Chance Lost (9 page)

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Authors: Jo Larue

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Chance Lost
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Chapter 16


Chance woke up wrapped in security. This time she knew where she was and with whom. She hadn’t realized she was tired when they sat down to watch the movie, but she must have fallen asleep. She wanted to spend more quality time with Sylas last night, alone, but it was good. They would have plenty of time for that. Less than a week ago she would never have allowed a man this close and now she couldn’t imagine not having him next to her. Now it was a matter of getting through her fears and letting the rest of her walls down.


Chance slipped out of bed and walked to the kitchen. This time she was the first one there. She made a pot of coffee and started some bacon. A simple and quick breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, grits and toast sounded good. She started a pot of salted water boiling and cracked the eggs to scramble them. Right when the coffee finished brewing she heard someone padding down the hallway.


“Good morning and what a nice surprise. This old man could get used to waking up this way every morning. I might have to give Sy a run for his money,” Jack said as he filled a cup with the steaming black brew.


“Over my dead body,


Chance turned to see Sylas in the doorway. He was leaning with his hip against the frame and had his arms crossed over his chest watching her. He gave her one of his special smiles. She returned it and blushed. “You were sleeping so peacefully, I couldn’t bear to wake you. Hope your both hungry. Southern style breakfast coming right up.”


Jack set the table, while Sylas helped her finish cooking. Every once in a while he would stand behind her and wrap his arms around her waist, pulling her back against him. It felt good to have him so close and she could get very used to having him there. It was the first time she could remember ever feeling this way and it brought her trepidation, mixed with elation. How things had advanced this far was very confusing, but in a good way. Four days ago, if someone had touched her this way, they would have been put swiftly on the ground, before any explanations could be given. Now though? This man made her feel wanted, like she had found a sense of home in his arms.


Chance plated the eggs and bacon, left the grits in the pot and brought it all to the table. She found a tomato in the fridge and sliced it, adding it to the small feast. Sylas finished the toast and brought it with him.


Chance smiled as they gave their approval to her cooking. When they all finished and cleaned up, Sylas called them back to the table. Chance grew concerned when she saw his face. He wasn’t smiling anymore and seemed a bit on edge. The muscle in his cheek was ticking and his lips were pressed into a thin line. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know what was wrong. She was starting to get comfortable with him, and this was definitely scaring her. She edged into her seat, ready to run if she needed to. Self-preservation was trying to kick into first gear.


Jack reached over and patted her on the arm, trying to reassure her, but she only had eyes for Sylas.


“I have something to tell you babe, and I’m not sure how to begin. It concerns you and your safety.”


Chance relaxed a little. She was sure this was going in a totally different direction. The thought he was married or seeing someone else had been at the forefront of her mind. “Okay, but I don’t understand. Why wouldn’t I be safe?”


“You remember the fight in the bar with the bikers?”


“Yes, but…”


Sylas raised his hand. It was a polite, but silent request to let him finish. “I have it through the grapevine, and Jack has confirmed it. The man who attacked you in the bar was a gang leader and he wants revenge. When we left your house last night, I saw one of the bikers entering your subdivision. He wasn’t on a motorcycle but in a SUV.”


Jack piped in when she turned to look at him in shock. “These guys are known to be very hostile towards women, Chance, and you took down the head guy. Now they know where you live. I don’t know how they found you, but Sy and I would feel more comfortable if you stayed here for a little while.”


“Is this what you two were talking about the other night at the party? And why didn’t you say something to me then?”


Sylas answered the questions, his face etched with worry. “That is my fault, Chance. I was sure they wouldn’t be able to find you so quickly. Please forgive me, but when it comes to you I am a bit over protective. Please try to understand that I know you can handle yourself, but this is an entire gang after you, not just one or two people. I was serious when I said we were here for you. We won’t let you face them alone, Chance. I wouldn’t even if you left right now and told me you never wanted to see me again. I would still be there for you.”


