Ceremony of Seduction (12 page)

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Authors: Cassie Ryan

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: Ceremony of Seduction
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“Princess, what are your plans for tomorrow?” Ryan poured her another glass of wine as he spoke.

“I’d actually like to go to one of the meetings of the Klatch Council. I should probably have a clue what they do before I’m expected to be queen and make any decisions. My father mentioned the meeting this morning at breakfast.”

Stone nodded his approval and took her hand in his. “I didn’t think you were ready to face that quite yet, but I trust your judgment. I’ll take you after breakfast in the morning.”

“Make sure you sit in the back, so you can slip out—it’s boring as hell.” This from Grayson who leaned back comfortably in his chair and studied her over his goblet of wine.

“Somehow I don’t think they’ll let me sit in the back. As much as I’ve tried to ease into things since I got here, everyone is always thrusting me in with both feet.” She slid her gaze toward Stone as she remembered his energy lessons earlier in the garden.

Ryan snorted. “I think she’s referring to you, Stone. You’re right, she’s a fiery handful and I think she’s absolutely perfect for you.”

At all the other nods and murmurs of agreement around the table, Alyssa’s brow furrowed. It may have been the wine, or the comfort she felt with this group, but she couldn’t stop herself from asking. “What else has Stone said about me?” She grinned, but pinned each person around the table with a steady stare.

Grayson leaned forward, evil amusement dancing in his lavender eyes. “I recall something about you being the most stunning woman he’s ever seen. And even though I still think you picked the wrong Prince, I can’t argue with facts. I think for an arranged marriage, Princess, you’ve already got a tight leash on Stone’s…family jewels.”

Stone glared at his friend and Alyssa couldn’t help but laugh. “Really? I’ll have to try out your theory later, Grayson, thanks. Does anyone know where the royal family keeps their…leashes?” The thought of tying Stone spread-eagled onto her bed flashed through her mind and her nipples pebbled into tight nubs against her soft half top.

Everyone laughed and Stone’s eyes darkened with passion at her words and he cleared his throat while stroking a single finger over her palm under the table. Goose bumps rose all over her body from the sudden sensation and she bit back a moan.

Stone returned his attention to his two friends. “If you two would like to be useful tomorrow, you can come with us to the Klatch Council meeting and help answer Alyssandra’s questions. Knowing her as I do, she’ll have plenty. Besides, there will be so many people vying for her attention, she’d probably appreciate some friendly faces to keep the crowds and the council at bay—even if it is the two of you.”

She hadn’t thought of that, but was grateful Stone had. She wanted to learn, but the crowds still made her uncomfortable. At least she’d have a few people there she could be herself with. She grinned around the table. “Cool, three hot Klatch men all to myself. It’s good to be the future queen.”

Chapter 8

he Klatch Council chambers reminded Alyssa more of an intimate auditorium than a courtroom like the one she’d expected. There were seats for several thousand, but the circular layout allowed all the seats an up-close view of the dais. The walls and floor, just like every other building she’d seen on Tador, were made of the snowy white
stone, the pink seams winking whenever the light hit them just right.

The council, five women and two men, sat on a raised dais behind a table laden with huge books and goblets no doubt filled with the wine that was consumed almost nonstop on Tador. In fact, they’d refined the wine so the alcohol content was low and the nutritional value high. Too bad earth hadn’t figured out how to do that yet. When she was bartending, that kind of beverage would’ve made a big difference in several of her patrons’ lives.

She wasn’t sure what she’d pictured, but all seven of the council members appeared jaded and bored. Apparently, politicians were the same no matter the planet. Her gut intuition told her to be very wary of the council.

The Council Head would’ve been beautiful except for the cold hard eyes and the severe frown lines marring the skin around her mouth. She looked over everyone she met, refusing to debase herself by actually making eye contact and would then sneer behind their backs when they’d passed by. Alyssa instantly disliked her. The rest of the council were unremarkable and if she’d seen them in a crowd outside, wouldn’t have been able to pick them out except for their red clothes that signified their place among the council. They all seemed to nod mindlessly and agree to whatever the Council Head said.

After the inevitable introductions, she found herself seated with Stone on her right and Grayson and Ryan on her left. Grayson had already whispered several sarcastic and suggestive comments about the proceedings in her ear and she had to bite her lip to keep from laughing aloud. But then, the subject of how many grazing animals a certain section of land could “succor” did leave it wide open for smart assed comments and innuendo. She elbowed him and he smiled, but didn’t appear the least bit repentant.

The king and queen sat on one end of the dais in larger cushioned chairs. Now that the topic had turned to the health of the planet, her mother’s pale features were set into a frown and her lovely brows furrowed as she listened to the council deliberate. Alyssa leaned forward, intently listening.

The Council Head sighed dramatically, not bothering to even look at Annalecia when she spoke. “My Queen, there is no need for panic or for the council to waste time looking for alternate options. The blood princess has returned and will ascend the throne in less than a week.” Her voice continued, brisk and impatient. “A fresh pureblood queen will fully heal the planet and all will be as it was.”

