Chance Lost (5 page)

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Authors: Jo Larue

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Chance Lost
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Chapter 8


Chance temporarily forgot about the strange dog with those somehow familiar eyes while she talked to Rick, the contractor. She had very solid ideas as to what she wanted built on the property. The requirements were anything over fifty acres, have running stream or pond, and away from any close city. The agent hit the mark with over sixty acres, a stream, and it backed up to a wilderness area. It was pristine land with no previous buildings. Chance wanted a log home, and not prefabricated. The lot was thickly wooded but it did have a clearing on it, situated on the top of a small rise, right in the middle of the property.


Up to this point in her life, nothing excited her more than this. Explaining to Rick in detail what she envisioned, Chance was non-stop with her ideas. Three or four bedroom ranch with a full basement. She would accept a second above ground story, if it could have a loft and lots of windows. She wanted a sub level bomb shelter under the basement. It would be a survivalist’s dream.


Each level had to be fire and flood safe. The subbasement would contain a pantry/wine room. The deeper in the earth you go, the more the temperatures level out. It would stay cool year round. She included an emergency generator with ventilation and well water pump system with ventilation. Chance wanted the house to be powered by solar panels and a wind turbine, but if all hell broke out, she could use the generator as a last resort. 


Since there wasn’t water, septic or power on or near the property, she would need two septic systems dug and placed. She would be going out at some point this week to place orders for any other furniture she might need and appliances for the kitchen. Rick told her she would need to pick the flooring, cabinets, plumbing, and lighting fixtures as well. Her preferences must have pleased him, because he grinned whenever she spoke up about her choices. Roomy and airy, it would be very Feng Shui, and would include the house facing north/south to take full advantage of the tracking sun on the solar panels.


Rounding up the last of the details, they finished up after one in the afternoon and scheduled another meeting in two days. She impressed upon him her time schedule, so he was going to take a design he already had and make it work for her needs. She knew she was pushing the table with wanting this done in weeks and not months. He told her it could not be done in a month, but thought they could complete it in less than two months time. Rick thought most of the time spent would be for the sub levels. He wanted to do that part right and she was glad he was honest about the schedule. Besides, permits and such would take at least a week, if not more.


Chance asked him to go ahead and design her a barn and stable for horses. She would need a garage for her two and four wheeled toys, with a repair area. She asked him to get a permit to install her own gassing station, which would mean more permits and more digging to install underground tanks.
Why not go for the gusto?
She thought as she made those last minute decisions. Self-contained meant exactly how it sounded. She wanted no reason to interact with outsiders any more than was necessary.


Chance giggled as she thought about the locals, and them calling her a recluse some day in the future. She really liked people; she just didn’t trust them much. Holding more faith in animals than the two-legged variety. She wanted to trust, she really did. Thinking about the subject, Sylas came to mind. He felt trustworthy to her, like someone she wanted to know more about. He was gentle, thoughtful, and very intuitive when it came to her. It didn’t hurt that he sported a rocking hard ass body. Her knees tended to liquefy when he smiled at her. On the one occasion she touched him during the fight, she could tell he was all muscle.


Chance spent the rest of her Saturday packing up the clothes she would never wear again, cleaning house, and getting in a good workout.

When Chance woke up on Sunday morning, she found the husky waiting on her porch again. He followed along when she went out for a long run in the fresh morning air. It was nice to have him there for a change as it took away some of the boredom running tended to bring with it.


Running gave free time to think more about the fight and the two men she met. The more she thought about it, the more unsettled she became. Things had gotten way out of control and fast, much faster than she was prepared for. Chance shook it off and chalked it up to lesson learned. Next time she played, it would be against someone not quite so drunk. She turned her thoughts once again to Sylas. She felt the old soul in him and wanted to learn more about him and hoped to do exactly that today.


Chance really liked his friend, Jack, too. They both made her laugh and it felt good. When she arrived back home, the dog yipped and took off, but she didn’t pay it any mind. She was sure he lived in a house nearby. She showered quickly and dressed in low cut skinny jeans and a red tank top. She decided to trust for a change and let Sylas drive her up to Jack’s place.


Chance put minimal makeup on and pulled out a black leather jacket that reached her hips. She was still commando under her clothes, preferring it to bothersome underwear. Bras, in her opinion, should be banned. They were uncomfortable in too many ways to count.


It wasn’t warm enough yet to go swimming, so she didn’t bother with swimwear. Piling her hair into a bun, Chance used a single chopstick to hold it in place. Her mane was heavy, so nothing else was needed. A quick twist and done. All her necessities were in her jacket and boots; weapons, cell phone, and wallet.


Chance called Sylas and gave him directions to her house. While waiting for his arrival, she made them something to eat. She’d skipped breakfast and was starving, and hoped he was too. Brunch was tuna salad, crackers, and some sliced Gouda cheese. She added fresh fruit and chilled some sparkling cider. It wasn’t much but it would help ease the hunger pains. She didn’t want to drink beer on an empty stomach.


Right as she was pulling down some glasses, she heard his Harley rumbling in her driveway. A minute later the doorbell rang.
Here goes nothing. You can do this, Chance. Time to allow some trust in your life,
she thought as she walked towards the door.