Chance looked down at her hands and thought about what he said. She wouldn’t be alone and that was key. Sylas got up, nervously pacing while she contemplated. She wasn’t used to having someone else to think about, or worry about before. She felt she could handle this fine, but it was Sylas and Jack she was concerned over. They were there too, and if she wasn’t safe, neither were they.


Chance’s life had completely turned some major corners in the last week. Did she want this? She wasn’t sure. Was she ready for it? No. She only knew that the thought of not having Sylas in her life any longer was the real tragedy and that thought she could not bear. Did she like him? Yes. Did she love him? No, but there was a real chance she could in time. She still had her demons to deal with and dragging an unsuspecting person into her hell did not seem right.


Quietly she said, “I couldn’t do that, Sylas.”


She looked up to see alarm written all over his face. That fact alone spoke volumes about the man standing in front of her. Shaking her head slightly, she continued, “What I mean is I wouldn’t ask you to leave. I have to admit, I like this thing we seem to be sharing, but it is confusing me. I know this will sound corny, but these past few days with you have been the best days I can ever remember. I’m not ready to walk away from this and I’m not really sure why. You both feel like family, each in your own way.”


Her answer must have quieted some of Sylas’ nerves, because she heard him sigh, but he was still pacing. “What about my house and things. I worked hard for them. I know it sounds selfish, but growing up without has made them all the more precious to me.”


Jack patted her hand again. “I can take care of that for you, Chance, no worries. We want you to be safe and you are safer here with us, than you’d be there alone. It doesn’t have to be a long time. We both feel the need to protect you until we know the threat is gone. Will you let us do that and stay here until then?”


“I’m not worried about my safety, so much as I am yours. You both were there and that worries me too. But yes, if it makes you both feel better, I will stay… for a while. I want a promise from both of you though, no more secrets after today. Okay?”


Jack looked at Sylas and he came over to sit down next to her. “Chance there are some things that I want desperately to tell you, but I can’t right now. Can you accept that I will tell them to you when the time is right? And for the record, as far as we know now, Jack and I are not on their radar, just you.”


“Are you married or seeing someone else?” she blurted out before she could put a zipper on her mouth, ignoring the rest of his statement.


Sylas laughed for the first time since they started this conversation. “No babe, you are the only woman in my life and the only one I care to know. I swear to you, I will tell you everything later. I think this is enough for now, if you are okay with this and us. I told you before, no pressure, but I needed to know you would be safe.”


“You and I are going to have a long talk later, Sylas, and you both are going to get lessons in the martial arts. Like I said, I’m not worried about me, but I am about you. You both are good fighters, but you both lack some finesse. I can give you the edge you are lacking. You both have strength, but power alone will not always win in the end. Since you are taking care of me, it is only fair that I take care of you.” She smiled at them both with a “don’t-fight-me-on-this” look on her face.


“Now we need to go. We have meetings and we’ll be late if we don’t leave in the next thirty minutes. Round it up boys, we have things to do.” Sylas stood up and she joined him. She grabbed his arm before he could walk away, pulling him into her. Reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck, she pulled his lips to hers. This time she was the one letting him know how she felt. She kissed him for all she was worth, then stepped back and away, leaving him both stunned and breathless.










Chapter 17


The scenic route to the property was breathtaking to say the least. Chance drove this time and Jack followed in his Rover. The drive gave Sylas plenty of time to think, since Chance was unusually quiet. It bothered him that her beautiful smile disappeared with his news this morning. It seemed he had taken four giant steps back in his progress with her. Then he remembered the kiss. She had taken his breath away in one simple act. It seemed desperate and yet very passionate, like she was trying to say everything inside her head with one mind-blowing kiss. She was tough, but kept that shyness that was so contradictory. He loved it when she blushed, which was often.


Chance was definitely still worried about his news and he tried to reassure her by taking and holding her free hand while she drove. She stayed silent, but passed him a smile that didn’t seem to reach her eyes. He gave her hand a squeeze and said, “I’m so sorry babe. I know I dropped a major bomb on you this morning. I hate this more than you know.”