Annalecia opened her mouth to protest and King Darius laid a gentle hand against her arm and stood to address the council in her stead. “The damage to the planet may well be more than even a new pureblood queen can heal. Even one as powerful as Alyssandra has already shown herself to be.”

All eyes swiveled toward her and she swallowed past a sudden urge to hide under her seat. The Council Head looked her up and down as if she were considering purchasing some horse-flesh and then returned her gaze in the general direction of the king, although still not meeting his gaze.

“We would be foolish not to explore other options. As we’ve seen from Annalecia’s experiences, the current state of the planet is quite taxing on the reigning queen. Why stress the new queen’s powers unduly, if there are things we can do to mitigate the strain? We also don’t want to endanger the pregnancy with the future heir.”

He turned to look back at the queen before sweeping his gaze through the crowd and then back toward the council. “When Annalecia ascended, the strain of her new duties almost caused us to lose Alyssandra. Do we want to take that chance again when so many of our royal princesses have died so recently in their attempts to ascend? I don’t think we can afford to.”

Fear tightened deep in Alyssa’s belly. She’d heard all this of course, the information was nothing new, but hearing her father describe it brought home the gravity of the situation. The news that she’d almost died before she’d even been born shook her as well, but she pushed that aside to deal with later. One thing at a time. But what of her future daughter? She’d avoided thinking about that, but if she went through with the ascension, she’d be carrying the next heir to the throne.
No pressure there!

She leaned forward to hear the council’s response. They had to agree to look for alternatives. Her father’s argument had been a good one.

“King Darius,” the woman began, her tone seemingly gentle with a definite undercurrent of condescension. “We all understand the strain you and the queen have endured having your daughter taken from you. Not to mention not having anyone to ease the burden of your duties all these long years. However, Alyssandra is now safe and sound and will continue the tradition as it has always been. Your concerns are duly noted, but I think colored by the strains and stresses you’ve endured.”

Anger welled up hot and explosive and Alyssa pushed to her feet gripping the seat in front of her until her knuckles turned white. All eyes turned toward her again and she raised her chin, as she fought to control the rising tide of her raging emotions.

“Do you have something to add, Princess?” The woman’s voice wasn’t exactly condescending, but neither was it welcoming. It reminded Alyssa of the way everyone in her “family” growing up had addressed her, as if her opinion didn’t count.

Alyssa hadn’t realized there was a power struggle between the throne and the council, but she saw it clearly now. They took their home world for granted, and for the first time she realized that being raised by the Cunts had allowed her a unique perspective that no one else in this room had.

“Yes, actually I do.” The words came out clear and confident, surprising her. She took a deep breath as she searched for a diplomatic way to state her opinion. Alienating the council at this point would only muddy the waters. “I have to agree with my parents. The most important thing for Tador is to make sure the planet can be fully healed and keep it that way.” She took a deep breath to continue and the Council Head cut her off with a dismissive wave.

“Obviously, that’s the goal of all present.” The woman’s gesture encompassed the entire assembly. “Do you doubt your own powers already, Princess?”

Anger burned in the back of Alyssa’s throat like bile and she swallowed it back and forced a smile.
I’ve dealt with bigger bitches than you on a daily basis, lady. You can’t intimidate me with your bullshit!
Adrenaline coursed through her, giving her an almost eerie sense of calm. She allowed her lips to curve as she stared down the council leader. “I don’t doubt my powers, but I doubt the leadership of any council who fails to look at all options when so much is at risk.”

Gasps sounded from around the chamber and the woman’s eyes narrowed as she glared at Alyssandra with barely concealed fury. Alyssa ignored her and turned her attention to those seated around the auditorium—her people. “I’ve spent the bulk of my life living among the Cunts, and even though they’re cruel and ruthless, they never fail to consider every option available to them before acting. Shouldn’t we be just as deliberate with our decisions?”

A realization hit her like a sledgehammer and she couldn’t believe she hadn’t thought about it before. A lead weight settled in her stomach and she swallowed past it before she continued. “If they waited patiently for twenty-three years to enact some sort of plan using me, I’m sure it had something to do with revenge for being cast out of Tador. I won’t delude myself into thinking they’re going to just sigh and let me walk away after investing that much time and planning. They
try again, and when they do, Tador must be at full strength, or we are at risk. Any and all options must be considered and fully utilized to save our home world and our way of life.”

The murmurs of approval from the crowd around her grew and flowed around the room like a living thing. None of the seated council looked pleased with the development, but both her parents looked quite smug as they smiled at her.

The head of the council pounded a smooth white
stone against the table and the noise died away leaving tension thrumming in the air. Alyssa refused to sit, but remained standing, watching the council leader expectantly.

