Read Ceremony of Seduction Online

Authors: Cassie Ryan

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

Ceremony of Seduction (11 page)

BOOK: Ceremony of Seduction
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He silenced her with a kiss that scattered all her thoughts and stiffened her nipples against the soft cotton of her shirt. When he slowly broke the kiss, he pulled back just far enough to look down at her. “I need no other woman but you, Alyssandra, and I accept your terms. Don’t mistake my own terms. If you desired another cock to fill your ass, it would never be without me there and participating. You are mine and mine alone. No other woman has held my full attention as you have from the very first. And if we do decide to invite others, then we will discuss terms as we go.”

Stone’s words warmed her and she grabbed a handful of his tunic, pulling him down so she could capture his lips. He tasted spicy and masculine with a hint of the wine he’d had with breakfast. A sudden vision of licking wine off Stone’s golden body made her moan against his lips.

In the next instant she found herself on her back against the cool grass, her hands bound over her head and her skirt pulled off and flung away leaving her bottom half bare. Excitement coursed through her at the thought of breaking Stone’s control so he would finally fuck her senseless, but then she sobered. He would never endanger her, so he had to have something else in mind.

He pushed her thighs open wide and knelt between them, looking down at her as if she were an amazing piece of art to be studied and revered. “I want to tell you exactly what I plan to do to you, Princess, as soon as the ceremony is complete.”

He traced a gentle finger along her slit, her female juices making his finger slide effortlessly. Each time his finger reached the middle, he would dip inside her as if gathering her juices and then trace her again front to back, front to back. Her hips slowly arched in rhythm with his gentle touch, her breasts thrust up against her cotton top, her sensitive nipples making the soft cloth feel like sandpaper against her tender skin.

Stone pushed her top up to free her breasts to the gentle breeze and she gasped at the sudden sensation. “As soon as the ceremony is done, and I have bathed you completely and thoroughly, I plan to bind you just like this and lick every inch of your body, Alyssandra.”

She shuddered at his dark promise and her pussy lips throbbed with need.

“Does that excite you, Princess?”

“Yes…” She tried to say more, but too much energy zinged through her body and she couldn’t form coherent thoughts.

Stone leaned down to pull one aching nipple between his lips. As the velvet heat closed over her breast, he sucked hard, each pull of his mouth causing a surge of energy straight between her thighs. She bucked against Stone’s hand, but his touch remained gentle against her slit. He scraped his teeth lightly over her nipple as he pulled back and turned his attention to the other aching breast. This time when he sucked against her nipple, the energy flow hit her so hard, she arched up off the ground, her back bowing against the overwhelming sensation.

“Relax, Alyssandra,” he said against her breast. “If you fight the energy, it only makes it worse. Let it flow through you.”

She shook her head from side to side in denial. “Too much…can’t…” It barreled through her in a rushing maelstrom followed quickly by fear. This rush of energy would tear her apart, there was no way her body could contain such a thing. She pulled against her invisible bonds and a whimper escaped as her pulse raced and she struggled to drag air into her lungs.

Stone bit down on her breast and the pain allowed her to swim past her fears and focus on his voice. “Concentrate, love. Breathe deep and relax, just let the sensations flow through you, don’t stop them, just let them flow.”

She swallowed hard as Stone dipped his finger inside her slit once more, carrying her juices back toward her ass. He spread her wider and then slipped one blunt finger slowly inside her ass. The sudden spurt of energy threatened to drown her again, but she focused on Stone’s voice and tried to relax and let the energy flow as he’d said.

“That’s better, Princess. Enjoy the sensations, but when the energy builds, don’t fight it, just let it flow past you. I’ll teach you to harness it later, now you just need to learn to co-exist with it.”

As her body relaxed to accommodate his erotic invasion, he pushed another finger inside her, stretching her until the energy threatened to rip her apart. “Stone!”

“Relax, you can do this. Let it flow by you.”

Her entire body trembled with the effort just to let the surging river of energy flow through her. It seemed that it would overwhelm her at any moment and she would be lost. She wondered if this was how Lianna died. Sweat trickled down her stomach and the gentle breeze did nothing to cool her skin as bubbling lava flowed through her veins churning the already rushing energy.