Taking a deep breath, she opened it and stared. Sylas stood in the doorway in jeans and a t-shirt, looking fine and totally GQ centerfold worthy. She started at his boots and drank him in slowly as her eyes roamed up his body. When she finally got to his face, she heard him chuckling and snapped out of the trance.


“Like what you see?” he asked her with an ear to ear grin.


“Um, sorry?” was all she could get out while blushing forty shades of red. “Please come in. I was making us something to eat. I hope you’re hungry, because I’m starving. Made enough for both of us.”


“Actually, I am hungry and yes, I would love to join you,” he replied, but Chance totally heard a completely different meaning in his words. They said, “hungry for her,” and she blushed again.


“I made tuna salad. I don’t know if you even like the stuff, but I was thinking light and easy”


“I’m not a picky eater and I’ve yet to turn any kind of food away,” he said following her into the kitchen.


Chance smiled at him while handing him his drink and their hands touched for a brief second. Gasping, Chance felt sparks leap between their hands. It traveled all the way from her fingers to her core and it made her instantly wet with desire. Confused and blushing again, she used the food as an excuse to turn away and gather her wits.
What the hell was that? Get a grip, Chance! You don’t even know the man and you’re ready to jump his bones?
Pulling herself under control, Chance turned back with the plates. She led Sylas over to the kitchen table and set them down.


Sylas asked her what he could do to help and she pointed him to the silverware and napkins. She sat down when he finished and joined her.


“You look beautiful today, Chance. But, you don’t look like you’re planning on riding a bike today. Change your mind about going?”


“No, actually I hope you don’t mind, but I thought maybe we could go in my Jeep. You can drive if you want.”


“I’d love to and don’t mind at all. Did your meeting go well?”


“Yes, it went really well actually. I can’t wait for my plans to be finished,” she replied smiling at him.


“Care to tell me about it? I’d really like to get to know you better, Chance. It seems Jack and I did most of the talking the other night and I know less about you, than you know about me.” Sylas returned her smile and his posture exuded genuine interest.


Chance relaxed. Sylas didn’t feel like a threat to her and it felt right somehow that he was here with her. For the first time in her life she felt like she could share her interests with another person other than Gus, and feel no fear of reprisal. They spent the next hour eating, with Sylas listening as Chance told him about the property and her plans for it. She kept some parts of the plans secret, feeling the need to keep some of it private, by generalizing a lot. She didn’t want a friendship centered on her newfound wealth. She needed to know that his interest was real and not materialistic. Sylas chimed in at all the right moments, added his own thoughts and she began to feel a bond of friendship growing.


They cleaned up their lunch and Chance handed him the keys to her Jeep. As they rode, Chance contemplated this enigma called Sylas. The friendship exuded possibilities of much more if she wanted it. The problem was
she was ready for more and all that it implied. More meant complete trust in someone else. It meant trusting someone else with her heart, the same heart with years of walls built around it. Trusting someone that much would take a lot of time. She didn’t think anyone with any sense about them would stick around long enough for her to heal her soul. Besides, did she really want them to?





























Chapter 9


Sylas decided he would have to look into getting a Jeep after the first couple of miles. With the top off and the doors removed it was almost as freeing as riding on his Harley. Keyword… almost. Chance was sitting in the passenger seat being uncomfortably quiet. It concerned him that maybe too many boundaries were pushed, but was pretty sure he hadn’t done anything wrong. He kept glancing her way, wondering what kept her so troubled. While stealing those quick glances, her facial expressions changed from a worried frown to a smile. He quietly sighed and relaxed.


Wanting to bring an end to the silence he asked, “You’re awfully quiet, Chance. We don’t have to go to Jack’s if you don’t want. There are other places we can be, but only if you wish it.”


“No, I really do want to go but thank you, Sylas. I was just thinking about the property again. Rick told me I’ll need to do some shopping for the house, and I’m not sure I’m qualified to make the right decisions. I think I’m going to need help with it all.” She laughed as she turned to him with an unspoken question in her eyes.


“Well now, are you asking me for help?” He asked, returning her smile.


“Why yes, Sylas, I think I am.” Chance turned on her best Scarlett O’Hara southern drawl and he busted out laughing.


“You do that drawl justice, Miss Scarlett,” he returned in his best Rhett Butler.


“Oh, Fiddle dee dee, Rhett, you scoundrel!” and that did it. Sylas almost lost control of the Jeep, laughing with her.


Sylas sobered when he realized they were at the entrance to Jack’s lake house. “Last chance to change your mind, Miss Scarlett. We’ve arrived at the ball.”


“I do declare, Rhett Butler, you
a gentleman. I do love a party!” and with that he pulled in and parked. Sylas gave Chance his arm as they followed the sound of voices mixed with laughter. Jack noticed them when they turned the corner into the backyard, and waved them over. He handed them both an ice-cold beer after giving Chance a quick hug and fist-bumping him.


“Glad to see you made it. Was beginning to think you weren’t coming.”