“The council will take everyone’s opinions under advisement and we will meet again after the ascension.” She pounded the
gavel again and turned her back on the entire assembly, effectively dismissing them.

Alyssa’s fingers dug into the seat in front of her to keep her knees from buckling. Stone and Grayson stood on either side of her and she fought to keep from throwing up as she’d threatened last night.

“Alyssandra, you were wonderful.” Stone gently pried her fingers from the seatback in front of her and kissed her fingers.

“Best council meeting I’ve ever been to,” Grayson stage-whispered beside her. “Not boring at all.”

Ryan’s laugh drew her attention and she glanced over in time to see him giving her a thumbs up, an earth gesture she’d taught him last night at dinner.

“Well, I’m glad you three are still speaking to me. I think the council wants to march me to the guillotine and I’m not even queen yet.”

Stone squeezed her shoulder and placed his hand on the small of her back, guiding her out of the row and toward her parents. “Come on, Marie Antoinette, let’s make a break for it.”

When they were all seated in the king and queen’s reception area, reaction had set in and Alyssa shivered as all the adrenaline drained from her body. “I’m not sure where all that came from. I’ve never spoken in front of a group in my life, let alone disagreed with an authority figure. Who am I to speak to the council that way? I’m not even queen.”

Sasha wrapped a quilt around her shoulders and handed her a cup of steaming cider, which turned out to be heavily laced with something that resembled whiskey. She sipped gratefully, letting the fiery liquid sooth her quaking nerves and then smiled her thanks toward her lady’s maid.

“Well, my daughter,” her father said, not trying to hide his chuckle, “I think you’ve declared your intentions to the council and they know the new queen will not be afraid to speak her mind.” He winked at her. “We’re very proud of you. You spoke very eloquently today, just as a queen would. It was a brave thing you did today and will help you in the future when the council tries to bully you.”

“Thanks.” She basked in the warm glow of the compliment for a few seconds before turning her mind back toward the meeting. “Do you think they’ll actually listen?”

Annalecia shook her head. “No, I think they set the next meeting after the ascension because they think you’ll be more malleable once you’ve ascended the throne and you are busy keeping the symbiosis with the planet. Not to mention your father and I will no longer have any say in the ruling of the country. They’ve forgotten that the council was formed to advise the queen, but that she has no obligation to take their advice.”

She shook her head and sighed. “You had the people behind you today, Alyssandra. You spoke from your heart and they listened. You’ll have to be ready to stand up to the council again and again. They will attempt to wear you down until you submit to their wills.”

“Great. Sounds like fun. Ranks up there with having my toenails pulled out one by one.” She took a healthy sip of cider, letting the hot flow of alcohol down her throat soothe her anger. “I don’t see how they can live in this paradise and take it for granted. They should go live with the Cunts for a few years and then see how much they appreciate Tador.”

Stone accepted a steaming cup of cider from Sasha and nodded his thanks. “At least you’ve kept your sense of humor. We’ll both need it with that group of vipers. Don’t worry, beloved, together, we can make them see reason.”

She nodded and took a deep breath, inhaling the fruity scent of the cider, letting it infuse her senses. “I hadn’t thought about the Cunt’s reaction to me leaving, but I should have. The people who raised me are very proud and will take this as a personal insult. I put everyone on the planet in danger by coming back, and I’m not even sure what their plan for me was.”

Stone sat down beside her. “You are going to save everyone on the planet by ascending the throne. If today didn’t prove to you that you have the heart of a queen, then nothing will.

You’re safe here, the royal guards are keeping a close watch on all the portal points.”

Alyssa laughed, a cold bitter bark of a laugh. “I’m not even sure who that woman is who stood up and said all those things. She’s certainly not me. What if she doesn’t return when a strong queen is needed?”

Ryan spoke for the first time since the ceremony. “Oh, I have no doubt that she’ll return. The council has a special knack for raising people’s ire and that’s what brought out that wonderful woman you claim not to know. In fact, I look forward to seeing a lot more of her.”

He wiggled his eyebrows up and down and the double entendre made Alyssa laugh. “Don’t forget the presentation ball is coming up and not only will we all get an eyeful, but the Klatch Council will see how powerful our new lioness of a future queen is first hand. I’m actually looking forward to it.”

Alyssa shook her head and took a big gulp of the heavily laced cider, biting back the cough as it seared down her throat. “I’m glad someone’s confident in my abilities. Because I’m sure the hell not.”


Alyssa awoke to the comforting sensation of Stone’s arms around her. Keeping her eyes closed, she savored the sensation and snuggled back against him. His cock instantly responded by hardening against the crevice of her ass. “Mmmm,” she said with a sigh, as moisture pooled between her thighs.

“Good morning,” Stone said into her neck, where his face burrowed against her hair. “I think you are in need of morning ablutions.” At his husky words, her breast, still cradled in his palm from last night, tingled and her nipple hardened to a taut peak. “I see your body agrees.” His deep chuckle reverberated through her body like lightening.

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