When Stone slowly pushed a third finger inside her ass, stretching her impossibly, she screamed as a sudden kaleidoscope of sensations buffeted her like a leaf in a hurricane. A sudden flash of pain against her inner thigh returned her to herself and she realized her hips still bucked against Stone’s hand, wanting more. Apparently, her body didn’t agree with her mind on this one.

“Please, Stone. I can’t handle any more…” Tears streamed down the sides of her face and she whipped her hand back and forth begging him to end her torment.

Stone’s dark head slowly dipped until he laved his tongue over her aching clit. She cried out and was surprised Stone didn’t burn his tongue on her smoldering swollen flesh. His three fingers thrust into her ass faster and faster as he took her clit between his lips and sucked hard. The pull of his mouth seemed to concentrate the entire tsunami of energy through her clit and for a minute, she was afraid the fragile flesh would explode inside his mouth. Impossibly, the energy honed down to a laser’s edge, burning through her and pushing her toward some high cliff that terrified her.

She clenched her hands into fists within her bonds and thrust her hips upward, pushing her aching slit harder against Stone’s face. The entire world spiraled down until it centered around Stone’s mouth sucking the energy through her body, dragging her closer and closer toward the cliff. For long moments, she hung suspended on the precipice, unthinkable power buffeting through her, her body only tethered to reality by the erotic pull of Stone’s mouth against her core.

Finally, he scraped his teeth over her and she exploded, the energy blew outward in every direction like a bomb suddenly exploded and she was afraid she’d never be whole again.

Then the vibrations of Stone’s deep chuckle against her stomach made her realize she was still alive and her body intact. She floated in a golden haze and she stretched like a contented cat, realizing her bonds had disappeared. “What the hell was that? Is that what it will be like when I’m queen?” Her ears still buzzed with energy aftershocks so she wasn’t sure she’d spoken aloud until Stone answered her.

“Actually, my love. That’s only a pale comparison of what it will be like when you’re queen.”

Her eyes popped open and she pushed up on her elbows to look down at him. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding. I didn’t think I’d survive that!”

He shook his head, his hair tickling the inside of her thigh since he still lay slumped between her open thighs. “If being queen is taking the energy of the entire world, then what you experienced is on the same scale as taking the energy of only ten people.”

After staring at him in open-mouthed disbelief, she slumped back against the ground and flung her arm over her eyes. “Holy fucking shit. What the hell have I gotten myself into now?”


Alyssa put her hand over her stomach, hoping she didn’t embarrass herself and throw up on her future in-laws. Ever since Stone had asked her to come to this dinner to meet them, her stomach had roiled with nausea and her brain had manufactured several scenarios in which she would somehow embarrass herself and Stone would dump her unceremoniously back through the portal and onto a hot Phoenix sidewalk.

Stone placed a comforting hand on her lower back and leaned over to brush a tender kiss against her temple. “I’ve already told you, beloved, you are not meeting them to gain their approval, you already have mine and you are the blood heir to the throne. However, since they will soon be your family too, you can’t avoid meeting them forever.”

She tipped her head back to look up into his handsome smiling face and reached out a fingertip to trace his dimple. “I can’t help being nervous, Stone, I truly want them to like me. I’ll try not to throw up on anyone.”

He laughed, amusement dancing in his eyes. “Alyssandra, as the future queen, you’re fully entitled to vomit on anyone in the kingdom without them taking offense. Royalty has its privileges.”

She tried unsuccessfully to hide her smile. “Are you teasing me?”

“Only a little.” He tipped her chin up farther with his first two fingers and then lowered his head slowly to brush his lips over hers. When he pulled back, only a hairsbreadth separated them, his hot breath feathered over her lips as he spoke. “Let’s go in before all the
is gone and we can’t feed your new addiction.”

She poked him in the ribs with her elbow and he only laughed harder. “Let’s not start hitting below the belt, or you’ll regret the paybacks, mister.”

The large double doors opened before them and the majordomo announced them before they walked inside. The Fourth House of Klatch took up one of the twenty wings of the castle, and it looked very similar to the wing that held her parents’ and her own room. Although the ruling house’s rooms were immediately behind the throne room and these were off toward the west side of the castle.