“I think I kept Mr. Butler too long talking about my property. Sorry, Jack,” Chance replied, blushing a little.


Jack looked at him and raised an eyebrow. Sylas could only shrug and smile. Jack turned to Chance and asked, “You’ll have to join me and tell me all about it. Sounds interesting.”


They spent the next few hours rehashing to Jack everything they talked about at her house. He asked her where the property was. Sylas knew it was north, but never thought to get specifics. When she told them it butted up against Cohutta National Forest and northeast of Ellijay, they both stiffened a little. “Well now, that’s quite a drive from here. You sure that’s where the property is, Chance?” Jack asked.


She smiled at him with enthusiasm and nodded. Her excitement was palpable. Theirs… not so much. They knew what she didn’t. The property would be just a few short miles from the pack’s base, and as Sylas feared, right in the middle of their territory. Things just went from bad to worse. Sylas wasn’t going to let anything happen. She might be human, but he still felt a mate calling to him. He wasn’t going to lose her, not to anyone, much less to that damned rogue wolf.


While Chance talked more about her plans with Jack, he used the time to study her face. Sylas wanted to reach over and let down her tresses. He had yet to see it loose and knew it must reach almost to her knees. It compelled him to get lost in it and her. Sink his hands in and pull it while he was buried deep within her. He wasn’t sure if he said something out loud or if she sensed his thoughts, because right when he thought about it, she reached up and pulled her hairpin loose.


Time slowed as her locks cascaded slowly over her shoulders and down her back. Thick jet-black waves of silken pleasure caressed her skin as it fell. Sylas let out a small groan as he watched it finally touch the ground from where she was sitting. In that single moment, he was lost as never before.


“Excuse me, Sylas, did you say something?” She asked, bringing him out of the fantasy. Jack tried to stifle a laugh, but it didn’t work. His immortal ears heard his distinct groan. Sylas chuckled along with him; embarrassed he’d been caught.


“No Dear, I was admiring the view. It’s quite spectacular, don’t you think so, Jack?” Sylas’ double meaning was not lost on him.


“Yes, and the sunsets here are the greatest,” Jack said laughing some more.


Chance turned to watch some fluffy white clouds pass in front of the sun, totally oblivious to what they were implying. They took advantage of her distraction to get up for more beer.


“Brother, you seriously got it bad for this woman. I can’t remember you ever looking at a female this way. You’re thinking she’s the one, aren’t you?”


“Yes, but even if she isn’t, I’m not letting her get away. She does something to me, Jack, that I can’t explain.”


“It’s called soul attraction, Sy. Your eyes never leave her. Even now, you’re watching her. I was the same with Becky, bro. It was like she was the air and I couldn’t breathe without her. You may not be aware of it, but she watches you too.”


“I can’t rush this, Jack. Inside that beautiful, but tough exterior is a lot of pain. I can see it in her eyes and taste it in the air when I’m near her. I’m afraid if I do, I’ll break us both.” Sylas said to him with sadness in his eyes. “First we have to make sure she’s safe, so I have time to let her trust me. We only have eight weeks to get all of this in play, or better yet, over with for her protection and my sanity.”


“I’m two steps ahead of you, Sy. Since the fight at the bar, I knew something bad might happen. That Alpha will not take his beat down quietly. I’ve already called my den mates and some bears we can trust in the area. They’re waiting on the when and where. I also found out there’s been a wolf council meeting called. There is rumbling about this pack, that it should be disbanded and eliminated. They are calling them a danger to all humans and immortals. Maybe it’s time you called on Lachesis for guidance, Sylas. If the council meets and places a bounty, it will bring in were-hunters and we don’t need this now. It will make it dangerous for all of us and her.” He made his point by jerking his chin in Chance’s direction.


“I’ll call my mother for a meeting, but I need another favor first. Find out when this wolf council has been planned for and where. I may need to be there. If I can calm them down enough, I should be able to avert this catastrophe from happening.”


Suddenly, there was a bright light and a shimmering Lachesis was standing before them.  “I have heard your plea, my Son. You cannot interfere with the council. You are The Enforcer, not a common mediator. This has to play out for the outcome to be as foreseen.” She must have been listening to his thoughts, because as his next question was forming, she spoke again. “I cannot tell you what you want to know. Only we know the outcome. You will have your mate when the time is chosen,” and with that said, she faded away saying, “The humans cannot see me and yes, Jack, you will love another.”


Sylas and Jack stood in stunned silence. Neither of them able to form words to the thoughts that were running through their minds.


“Well, that was a complete mind blow!” Jack sputtered shaking his head. “Was that who I think it was?”


“Yes, you’ve just seen and heard Lachesis, my mother. Consider yourself fortunate that she deigned to show herself to you, much less speak,” Sylas said while trying to push his irritation and anger aside. Why was it when he thought he had one problem cleared, two more rose up to take its place?


“I’m in awe of you, Sylas, my friend. You have a beautiful woman at your side and a gorgeous mother. I think it’s time to let loose a little and party some more, don’t you?”


“You’ve no idea, Jack,” was all he was able to get out as he looked at Chance, lost in her beauty once again.





















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