Chance didn’t reply and Sylas didn’t know how to fix it. He noticed Chance’s demeanor this morning. He could tell right away that she was ready to bolt. She calmed down quickly enough, but now he was worried about telling her the rest. She was definitely a runner and Sylas wasn’t sure how to handle it. Would she run when or if this situation went bad, or would she stand and fight?


Sylas wasn’t sure what exactly triggered her flight response, but he made a silent vow to watch Chance more closely. He wanted to learn all the special nuances of this human woman he was falling for.
How do you tell someone you barely know that you live to make her smile?
Then, to take that beautiful smile away with mere words? It was nothing short of hell on earth.


Chance reached the edge of her property and pulled to the side of the main road. Everyone took advantage and got out to stretch their legs. From here on out they would be four wheeling into the center of the property. “If you need to make any calls, do it now. No cell coverage once we get over the first rise,” she told them while calling the dowser. Sylas took the time to talk with Jack out of earshot.


“I think I’ve taken us back to square one, Jack. I may have broken any shot I had for us as a couple and it honestly worries me.”


“Then you aren’t looking close enough, Sy. She still looks at you like she did before the news. You worry too much over nothing.”


“I’m new at this, Jack. Right when I think I have it figured out, I’m at a loss again.”


Jack laughed and put his arm over his shoulder in a quick bump man hug. “That, my friend, is called a woman. They’ll always leave you guessing!”


Chance walked back and said the dowser was just down the road. They would wait on him and then head into the property. She told them Rick was already here and waiting, pointing to a white rock with an arrow pointed away from the road. “That is the signal we came up with that lets us know someone is here. Last person out, turns it around to point at the road.”


“Ingenious idea, Chance! I’ll have to remember that one next time I get an urge to build again.” Jack laughed and shook his head as if there was a bad memory to clear away.


A Jeep that looked like it had been through several wars pulled up in front of them. The man who stepped out was tall and lanky with long silver hair, worn loose and it framed his tanned and weathered face. First glance told you he was American Indian. He smiled a gapped-toothed grin and waved as he walked up. He reached out to shake hands with Chance first.  “John Littlecreek, and you must be Chance.” He pulled her hand up and gave her a quick peck on the knuckles, before turning to shake hands with him and Jack.


The handshake was firmer than Sylas was expecting and he held it longer than necessary. John looked at them both dead in the eyes, and his expression spoke volumes. He seemed to know what they were and it shocked Sylas. Chance introduced them and then explained there were no roads into where they were headed. John smiled and turned to his Jeep. “That’s no problem. My Usdi will get me there just fine.”


Everyone piled back in to their respective rides and followed Chance in. Sylas was impressed with her choice to buy this property. It was raw and beautiful. Nothing was cut down and it was loaded with older hardwoods, a rarity this far north. It appeared some of the oaks were quite ancient. Her choice to build in the center was smart. No one from the main road would be able to see her home since it was very hilly and hidden from the main thoroughfare. Chance drove through several small gullies and over several hills before he spotted the build site.


Rick was leaning against his SUV with what looked like sketches in his hands. He finally looked up and waved as they drew closer. Chance pulled to a stop at the top of the rise and Sylas immediately knew why she’d chosen it. It provided a three hundred and sixty degree view of the entire property and you could see the rise of the Smoky Mountains off in the distance to the northeast.


Chance again made introductions once everyone gathered together. She explained to Rick that he and Jack were there to add input. John had already wandered off; his dowsing sticks ready in his hands. Sylas glanced at Jack and could tell he was concerned about the Indian too, but now was not the time to discuss it.


They spent the next three hours pouring over and discussing Rick’s plans. They changed a few things but needed to wait until John came back before they could complete them. He finally came back about 30 minutes later. He was wearing a huge smile for Chance and she took it as a good sign.


