right, but I’ve spent over twenty years helpless, not knowing what was happening to her, and being unable to protect her. When I find the traitors who took her from us, I will show no mercy.” He turned his attention once again to Stone. “How long will it take her to ready herself? I want to see my daughter.”

“As do I, Your Majesty, but Sasha gave me no chance to ask, and closed the door in my face.” Stone’s lips curved. Sasha’s job was to do the princess’s bidding, not his, and apparently, the princess had her own timetable.

“She is still getting used to our very different culture. Remember, she was treated as an outcast among the humans as well as the Cunts.” He took a sip of the wine, savoring the fruity flavor, thoughts of licking it off Alyssandra’s writhing body making him instantly hard. “I think if we let her take things at a pace she’s comfortable with, she’ll recover from this faster.”

The majordomo cleared his throat, interrupting their conversation. All of them turned their attention toward the large ornately carved double doors in the back of the room. “Your Majesties and Prince Stone, may I present the First Princess of Klach, Alyssandra de Klatch.” Wrapping his fingers around the round door ring, he pulled and the heavy doors slowly slid open.

Interminable seconds later, they revealed the most breathtaking woman Stone had ever seen, let alone imagined. It took him a moment to reconcile her with the girl he’d visited in dreams for the last ten years. She smiled at him and he realized his mouth hung open. Snapping it closed, he looked his fill.

She wore the gauzy half top of the Klatch women, dyed a medium lavender color that reminded him of the
fruit. The bottom curves of her ripe breasts were just visible underneath the hem of the top. On the bottom, she wore a pair of half shorts in the same material. They hung low on her hips, showing her full figure and gently rounded stomach to perfection. Her hair tumbled around her shoulders the way he loved it best, but small braids with purple beads were scattered throughout. Her eyes were kohl lined, her lips full and ripe, glistening with color.

From behind him, he heard the king and queen stand and step forward. But they must have been just as stunned as he, for neither spoke. Finally, Alyssandra lifted her chin in a stubborn gesture he’d come to know well before she walked toward them, her back straight, her gaze guarded. He shook his head in an attempt to regain his senses, but most of his blood now resided firmly in his groin. “Alyssandra,” he said, his voice a strained rumble. “You take my breath away.”

When her face blossomed into a beaming smile, he knew the stubborn display of a moment before was because she thought he hadn’t approved. She’d taken his silence for something other than total amazement.

The king and queen brushed past him in their haste to get to their daughter. Darius’s voice was thick with emotion as he stopped an arm’s length from the princess, his hand still firmly holding his wife’s. “Alyssandra, you are even more lovely than I’d imagined.” A shocked expression played over the princess’s face before she was buried in a crushing hug by her father and then her mother.

When she pulled back to look at them, tears glistened, unshed in her lavender eyes. He’d brought her home to all of them at last. Now if they could successfully complete the coming-of-age ritual and allow Alyssandra to ascend the throne, the Klatch might still yet be saved.


Alyssa couldn’t believe what was happening. It all felt like a surreal dream and she was terrified that at any moment, her alarm would sound and she’d be back inside her dingy apartment hearing Debbie across the hall fucking someone.

The tight grasp of her father—her real father—enveloped her and she wallowed in the sensation as if she might never get this chance again. “Father,” she whispered, hoping to cement this reality before it disappeared. She refused to call him “Dad,” because that’s what she’d called her imposter father all her life.

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