Chance Lost (10 page)

Read Chance Lost Online

Authors: Jo Larue

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Chance Lost
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Chapter 18


Jack always seemed to plan ahead. He’d brought tents along, and he was right on the money. By the time they were finished eating, it was too dark to navigate out. The terrain here was too rough to chance a breakdown. They set up camp below the rise, between the vehicles, using them and the hill as a windbreak. Chance was mentally exhausted, and apparently on information overload. They built a small fire and sat around it drinking beer and enjoying the peace from the woods surrounding them. No one really had much to say and that was okay. Chance stared at the night sky, lost in the beauty the naked eye could not see from where she lived. The city lights dimmed out the stars, but here you could see all that were visible.


She was sitting between Sylas’ well-defined legs with her back against his chest. He kept one arm wrapped around her waist and it felt good, like she belonged with him. He drew one knee up and she rested an arm there, unconsciously running her fingers around and under it. She felt Sylas’ breath hitch and his heart rate increase. She stilled her roaming fingers; not wanting to encourage more. She wasn’t ready yet. His arm pulled her in tighter and he leaned down and kissed the top of her head. Moving lower to kiss her neck, he whispered in her ear; his breath sending shivers throughout her body. “No pressure, babe. Touching me is not going to make me forget my promise. Exploration is a natural response, Chance. Try to relax and let your fear go. I will never go farther than you want me to, never without your permission.”


Hearing those words repeated that she had said only days before calmed her anxiety. Sylas understood her more than she gave him credit for. She felt safe when she was with him, but it was more than that. She felt like she was home with him, and it meant more than all the rest. She looked over and noticed Jack asleep. “Should we wake him so he can get inside his tent?”


“I think he is fine where he is, babe, but you on the other hand, need to rest. Shall we?”


Chance stood up and pulled Sylas up when he gave her his hand. She knew he didn’t need her help, the man was all muscle, but it was another excuse to touch him. Contact with him still sent sparks running through her body at the slightest touch. He pulled her back into him and planted a soft kiss to her lips. She wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned her head to his chest, listening to his heart beating steady and strong. She wondered how fast his heart would beat when they finally made love. She wanted him, but didn’t trust herself to let go of her fears enough to let it happen. His touch caused her heart to race and his scent made her senses reel.


They broke contact and he bent to check the tent first. She heard him rustling around inside and then he poked his head out to reach for her hand. Pulling her inside, she noticed that he had taken two sleeping bags and attached them together, making one large one. He pulled the top cover aside and after removing his boots; he lay down and patted the spot next to him. She repeated his actions and laid down facing him. Using his arm as a pillow, she curled around him, throwing one leg over his. He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “We okay, babe? You seem so quiet and it bothers me that you seem to have lost your smile. Knowing I took it away is killing me.”


“I still trust you, Sylas. It really isn’t you. It’s all of this. I fear for you and Jack, because you were with me. The gang doesn’t scare me, but possibly losing you does. I know you can handle them, but it’s not your responsibility to protect me.”


Sylas leaned over her, placing his fingers on her lips to stop her talking. “Chance, I know that we have only known each other a few days, but to me it feels like I’ve known you for years. I waited a very long time for you, babe. There’s been no other before you and there will never be another. I know this sounds crazy, but I’ve already fallen deeply in love with you. You are the light to my darkness. There is more to me than you know. I’m fully capable of taking care of you, and I intend to do so. I am also aware you can protect yourself, but this time allow me to take care of you and this situation. I won’t fail you, Chance. I can’t fail you, because if I do then I fail myself.”


“But…” she tried to get out before he stopped her again with a deep kiss.


When they finally broke apart to catch a breath, he told her “In the morning, Jack and I will show you what I am trying to tell you, Chance. We’ll have a training lesson, but I think it’ll be you doing the learning. Now, sleep love. It will be a busy morning.” He laid back and pulled her in close. His strong heart beat lulling her to sleep.


The next morning, she woke up to the smell of sausage, eggs, and brewed coffee. Jack was already up and cooked them all breakfast. Once they finished and cleaned up the mess, Sylas explained to Jack that it was time for a training lesson… hers. Chance went to her tent and pulled out some comfortable sweats and put them on, along with some tennis shoes. She braided her hair as she went out to get her lesson. Sylas and Jack were waiting for her on top of the rise.  “Jack will be the bad guy for this first scenario, Chance. He will come up behind and grab you and I want you to break free, okay?”