Before she’d taken more than a few steps, Alyssa found herself engulfed in a bear hug by a woman who only stood as high as her breasts. Plump arms bracketed Alyssa’s waist and the woman kept up a constant dialogue of questions from the upward lilt at the end of each one, although Alyssa couldn’t understand a thing she said since it was said into her boobs.

A man almost as tall as her father beamed at her bewildered expression and stepped forward to place a gentle hand on the short woman’s shoulder. “Step away from there, Darla. The girl can’t hear a thing you’re saying that way.” When the woman stepped back, he took Alyssa’s hand and laid a chaste kiss on the back. “Welcome, Alyssandra. I haven’t seen you since you were in diapers. I’m Stone Sr., Stone’s father. You can call me whatever you like, I’ll answer to almost anything. Saves confusion around the household if you know what I mean.” He winked and she immediately liked him.

“It’s nice to meet you both.” The dynamics of this family were much different than with her own parents, and she felt a bit out of her element.

Two imposing Klatch men stepped forward. The taller of the two was Grayson, the man she’d met earlier in the garden. Stone’s appearance in the garden had chased the meeting from her mind and she’d forgotten to mention it.

The second man was a half a head shorter than Grayson and an angry red scar ran from his temple down to the side of his mouth. It didn’t distract from his male beauty, but made him look more dangerous and tough somehow. His body was compact and stocky, almost like a boxer, and he watched her intently as if cataloguing her every action.

“Alyssandra, I’d like you to meet my two best friends, Grayson, the Seventh Prince of Klatch.” Grayson stepped forward and raised her hands to his lips, winking and flashing a smile that could melt a woman’s ovaries at sixty paces before brushing his hot lips over the back of her hand, and if she wasn’t mistaken, just a hint of tongue.

She shook her head at his mischievous grin. “We met earlier in the gardens.”

Stone pinned his friend with a questioning look and Grayson held up his hand in front of him, clearly amused by Stone’s reaction. “I met her by the waterfall and we spoke. She’s quite intriguing and very outspoken. I apparently startled her, and for a moment, I was afraid she’d remove my manhood.”

Stone chuckled beside her. “I did warn you that she could take care of herself.”

“That you did.”

Stone turned his attention to the second man. “Beloved, this is Ryan, the Tenth Prince of Klatch.” The man with the scar stepped forward and kissed her hand as well, his inscrutable expression giving nothing away.

“It’s nice to meet you, Ryan, and good to see you again, Grayson.” She turned her head to look at Stone. “How do you keep track of who’s with what number house? What do you do if there are several siblings in the same house?”

Ryan smiled, the movement stretching the scar that marred his face. “There are actually six princes of the tenth house, but then you get into semantics such as so and so is the third prince of the tenth house, and introductions become tedious. We try not to get that far into it.”

“Wow, you mean there’re more of you guys?” She blushed as she realized what she said and everyone in the room laughed.

When Stone laughed too, she let out the breath she’d been holding. He leaned close and mock whispered. “Way too many to keep track of. It makes me appreciate that I’m an only child.”

Everyone sat and as the first course was served, Alyssa finally relaxed. Stone’s parents were warm and unassuming. Their constant banter was laced with love and obvious affection. She could see why Stone had such a gentle and quiet countenance. He probably couldn’t get that many words in growing up.

Grayson and Ryan were charming, gorgeous, and funny, and having all four Klatch males at the same table was something of a testosterone delight—better than any chocolate dessert she’d ever had back in Phoenix. By the end of the second course, they were openly flirting with her and constantly lacing the conversation with innuendo. Other than an occasional dark scowl from Stone, he seemed to laugh along with them, so she didn’t worry about his reaction.

Her entire life, she’d never been the woman men flirted with, she’d always been the unattractive friend who blended into the background. The attention made her feel sexy, daring and attractive—and so horny for Stone, she was amazed she didn’t jump him right here at the dinner table. Although the thought did spark a vivid fantasy or two she made a mental note to try out later.

BOOK: Ceremony of Seduction
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