“You have lots of natural springs and underground systems here, Uweji Agehya, which means beautiful daughter in my language. The Mother favors you and your land. It stands unchanged and unbroken, like you.” He glanced with a quick frown at Sylas when he said the last sentence. “I have marked your springs and underground waterways with markers you will recognize. I also have a gift for you. Please excuse me, I’ll return in a moment.”


Sylas glanced again at Jack and he just shrugged at him. This was starting to concern him but he didn’t show any outward discomfort with Chance standing next to him. John returned, holding a necklace in his hand. It was made of turquoise and silver, with a pendant in the shape of a wolf. He placed it around her neck and explained its meaning to her, but he was clearly speaking to all of them.


“This is a powerful amulet that will protect you from anyone meaning you harm, Uweji Agehya. You are one of us, of the Nation. Your ancestors walked here many years ago. I have seen animal sign here. There are many tracks in this forest and they are not all friendly. There are predators here, Uweji Agehya, and it would be wrong to not warn you.”


Chance thanked him and he said his good byes. Sylas noticed right away that Chance was trembling and stepped closer to lend her warmth and support. She glanced up and smiled. This time it reached her eyes and it melted his heart to see it. She stepped in closer and wrapped an arm about his waist. He could tell John was unhappy with their little show of affection, but didn’t say anything.


John explained he would come back and teach Chance the ways of her people after she settled in. “Wait, how do you know I am of the Nation, John? I don’t know my parents.”


Sylas held back and bit his tongue to keep quiet. He wanted to know more as well, but this was not his time to pry. Chance had more to tell, but he could wait.


“All will be explained to you in due course, little one. When you get as old as I am, you just know these things. I will be seeing you soon, Uweji Agehya.”


John turned to Sylas and gave him a warning look. He motioned for Sylas to follow so he would not be overheard. “I will be watching you, immortal one. Make no mistakes with this one. She is a precious star of my people and I will not see her harmed in any way. Understood?” Not waiting for a reply, John walked to his Jeep and left, leaving Sylas standing there shocked and stunned.


Jack walked up behind him, placing one hand on his shoulder. “You okay, Bro? You look like you just saw the grim reaper.”


“He called her the star of his people and he knows who we are, Jack. I don’t know how, but he knows.”


“Shit, Sy, he knows who we are? I’m speechless.”


Sylas rolled his eyes at his last comment. “You’re never speechless, Jack. I think this could be a good thing. Now we have more than the two of us watching out for her. I have a feeling he will not be far away, ever.”


They walked back and discussed the rest of the plans that included the water lines. Jack suggested she add a mill to the stream that was beyond the next hill, since it was always good to have another power source. Chance remembered the area was considered tornado alley and made last minute changes to the plans to include steel reinforcement beams to the buildings above ground.


Rick left shortly thereafter. Everyone was starving by this time, so Chance led the way to a small meadow full of spring flowers over the next rise. Sylas went back and drove the Jeep in so they would not have to make multiple trips. Sylas shook out a large blanket, while Chance made herself busy setting out the food and drinks.

“This didn’t take as long as we thought it would, but it will still be dark by the time we are ready to leave. Anyone want to over night it?” Jack mentioned between bites of his sandwich.


Chance passed on a sandwich and was picking at some cheese and crackers, not really eating.  She glanced up and nodded, still quiet. They ate in silence for about five minutes before she looked up and asked, “Did I hear John right? He called me one of his people. What did he mean by that?”


“We were wondering the same thing, Chance. I think we are as confused as you are, but I think he was referring to your looks, since you have such strong American Indian features. I hate to ask, but where are your parents, babe?” Sylas asked her as gently as he could. He didn’t want to broach a subject that she wasn’t ready to talk about yet.


She looked at him; her eyes glittering with unshed tears. “I don’t know. They gave me up before I ever knew them.”


He reached for her and pulled her into his lap and she went willingly. She curled into him and he heard a small sniffle. His heart was breaking for her. Now he knew part of her pain and he was determined to repair the damage done, no matter how long it took or how much she resisted it. He loved her, all of her, so how could he not?










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