She nodded, already in a fighting stance. “Relax, babe. Pretend he catches you unaware. Let him get a hold on you before you try to break free.” She relaxed her stance and allowed Jack to wrap his arms about hers. This time it was Jack that spoke. “Now, Chance, break free.” She suddenly relaxed completely in his arms and folded her shoulders in towards each other.  Her unexpected loose body weight allowed her to drop out of his grip. As soon as her hands touched the ground, she spun and wrapped her legs up in his, causing him to fall backwards. Chance spun free again, rounded on him and dropped her elbow into his solar plexus with all her weight behind it, taking his breath away.


Chance stood up, bouncing on the pads of her feet. “You let me do that to you, Jack. Now get up and stop holding back. I won’t break that easy.” She beckoned to him with her palm up, wiggling her fingers in the classic come and get it movement. “Give me all you got, Jack. If you hold back, I will go after you twice as hard.” She watched him glance at Sylas and he responded with a shrug. “Shrug all you want, Sylas, you’re next.” She taunted him with a smile that this time reached her eyes.


Jack gave her a good match, but he only managed to take her down twice in what would have been a killing blow if they weren’t sparring. It was a full hour before she called Sylas in. She needed this. She was carrying a lot of pent up emotion with no release outlet and she gave as well as she got. Sylas got the better of her in every bout, but she learned quickly from it. Each time they fought, she improved. Finally after three hours of one or the other and sometimes both of them, she relented and called it quits. She was out of shape more than she thought and was breathing heavily. Collapsing to the ground, she lay on her back and grinned from ear to ear.
I may be out of shape, but I think I just showed them a thing or two
, she thought to herself.


“That’s a shit eating grin if I ever saw one!” Jack said to her as he dropped down beside her. He was breathing harder than she was. “Remind me to never, ever piss you off, Chance. Although, I do love a woman that has some spunk to her,” Jack started laughing when he heard a loud growl coming from Sylas’ direction. Sylas tossed them both a towel to dry some of the sweat off, but Chance stopped Jack and then bounced up to her feet. “Come on boys, I have a better idea. Follow me.” She led them on a short half-mile trek to the westside of the rise. She got to her destination and only stopped long enough to take off her shoes.


Chance led them to her favorite spot on the whole property. It was a small waterfall with a large clear pool under it. She knew the water would be cold, but not so cold that it would be intolerable. She’d already been in it once since buying the property and it was heavenly. She dove in without looking back and swam up under the falls. She heard two more splashes and knew they both joined her. Sylas came up behind her. She felt him pulling her braid loose from the band. He pulled her back into him and she turned in his arms, wrapping hers around his neck. Moving her hands up into his hair, she pulled his lips to hers. She licked at his bottom lip and then bit it lightly, tugging at it with her teeth. He responded by dipping his tongue deep, stroking at her until she grabbed hold and sucked on it. She heard him groan and the sound set her core on fire. Chance pulled back before she got too carried away.


Sylas reached down and picked her up, cradling her against his chest. She felt the same; it was if they could not get close enough. “This place is breathtaking Chance, but it pales to your beauty. Thank you for bringing me here.” She looked up into his glowing eyes and saw the love he held for her and it warmed her all the way to her soul. Sylas let her down and they rinsed off under the falls. When they finished, they noticed that Jack was asleep in the sun on top of a large flat rock. Chance giggled. “He looks like a cat sunning himself. So peaceful and warm.”


Sylas chuckled and said mysteriously, “You have no idea how close you are, Chance. Shall we join him?”  Sylas picked her back up and carried her out of the pond, sitting with her still wrapped in his arms. He slowly reclined his body, taking her with him. They were wrapped around each other, neither wanting to let go, and they fell asleep listening to the sounds of the forest surrounding them.


The workout and subsequent swim and nap had done wonders for her mind and body. She almost hated leaving, but knew she would be back in a few days. She wanted to map out the drive for the bulldozers, so she could minimize tree and habitat destruction. She also needed to check in with Gus. She was sure he was frantic by now, not knowing what was happening with her. They packed up and left around 3pm that afternoon.


An hour later and they were back at Jack’s and the real world came rushing back at her. She needed to go home and get some things. She knew that Sylas would never let her go alone, but this was something that she needed to do for herself. She grabbed a beer and walked out to the gazebo on Jack’s dock. She needed some time on her own; they seemed to sense it, and left her alone. She glanced once at the house feeling Sylas’ gaze, but he didn’t approach her and she was grateful.


Chance pulled out her cell and dialed Gus. He was the one person that she really needed to hear right now. He picked up on the first ring. “Chance! Damn it, woman! Where have you been? Do you not check your phone? I’ve left you at least 5 messages!”


She stifled a giggle. “Whoa! Miss me that much, Gus? I’m fine, but I did warn you I would be out of cell range a lot. I really don’t pay that much attention to my phone. Forgive me?”


“Forgiveness only comes when you explain to me what is going on, my sister from another mother. You gave me a butt load of cash, a list and nothing else. Now ‘fess up or you shall feel my nerdy wrath!”


This time she could not hold the giggle in. “Shit, I’ve missed you something awful, Gus. There is much to tell and I can’t spill all the beans yet. The long story short version is I won a recent and really large lottery. I haven’t told anyone how much I won and no one at work knew about it. I have someone, well, make it two someone’s I want you to meet
I want to show you something special. You down for a small adventure?”


“You know I am, Chance. By the way, I looked up pricing for everything on your list. The money you gave me is almost enough and I can cover the rest until I see you. Just so you know, you will need someone other than my awesome self to install some of this stuff.”


“Find someone you trust and have them on standby, Gus. I won’t be ready for installations for another month or so. You’ll know why in a few days. Love you, brother-not-mine.” They ended the call and she felt much better for having made it.





































Chapter 19


Sylas paced the kitchen, watching Chance through the patio door. She knew he was watching her, but he didn’t care. He needed to find a way to fix this. Sometimes it seemed everything he touched broke and he refused to let it happen this time. She appeared to be okay with him, but it was times like these, when she went silent, that frustrated him. If only he could hear her thoughts… but decided that maybe it was not such a good idea either, at least right now. He longed to feel her passion and her love should it happen. He constantly had to remind himself that she was human.


She exhibited some signs of being his mate, like now when she looked up, feeling his gaze. She always seemed to know when he was near and recently stopped turning to see him approach. Then there was the training. She showed more than enough ability to protect herself. She was able to get the better of Jack in almost every bout against each other. He was still reeling over the 3 solid hours she spent battling them. No normal human being could have gone the distance she did. Sylas made sure she was tested on her endurance and she passed with flying colors. Yes, he beat her in every match, but she didn’t know that was how it should be. Yet, she learned and improved to the point that she could maybe best him with more training.


Sylas knew instinctively that he needed to give her more space. He could feel it radiating from her. It was all too new and raw for her and he could feel it. She may not agree to it, but there were some things he needed to take care of and maybe some time away from him would help her cope. Having made up his mind, he walked into Jack’s study. “Jack, how are you set for your work schedule this week?”


Jack looked up from his laptop. He appeared to be bothered by something. “I’ve promoted Sandy, my bartender, to manager. She’s a den mate and a puma.  I trust her to handle things. I’ve no need to be anywhere now. Why?”


“I have a few things I need to take care of. Mother has called on me to take care of a situation in Tennessee. There’s a bear there she fears will impregnate a human. Not often I get the chance to take care of things before the fact. Plus, I think Chance needs a break from me, even if it is a short one. Should be gone no more than a day, at most. It’s an hour there if I fly and I can be back at a moments call.”


“You’re over analyzing again, Bro. It’s not you causing the turmoil, it’s the wolves. Her life has been turned upside down and it’s eating at her. You didn’t see the frustration in her this morning during training? She used it and us to cleanse her mind. She was a new person when we finished. It did her some good to have an outlet for her pent up emotions.”


Sylas shook his head.
Women. Would he ever understand?
He still felt the need to give her space. He wasn’t sure it was the right thing to do, but he was his parent’s child. There was a job to do and he couldn’t shirk it for anyone, least of all for himself. “I still need to go take care of the bear. It’s not a kill order, just a major warning. I’ll tell her I have some legal matters and I will be back by tomorrow afternoon. Watch her for me, Jack. I need her safe.”


Sylas walked out to the gazebo, feeling like shit. He didn’t want to leave her side for more than a second, much less a day. He watched her carefully for any sign that his presence was unwanted, and saw none. “Chance… baby.” His words came out sounding like a plea. She looked up into his eyes and he stopped short. Hers were glistening with more unshed tears. Sylas went straight to her. He pulled her up to his chest and stroked her hair. “Shhh, love. It’s okay. Don’t cry. Tell me what’s bothering you.”


“If I knew, Sylas, I swear I’d tell you,” she hitched between sobs. “I never cry, I just don’t. Now it’s all I seem to do lately. I was fine after talking to my best friend and then I suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of panic. You’re leaving, aren’t you? It’s the dream all over again.”


Sylas was floored.
How could she know he was leaving? And what dream
? Fuck, there was so much he didn’t know about her and he wanted to know everything, like… yesterday. “Baby, I am not sure how you knew I need to leave, but I swear to you now I will be gone less than a day. I’m coming back to you, baby girl. I have a few legal matters to attend to, and I’ll be back as soon as I’m done. I could never leave you, Chance. I know you don’t believe or understand this, but you are the other half of me. I couldn’t walk away from you, even if I wanted to and I don’t.”


She reached up and pulled him in for a life-affirming kiss. God, he wanted her. He wanted to lay down with her right now and make love to her for hours. She always tasted of honey and wine and he knew she tasted that way everywhere. Sylas wrapped his hand in her tresses and pulled her head back with it, exposing her neck. He skimmed her sensitive skin there with his teeth. Moving down to her shoulder, he latched on, suckling the muscle he knew would send shivers down her. He was careful to keep control. Now was not the time for his fangs to extend, even though he wanted to more than life itself. He wanted to mark her as his, but until he knew this for certain she was his mate, he couldn’t. The leopard within growled with frustration.


Chance moaned as he lingered there, warring with the beast. Finally his inner-cat relented, but he didn’t. He gave her small nip, unable to resist the temptation. There would not be a permanent mark, just a small reminder to her that she was his. The bite seemed to fuel something inside her. She grabbed his hair and pulled him back down to her shoulder, almost as if she wanted him to mark her. He resisted and instead placed a kiss over the bite. He hadn’t drawn blood. It would be a huge mistake on his part. He and the beast may not be able to resist her demands if he broke the skin.


Sylas moved his lips back up to her mouth, invading her with his tongue. He wasn’t sure how long they stood there, as time seemed to stand still. His hands roamed down her back to her beautiful heart shaped ass. Cupping each cheek, he pulled her into him; his desire for her was obvious. His right hand roamed lower to pull her leg up and she didn’t resist. He was throbbing for her, but he would not take this farther than she was willing to go. It felt way too good to rub his cock against her mound. He moaned into her mouth and stopped before he was unable.


Sylas closed his eyes and just held her. She had to be his mate. He could not imagine ever loving another. Chance owned him, heart and soul. Her head was pressed against his chest as if she was listening to his heart beating, and it was racing just for her. Finally he dropped her leg and pulled back to look into her eyes again. He could almost swear her eyes were starting to glow, but he put that off to his overactive and undersexed imagination.


“You okay now, love? I won’t leave until we’ve eaten and you’ve gone to sleep. Will that make it easier for you?” Chance nodded and he took her hand, kissing it. They turned to watch the sunset, still holding each other and then walked back in the house to cook dinner. Sylas poured all three of them a large glass of Merlot, since Jack was cooking steaks on his indoor grill. Sylas made Chance sit and watch, insisting that they could handle dinner. He made them a quick salad, to go along with some baked potatoes and began to sauté some baby Portabella mushrooms in butter and onions on the stove.


After eating their late dinner and quick clean up, they all moved into the living room to watch a movie. Sylas wasn’t paying attention to it; he only had eyes for Chance. He watched as she relaxed into him and he sighed. It felt good to have her there with him. She was leaning into him; her head on his shoulder and her free hand was resting on his chest, over his heart. It was almost like she was checking to make sure his heart still beat. It warmed him to know she cared that much.


Too soon the movie was over. Sylas noticed Chance started to yawn and took his cue. He pulled her up and walked with her to their room. This time he insisted that she change for bed. He would not be there for her to feel uncomfortable. She went into the bathroom to shower and change. When she came back out, Sylas took her brush and sat her on a chair he moved to the end of the bed. Gently he pulled the wet strands loose from the towel it was wrapped in and brushed it out for her until it was nearly dry. “A girl could get used to this, Sylas Taiken. Better watch out or you might be in for more than you bargained for.” He chuckled after she said it, relieved that her sense of humor was back.


“I could do this for hours on end, Chance Cadens. Maybe I’m not the one that needs warning.”


He chuckled when she turned to give him a light slap on the arm. He stood up and pulled her with him. She was wearing an old t-shirt and some shorts that looked like boxers. When he looked closer he realized she
wearing a pair of boxers… his. “You look quite sexy in those, babe. Remind me to buy
some more.” He winked at her and she wrapped her arms around his waist. “It’s debatable, since I have yet to see you in yours. I also prefer commando under my clothes, so I borrowed these to cover up.”  She reached up on her tiptoes and planted a kiss to his cheek. “Tuck me in, Sylas, and promise me I will see you by tomorrow afternoon or I’ll not let you go.”


“I promise, love. There is nothing in this world that can keep me away, I swear it.” Sylas sealed his promise with a kiss and then led her to bed, tucking her in under the covers. He rounded the bed to the other side, took off his boots and joined her. He already promised not to leave until she was asleep and he was keeping it. Pulling her into his chest, he spooned her body with his and waited for her to sleep. Once her breathing evened into a steady rhythm, he eased out of the bed, picked up his boots and left the room. He glanced back one more time to make sure she was still out. She looked like an angel lying there. She wore a slight smile on her lips and her hair was fanned out around her like wings. He took that memory with him when he left; he would need it to get him through this day.



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